okay I'm a little confused.
I lent my friend my copy of Pokemon X
two questions
(1) Is the save data attached to the cart or to his 3DS?
(2) can he still get the special distribution Torchic?
(3) can I still get my own special distribution Torchic after I get my cart back and reset the save?
1. The cart. That should answer both 2 and 3:
2. Yes, it's one per save.
3. Yes, you'll have to start a new game, though (there's a button code to delete the save; see the instruction manual)
thanks man! and I probably have to start a new game before Jan 15, 2014 right?
hmm is there anyway for her to backup her save file?
Id love it if you still have it but eu eshop is downDoes anyone need 31/31/x/31/31/31 Hidden Ability Eevee's? Also all have Stored Power as Egg Move. I've got a number of natures... looking for 5 IV Protean Froakie's or anyone who could help with trading legendary birds for Dex data (meaning I'll trade them back to you!)
Oh fucking dammit. I just saw the news... :/
What news!?
Nintendo Network is down.
Post-Christmas is cancelled. Everyone go home.
Also be sure to check the egg group of what you want to breed. If you happen to have a 5IV Eeevee you can breed it with a Wailmer to get a 5IV in a water group which will make breeding easier.
I still have 2 or 3 5 IV Cottonees if someone wants one. If you can give a human like 5 IV Pokemon or an Iron Fist Chimchar I'll appreciate it.
I don't care, I just want everyone to join the Cottonee party!
Id love it if you still have it but eu eshop is down
Perfect, thankyouI've got plenty. Whenever it comes back just let me know and we can trade.
Bah, everything ruined cause I forgot about Will O Wisp.
And that Parasect was Grass.
The Unown for Entei offers get me confused (most of them are like this). Like if someone has a spare Unown chances are they have Entei too...God damn it, Unown is so hard to come by...
I think I've got an extra 5iv protean froakie, but I've already got 5iv Eevees. Do you have any breeding leftovers to trade besides eevee?Does anyone need 31/31/x/31/31/31 Hidden Ability Eevee's? Also all have Stored Power as Egg Move. I've got a number of natures... looking for 5 IV Protean Froakie's or anyone who could help with trading legendary birds for Dex data (meaning I'll trade them back to you!)
Well you can spell things with them.Are unown useful for anything but completing the pokedex?
Well you can spell things with them.
Y was under the tree for me this year. Couple of questions:
1. Do I need the update before starting (can't update right now for obvious reasons)?
2. Girl or boy?
Why?I don't think you need the update, but just don't save in Lumiose.
I don't think you need the update, but just don't save in Lumiose.
I think I savedBecause they failed to test the fact that when you load up a game for the first time and try to render Luminose City, it totally fails.
Yeah, you'll need to do that and download the gift card before then. No way to back up saves, I'm afraid.