It's finally time to get rid of my breeding rejects. If no one wants them, they will be all WT away tonight. Please PM me so we don't flood the thread. All are females in luxury balls unless stated:
6x feebas bold swift swim w/ dragon pulse, hypnosis, mirror coat, confuse ray
6x chansey bold natural cure w/ seismic toss, aromatherapy
4x ghastly timid levitate w/ disable
2x pinsir jolly Moxie w/ close combat, quick attack
4x kangaskhan jolly scrappy
2x mudkip careful torrent w/ avalanche, curse, yawn (both male, pokeball)
6x cottonee bold prankster w/ encore (1 male)
1x snorlax adamant thick fat w/ pursuit, curse
5x tynamo modest levitate
5x murkrow jolly prankster w/ roost, brave bird
6x yamask bold mummy w/ memento, nasty plot, disable, toxic spikes
4x minccino jolly skill link
6x totodile adamant torrent w/ dragon dance, aqua jet, ice punch (5 males, all pokeball)
6x espurr timid own tempo w/ assist, yawn, trick, barrier
3x starly jolly reckless w/ double edge
4x corphish adamant adaptability w/ knock off, aqua jet, superpower
6x mawile adamant intimidate w/ sucker punch, fire fang
2x phantump careful harvest (1 male)
1x phantump careful frisk (male)
5x frillish bold cursed body w/ acid armor, pain split, recover
1x frillish bold water absorb w/ acid armor, pain split, recover
6x togepi timid serene grace w/ nasty plot
2x togepi modest serene grace
5x ferroseed relaxed iron barbs w/ leech seed, stealth rocks, spikes (3 males)
3x vulpix timid drought w/ heat wave, extrasensory
5x heracross adamant moxie w/ rock blast, megahorn (2 males)
5x nidoran timid hustle
10x durant jolly truant
6x meditite adamant pure power w/ fake out, pyscho cut
6x mienfoo jolly regenerator w/ knock off (1 male)
6x rufflet jolly sheer force (all male, pokeballs)
6x feebas bold swift swim w/ dragon pulse, hypnosis, mirror coat, confuse ray
6x chansey bold natural cure w/ seismic toss, aromatherapy
4x ghastly timid levitate w/ disable
2x pinsir jolly Moxie w/ close combat, quick attack
4x kangaskhan jolly scrappy
2x mudkip careful torrent w/ avalanche, curse, yawn (both male, pokeball)
6x cottonee bold prankster w/ encore (1 male)
1x snorlax adamant thick fat w/ pursuit, curse
5x tynamo modest levitate
5x murkrow jolly prankster w/ roost, brave bird
6x yamask bold mummy w/ memento, nasty plot, disable, toxic spikes
4x minccino jolly skill link
6x totodile adamant torrent w/ dragon dance, aqua jet, ice punch (5 males, all pokeball)
6x espurr timid own tempo w/ assist, yawn, trick, barrier
3x starly jolly reckless w/ double edge
4x corphish adamant adaptability w/ knock off, aqua jet, superpower
6x mawile adamant intimidate w/ sucker punch, fire fang
2x phantump careful harvest (1 male)
1x phantump careful frisk (male)
5x frillish bold cursed body w/ acid armor, pain split, recover
1x frillish bold water absorb w/ acid armor, pain split, recover
6x togepi timid serene grace w/ nasty plot
2x togepi modest serene grace
5x ferroseed relaxed iron barbs w/ leech seed, stealth rocks, spikes (3 males)
3x vulpix timid drought w/ heat wave, extrasensory
5x heracross adamant moxie w/ rock blast, megahorn (2 males)
5x nidoran timid hustle
10x durant jolly truant
6x meditite adamant pure power w/ fake out, pyscho cut
6x mienfoo jolly regenerator w/ knock off (1 male)
6x rufflet jolly sheer force (all male, pokeballs)