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Pokémon Heart Gold/Superior Silver |OT|


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
The thing about monotype challenges is that they can only really be a success if there are enough monotype leaders willing to play regularly. This can be dealt with by allowing each leader to represent more than one type and have multiple teams to use. In addition to my Ice team, I actually already have monotype Ghost and Dragon teams I can use, but I consider both of them to be failed experiments as they are now. You wouldn't think Dragon would have many issues to deal with compared to other types, but there just aren't very many Dragons in the game, and it's difficult to specialize each team member when so many of them basically do the same thing (Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp = hit hard, hit fast, and little else).

There's also the issue of what to do when a leader wants to challenge other monotype teams himself. If he already represents a type then he can't challenge that type, and if he represents multiple types then the issue of how to make a competition out of it and keep any kind of score becomes kind of difficult. Basically I just haven't thought this through much >.>, but I do kind of want to try it.

Andrex said:
I think leaders should be able to have (at most) one Pokemon that isn't their type but kinda fits though, the games have that.
Defeats the purpose of making it monotype in the first place IMO. I don't care if Lance breaks the rules. :p This is why I'd like to force challengers into using the same team against every leader though. That way they can't build anything designed specifically to counter each type and would have to start over if they changed their team.

I'm also going to go ahead and quote myself for the new page:

Sixfortyfive said:
Since the current tournament is over, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to how the next one should be conducted. It's probably a bit early to plan anything out concretely, but I'd like some suggestions from people who did and did not participate in the last one.

Some things to consider:

  • Double battles. I've been enjoying these a lot ever since I started playing PBR randoms against Japanese players, as they open up a lot of strategies and considerations that just don't crop up in singles. Switching/countering and entry hazards aren't emphasized as much, and tiering works out differently since some Pokemon are much more or less useful in doubles. Smogon has a decent primer on it.

  • Sideboard team style. Instead of keeping everyone's teams shrouded in secrecy and able to change between matches, entrants would submit a team sheet of 9 different Pokemon before the tournament starts, and throughout the duration of the entire tournament, they would only be able to pick from these 9 different species for each match. Each player's team sheet would be made public at the start of the tournament, meaning that you would have a little bit of information on your opponent before each match and could try to counterpick them. The team sheet would only list the Pokemon species chosen by each player. Moves, hold items, and stats would be left unspecified and could be changed between matches.

  • Different ban lists. Anything that Smogon classifies as an Uber is normally banned in competitive play. I think it could be interesting to allow each player to use one Uber in each match. Or we could ban both Ubers and Overused Pokemon, forcing everyone to use lesser utilized Pokemon. Or not. I'm open to pretty much anything as far as this is concerned as long as there is a consensus for it.

  • Different rule sets. For the last tournament, we enforced Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Species Clause, Sleep Clause, and Self KO Clause. We did not enforce Item Clause. If you would like to change any of these, or if you have any ideas for other possible rules to enforce, I'm open for suggestions.

I'd also like it if participants would try to make sure that their DS has a reliable connection with their home network, or at least do everything within their power to make it as reliable as possible. I know it just can't be helped sometimes, but I really, really hate having to rely on Shoddy Battle. It's so anticlimactic, and there are a few glitches here and there that keep it from operating the same way the real game does. (I noticed, for example, that Protect works differently when the opponent switches on Shoddy, which did have a minor effect on our final tournament match.)

Any other comments or suggestions? It's early and there's no rush, but it doesn't hurt to throw some ideas out there in the meantime.

One thing that I've seen done elsewhere and think is kind of interesting is a monotype challenge, where some players construct teams entirely of one type (like gym leaders), and other players try to defeat as many of the monotype teams as possible with one team of their own (they can't build one team to beat one leader, then use a completely different team for another). This could be done continuously (not as part of a tournament), and I already have one decent monotype team and could toy around with more.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I really liked the Altaria on my Dragon team because it is used in a completely different manner than all of the other dragon types in the game.


PokeAthlon is so addicting. I found my self coming back to the Power Course alot, and the prizes you get there are awesome. Some of the few mini games that I actually enjoy playing in a videogame, ever.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Sixfortyfive said:
Defeats the purpose of making it monotype in the first place IMO. I don't care if Lance breaks the rules. :p This is why I'd like to force challengers into using the same team against every leader though. That way they can't build anything designed specifically to counter each type and would have to start over if they changed their team.

Good points. I'd be happy to be the TEAM SPOILERZ
will be pea soup next to me! :p


Crap, after looking up color stuff all day, now I wish all opposing types were complementary colors to each other.


