Oh really? Guess I'm plumpin down money for both then. :-/joelseph said:They have never been combined into a single book.
Oh really? Guess I'm plumpin down money for both then. :-/joelseph said:They have never been combined into a single book.
Sixfortyfive said:Your Pokemon has to be faster than the roamer in order to use Mean Look before it escapes.
I am so angry that they ditched the Vs Seeker and brought back that shitty Pokegear/Pokenav. So angry. (Well not that angry, but you know.)
When you say one day a week, is it only one time for that one day? 'Cause if I can't just time-travel to a certain day by messing with my clock and then battle him over and over all at once I'm never EV training anything in HGSS.Wiseblade said:I'd de more angry about the fact the Magikarp fisherman can only be battled one day a week and you have to fight him 3 times before he has a full team.
Are you keeping the Mean Look / Shadow Tag Pokemon in play? The effect goes away if you switch.MagniHarvald said:Despite Mean Look being used. I use Mean Look, but they flee on the next turn.. What about Shadow Tag?
Sixfortyfive said:Are you keeping the Mean Look / Shadow Tag Pokemon in play? The effect goes away if you switch.
Yeah but since he brought up Zapdos I'm assuming that he's using Plat.larvi said:Maybe they are using roar? I don't believe mean look or shadow tag prevents that, only soundproof
Sixfortyfive said:When you say one day a week, is it only one time for that one day? 'Cause if I can't just time-travel to a certain day by messing with my clock and then battle him over and over all at once I'm never EV training anything in HGSS.
Are you keeping the Mean Look / Shadow Tag Pokemon in play? The effect goes away if you switch.
The opponent cannot run nor switch. If this Pokémon switches, the opponent will remain trapped. The opponent may still switch by using Baton Pass
Sixfortyfive said:Yeah but since he brought up Zapdos I'm assuming that he's using Plat.
MagniHarvald said:Serebii says otherwise.. http://www.serebii.net/abilitydex/shadowtag.shtml
Disguises said:Superior Silver is £5 more expensive in tesco. Grrrr.
LOL at Amazon US, Soul Silver is the cheaper version by a whole $1 ($32.54). I was originally gonna go with Heart Gold but didn't see the point of spending more for it.
Superior Silver FTW!
Sixfortyfive said:Pretty sure that only applies for the turn where you actually switch. It's free to do whatever after that.
MagniHarvald said:Serebii says otherwise.. http://www.serebii.net/abilitydex/shadowtag.shtml
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=20306097&postcount=27MagniHarvald said:... This is gonna be harder than I thought ><
Thanks for clearing that one out though, despite being the bringer of bad news :lol Back to my CS hw then, I'll get to those Legendaries later. Still no one with an extra Growlithe? I must have dozens on my Red cart, shame they're not compatible at all :lol
I wish the Pokegear map had better indications of when an event was going on. Right now the ! mark only appears when you hover the cursor over that route/landmark, and it's tiny. Every once in a while I get a phone call that's like "dude where are you i've been waiting for days" and I'm like "...oh yeah. him."Metroid Killer said:If you accept all phonenumbers then later on you'll have rematches constantly!
I agreed to nothing of the sort.upandaway said:I thought we all agreed breeding accounts to magically conjuring eggs and not related to sex in any way?
Why would you do that? said:Ah, I got a shiny Zubat! From the cave before Azalea. I never saw a shiny in my life. :lol Now I feel like I have to raise it, or else I'll be wasting great potential... But I'm already raising 3 Pokemon, something I haven't ever done before.
I love the Pokewalker, though. While playing the game, I'd just put the strap on my ankle and spin it to gain watts. Fun. :Lol
I'm raising Croconaw, Geodude, and Flaffy. It's a horrible team because of plant type, but oh well.
There is an in-game event in HGSS that happens when you have an event Celebi, so it's pretty safe to say they will give one out at some point.Drkirby said:Is there any way to get a legit Celebi?
birdman said:Voltorb Flip pisses me off, but I keep playing it. I'm gonna get that Dratini if it's the last thing I do.
