For me the biggest qualm with delphox was houndon/evo..Looking back the biggest disappointment for pokemon in 2013 was delphox. I LOVE fennekin and braixen but it kills me when I see how badly they messed up my favourite starter line. On a side note, I feel kinda dissapointed in ALL the 6th gen final evos
Got torchic via mystery gift, what was the reason it was given?
To get people to buy the game early rather than wait for a price drop (it's a limited-time gift).
Anyway, does anyone have a Buneary? I want to do all my happiness evolutions at the same time, and Buneary's the only happiness-evolving Pokémon I don't have.
Aside from that, here's what else I need:
I have pretty much every other breedable Pokémon (including all starters), as well as some spare 5IV Chespin, Froakie, and Espurr (only males; starter females are ridiculously hard to get and I've traded all my female Espurr already). Can anyone help me out?
EDIT: Got Forretress.
I have Vullabys. I'll like a Chikorita thanks! FC's in my profile.
Do you want something specific? Like a female, or IVs? If not, I can help with the Rufflet, Yamask, Slakoth, Dewgong, Koffing, and PorygonAnyway, does anyone have a Buneary? I want to do all my happiness evolutions at the same time, and Buneary's the only happiness-evolving Pokémon I don't have.
Aside from that, here's what else I need:
I have pretty much every other breedable Pokémon (including all starters), as well as some spare 5IV Chespin, Froakie, and Espurr (only males; starter females are ridiculously hard to get and I've traded all my female Espurr already). Can anyone help me out?
EDIT: Got Forretress.
Do you want something specific? Like a female, or IVs? If not, I can help with the Rufflet, Yamask, Slakoth, Dewgong, Koffing, and Porygon
Not really, I'll take whatever you have. I just got a Slakoth, so I don't need that any more; everything else I still need. Are you looking for anything in particular?
And spiritfox, sorry for the delay; just added you if you still want to trade. BTW, your profile says you're in Singapore; does that mean you can get Monsoon Vivillon?
Nope, unfortunately I need to use the Canadian eshop so I'm in British Columbia lol.
You're Vit, right?
Ah, that's a shame. Yeah, I'm Vit; send me a request.
EDIT: Thanks for the Vullaby. That's another mon down.
Looking back the biggest disappointment for pokemon in 2013 was delphox. I LOVE fennekin and braixen but it kills me when I see how badly they messed up my favourite starter line. On a side note, I feel kinda dissapointed in ALL the 6th gen final evos
Not really, I'll take whatever you have. I just got a Slakoth, so I don't need that any more; everything else I still need. Are you looking for anything in particular?
Sure, if you have a Snorunt/Palpitoad/Tranquill hanging around someplace, I would like to have a kid or two of them if it isn't a bother. If you have to breed them don't bother, it doesn't matter that much.
I'm also trying to fill my dex, it's my favourite part of the game.
I have a spare Snorunt, and I need to breed Tranquill anyway. Haven't caught Palpitoad yet, but I have its safari. So I can give you Snorunt and Pidove; if you're going to be breeding some Pokémon for me I may as well catch one and breed it![]()
One more day before the flood gates (PokeBank) open.
I guess you've missed the recent news![]()
I guess you've missed the recent news![]()
That would be great, thanks!
Koffing, Rufflet, Yamask, Porygon and Dewgong are all ready.
I guess you've missed the recent news![]()
uh oh.... what happened? ;_;
EDIT - Just saw it.... ;_;
Sent you a trade request![]()
If you breed the Slakoth (or got a bred one) it will vanish and be replaced with the pentagon.Oh, I know about the purple pokerus smiley. I have the same pokeball symbol after getting a slakoth:
Edit: Also got the same symbol with the Darumaka I traded for
I'm just doing Kricketot (most the non-starters are in fairly short supply; Elgyem, Bouffalant and Finneon also gave me trouble). I'm being reasonable (theres enough Articuno etc 5). Porygon and Meowth are popular (finally got a Chlorophyl Bulbasaur and Iron Fist* Chimchar for those).What are you breeding, if I may ask?
Every player can get a Mewtow or Zygardge. Each game has one legendary bird. Just less than half of players can get a Yveltal. Also Mewtwo will get a bit more common thanks to Pokebank (the birds too).Why is it so easy to get Mewtwo for bred starters on the GTS? Zygarde too. Whenever I ask for a Yveltal or a legendary bird, I get nothing, but when I ask for a Mewtwo or Zygarde, I get it immediately.
In older gens if they were not nicknamed they stuck with the original name so you would have say CRIKZIK instead of Kricketune.Why can't I change the names of Pokemon that have been traded with me Game Freak? I want a fucking reason why is this the case! Godfucking dammit.
Sorry, forgot to verify the friend request.
Thanks for the help![]()
Thanks for the help
Here's what I'm still missing:
All the Friend Safari mons have been taken care of, so it's just Poké Bank only ones left...
You should be able to get most of it by GTSing your starters. Too bad about the Pokebank shit but a lot would have been traded over already, so try your luck?
Tip: Breed ElgyemI'm trying, but the last few are hard to get![]()
Do you still have any female Piplups? Im available to trade now if you are.Nub, did I give you your piplup yet? I don't think I did... Lol
I got some male ones now if you want a male instead. And I might clone them dittos to help some of y'all out when I have time again : D
Cloning is very time consuming holy shit lol.
I'm trying, but the last few are hard to get
EDIT: Got six more. Just Kricketot and Finneon now.
Ryne, I'll send you an ElgyemIf possible, can I get a spare Elgyem/Baltoy/Bouffalant?
Ryne, I'll send you an Elgyem
just send me whatever
Why is eshop EU still down?
Why is eshop EU still down?
Nintendo's online infrastructure is terrible :/
Anybody have access to a hidden ability Espurr?
Anybody have access to a hidden ability Espurr?
I have tons spare. I think I might already have you added; what's your in-game name?