Sixfortyfive said:
Since the current tournament is over, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to how the next one should be conducted. It's probably a bit early to plan anything out concretely, but I'd like some suggestions from people who did and did not participate in the last one.

Some things to consider:

  • Double battles. I've been enjoying these a lot ever since I started playing PBR randoms against Japanese players, as they open up a lot of strategies and considerations that just don't crop up in singles. Switching/countering and entry hazards aren't emphasized as much, and tiering works out differently since some Pokemon are much more or less useful in doubles. Smogon has a decent primer on it.

  • Sideboard team style. Instead of keeping everyone's teams shrouded in secrecy and able to change between matches, entrants would submit a team sheet of 9 different Pokemon before the tournament starts, and throughout the duration of the entire tournament, they would only be able to pick from these 9 different species for each match. Each player's team sheet would be made public at the start of the tournament, meaning that you would have a little bit of information on your opponent before each match and could try to counterpick them. The team sheet would only list the Pokemon species chosen by each player. Moves, hold items, and stats would be left unspecified and could be changed between matches.

  • Different ban lists. Anything that Smogon classifies as an Uber is normally banned in competitive play. I think it could be interesting to allow each player to use one Uber in each match. Or we could ban both Ubers and Overused Pokemon, forcing everyone to use lesser utilized Pokemon. Or not. I'm open to pretty much anything as far as this is concerned as long as there is a consensus for it.

  • Different rule sets. For the last tournament, we enforced Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Species Clause, Sleep Clause, and Self KO Clause. We did not enforce Item Clause. If you would like to change any of these, or if you have any ideas for other possible rules to enforce, I'm open for suggestions.

I'd also like it if participants would try to make sure that their DS has a reliable connection with their home network, or at least do everything within their power to make it as reliable as possible. I know it just can't be helped sometimes, but I really, really hate having to rely on Shoddy Battle. It's so anticlimactic, and there are a few glitches here and there that keep it from operating the same way the real game does. (I noticed, for example, that Protect works differently when the opponent switches on Shoddy, which did have a minor effect on our final tournament match.)

Any other comments or suggestions? It's early and there's no rush, but it doesn't hurt to throw some ideas out there in the meantime.

One thing that I've seen done elsewhere and think is kind of interesting is a monotype challenge, where some players construct teams entirely of one type (like gym leaders), and other players try to defeat as many of the monotype teams as possible with one team of their own (they can't build one team to beat one leader, then use a completely different team for another). This could be done continuously (not as part of a tournament), and I already have one decent monotype team and could toy around with more.

I trust you to do whatever you need to do, for monthly battles at the least.
Double battle, UU, baby cup, colosseum challenge style (3 pokes).

645 just do what you know is right. You dont REALLY need our opinions.

And if I'm offensive in my manner of speech, my bad, I'm drunk. lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
OSHI-- Tournaments over.

What was that SixFourtyFive battle last week before it that was so super secret?


(Oh, hey, there is battle videos in that topic! *Goes to view them all*)


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
TheSeks said:
OSHI-- Tournaments over.

What was that SixFourtyFive battle last week before it that was so super secret?


(Oh, hey, there is battle videos in that topic! *Goes to view them all*)
Actually, it was in a casual battle with Echoes. The ID number is 40-65423-01155.

It took an hour to finish, though I think the video is about 25 minutes long if you turn off animations... I could upload a "speedy" 11-minute version to Youtube if you want. >_>

I wasn't really paying attention when I was pulling Pokemon out of my boxes, so I ended up bringing one of these guys by mistake, but it shouldn't have mattered because it still could have served me well and Echoes outplayed me enough anyway.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Sixfortyfive said:
Actually, it was in a casual battle with Echoes. The ID number is 40-65423-01155.

It took an hour to finish, though I think the video is about 25 minutes long if you turn off animations... I could upload a "speedy" 11-minute version to Youtube if you want. >_>

Nah, I saved it. I'll watch it later. Thanks. :)


I'd really love to enter another tournament. But with my wifi dodgey guess i'll be out of it sad. I wouldnt mind the one Uber on a team thing might be fun.
Sixfortyfive said:
There's also the issue of what to do when a leader wants to challenge other monotype teams himself. If he already represents a type then he can't challenge that type, and if he represents multiple types then the issue of how to make a competition out of it and keep any kind of score becomes kind of difficult. Basically I just haven't thought this through much >.>, but I do kind of want to try it.
A possible(ideal) scenario could be like this:
  • Have 8 members to be Gym Leaders of various types.
  • The Gym Leaders think of 8 teams in an ascending order of difficulty to defeat.
  • First Gym Leader to be challenged will be Level 1, the 2nd Gym Leader will be Level 2, etc. etc.
  • Trainers that get to the higher levels (6-8?) will be able to win prizes. Obviously the best prizes will only be available for beating all 8 Gym Leaders.
  • Once every Trainer have had his/her try at the Gym Leader Challenge, then the Trainers that got to a Prize yieling level will fight each other to decide who gets to choose first(if there'll be several prizes which I'm sure there'll be.)
  • Gym Leaders cannot participate in the Challenge. At least not if the setup is like this, but on the other hand if you are a Gym Leader you'll get a lot of fun out this tournament since you'll be battling a lot.

