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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Highest levels since the Bin Laden death.


Interesting that he had another big bump at 1 pm. Wonder what happened then that I missed.
I have sat for sometime and started to think why I've become so critical of the country I call adopted home, and it hit me like a brick. I've become a cynical, cynical man ever since I started following politics. Before I became a permanent resident, I was an avid follower of American history, greatly admired everything about this country and just couldn't wait to become part of American society. I thought of all the ways I would celebrate becoming a permanent resident (including wearing red white and blue underpants on the day). I felt awesome listening to John Mellencamp and The Boss' true patriotic music about the life Americana. Around the same time I started following politics (around 04-05), and by the time I got my PR, I didn't felt a single bit of emotion. None. Zilch. It was in the mail and I didn't do anything that day worthwhile.

Following politics, how people vote against their self-interests, prevalence of deceit in media, the amount of political apathy from young people, how politicians are quite possibly the biggest scumbags in the country, the free marketeering capitalists with golden parachutes that have a third arm in Congress, demonization and otherization of Arabs and Muslims, the regulatory boards stacked with former CEOs and lobbyists, and now the craven politicization of the death of our diplomats and foreign service officers, it all numbed my brain so much. It's so fucking depressing. No amount "taking a break" from politics has helped. Sometimes I wish I was part of the politcal apathy majority so I don't feel assy about voters, politicians and carnival barkers on TV.

Sorry had to get this off my chest.
Ok...fucking Netanhyu will be on MTP this Sunday. Such brazen attempts to interfere with the Presidential elections I think, we will see how it goes. I am sure he will echo Romney line on Obama and ME though I think.

Normally Americans and media would be disgusted at attempts of a foreign leader to interfere with US elections, but since its Israel...no they won't,
Well I think it's just great that Republicans refuse to admit they can actually lose on their own merits.

Pretty much. Democrats only win against candidates who are not true conservatives, or they steal the election; no wonder modern republicans refuse to compromise whatsoever.

Obama is either ineligible because he's not American, or not actually president of all America because the only people who voted for him are "urban" Welfare recipients real and imaginary
Looks like someone gave McCain a little talking to.. He's now in lockstep w Mitt with this whole blaming Obama for the protests thing and Mitt is doubling down. I bet that with Fox News' help, the base will eventually believe them and the "intellectual" republicans will turn a blind eye like they always do.

If Obama wins this he will have defeated big business, the GOP, and the AIPAC/Israel crowd at the same time.


I can see how this Sunday will go though.

There will be a question about Egypt. Nethanhyu will talk about how MB, new government is not Israel's friend and something about US not supporting Mubarak. He will then go on and say that the Arab Spring is a Jihadi uprising or something and throw Obama under the bus (I would be surprised if he doesn't just do that very blatantly).

One has to hope American public, 1. Doesn't care two shits about Israel too much, 2. The American Jewish community realizes that Netanhyu is bad for Israel and 3. An American President has to care about America not Israel first.
Pretty much. Democrats only win against candidates who are not true conservatives, or they steal the election; no wonder modern republicans refuse to compromise whatsoever.

Obama is either ineligible because he's not American, or not actually president of all America because the only people who voted for him are "urban" Welfare recipients real and imaginary
It's interesting to compare that to how Clinton and Obama reacted when they lost their House majorities.

Clinton declared "the era of big government is over" and from there on his social reforms were mostly GOP issues like welfare reform.

Obama said it was a well-deserved shellacking because Democrats took attention off of jobs, and at least compromised with the GOP by extending the Bush tax cuts and cutting trillions of dollars before raising the debt ceiling.

If Obama wins and GOP controls at least one house of Congress, there will be no such gestures from their side. Which of course is why Democrats need to win back the House.
So now Romney is telling George Stephanolopolous that the debates will be a challenge for him because Obama tends to say things that aren't true about his opponents.

Projection much?



The report, from the Congressional Research Service, finds that tax cuts for high earners can be linked to a different outcome: income inequality.

“The evidence does not suggest necessarily a relationship between tax policy with regard to the top tax rates and the size of the economic pie, but there may be a relationship to how the economic pie is sliced,” according to the CRS report, circulated on Friday.

The report appears to give a lift to Democrats’ calls for the Bush-era tax cuts to lapse next year on incomes above $250,000. Democrats say that low taxes on the rich merely exacerbate income inequality. Republicans say that higher taxes on big incomes would hurt the economy by damping the after-tax income of small-business owners who pay taxes through their individual returns.

