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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Fork 'em, Sparky!
People can easily pick up the ball and run with this one . . .

If $200K is "middle income" then why did Mitt Romney fire people who were "poor" (by his definition) and then offer them jobs back at even "less than poor" levels at Bain Capital?

Scrooge for president!

spec, you don't typically run with the ball on bad news reporting. Romney was saying that middle income tops out at the much, which is what Obama pretty much agrees with. By his definition, someone making 50k could still feasibly considered "middle" income. He didn't delineate the other end of the spectrum.


78k should be comfortable in Nebraska. Do you both have a ton of student loans or something? Then again, I don't have any kids and they are expensive lol


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel

I love how you guys are continuing your circle jerk and leaving out that Romney said "$200-250K and less."

You guys will grasp at anything. He was answering in the vein of who he would not raise taxes on in defining "middle income people".

Kosmo, I'm not grasping at anything here, I am talking about what he actually said. The words that came out of Governor Romney's mouth. This isn't the first time he has appeared to be out of touch with mainstream America, it's just the latest. And one that I personally, as a Republican, find very alarming.

I miss McCain...


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I know in most parts of Wisconsin, where I live, $80,000 is way well off. My parents live comfortably on about $50,000. If I didn't have my student loans, especially, I'd be happy as hell to live on 80 grand. Even with my student loans it'd be astounding. Actually when I had a possibility of getting a $40,000 per year job my wife and I were talking and we couldn't even fathom getting that kind of money in.

hindsight is 20/20. I thought the same thing, then I started making what I could "only dream" and life remains a rat race. We haven't done anything differently with our money since I got a big raise, but it doesn't feel a lick of difference between 59k (2009) and 78k (2011)

78k should be comfortable in Nebraska. Do you both have a ton of student loans or something? Then again, I don't have any kids and they are expensive lol

I have a little bit of student loans, a little credit card debt, a car payment and a mortgage. been the same for the last 3 years.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Kosmo, I'm not grasping at anything here, I am talking about what he actually said. The words that came out of Governor Romney's mouth. This isn't the first time he has appeared to be out of touch with mainstream America, it's just the latest. And one that I personally, as a Republican, find very alarming.

I miss McCain...

I hope you miss 2000 McCain, because 208 McCain was just as big of a tard as 2012 Romney, just in different ways. You are harping on the wrong thing here, Mengy. And I say that as a Republican, as well.


Setec Astronomer
Hito, your avatar is CREEPY
I've decided to change my avatar every three months. I already know what I'm going to do for next spring, but what I'll pick for winter is an open question!
Probably Daria again.

You're a brony now, too? At least I could respect you being anti-Mormon. :p
Um, I used another Twilight Sparkle avatar from like April to June, then a furry av from June to now!


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I hope you miss 2000 McCain, because 208 McCain was just as big of a tard as 2012 Romney, just in different ways. You are harping on the wrong thing here, Mengy. And I say that as a Republican, as well.

Yeah, Presidential nominee McCain changed a bit in 2008. Back in 2000 I wanted him to win in the worst way. I still like the man, but he disappointed me greatly in 2008. And then he picked Palin. :(

But Romney, he is not the Republican I want in the oval office. It's so frustrating.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Um, I used another Twilight Sparkle avatar from like April to June, then a furry av from June to now!

Somehow the other one was less offensive. Whatever happened to that Anime guy you used to use? Or the matrixy looking thing??? It is bad enough when Cheezmo posts, people looking over my shoulder already give me dirty looks.
spec, you don't typically run with the ball on bad news reporting. Romney was saying that middle income tops out at the much, which is what Obama pretty much agrees with.

Yeah, you're right. Just stand back and let Romney flail has he tries to defend $200K to $250K as "middle income".

By his definition, someone making 50k could still feasibly considered "middle" income. He didn't delineate the other end of the spectrum.

Actually, what he said excluded $50K from being 'middle income'. In fact he excluded $100K from 'middle income' with the explicit word "No"!!!

“Is $100,000 middle income?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“No, middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less,” Romney responded.