Some problems with this way:
1. As I said Gym Leaders can't be participating and wont be able to win any prizes, which is kinda unfair role then.
2. The lower level Gym Leaders will be battling a lot, against people from all over the world. This might cause some delays to the whole tournament.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Not a bad setup, but I wouldn't impose any kind of order that must be taken for each gym. Each leader could have specific prizes to hand out and could set their own conditions for them (i.e. you must beat at least half of the other leaders with the same team before you've earned it).

I still think it would be best to allow leaders to represent multiple types. If we really have to dedicate 8 different players as leaders, then that doesn't leave a whole lot of room for challengers.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Delio said:
How would Gym leaders be picked exactly?
First come, first serve? I dunno. Claim a type and assemble the team at your earliest convenience; can't claim another type until you have the first team completed.

Something like that?


Sixfortyfive said:
First come, first serve? I dunno. Claim a type and assemble the team at your earliest convenience; can't claim another type until you have the first team completed.

Something like that?

That sounds good. Maybe also people who are really active so you wont have Gym leaders who are gone for long periods of time. Sounds really cool though and i'd totally apply (after the Ds issue is done) for maybe the Ground gym. I'll have to think about that..
Yeah it'll obviously be easier(to organize) with Leaders having more than 1 team. 8 was just a number I threw out, it obviously depends on how many members that are gonna participate.

So maybe 4 members to be Gym Leaders with two teams each.

And yeah it's probably not a goo idea to a set order to beat the Gym Leaders, this way everybody also get 8 battles out of it. :)

I think the Gym Leaders should be pretty decent at competetive pokemon. I would love to be a Gym Leader, but I don't think I would be much of a challenge for most people :lol


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Went ahead and typed up a rough draft of rules since I'm not busy. Let me know what you think of this and we might go for it if there's enough interest.


This is not a tournament, but an ongoing competition. Participants are split into two groups: Leaders and Challengers. Leaders are bound to using Pokemon only of a selected type like the in-game gym leaders. Challengers are not bound to a single type, but they must use the same six Pokemon against each Leader; any changes to their team would reset their record and they would have to start the challenge from the beginning.


Both Leaders and Challengers must adhere to the following rules:

  • Battles are conducted at level 100.

  • Up to six Pokemon are allowed per team.

  • Banned Pokemon: [TO BE DETERMINED]

  • Banned Items: Soul Dew

  • Species Clause: You may not use more than one Pokemon of the same species (Pokedex number) in any one battle. The Pokedex number is the only thing that determines whether Species Clause is broken or not. Having a Pikachu + Raichu or Porygon-2 + Porygon-Z combination would be fine, but Wormadam-G + Wormadam-S would be prohibitted.

  • Self KO Clause: This is to resolve ties that occur when the final Pokemon of both teams are KOed at the same time. The user of moves such as Explosion, Perish Song, and Destiny Bond would lose, but any match decided by recoil-inducing moves such as Take Down or Struggle would result in a win for the attacking Pokemon's team.

  • Glitch Policy: If any glitches occur during a match, you must continue playing as if things were normal. Match results will not be thrown out due to glitches unless they completely freeze the game and prevent the match from being completed at all. Be aware of the causes and effects of Acid Weather in particular.

Furthermore, each Leader may elect to enforce any number of the following rules. Both he and any Challengers that face him must observe them for their matches:

  • Single Battle / Double Battle: Leaders may choose to accept only one of these modes if they wish.

  • Evasion Clause: The use of Double Team and Minimize is banned.

  • OHKO Clause: The use of Guillotine, Horn Drill, Fissure, and Sheer Cold is banned.

  • Sleep Clause: You may not put more than one of your opponent's Pokemon to sleep at the same time. This does not apply to Pokemon using self-induced moves such as Rest. It only partially applies to abilities such as Effect Spore: If your opponent is put to sleep by Effect Spore, you may not use another sleep-inducing move until that Pokemon wakes up, but if a second (or third, or fourth, etc) Pokemon on your opponent's team is put to sleep by Effect Spore it does not break this clause since the player has no control over that.

