Crazy. Why would anyone have this turned off?
Posted on the last page but
Can anyone tell me when you can get a Charmander?
Put up a Pokemon, it gets traded for the Pokemon another player put up. But it's random, so you never know what you're going to get.How exactly does wondertrade work?
How exactly does wondertrade work?
Actually i wonder what happens to ep etc due to exp share..It just feels completely wrong. It's practically encouraging you to use only your starter. It's nice that it is there for those who want something easier but yeah, it completely breaks the game balance.
Anyone know a site where I can find pokemon locations by route? I like to capture them all before moving on.
After you beat the first gym, once you reach the big city it's the first thing you do. You pick from the 3 Kanto starters.
Anyone know a site where I can find pokemon locations by route? I like to capture them all before moving on.
I haven't played a Pokemon game since Pokemon Silver for the GBC.
Should I try this out? It's making me feel a bit nostalgic, and it looks pretty damn cool.
THANKS!I made this which covers up to Route 13
Off the top of my head, some more:I made this which covers up to Route 13
I fully just got a Panchan via wonder trade named Prnstar. I think I have to train this Pokémon.
Posted on the last page but
Can anyone tell me when you can get a Charmander?
Off the top of my head, some more:
Route 13: Gible
Route 14: Goomy, Haunter, Weepinbell, Carnivine, Skorupi (appears on its own and in a horde)
HMs are moves that can't be unlearned once they are taught. You can use them to interact with the world such as cutting down trees for hidden routes or swimming.
I don't know who the best slave would be, just don't use an HM on a starter Pokemon or anything else you'll only get one of.
Can I buy a copy and play it on my brother's 3DS? And then play it on my 2DS when I get one later? Does it save to the game card?
Does anyone know how to delete your file? :/
Yeah, it happened to me too :O I didn't know about that.When I put Pikachu at the head of my party in the forest, I ended up running into nothing but Pikachu. Coincidence, bug, or new effect of Static?
EDIT: Old effect, never knew about it.
It looks really nice! It made me want to break my first playthrough rule of New Pokémon only.Its weird seeing spoink ACTUALLY bouncing.
Just make a new one and save over it.
I wonder how long it'll take until every single wondertrade is just weedle fo weedle or Magikarp for Caterpie.
Luckily, this is not possible.
Luckily, this is not possible.