I might be kind of late on this but is anyone still handing out cloned 6IV Japanese Dittos? I don't really have anything too special to offer besides breeding leftovers.
2 adamant Scythers. IVs are 31/31/31/x/31/31. Both have swarm though instead of technician. 16 4IV adamant technician Scythers. I have an extra metal coat if you want a Scizor.
3 Eevees with 31/x/31/31/31/31. No HA. 12 4IV Eevees with their HA. 5 4IV Eevees with normal abilities. All are timid.
4 4IV timid protean Froakies.
19 4IV timid Gastlys.
4 4IV Smeargles. All with normal abilities.
9 timid magician Fennekins. They all know hypnosis and heat wave. Most only have 1-3 IVs. I only have one 4IV one.
9 iron fist chimchars and 2 blaze with thunder and fire punch. Another 7 with fire and thunder punch, fake out, blaze kick. They all have 3-4IV and are jolly.
5 3-4IV modest Rotom and 17 4IV bold Rotom.
3 impish immunity Gligars. Not great IVs on them. Only 1-3IV.
8 5IV Dratinis and 27 4IV ones. All are marvel scale and know extreme speed.
3 5IV hydration Goomys. IVs are x/31/31/31/31/31, 31/x/31/31/31/31, and 31/31/x/31/31/31. 3 with 4IV and gooey ability and another 7 with 4IV and their normal abilities.
1 5IV Riolu. IVs are x/31/31/31/31/31/. Another 10 with 2-4IVs. All are timid and in luxury balls but only 2 are female.
6 3-4IV adamant adaptability Corphish. All of them know dragon dance, aqua jet, superpower, and knock off.
2 5IV adamant thick fat Swinub. IVs are x/31/31/31/31/31 and 31/31/31/31/31/x. 19 with 3-4IV and 12 3-4IV ones with their normal abilities. All of them know stealth rock, icicle crash, and icicle spear.
7 4IV Larvesta.
1 moxie 4IV Pinsir. 3 hyper cutter 5IV Pinsir. IVs are 31/31/31/x/31/31 for 2 of them and x/31/31/31/31/31 for the other. 8 with 4IV. Normal abilities on those. All of them know close combat, quick attack, and bug bite.
6 3IV and 1 4IV sassy storm drain Lileeps. All of them know stealth rock, mirror coat, and recover.
If anyone wants anything let me know. My boxes are full so I need to wonder trade or release most of what I listed. I don't need anything special but I am looking for HA versions of Bagon, Magikarp, Snivy, and Piplup.