  • Item Clause: No two Pokemon on the same team may carry the same item.

  • Shoddy Battle: Leaders may allow or prohibit the use of Shoddy Battle to conduct their matches.

Leaders are permitted to change their teams and rules at any time as long as they conform to everything outlined above. Any changes in gym rules must be announced on the forum before they can be enforced.

To become a Leader, claim a type and begin training a team of that type. After you have one team fully trained, you may claim another type if less than half of the types in the game have already been claimed. There is no skill requirement to be a Leader, but they should be fairly active on the forum and able to accept challenges regularly. Leader status may be revoked due to inactivity and if another forumer wants to claim their type.

Challengers must announce the six Pokemon they intend to use against the Leaders, and their progress will be tracked for that team. They may change hold items, moves, and EVs between matches. They can even replace team members with completely different Pokemon of the same species, but they must adhere to the same species. If they change the species of a team member, then their record with their first team is frozen and they start the challenge anew.

Although not a requirement, Leaders should have prizes to give out to Challengers who defeat their team. They may set some conditional requirements to earn them as well. (Example: Challengers must defeat X number of the other Leaders before receiving this prize.)

Leaders may create Challenger teams of their own to use against other Leaders if they wish. In this situation, they are bound to the same rules as other Challengers. The only difference is that they cannot challenge their own type.



Leader: Sixfortyfive
Friend Code: 2750-6983-3519 (Platinum)
Availability: Fri-Sun anytime
Rules: Double Battle only, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Item Clause, Shoddy Battle prohibited
Prize: Glaceon
Prize Condition: defeat at least one other Leader with the same team

Record vs Active Challengers


Metroid Killer
Friend Code: .....
Team: .....
Gyms Defeated: X/Y
Overall Record: .....


And then maybe fill out the rest with some misc rankings to make some kind of competition out of it.

What should the banned Pokemon list be? Off the top of my head, Dragon is kind of a tricky type to work with in this situation, as there aren't very many fully-evolved non-Uber Dragons. You have to permit either Garchomp (Uber) or Latias (OU Legendary), and the latter is somewhat problematic as it's hard to obtain a decent one for in-game competition. Although I have already bothered to RNG for a good Latias in HeartGold >_>... But besides that, are there any other issues to be worked out with this?

Should Leaders be required to publicize their teams so that Challengers know what Pokemon they're going up against?

Any other comments?
Sixfortyfive said:
What should the banned Pokemon list be? Off the top of my head, Dragon is kind of a tricky type to work with in this situation, as there aren't very many fully-evolved non-Uber Dragons. You have to permit either Garchomp (Uber) or Latias (OU Legendary), and the latter is somewhat problematic as it's hard to obtain a decent one for in-game competition.
Can't you just put a handicap on some of the Uber Dragons? Use hindering natures, no hold items/items that work against the pokemon, etc. Thus pulling them down from the uber pedistal.

Sixfortyfive said:
Should Leaders be required to publicize their teams so that Challengers know what Pokemon they're going up against?
Imo it'll be more fun not knowing what pokemon you are gonna face. As long as you know the type, you can always mix your team around to what you think may be best to lead with out of your 6 pokes.

Sixfortyfive said:
Any other comments?
Sounds really awesome! How many Leaders/Types do you expect?


I'd be down to act as a Gym Leader, but I haven't even finished my normal battling team -.- Still leveling them up =\ Any type would be fine, I could find Pokemon that interest me. But I don't think I'm ready to start that kind of thing yet.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I kind of wonder if leaving something like Sleep Clause up to individual Leaders is a wise move. I would expect some potentially hilarious shenanigans from the Grass, Fighting, Bug, and Normal gyms if so.

I mean, I'm up for the challenge, but I just thought I'd throw that out there.

Metroid Killer said:
Can't you just put a handicap on some of the Uber Dragons? Use hindering natures, no hold items/items that work against the pokemon, etc. Thus pulling them down from the uber pedistal.
I'd rather just let the Dragon Leader use Garchomp if he wants in addition to Latias. Considering that Dragon is already hurting for versatility as it is I don't think it would be that bad. I also don't really care whether Garchomp is unbanned for anyone else or not, though I'm biased because all I see is that 4x ice weakness. :D

I would also prefer it if Leaders didn't have to disclose their teams, and I would like at least 8 types to be represented. The more the merrier.
I wouldn't mind getting involved but will have to wait and see. I already have a couple of teams ready to go as i already do this with my friends. They are all built for double battles though.