Are you talking about that one call... "My Rattata is better than wild Rattata. I can't explain it but you know what I mean about my Rattata being the best Rattata of all Rattata, right?"Drkirby said:I am ether reading to much into them, or the phone calls are giving you subtle hints about the games mechanics.
Ah... Thanks.EvilMario said:Zubat (and in your near future, Crobat) is actually a great Pokemon, In-Game and otherwise. Congrats on the legit shiny.
Why would you do that? said:Ah... Thanks.
How many Pokemon does a person normally raise at once? I usually work with 1 or 2, but I'm working with 3 right now, and, to my surprise, I don't have to do any real level grinding if I don't run away from any battles.
There are at least 2 others I want to raise.
Lately I've been using a full team of 6 by the time I get to the E4, but I don't use 6 from the start. I'll basically only have my starter and maybe one other Pokemon until I have a badge or two under my belt, then add more particularly good ones as I come across them later. I'm almost at the 3rd gym and my team is Cyndaquil (lv20) and Togepi (lv20). Haven't done any grinding yet and don't expect that I'll have to.Why would you do that? said:Ah... Thanks.
How many Pokemon does a person normally raise at once? I usually work with 1 or 2, but I'm working with 3 right now, and, to my surprise, I don't have to do any real level grinding if I don't run away from any battles.
There are at least 2 others I want to raise.
No, go buy it now.Mudo said:Advice: I have never played a Pokemon game (*seemingly* too kiddy etc etc) but my nephew swears that I need to buy this new one.
I love RPG's.
Is there any reason I should not get this game??
Mudo said:Advice: I have never played a Pokemon game (*seemingly* too kiddy etc etc) but my nephew swears that I need to buy this new one.
I love RPG's.
Is there any reason I should not get this game??
Mudo said:Advice: I have never played a Pokemon game (*seemingly* too kiddy etc etc) but my nephew swears that I need to buy this new one.
I love RPG's.
Is there any reason I should not get this game??
JSnake said:So, uh... How is this for semi-competitive team? I won't be doing Shoddy Battle or anything. Mostly a few GAF tournies here and there.
Oli said:There's some grinding, random encounters, the game moves fairly slow, and it's a bit repetitive.
To be honest, there are alot of reasons to not buy a Pokemon game, but on the flipside they are inexplicably fun little games to play.
If you don't have trouble honing into your inner child, go for it. The biggest downfall of the series is that every iteration is too similar to the last, but as a newcomer there should be no problem in that regard.
Gravijah said:He loves RPGs already, so I doubt those will bother him.
Oli said:I love RPG's and I hate those things. But of course, I've played many a Pokemon so I guess I'm willing to live with it.
I would personally take out Alakazam. Gengar kidna outclasses him and does few things better. Since you are not looking for a serious competitive team, you should be fine. Just remember, Tyranitar is a true monster.JSnake said:So, uh... How is this for semi-competitive team? I won't be doing Shoddy Battle or anything. Mostly a few GAF tournies here and there.
JSnake said:So, uh... How is this for semi-competitive team? I won't be doing Shoddy Battle or anything. Mostly a few GAF tournies here and there.
Wiseblade said:It's kind of hard without more detail, but I'd say that you team lacks focus or any major synergy. you've put together 6 powerful Pokemon, but a lot of the are quite frail. Tyranitar's sand stream ability is also going to hurt you.
Gyarados and Electivire work well together, so they're fine. Typhlosion can also serve as a really powerful lead with a choice scarf equipped. With two pokemon weak to ground and the fact that none of your Pokemon really like sandstorms, Tyranitar would best be left out.
Gengar's a really good special based Pokemon, so leave him in. Alakazam his also a good special pokemon, but has similar moves and is a lot easier to ko.
Defensively, a skarmory would be really good at taking hits for your team and works well with the rest of your team.
For the sixth slot, you can pretty much go wild, but I'd reccommend a Heracross. Heracross is awesome.
*wait for someone to tear apart his suggestion*
JSnake said:So, uh... How is this for semi-competitive team? I won't be doing Shoddy Battle or anything. Mostly a few GAF tournies here and there.