Well, my household is apparently still dirt poor according to Romney.
Dude is clueless.
Holy Shit. it is like people just read the title of the link and rush to make posts.
The average salary in America is what, 40k? Anything over 100k HHI isn't middle class IMO
I miss your winking pic. It made your snark more playful.
A couple making 55k each, with 2-3 kids isn't middle class? lol
It's not really worth arguing over specific numbers, I think. The real question is, what's different about an "upper-class" person's life compared to a "middle-class" person's compared to a "lower-class" person's? A lot of the arguing over specific incomes just reflects people having wildly different (and often inaccurate) ideas of how much a middle-class life should cost.
Well, let's find out.
I think that given the context, it's safe to say that Romney was not trying to exclude $100k from being middle income.
Well, let's find out.
I think that given the context, it's safe to say that Romney was not trying to exclude $100k from being middle income.
"It will grow the economy and create jobs. And those new jobs plus the removal of tax loopholes and reduced spending will provide more revenue".WHY WON'T ANYONE ASK HIM HOW IT WILL NOT DRIVE UP DEFICITS!?!?
I agree, but it is something that the Dems should be taking a look at at the very least.mm, but I do think of NY-09 as being an outlier. It was only D+2 at the presidential level in 2008 - the difference between Clinton and Gore's performances there to Kerry and Obama is pretty staggering. Weiner left disgraced, as well as the dem guy being a weak campaigner.
True, but it seems like Israel or ME might be getting more in the news and I'd be surprised if the Republicans aren't going with the (at least what I saw as a blurb on CNN) about Obama not meeting with Bibi recently.It feels like whenever someone writes an article like "Will Jews leave Obama?" they're just trying to pigeonhole a group based around on one issue. They do it for blacks ("Will blacks abandon Obama in droves over gay marriage") and Hispanics ("Rubio offers up tepid support for watered down DREAM Act, clearly courting the Hispanic vote") when the reasons those groups vote Dem is much more fundamental. For Jews it's Israel.
That's why I was a bit surprised to see that predication being made. I agree about the the type of article being fairly common, but this is an issue that will be more in the news regardless of desire by a candidate vs the others. I have to look at the data I wonder if it's possible they only defined Jews as religiously active. I only brielfy skimmed the article before i went to bed. Oddly enough I found this via a link on the NSSF news feed.That poll may show something, but I seem to remember other pollsters, namely Gallup showing that Obama's lost the least ground with Jews of any religious group.
To me, Romney was saying under 200/250 as the brackets are done is "middle income." We know that's not accurate, but it's the position every politician has.
He said it in a stupid way by answering "no," and "less" instead of saying "It's income under $200-250k." And the Dems should run with it because Romney lies about Welfare and Medicare.
That said, the big issue is the fact that he admits he will raise taxes on the middle class by "base broadening" and also that it will drive up deficits in the short term since it's impossible not to do so. Yet, no one calls him on this.
"It will grow the economy and create jobs. And those new jobs plus the removal of tax loopholes and reduced spending will provide more revenue".
That seems to be their answer, always, and without any details.
Meanwhile, Ann Romney confessed what she found while exploring the White House: "It was George Bush having a massage. He was covered up. I was so embarrassed that the next time I saw him I didn't know what to say. He looked at me and winked and said, 'I look pretty good, don't I?'"
The Washington Post reports the interview "brought shudders from some Republicans, who fear the Romney campaign is running aground in its final stretch."
Bachmann went on to explain President Barack Obama’s “relationship” with the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, which she claimed had a 10-year plan “to implement its Sharia-based speech code requirements worldwide.”
“That, my friends, explains the story of this week,” she insisted. “Islamic-enforced speech codes. No one, not Muslims, not non-Muslims, not Americans are allowed to say anything Islamists see as insulting to their religion. They intend to force us to kiss our freedom of speech and religion goodbye. And that’s why we’re being forewarned today.”
“President Obama needs to get his priorities straight,” Bachmann concluded. “What he needs to do is he needs to cancel his interview with David Letterman, cancel his meeting with Beyonce, cancel his meeting with Jay-Z, and instead, agree to meet with the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu!”
The Romneys' favorite TV show? ABC's "Modern Family."
Romney initially misfired when asked who he would like to play Ann in a movie about the Romneys.
"Gene Hackman," he said, having misheard the question and thinking he was supposed to say who he would want to play him.
Their attempts to relate to the American Public More
I thought I couldn't hate you more as a candidate, Willard. You find new ways to prove me wrong.One of Romney's revelations: "I'm kind of a Snooki fan. Look how tiny she's gotten -- her spark-plug personality."
Holy Shit. it is like people just read the title of the link and rush to make posts.
(more)Micheal Lewis said:Obama could find a perfectly respectable game with his equals in which he could shoot and score and star, but this is the game he wants to play. Its ridiculously challenging, and he has very little space to maneuver, but he appears happy. Hes actually just good enough to be useful to his team, as it turns out. Not flashy, but he slides in to take charges, passes well, and does a lot of little things well. The only risk he takes is his shot, but he shoots so seldom, and so carefully, that it actually isnt much of a risk at all. (He smiles when he misses; when he makes one, he looks even more serious.) Spacing is big. He knows where to go, said one of the other players as we watched. And unlike a lot of lefties, he can go to his right.
Oh, I was unaware of your disdain for religious fundamentalists. Interesting.It's a video that's offensive to Muslims - a video that we allow in the US because we have freedom of speech and are not populated by a bunch of crazy, kill and riot over a stupid video, fuckheads. Couch it how you will, but it's the fact that we allow such videos to be made that they find offensive instead of killing when someone desecrates the name of the spaghetti monster.