So, mathematically, Romney's 'middle income' is somewhere in the range of $100,000.01 and $250,000.00. Yeah . . . go sell that Mitt. You just called the vast majority of Americans poor. Why do you hate America?


I just dont have anything to say at this point.

Paul Ryan: Obama Doesn’t Truly Believe ‘We’re In This Together’ Because He’s Pro-Choice
“‘We’re all in this together’ — it has a nice ring,” Ryan said. “For everyone who loves this country, it is not only true but obvious. Yet how hollow it sounds coming from a politician who has never once lifted a hand to defend the most helpless and innocent of all human beings, the child waiting to be born.”
“President Obama has chosen to pander to the most extreme elements of his party,” Ryan said. “In the Clinton years, the stated goal was to make abortion ‘safe, legal and rare.’ But that was a different time, and a different president. Now, apparently, the Obama-Biden ticket stands for an absolute, unqualified right to abortion — at any time, under any circumstances, and even at taxpayer expense.”


Setec Astronomer
Somehow the other one was less offensive. Whatever happened to that Anime guy you used to use? Or the matrixy looking thing??? It is bad enough when Cheezmo posts, people looking over my shoulder already give me dirty looks.
Moved on to 100x120, and besides, people saying that Sneakers av was from the Matrix made me sad.

The Republican war on men. Begun it has.
So who aren't they waging war on now?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Moved on to 100x120, and besides, people saying that Sneakers av was from the Matrix made me sad.

So who aren't they waging war on now?

Sorry, I do not watch Anime, but the background always reminded me of it. It was very classy if you ever want to recut the avatar to 100x120, it would gain a lot support from me.


Bryan Fischer: Today’s GOP Will Be ‘Dead’ If Romney Loses


A Barack Obama win in November will lead to a meltdown within the Republican Party, said Bryan Fischer, an influential official at the American Family Association. And he isn’t too optimistic about Mitt Romney’s chances.

“If Barack Obama wins this election the Republican Party as we know it is finished, it is dead, it is toast — you can stick a fork in it,” he told TPM Friday at the Values Voter Summit in Washington. “And conservatives, grassroots conservatives, are either going to start a third party or they are going to launch a hostile takeover of the Republican Party.”

Fischer said he believed Romney would be leading national polls by double digits at this point if he had followed Paul Ryan’s lead and offered more detailed conservative positions on the budget and social issues.

“The biggest mistake is they put a bag over Paul Ryan’s head,” he said. Fischer said he was “deeply disturbed” that Ryan didn’t mention the campaign’s opposition to gay marriage in his speech to the summit on Friday.

“I got to believe that there was some kind of directive from the top of the campaign: We don’t want you to deal with this issue,” he said.

Fischer has never exactly been on good terms with Romney. The Republican nominee denounced Fischer at last year’s Values Voter Summit for derogatory comments he made against Mormons. Fischer was left off the speakers list at this year’s summit, where he’s been a mainstay in the recent past. He also broke with Romney and other top Republican officials last month to strongly defend Todd Akin over his comments that women have an unnamed biological defense that prevents them from becoming pregnant after “legitimate rape.”

While he did not predict Romney would lose, he had some advice for conservatives looking to rebuild the party in the wake of an Obama re-election.

“I think if Mitt Romney loses this election that the pro-family leaders in the United States should get together with Rick Perry on Nov. 7 and start planning for 2016,” he said.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
LOL!!! OK...now I think I get it. the text of the background was what Whistler sees on the box, but who was the anime character? this is all your fault for changing it, by the way.

we have too many secrets around here as it is.
Ehhhhh. Mild flub, that's obviously not what he meant. There's plenty of actual shit he says/believes that's much worse.

Why do you assume it was a flub? He makes $20Million a year so he is no longer in touch with that reality.

He was asked “Is $100,000 middle income?” and he gave a very direct simple answer . . . "No". If "No" was not a clear enough answer for you, he clarified by stating "middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less,”.

Now sure . . . you can try to to say that "and less" part has big meaning. But he said "middle income is $200,000 to $250,000". Should the "and less" be assumed to include a value that is HALF of the lower bound he gave? A number that he explicitly said "No" to?