I think you should be pretty leniant with bannings for 2 reasons (in double battles).

1 - In general most of the banned pokemon are nowhere near as dominant in double as they are in singles.

2 - Teams of only 1 type are generally already at a huge disadvantage when compared with a normal team.

Only problem is i don't think i would be able to get on often enough so im not sure i would really be able to have one of the gyms.
Sixfortyfive said:
I would also prefer it if Leaders didn't have to disclose their teams, and I would like at least 8 types to be represented. The more the merrier.
The more I think of it the more agree with this. As a Gym Leader you are already at a disadvantage from being limited to one type, and the opponment knowing what type that is. I guess this means a lot of Gym Leaders will depend on gimmicks instead, and if the opponment knows the pokemon of the Gym Leader I'm sure they'll spot any gimmicks whatsoever.

I couldn't help it but have already thought up a Dark team that I'm sure will throw some people of the loop, and for the first time I'm thinking rather independant instead of relying to the usualy Smogon strategy (which doesn't work that well with same type teams). :D


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
AdventureRacing said:
I think you should be pretty leniant with bannings for 2 reasons (in double battles).

1 - In general most of the banned pokemon are nowhere near as dominant in double as they are in singles.
I agree with this to an extent. I wouldn't say that "most" Ubers are reasonably managed in doubles, but I hardly think the existing tiers apply much to doubles either. Wobbuffet isn't broken at all in doubles, and any strictly physical or strictly special walls (Blissey) tend to have a much harder time.

Problem is that you'd have to have a universally agreed upon banlist for both single and double if it's set up the way outlined above, so I don't want to mess around with the standard ban list too much unless most other people are for it.


I really like the idea of the monotype challenge, and would be quite interested in becoming a Gym Leader, but I don't think I would be good enough! Going to have a browse, see what kind of teams I would come up with.


Really loving the idea. Can I apply for a Gym Leader? May go with Dark or Steel. Not sure yet, I'll tell you guys when I'm done with my work. (abusing the internet at work :lol )


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Sixfortyfive said:
It took an hour to finish, though I think the video is about 25 minutes long if you turn off animations... I could upload a "speedy" 11-minute version to Youtube if you want. >_>

Holy shit, you weren't kidding. :lol Your Frostlass was a wall for about 30 mins. That's just insane. I was sitting there going "JUST KICK HIS ASS ALREADY." Substitute, Sub, sub, sub, sub, heal heal heal, Blissey switching...

I now remember why I hate "competitive Pokemon" and it's because of situations like this. :p


Trying to catch Entei and Raikou is an interface nightmare. It is so fucking stupid to go back to the GSC version of having to check the map every time you switch routes. So everytime I have to do about 2 buttons presses, check it and do 2 more to close out. In platinum I could just look at the goddam map and track the roamers without having to go to the menu at all.

I might even be able to forgive that because it's a remake and they don't have the Poke Etch. But how the fuck do you screw up those icons so badly? So my icon, Raikou's icon, and Entei's icon constantly cover each other up. I can't tell if I'm on the same route or if one has disappeared under the icon of the other. You couldn't have them flash? Seriously? That's how all the other games did it. This is so much harder than it needs to be.
Is it possible to use re-learn previously deleted egg moves via the move tutor in Blackthorn? I'd rather not be in for a nasty shock if I choose to delete Togetic's Extrasensory and then decide I want it back at a later date.


Azure Phoenix said:
Is it possible to use re-learn previously deleted egg moves via the move tutor in Blackthorn? I'd rather not be in for a nasty shock if I choose to delete Togetic's Extrasensory and then decide I want it back at a later date.
No. And Extrasensory isn't very good so don't worry about it. It's also not an egg move... I remember learning it myself.

I'm currently doing the Unown sidequest.
beje said:
No, Pokémon games in Europe have always been hardcoded to just one language.

By the way, reopening the Porygon Egg giveaway. Bring me anything (not hacked and not lame like Rattatas and the like) and you'll get one!


Does the north american game have english spanish and french?


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
To be clear, dual-type Pokemon are OK if one of the types is what your the leader of, right?

I preliminarily call Flying of course!


Can anyone help Tamato berry my Lugia like 8 times? =[ I can give you an item or Pokemon I have in return. These berries take forever to grow.


Sixfortyfive said:

Any other comments?

I call water type! I think those teams are fair. I think Leaders should be allowed one non type Pokémon for their teams, otherwise a lot of types will too difficult to make a passable team for half the types.


Neo Member
I'd like to help out if possible. I've been regularly browsing this thread over the past two months, though I haven't posted much. I tend to enjoy using ghost types.
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