The top individual tax rate for high earners has generally declined since World War II, and is at 35% currently, down from 94% in 1945, the report noted. Although capital gains tax rates have been more variable, the current 15% rate is the lowest in more than 65 years. The capital gains rate was 25% before 1965.

The government researchers found that “the top tax rates do not necessarily have a demonstrably significant relationship with investment.” The researchers also said that the correlation between economic growth and the top tax rates “is not strong,” and that any links “could be coincidental or spurious because of changes to the U.S. economy over the past 65 years.”

What about arguments that “some income inequality is necessary to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship—the possibility of large rewards and high income are incentives to bear the risks?” The researchers note the argument, but say that the most statistically significant link is between income inequality and tax cuts on the rich.

“As the top tax rates are reduced, the share of income accruing to the top of the income distribution increases; that is, income disparities increase,” government researchers said.
Dat trickle down.




That seems really risky. At some point he alienates American Jews (who tend to like Obama) so much that Obama can count on not getting (effectively) hammered as anti-Israel if he and Bibi butt heads next term - Israel really, really wants to avoid "pro-Israel" being a partisan position in the US.

I really don't have a sense of how middle American and non-wonky voters feel about Israel, but I know that a plurality of Americans oppose a UN resolution to attack Iran and overwhelming majorities oppose either a unilateral strike or supporting Israel in one, so I wonder how much this will really matter for the election. I also favor the theory that Netanyahu is doing all this because of the collapse of support for a unilateral strike in his own administration, with the military and intelligence advisors now openly opposing it, and not actually primarily to interfere in American politics.




The dead vote paranoia on the right is weird. The first thing my dad did when the Walker recall stuff went online in a searchable database was go make sure no one used his dead father's name. It's just weird that it's so ingrained in him that he would even think to do that right away.

Conservative pundit Gary Bauer, the former president of the Family Research Council, which puts on the Values Voter Summit each year, told the crowd at the 2012 conference Friday that it needs to turn out in great numbers to defeat President Obama’s army of welfare recipients and fraudulent votes.

After his speech, Bauer told TPM “voter fraud is rampant in urban areas” and he expected that to help Obama.

Bauer also told TPM that “there are a lot of people who will vote this November because they depend on government largesse,” meaning checks from Washington. He expects those voters to go Obama as well.

“They will vote for their own perceived interests, which is they don’t want anybody cutting back the size of the checks,” Bauer said.
Hey go fuck yourself Gary Bauer. I'm a white male Christian
from the mid-west that makes a lot of money and I'm voting for Obama. I'd probably make more money with Romney in office but I care more about my country than just making a few more bucks.

I won't vote for the GOP because they shit on science. They try to get creationism taught in school, they deny climate science, they withhold stem cell research funding, the spew fake-science about rape, the spew-fake science about abortion, etc.

But you know who would REALLY hate you? Jesus. The guy constantly talked about helping the poor. You not only don't want to help them, you mock them. Fuck off.
I love this part:
“My prediction is after all the votes are counted — even the dead votes of Democrats in Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland — I predict that we will win, that this nightmare will be over and America will finally be on the road to recovery,” Bauer said.
That long, horrible nightmare about a black man sitting in the Oval Office.

LOL . . . funny he should bring that famously accurate Onion article up . .

Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over'
JANUARY 17, 2001 | ISSUE 43•01 ISSUE 37•01 | MORE NEWS

"My fellow Americans," Bush said, "at long last, we have reached the end of the dark period in American history that will come to be known as the Clinton Era, eight long years characterized by unprecedented economic expansion, a sharp decrease in crime, and sustained peace overseas. The time has come to put all of that behind us."

Bush swore to do "everything in [his] power" to undo the damage wrought by Clinton's two terms in office, including selling off the national parks to developers, going into massive debt to develop expensive and impractical weapons technologies, and passing sweeping budget cuts that drive the mentally ill out of hospitals and onto the street.

During the 40-minute speech, Bush also promised to bring an end to the severe war drought that plagued the nation under Clinton, assuring citizens that the U.S. will engage in at least one Gulf War-level armed conflict in the next four years.

"You better believe we're going to mix it up with somebody at some point during my administration," said Bush, who plans a 250 percent boost in military spending. "Unlike my predecessor, I am fully committed to putting soldiers in battle situations. Otherwise, what is the point of even having a military?"

On the economic side, Bush vowed to bring back economic stagnation by implementing substantial tax cuts, which would lead to a recession, which would necessitate a tax hike, which would lead to a drop in consumer spending, which would lead to layoffs, which would deepen the recession even further.
speculawyer: You forgot leading a hate group.

