50678, while my own ID is 00678
But the algorithm is very unfair. It compares the number from right to left, instead of comparing every digit separately
So, if the first 4 digits match, but the rightmost one doesn't, you get nothing..
I'd always kind of wondered how it worked. Whether it came up with like 50678 and if you had 78605 if it would work or not. That's a bummer.

Guess odds might be too in favor of the player.

Even then though it'd be a rare thing. It's good to know though, so thank you for pointing that out. Still a bummer on your # pull for day.
Edit: On try #207 came this bad boy...
Lost track of how many moves it still had left, so ended up having to toss the Master Ball (despite almost having him twice in a regular Pokeball) toward end to secure the win. Next one going to keep much closer attention to it, but it's all good. Definately easier to deal with on Eon one than the story one.
My Ralts sync failed miserably, but that's okay. Came out to be Rash with IVs of: 0 / 7 - 9 / 31 / 31 / 27 - 29 / 31
Outside of the awful HP, it's not bad. Not something I plan to use in battle though.
Have to say, Metagross (the one from event at start of ORAS) has been a blessing. Kept Hold Back on him. He helped me catch Kyogre with ease earlier today and made Latios much easier. Means I don't have to go make a False Swiper. Also, this Stantler (given to me by someone here) has been a blessing too.