Gah, I just lost in the Battle Maison - my opponent had only one Pokemon with 1 HP point left, and it was poisoned.
Edit: Damn it, my tale of woe is at the top of the page.
I'm fairly certain we won't get a new main game this year, but we'll see of it in the latter half
I really hope we will finally get another Ranger game this year. It is still the best spinoff imho. And IF there is no new main game there should be more spinoffs besides the pikachu detective game in 2015.I'm fairly certain we won't get a new main game this year, but we'll see of it in the latter half
Makes sense. I hope it won't be N3DS exclusive, but who can say.
It wouldn't be. It'd be N3DS enhanced at most.
What would you like for a shaymin? It's one of three mythicals I'm missing, Manaphy, and Jirachi being the other two.
I'm intrigued to see what they'll come up with.
No new mainline game this year gives me plenty of time to complete my Pokédex, build a Living Dex and breed more flawless 'mon, too.
Started my "For fun" play of ORAS. I always do this a couple of months after covering a game. Went to Route 118 and thought "I've never used a Shedinja in-game before", so went to get a Nincada. Used DexNav and the first one was Adamant, 3 IV, Level 18 and with the Egg Move Feint Attack. Unfortunately, two of the IVs are useless for Shedinja...HP and Defense. I laughed.
Here's my logic behind it. A bit spoilery:
Hoopa Unbound
As you know, Hoopa is the star of the upcoming movie, due for release in July in Japan. Typically with these, when there is a star Pokémon they have another form/Mega Evolution revealed for the movie (as this will be) and that is then used with the "transfer your movie event Pokémon (Shaymin, Keldeo, Diancie, Shiny Beasts, Celebi etc.) to the game coming out this autumn to unlock something". However, since Hoopa Unbound is in ORAS's code, it makes me think that there won't be a game this autumn else they'd have done that.
I could be wrong, there could be another thing with this movie or another Hoopa thing unlocked, but with Hoopa Unbound not revealed at the same time as Hoopa now, it makes me think otherwise.
Sounds cool.
I hope they do something with Zygarde's "hidden power", more specifically the two moves found in the game data: Thousand Waves and Thousand Arrows.
I have a spare Shaymin leftover from a giveaway.
By any chance do you have a spare legit Arceus? Not necessarily for the Shaymin; I have other stuff to trade too.
Here's a full completion checklist for ORAS I got on Reddit if anyone is interested.
Very comprehensive and handy for tackling the rest of the postgame stuff.
The poster has full completion list going back to HG/SS as well. Some of the items are undoable in those due to the DS wifi connection being retired, though.
Nice! Will print.
That is one terrible font, though.
Kinda BS how Steelix's mega stone is Japanese exclusive. I will never understand Game Freak.
Thats no true. The demo steelix is exklusive but you can find the megastone in every game.Yeah.
Kinda BS how Steelix's mega stone is Japanese exclusive. I will never understand Game Freak.
Kinda BS how Steelix's mega stone is Japanese exclusive. I will never understand Game Freak.
Wait, it is? What the fuck?
EDIT: It's in Granite Cave, not exclusive to JP.
Thats no true. The demo steelix is exklusive but you can find the megastone in every game.
Ehm, I have one right here.
Is the Poké Contest fun? I haven'
t really been interested in anything resembling them in past games and haven't really stepped foot in the contest hall beyond grabbing the various items from the folks walking around. I traded over my Lucarionite from Y so there's nothing major for me to acquire here I'd just be doing it for fun, if it is fun.
I remember GF said they won't create a game that is enhanced for new 3DS,because they want the game feal the same with everyone (parity)It wouldn't be. It'd be N3DS enhanced at most.
That's only for the demoYeah.
Kinda BS how Steelix's mega stone is Japanese exclusive. I will never understand Game Freak.
Sorry for the newb questions (just got back into Pokemon with ORAS) but it's still possible to transfer Pokemon from the Gen IV to the Gen V games?
Also what exactly are Hidden Abilities? Can a Pokemon have both a regular Ability and a Hidden Ability simultaneously? Or just one or the other?
Sorry for the newb questions (just got back into Pokemon with ORAS) but it's still possible to transfer Pokemon from the Gen IV to the Gen V games?
Also what exactly are Hidden Abilities? Can a Pokemon have both a regular Ability and a Hidden Ability simultaneously? Or just one or the other?
Thanks guys.
So I guess getting a Politoed that has Drizzle will be a pain in the ass then.
I might have a breeding reject or two. You gonna be on tomorrow?
Are hacked Pokemon in Gen VI as well? I remember GF wanted to crack down on them. Is cloning still possible?
6th Gens has been hackable for a while now (about halfway through last year for Japan IIRC, and since November in English). Gamefreak have seriously cut down on how ridiculous the stuff that gets through is though (so no Pure Power Slakings anymore) so most of the stuff available on the GTS is at least sane looking.
National Dex, excluding event legendaries, is easier to complete than everMy team I tried to use Hoenn only:
Pretty solid
Does anyone wanna trade for the ruby exclusives for the sapphire ones? I will never ever ever ever complete the national dex but the Hoeen one seems doable
Have they cracked down on Pokemon being in Pokeballs they normally can't be in?
Not last I heard but that may have changed, they did another round of tweaking just before Christmas , and I haven't bothered to find out the details.
Have they cracked down on Pokemon being in Pokeballs they normally can't be in?
even the powersave can do that for a year
i don't even know what the point for changing the pokeball , is that suppose to be "Cool" ?
On another note... how is Arceus pronounced? Is it Ar-see-us or Ark-eus?
from the mail sent from , its Ark-ee-us
some people before that used to say it "Ar-see-uss"
I like "Ar-see-us" betterCool. I've always called it Ark-ee-us, but, just actually watched a Pokemon X/Y LP video on YTwhere guy called it "Ar-see-us" and I was like "WTF I didn't even think about calling it that way." Kind of reminds me of a pronunciation thingin the X/Y thread a while back.doing research, otherwise I never watch LPs
Thank ya.
I like "Ar-see-us" better
but "Ark-ee-us" does fit "Di-al-ga" and "Pal-ki-a" better
I just caught Rayquaza and Deoxys with two Quick Balls. Now to figure out what to use my Master Ball on...
I just caught Rayquaza and Deoxys with two Quick Balls. Now to figure out what to use my Master Ball on...
I'm gonna need to build up a collection of Evolutionary stones if I want to complete my Dex. What's the easiest way to get them?
Or would I be better off just trying to get the evolved 'mon off of GTS?