There are Chansey swarms in the game, or I could always breed one for ya.beje said:Ugh, catching Chansey in the Safari is going to be a complete pain in the ass, seeing how she doesn't stay in the ball for even a single swing after mudding the hell out of her.
Jet Grind Radio! said:There are Chansey swarms in the game, or I could always breed one for ya.
Wiseblade said:I call water type! I think those teams are fair. I think Leaders should be allowed one non type Pokémon for their teams, otherwise a lot of types will too difficult to make a passable team for half the types.
That's what I said at first. Now I wasted about 70 hours into that thing alone.cory said:My first loss in the Battle Tower was on 17. I'm sure I'll spend much more time in there.
I think you would probably need something like a flash cart so that you could transfer your save between the DS and the PC. Never tried anything like that myself. I get decent quality from just recording the DS directly.Andrex said:One thing I'm curious about is... dunno how to ask this... when played through an emulator, do the games allow you to connect and view battle videos? I imagine not. But if it did I have some screen recording software that I could use to make the vids seem like direct feed.
It could be as early as tonight. You know the Ice Gym is always open for business.Andrex said:Ah Ok.
Any preliminary time on when we start letting challengers sign up?
SaintZ said:LOL, I didn't know you got to fight Joey again. His Rattata finally turned into a Raticate and he gave a HP UP after defeating him :lol
I'm going to leave that up to everyone else.Echoes said:Sixfortyfive, I want to be a Ground-type Leader. Garchomp is still banned, eh? Not that I care much (I love Ground-types very much and have a lot of trained ones already) but I thought I'd check first.
That's cool. Also, I would love to design my Ground-badge myself. I'll try to come up with something clever and to-the-point.Sixfortyfive said:I'm going to leave that up to everyone else.
Bug is kind of beyond hope IMO... Nobody is going to pick that unless they want a challenge anyway.Wiseblade said:SixFortyFive, I was mainly thinking about the bug type when I posted about having a wild card. That team's pretty much free if you have SR and a fire type move on your team (which is basically every team ever).
I'm okay with this for now.Mush said:Am I allowed to participate as a leader via Shoddy Battle only? I still don't have a DS I can call my own, my friend's need their Pokemon fix too you know.I'm hoping to rectify this in the next few weeks.
Twins Kay & Tia - Route 15, Saturday nightAxis said:whenever i stop being lazy and stop laying SSF4 i'm gonna actually train a team...what's the easiest way to get moves on smeargle? it's so hard to find a double battle in HG/SS =\
Sixfortyfive said:Twins Kay & Tia - Route 15, Saturday night
Young Couple Tim & Sue - Route 13, Friday afternoon
If you want a laugh, you should check out the first and only thread I created on the Smogon forums.Axis said:thanks, now i can complete my baton pass troll team...i'm gonna get dominated trying to use a baton pass team lol
Sixfortyfive said:If you want a laugh, you should check out the first and only thread I created on the Smogon forums.
It is both embarrassing and inspiring, I think. said:PM me the link if possible? i've never used smogons message boards =/
For lulz, maybe. More than that, though, is that if you read what I wrote, I clearly did not have any understanding as to how some of those moves actually worked.Kyzer said:I don'tt get the joke. eveelution team is fine
Sixfortyfive said:Bug is kind of beyond hope IMO... Nobody is going to pick that unless they want a challenge anyway.
Yep. Switches/counters aren't emphasized as much and entry hazards don't make as big of an impact because of it.AdventureRacing said:Also i find in double battles SR doesn't have as big of an impact.
Sixfortyfive said:For lulz, maybe. More than that, though, is that if you read what I wrote, I clearly did not have any understanding as to how some of those moves actually worked.
Working within limitations or a theme is fine and enjoyable, but I really didn't know what I was doing and it was a poor choice for an RMT when I hadn't yet played the game competitively at all at that point.
I did go through with making that team though, and it was decent for casual matches against a local friend until he was tired of dealing with my shit and finally started EV training.
El Sloth said:I hope Game Freak decides to make an older Joey a Gym Leader or Elite Four member in their next game with three top tier(IV wise) Lv.50 Rattata's. Would be an epic cameo.
Cool, but having the emblem in your avatar already, doesn't it kinda mean you already won that emblem?Andrex said:
Metroid Killer said:Cool, but having the emblem in your avatar already, doesn't it kinda mean you already won that emblem?
Sixfortyfive said:Anyone around for battles right now? At some point it gets kind of tiring when you're typing up a lot of stuff about Pokemon but not actually playing Pokemon. :lol
PS: Andrex where did you get the sprites for your avatar? I don't have GIMP.
I'm up for being a challenger when I finally finish Silver.Sixfortyfive said:I went ahead and revamped the tournament thread for the monotype challenge. Give it a read and some input. There's a poll as to what should be done about Garchomp and wildcards, so let me know what you think about those in particular.
Anyone who wants to be a type Leader should claim that type in that thread. Once they have their teams made, they should say so and declare what rules they're using for their gym. Anyone who wants to be a Challenger should declare and post their team.
OMG Aero said:I'm up for being a challenger when I finally finish Silver.
And I have a suggestion of how to solve the Dragon gym problem, since everyone has different opinions on it, how about just not having a Dragon gym at all? It's not like there wouldn't be enough types without it.
Thanks. Went ahead and shooped my own though. I think I am enjoying this too much.Andrex said:Screencapped YouTube. Hold on: