Well, I meant good or bad. Not that despite it not looking great by the #'s you posted. I always think seeing combos that aren't normal is fun.![]()
If I don't do the video, I'll just post the Battle Video![]()
And I get good Jirachis usually.
I didn't know there was a Celebi bonus disc. NoA could have given us both bonus discs.
NoA did give both bonus discs sorta, the Japanese one was in the NA Pokemon Colosseum disc. You can access it via action replay but since it was never released officially, that English Agate Celebi and Colosseum Pikachu are both illegal and illegitimate that you would get from it.
Also the Japanese disc requires you to have basically a complete game save of Colosseum, you get 1 Celebi for your Colosseum save and 48 others to send to other RSEFRLG saves. And those saves themselves need to have finished games too.
So it's nowhere as convenient as the NA disc which is just a fresh game save requirement (as soon as you have the Pokedex, you can get Jirachi).
That Celebi disc sounds like quite the hassle. Playing through Colosseum just to get a good Celebi doesn't sound like fun especially since I didn't care for Colosseum.
It's a hassle yeah but there are completed game saves uploaded and you can reload the saves over and over on a Wii.
So on my end it isn't a hassle at all. Lol
So that's your secret!
I always though, man, this guy is dedicated.
Well, here's my UK Nationals video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTAt3ophxZI
Probably sucks, though. I already noted I forgot to mention that the leads are immune to Fake Out except from Scrappy Pokémon.
Nice video Joe. Really looking forward to your other videos. That squash move was very nice.
Sure, I got a random one.Gonna ask here again:
Does anybody have a Shiny Ralts?
It doesn't even need to have good IV's i just want it because i love the Design of Shiny Mega-Guardevoir ^^
42% of people who entered the Masters division of the UK Nationals didn't finish. That's a horrific drop-off. Gordion Knot better sort their crap out. Attendance was already down on last year. Previously, UK Nationals were always the most entered in Europe, but this year Germany beat it out in the end.
UK: 425 entered, 248 finished
Germany: 418 entered...I think most finished, looking for numbers.
I'll just say it here. Thank lord I didn't participate this year.
I really enjoyed this year and last year's VGC, but man the organising was terrible.
Fair enough, there are a thousand participants across the TCG and video game and the age divisions, but I think it's unacceptable for the tournament to start registrations around 10 AM and finish around 10 PM.
Also, I assume I wasn't the only person amused during the second day, when the organisers were waiting on the participants to start? "Will all players please come, immediately".
Oh, actually, that was cringe-worthy in hindsight.
to the person who got caught cheating in the 8th round.
I enjoyed your video, Joe. I like teams that annoy your opponent
One question, what happens if you lose Sableye early in the match? Is it still salvageable?
Yikes, what did this person do?
How did they find the Hydreigon was hacked? O.OWell for as long as Gravity is in effect, I can keep Hypnosising, but other than that, yeah with the right backup it's easily salvageable.
My last battle of the day was fun. They managed to take out Sableye because, let's face it, Sableye is a pain and Gengar managed to weather it all. It ended up being Gengar VS Kangaskhan and I think Sylveon. Gravity had ended so I took a shot with the Hypnosis. It worked and put Sylveon to sleep again, but of course, Kangaskhan didn't Mega Evolve just so it could take out Gengar. Was expecting the Sucker Punch, but alas.
I had some great fun matches, even the losses and even the losses I messed up on. Only one match was over ridiculously fast, but that's because I took a shot with a Hypnosis without Gravity and it missed, leaving Gengar well open. Then it was everything else VS the two genies. Managed to take some down...was never 4-0'd, but that battle was over within minutes with my loss.
I think he was caught with a hacked Hydreigon.
How did they find the Hydreigon was hacked? O.O
He was on stream and someone noticed in his game that it was below a level it had to be to evolve, and I think it had an Egg Move indicating it was bred and not caught in XY when it can be caught under the level.
I dunno, I kinda wouldn't mind them taking a year off, although the sales numbers of the 3DS games might make annual releases more appealing right now.I hope we get some mainline announcement at e3.
Kinda done with ORAS already. Need some new blood.
I'd prefer if they didn't release anything this year, Gen VI has been kinda hit and miss, so I hope they take their time to make the new game better
I hope we get some mainline announcement at e3.
Kinda done with ORAS already. Need some new blood.
Silly question: Is the Diancite locked to ORAS, or can it go back to X?
I want to redo a mono-Rock run in X (for Articuno) but want to use Mega Diancie on the team.
Taking this year off would be preferable for me. In all honesty, I haven't touched ORAS in months. I never liked R/S anyway, and I was hoping this time around would be different. It is...sort of in another way. I feel like I gotta RNG them as shiny now. I want legit shiny legendaries, so yeah, I gotta go through this process and get rid of the stuff that is in my shiny dex already. I've had no luck with Latias which makes me dread the rest of this. Maybe I'll get back to it after my current run through FFT:WotL.
I hate you so much Latias.
Yeah I'll get to that RNg video for you soon, I haven't forgotten, and the Shinies I RNGed for you from third gen, Sentinel Whale, Yellow Virus, The hated one's annoying cousin and that awesome blue.
When's Dragonite again?
Going to post again, only because my post is kind of old and I'm looking for something for a friend. Does anyone here have a HA Slurpuff/Swirlix for trade? I don't tend to collect, or pay as much attention to HA Pokemon as I should, so not sure if I can offer a HA for it. But I'll do what I can. Just let me know.
Still need one? I have one from a trade or Wonder Trade. (Probably a trade since the IVs are good and the ID looks familiar.)
I'll be free late-ish (10-12 PM), UK time (so late afternoon, for you?).
I do! Hm I think it'll be from 5-7 here, which is totally fine. Have something to do this morning so that's actually perfect.
Alright, sounds cool.
Also, be sure to carry 2 extra dud Pokemon with you (to trade) : P
Good thing is I always keep duds around.Anything you want for HA Swirlie?
Nah, it's alright. I used it as a breeding parent already XD
If you have Heart Scales, there may be good moves to relearn.
My friend has 20,002 BP so I assume it's at least 99,999?
Also breeding and happiness are the worst things I just want to go to bed but I can't ahhhhhhhhhhhh
If you have a reddit account, this subreddit gives them awayHey PokeGAF, not sure if this is the right place to ask but if anyone has a 5IV or 6IV Ditto they can spare then that would be awesome! I just bought a 3DS and Pokemon again and have really been itching to make a competitive team and have been torturing myself through wondertrade with no success for a Ditto.
PM me if you can help! I would greatly appreciate it.