Romney gave a very unambigous answer that mathematically translates to Romney's 'middle income' is somewhere in the range of $100,000.01 and $250,000.00. And that is with me being extremely generous to include the area close to $100K that he explicitly said is NOT middle income.



Please tell me how awesome having a kid is :) , because financially it seems damn-near impossible these days. I think of my nest-egg, then I think of paying for my hypothetical kid's college years, and I see my nest-egg become a cloud of dust.

"Just, give me the box Marty!"

had to.


Perhaps the best part about Romney being the GOP nominee is that if he loses, it will cause a significant part of their party to conclude that they lost because Mitt "isn't conservative enough."

:lols will be had in 2016 if this happens.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Please tell me how awesome having a kid is :) , because financially it seems damn-near impossible these days. I think of my nest-egg, then I think of paying for my hypothetical kid's college years, and I see my nest-egg become a cloud of dust.

"Just, give me the box Marty!"

had to.

Amazing in every sense of the world, but incredibly challenging, both in a financial and time/energy sense. Wouldn't trade it for the world, despite the potty training phase we are in right now.

I cannot kill my friend. Kill my friend


A Barack Obama win in November will lead to a meltdown within the Republican Party, said Bryan Fischer, an influential official at the American Family Association. And he isn’t too optimistic about Mitt Romney’s chances.

“If Barack Obama wins this election the Republican Party as we know it is finished, it is dead, it is toast — you can stick a fork in it,” he told TPM Friday at the Values Voter Summit in Washington. “And conservatives, grassroots conservatives, are either going to start a third party or they are going to launch a hostile takeover of the Republican Party.”

The inmates are loose and they want to run the asylum.


Now sure . . . you can try to to say that "and less" part has big meaning. But he said "middle income is $200,000 to $250,000". Should the "and less" be assumed to include a value that is HALF of the lower bound he gave? A number that he explicitly said "No" to?

Absolutely it should. Romney's not trying to exclude people making <100K from the ranks of the hard-working middle-class - they're not the lazy poor. The rhetoric here is meant to expand "middle income" upwards to try to shield incomes up to 250K from the public's desire to tax the rich.

I think it's easy to read the initial question "Is 100K middle income?" as asking about an upper limit.

Certainly it makes sense to attack Romney here for saying that 250K is middle income, and he may actually believe that because he doesn't think of 100K as being that much money, but I don't see much indication that he thinks 100K is /less than/ middle income.
This Sneakers derail is the best derail.

And as for Romney, I do hope he's preparing for the debates. He'll need it. But all of his actions (and Ryan's) recently seem aimed at throwing Obama off balance and just asking for a smackdown. Maybe they're trying to evoke the 'angry black man' to shore up their support. It'd be a fool's errand, but at this point what else do they have?

Does anybody think Ryan/Romney will get into solid (falsifiable, polarizing, scoreable) details during the debates?
Hey guys. I totally shook Jill Biden's hand today. I'm never washing it again!

Although, I forget which hand I used, so I won't wash either, just to be safe.


Unconfirmed Member
I know we have talked about CA sales tax from online businesses in here:

FYI last day to order from Amazon in California without state sales tax, they begin collecting it at midnight tonight.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
“President Obama has chosen to pander to the most extreme elements of his party,” Ryan said.

Haha, I love when Republicans just project their own issues onto Democrats, no matter how divorced from reality it is.
Certainly it makes sense to attack Romney here for saying that 250K is middle income, and he may actually believe that because he doesn't think of 100K as being that much money, but I don't see much indication that he thinks 100K is /less than/ middle income.
Clinton said it best . . . . "Arithmetic". Try this problem:

Facts: Contiguous range X includes 200K to 250K. 100K is NOT in contiguous range X.

Question: Is 100K more than or less than the values in contiguous range X?


I don't see how Romney's statement is very different from Obama not wanting to raise taxes on household incomes over $250k. Only difference is Romney would cut taxes on any income over that threshold. He sounds out of touch but I don't think this is a huge gaffe
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