Rhomega Beta
Beat the elite four this past week, I am a little ways into the Delta episode. It is my understanding that the resort opens up once I complete it?
Yeah, after that you'll get an SS Ticket that'll take you there.
Beat the elite four this past week, I am a little ways into the Delta episode. It is my understanding that the resort opens up once I complete it?
I agree with this entirely except I like Volcanion.Yeah, Hoopa and especially Volcanion look pretty weird and unappealing to me. Diancie is meh.
Which is disappointing, because Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde are the best looking Legends since Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza.
Beat the elite four this past week, I am a little ways into the Delta episode. It is my understanding that the resort opens up once I complete it?
I agree with this entirely except I like Volcanion.
Yeah, after that you'll get an SS Ticket that'll take you there.
These Regis are a bitch to catch. 40 Ultra balls, 20 Dusk balls. Red health and paralyzed and no dice.
Wow, I just got a shiny female 31/31/31/31/30/31 Chimchar. Pretty pleased.
Still going with Latias. It's just painful. I'm running from her at least ten hours a day.
I heard the odds with the charm are like 1/1000. Well I've seen ~18,000 Latias' now and not a single one has been shiny.
Nice! Masuda method?
I'm completely fine with my shiny 30/31/30/31/31/31Hasty Iron Fist male.HP Ice
Complaining to GAF never fails.
Latias - #380 (Timid)
HP: 31
Att: 20 - 23
Def: 31
SpA: 1 - 3
SpD: 24 - 26
Speed: 31
RNG fucked me over on Sp.Att, but oh well.
Don't you guys use powersave to farm event Pokemon? It's so cheap and I'm planning to get one.
Seems to be the only viable way to farm without starting the game again and waiting to get the PSS.
How easy is using the Pokemon Bank? I have a whole bunch of stuff in BW/2.
How easy is using the Pokemon Bank? I have a whole bunch of stuff in BW/2.
Just caughtrelatively easy with Ultra's is this rare? Either way, neat!Rayquaza and Deoxys
Thanks guys!
So that's Ho-Oh, Raikou and Latias caught. The only other Shiny ORAS legend I want is Latios, but I don't have AS yet so I'm finally DONE with SRing for legends for a while.
Now to focus on competitive Pokemon!
It's easy. Problem is transporter is a piece of crap. I mean it works, but it only works one box at a time. And it only pulls from BOX 1 of the copy of you game.
Put all the Pokemon you want into BOX 1. Start up transporter. It transports everything in BOX 1 to a one box holding area in Pokebank. Start up Pokebank, transfer that stuff from the holding area to a box within Pokebank itself. Rinse, repeat. It wouldn't be so bad though really if it was quicker to move Pokemon to BOX 1 in BW/2 from other boxes. So guess it really depends on how much you are bringing up. I brought up a lot, but a lot of it came from Pearl/SS/B/B2.
It's not so bad, the process for transferring between boxes in BW/2 from other boxes is the same in gen 6. Select the whole box and plop them down.
Hey everyone I have both Ruby and Sapphire but only one 3DS. How can I transfer Pokémon between them? I know I use the Poke Bank but how does that work?
Hey everyone I have both Ruby and Sapphire but only one 3DS. How can I transfer Pokémon between them? I know I use the Poke Bank but how does that work?
I got Latios during the story, Latias was my Eon ticket one. To get another Latios I'd need to restart.Well, you don't have to have AS for Latios. An Eon ticket works too.
Nice. So both Emboar and Samurott are available from next week with shared codes. Muku we are counting on youSerebii said:During todays episode of Pokémon Get☆TV, the serial code for the Reckless Emboar was revealed. This serial code is a shared code which can be used by multiple people rather than the one-time use serial codes of other events. This code cannot be redeemed until January 16th 2015 but can then be redeemed all the way up to November 30th 2015. The code is POKEMON500.
I got Latios during the story, Latias was my Eon ticket one. To get another Latios I'd need to restart.
Edit: Joe, bit curious: do you know if the Shiny Rayquaza will be available anywhere within the WHF area, or will you have to go to a specific Pokemon area? Trying to plan on if it's worth going to and trying to get some specifics. (Holy hell they open up at 9am? Figured it'd be 10.)
Think it will be the Pokémon area. The wireless is unlikely to spread overly far. We'll find out for sure when the official site updates on Thursday
Finally hatched a perfect HP fire Snivy... doesn't have Contrary.I'm getting closer though.
I need to find a Phantump with my DexNav, but the little fucker just isn't showing up. :'(
Meh, I'll find something to trade for it. Those HA Snivy are flying out the door.
I have an extra Trevenant that you could have , got it in a wonder trade.
That'd be cool, anything in particular you need for it?
I'm looking for HA pokemon I don't have but that list is getting pretty short now: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lbi7v9cbz9mviv3/HA Checklist - Filled.xlsx?dl=0. Otherwise I could use a Clauncher. Vendor Trash is fine if none of the above.
It'll have to be trash, I'm afraid. The only Clauncher I have I need for breeding, and I already checked your list when trading for that Shell Armor Turtwig earlier.
I'm online now, just depositing something in the GTS.
I'm happy to wait for you to breed the Clauncher, I'll trade you the Trevenant for trash now. I just need to grab it from the bank.
I'm looking for HA pokemon I don't have but that list is getting pretty short now: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lbi7v9cbz9mviv3/HA Checklist - Filled.xlsx?dl=0.
All right, I'll put you down for one once I get around to breeding it. Send me a request when you have it, IGN is Kenny.
I'll make it my next project.
EDIT: I need to go eat, I'll be back in half an hour or so.
Does anyone here have a Fire Friend Safari with Pyroar in it, by any chance?
By the way I'm going to try Dexnaving for a HA Luxio soon - if I get one I'll breed a HA Shinx for you.
No worries, I've got it now. Just send me a trade request when you're back.
I'm online now, I'll stay online for twenty more minutes or so.
If you can hang on a couple of minutes, I can breed you that Clauncher quick.
Thanks, Sorry about the stupid nickname, it was like that when I got it.
No problem, I still need to breed it anyway. Thanks! Enjoy the Clauncher, freshly hatched.
With that done, though, I have every Pokémon I need to finish the Pokédex. Only time I'll need people to help is when they require trading to evolve.