Yeah, they have a RAP sheet with the SPLC. But I did mention the issue of why they are considered a hate group . . . they peddle discredited fake science to bash a minority group.

Family Research Council

Founded: 1983
Location: Washington, D.C.
Ideology: Anti-Gay
The Family Research Council (FRC) bills itself as “the leading voice for the family in our nation’s halls of power,” but its real specialty is defaming gays and lesbians. The FRC often makes false claims about the LGBT community based on discredited research and junk science. The intention is to denigrate LGBT people in its battles against same-sex marriage, hate crimes laws, anti-bullying programs and the repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.

To make the case that the LGBT community is a threat to American society, the FRC employs a number of “policy experts” whose “research” has allowed the FRC to be extremely active politically in shaping public debate. Its research fellows and leaders often testify before Congress and appear in the mainstream media. It also works at the grassroots level, conducting outreach to pastors in an effort to “transform the culture.”


Is there a way to block Hitokage's avatar and only Hitokage's avatar? If not, there should be. I wouldn't say it's NSFW, but it's not really safe for how I'd like to be perceived by people who might glance at my computer screen.
I was look at 270towin to see if there was a comparable state of polarization, judging by how states voted in the presidency, as it is today. I can't find one. Looking at one random state, New York, that state never voted for the same party more than sixteen years in a row. It broke that trend in 2008.

Edit: I may have jumped the gun. Probably not speaking to the times in terms of parties not cooperating with each other, but when it comes to states consistently voting for one party, 1900-1932 was pretty much today but opposite. That is, NE and Western states voted Republican, Southern states voted Democrat.


Obsidian fan
Is there a way to block Hitokage's avatar and only Hitokage's avatar? If not, there should be. I wouldn't say it's NSFW, but it's not really safe for how I'd like to be perceived by people who might glance at my computer screen.

I appreciate the implicit approval :3


Setec Astronomer
Is there a way to block Hitokage's avatar and only Hitokage's avatar? If not, there should be. I wouldn't say it's NSFW, but it's not really safe for how I'd like to be perceived by people who might glance at my computer screen.
This is NeoGAF, dude.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The dead vote paranoia on the right is weird. The first thing my dad did when the Walker recall stuff went online in a searchable database was go make sure no one used his dead father's name. It's just weird that it's so ingrained in him that he would even think to do that right away.

Check out this interview Thom Hartmann had with tea bagger leader, Judson Philips to see how absurd this whole voter fraud shit is:



Is there a way to block Hitokage's avatar and only Hitokage's avatar? If not, there should be. I wouldn't say it's NSFW, but it's not really safe for how I'd like to be perceived by people who might glance at my computer screen.

Everyone should browse with avatars off anyways, such a better gaf.

What browser? Opera has a built in content blocker that you can apply to specific images, or you could find an ad blocker/image blocker extension and just use it for that image.
Wow. From 1856 - 1988, Vermont voted Republican in every single presidential election except for the LBJ landslide of 1964. Now it consistently gives Democrats some of their biggest victory margins state by state.

#DidYouKnow #ElectoralCollegeFacts
Wow. From 1856 - 1988, Vermont voted Republican in every single presidential election except for the LBJ landslide of 1964. Now it consistently gives Democrats some of their biggest victory margins state by state.

#DidYouKnow #ElectoralCollegeFacts

thats a radical change, interesting.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Democrats say Romney’s plan would cause a $2000 tax hike on the middle class – something Romney disputes and points to a number of studies that say his plan to cut taxes will not increase the deficit, including one by Harvard professor Martin Feldstein.

Feldstein says Romney’s math will work, but he would have to eliminate the home mortgage, charitable, state and local tax deductions for incomes greater than $100,000.

When I pressed Romney on that point, he conceded that he actually hadn’t read the Feldstein report that he and Paul Ryan cite on the campaign trail.

“I haven’t seen his precise study,” he said.

They didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left them.

I can't tell if you're being completely serious or not, but that's not entirely the case. Vermont is America's most liberal state, and Democrats completely dominate the state legislature. Additionally, Vermont has the most successful third-party in the country, the Vermont Progressive Party, and it's to the left of the Democrats.


I can't tell if you're being completely serious or not, but that's not entirely the case. Vermont is America's most liberal state, and Democrats completely dominate the state legislature. Additionally, Vermont has the most successful third-party in the country, the Vermont Progressive Party, and it's to the left of the Democrats.

They also passed single payer healthcare, and they have a democratic socialist for a senator.
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