Blue Ninja
I'm so grateful I don't need to hunt for Legendaries anymore. I still have several to catch in AS (and a few in my reset X game), but since I own all of them already I don't need to do it for dex purposes.
If you guys need any help with legendaries, I tend to keep an extra set around from GTS trading. Not event ones, but the birds, dogs, dijinn, etc.
You can abuse Buzz nav by not saving after you get your Islands (from connecting to the Internet), you just keep soft resetting until the Island you want appears. Problem is I hate using the Dexnav where Ditto is in this game; caves are terrible in general and the grass one has tiny patches.
All right, I'll put you down for one once I get around to breeding it. Send me a request when you have it, IGN is Kenny.
I'll make it my next project.
EDIT: I need to go eat, I'll be back in half an hour or so.
Did you make this in excel? It looks so neat! Care to share the secret?
Well, I just bought a copy of AS solely for the chance to SR for a good Thundurus.
Where did my life go wrong?
That's the only reason why I chose AS too(considering this version's Lugia is trash =/).Well, I just bought a copy of AS solely for the chance to SR for a good Thundurus.
Where did my life go wrong?
I almost bought a copy of AS to reset for more Beldums.
I bought Y to reset for VGC Mamoswines (literally on the day of VGC).
I hope this year I'll buy AS to reset for VGC Pachirisus.
I almost bought a copy of AS to reset for more Beldums.
Dex Nav chaining is fun. Hopefully, it doesn't get cut from subsequent games.
Don't try to understand Game Freak, you'll just hurt yourselfWhich is something I don't understand don't cut features add/improve them.
Bye Greninja, apparently nobody is going to miss you
Don't try to understand Game Freak, you'll just hurt yourself
So...does anyone know the actual odds of encountering a legendary with IV's of 30/31 in the five desired stats, considering 3 are locked at 31? And factoring in the 50% synchronize rate?
I tried but I suck at maths. :/
1/3972 for 31x5 in the stats you need with right nature btw
Umm, what happened with Greninja?
It's a little better than it was last year.So is Greninja going to be top threat tier in the VGC since ORAS apparently broke it or is it easy peasy to deal with it in doubles?
Haha. Fortunately I reset for a Jolly in AS since I'm actually using it there. But since I've reset so many times on my JPN AS farming Serperior's and Shaymin for folks, I've got almost 20 extras lying around, bwa haha. Only a few I bothered to get at a good nature, before farming and all got kind of crazy. Unfortunately, because I had to bank them they lost their stone. Ah well.
Haha. Fortunately I reset for a Jolly in AS since I'm actually using it there. But since I've reset so many times on my JPN AS farming Serperior's and Shaymin for folks, I've got almost 20 extras lying around, bwa haha. Only a few I bothered to get at a good nature, before farming and all got kind of crazy. Unfortunately, because I had to bank them they lost their stone. Ah well.
Umm, what happened with Greninja?
Wait what... we can use the code with western versions?
Wait what... we can use the code with western versions?
Oh I wish they would be more common already, btw got one of your Mamos yesterday.
In addition to the above comment, L.O.R.D. mentioned asking a friend with a Japanese copy of ORAS earlier in this thread... I think.
LOL. Is this the one that's been traded to nearly 10 different people?
Ah, how my children grow...
Anyone here has a Contrary Snivy/Serperior they are willing to part with? I have some HA Lileeps with egg moves (recover/stealth rock/mirror coat/barrier).