Went today and hit both Gamestops within close proximity of each other. (Long way to walk, but once down that way worth hitting both.) So glad I didn't have to work today. Had my husband in tow to get extra cards too. Got four total. One for myself and two already spoken for. Extra is going to Hegarol, so I hope you folks still looking for one can find someone with extras. 
What's funny is the one in the mall, I asked the dude for it and he was like "What?" I repeated and he goes "Oh yeah, I guess that did come out today." Had to go in back and drag out the box with them in it. Was almost worried they didn't have them in yet.
Edit: Had a facepalm moment. Get on Alpha Sapphire to claim my Dragonite. Get to PC and get told "Here is your Amaura!" What the hell? That Amaura I thought a while back I magically lost? Apparently I never even collected it. Just put in the code and figured I'd get it one day after farming Latias. (Which I'm still not done with, but figured I'd pick up my Dragonite.) Whoops. LOL.
What's funny is the one in the mall, I asked the dude for it and he was like "What?" I repeated and he goes "Oh yeah, I guess that did come out today." Had to go in back and drag out the box with them in it. Was almost worried they didn't have them in yet.
Edit: Had a facepalm moment. Get on Alpha Sapphire to claim my Dragonite. Get to PC and get told "Here is your Amaura!" What the hell? That Amaura I thought a while back I magically lost? Apparently I never even collected it. Just put in the code and figured I'd get it one day after farming Latias. (Which I'm still not done with, but figured I'd pick up my Dragonite.) Whoops. LOL.