The first article, indeed. The second, not so much. The first article elucidates a few of the substantive criticisms of drone strikes. First, a primary concern regards the ramifications of current policy on future actors. As she notes, international norms for drone warfare are inchoate. And given our distinction as the first state to extensively employ drones, we're defining the parameters for acceptability. I fear we've failed to fully comprehend this aspect. Additionally, the long-term effectiveness of drones is another salient objection. Although, neither side can fully prove their argument because of data limitations.Good articles on the bad and the common misconceptions about drone warfare.
The "I bring home 400k, but owe loan sharks 300k" argument? It's really interesting how far everyone seems willing to go to make everyone but Warren Buffet potentially middle class. If you're a young person living in NYC with a 160k salary, no you won't be living in a mansion, but you will be making substantially more than the vast majority of the people in the city. This is readily verifiable.Discussion of class vis à vis income is irrelevant unless you're taking into account geography and individual circumstances. Even significant income can seem like a lot less in a city with kids and student loan payments.
edit: From that interview:
His favorite book is Battlefield Earth. Seriously.
I thought I couldn't hate you more as a candidate, Willard. You find new ways to prove me wrong.
Actually it was because of this:
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Is $100,000 middle income?
MITT ROMNEY: No, middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less.
and his clarification of his position on 'middle-class' being household income over $100k
Eh, maybe Orson Scott Card, but I dunno about Hubbard.I can see how a Mormon would like L. Ron Hubbard. If anyone wanted to pshop Romney's face on Travolta's dredlocked alien body I wouldn't even be mad.
Well, let's find out.
I think that given the context, it's safe to say that Romney was not trying to exclude $100k from being middle income.
Hahaha. The Romneys are great. I love em.http://politicalwire.com/archives/2012/09/14/romney_does_daytime_tv.html
Their attempts to relate to the American Public More
The "I bring home 400k, but owe loan sharks 300k" argument? It's really interesting how far everyone seems willing to go to make everyone but Warren Buffet potentially middle class. If you're a young person living in NYC with a 160k salary, no you won't be living in a mansion, but you will be making substantially more than the vast majority of the people in the city. This is readily verifiable.
It's a wonder why reasonable tax policy is hard to get in this country. Everyone is middle class and struggling!
Oh, I almost forgot. Romney even went back on saying "Battlefield Earth" was his favorite book, changing his answer to "Huckleberry Finn"
Oh, I almost forgot. Romney even went back on saying "Battlefield Earth" was his favorite book, changing his answer to "Huckleberry Finn" while also incorrectly claiming Hubbard hadn't founded Scientology when he wrote it.
Source: McCain Campaign Oppo File.
Sir, Mark Twain uses the word ni***r in that book, a lot of Americans would find that offensive.
I never said Huckleberry Finn, I said Animal Farm.
The "I bring home 400k, but owe loan sharks 300k" argument? It's really interesting how far everyone seems willing to go to make everyone but Warren Buffet potentially middle class. If you're a young person living in NYC with a 160k salary, no you won't be living in a mansion, but you will be making substantially more than the vast majority of the people in the city. This is readily verifiable.
It's a wonder why reasonable tax policy is hard to get in this country. Everyone is middle class and struggling!
Sir, Mark Twain uses the word ni***r in that book, a lot of Americans would find that offensive.
I never said Huckleberry Finn, I said Animal Farm.
I think I'm addressing what Gondo and altered said pretty directly. Voluntary expenditures do not matter.You're really not addressing the statements at all, though. I agree that middle-class is a poorly defined term. That's why I was attempting to start a discussion over the proper definition of the term! Your assertion that $160k cannot be middle class does not seem unreasonable, but it requires some defense besides "you're making more than most people." Most people are middle-class or lower! At least half of everybody in the middle class will be making more than most people.
I never said that.The "I bring home 400k, but owe loan sharks 300k" argument? It's really interesting how far everyone seems willing to go to make everyone but Warren Buffet potentially middle class. If you're a young person living in NYC with a 160k salary, no you won't be living in a mansion, but you will be making substantially more than the vast majority of the people in the city. This is readily verifiable.
It's a wonder why reasonable tax policy is hard to get in this country. Everyone is middle class and struggling!
I think I'm addressing what Gondo and altered said pretty directly. Voluntary expenditures do not matter.
What defense is necessary? Your income at 160k is in the top 20% at least. So it takes much effort to demonstrate they a middle class that encompasses that is a entirely meaningless term??? That's not abundantly obvious?
Fair enough, blame it on lazy phone typing.Impossible standard. Everything is a voluntary expenditure except bread, water, and cardboard. Is having children a voluntary expenditure or is it an expected part of family life? Two cars? One car? How nice does the car have to be before it's luxury?
I picture him more as "1984" kinda guy.
I think I'm addressing what Gondo and altered said pretty directly. Voluntary expenditures do not matter.
What defense is necessary? Your income at 160k is in the top 20% at least. So it takes much effort to demonstrate they a middle class that encompasses that is a entirely meaningless term??? That's not abundantly obvious?
Look up and read Cyan's post where it shows the snippet from the whole interview. He did not mean that. To believe otherwise is to stretch reading comprehension to its bounds
Wow. You're so out of touch.Middle class should probably represent the percentiles from 30% to 75% or so.
Yeah that's what I'm worried about too. A coordinated effort by the GOP all the way down to the state level to file lawsuits and such claiming voter fraud and whatnot.
Case in point, I can't help but think that Gov. Scott looks at FL polling and shrugs it off knowing he has a plan B.
Wow. You're so out of touch.