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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Hahaha, this person I'm having a twitter slap fight with is some kind of person...

Claims she had 2 disabled kids and she paid no income taxes but worked hard and got out. Refused ALL government programs and never got any government help. I said but she still paid no income taxes, and that's part of the help she got that she's trying to deny. She says she totally would have. She even paid 15% to charity at that time!

Alrighty then...


It could be that it's a hell of a thing and they want the morning news shows to be able to carry it.

I think thats the reason, most people will wake up and turn on the news so there is no better time to release something that they want in the narrative the entire day
The videos have been out for awhile, I'd imagine Mother Jones will release the Latino/Mexican comments next. I'm going to bet they don't have anything that wasn't on that youtube page a week ago
Don't know Mitt Romney like everyone here.

However, everything he does seems to dovetail with the theory repeated here from the Bain folks of him being emotionally manipulative.

I doubt he believes anything he said in those YT/MJ videos, he just knows how to milk rich people for all they are worth.

That, to me, is scarier than if he genuinely believed what he said.

Rather have someone meaningful, than a con artist.


Hahaha, this person I'm having a twitter slap fight with is some kind of person...

Claims she had 2 disabled kids and she paid no income taxes but worked hard and got out. Refused ALL government programs and never got any government help. I said but she still paid no income taxes, and that's part of the help she got that she's trying to deny. She says she totally would have. She even paid 15% to charity at that time!

Alrighty then...

No point in having this kind of argument. She denied ALL government programs that she qualified for? Then she sticks to her ridiculous principles to the point of masochism.

Generally I don't bother committing serious time to a debate unless it's clear the other person is just uninformed. When they actually have an alien value system, it just isn't worth the time. You might as well try to reason with Anton Chigurh.


Jesus Ari Fleischer is an idiot. Watching on Anderson Cooper and he's just spewing stupid crap and getting slapped around...

I'm watching this with my jaw wide open.


Of course troops don't pay taxes and get government money, Medicare recipients with no taxable income, people getting SSI Benefits, families working one or more jobs but making less then a certain threshold, non profit organizations, many church organizations, struggling small businesses, people who invested in a Roth IRA or are living off tax free life insurance loans...

There are boatloads of people who take personal responsibility for their lives who pay no taxes, and tens of millions who would switch places with Romney financially and willfully pay twice as much in taxes then Romney currently does to do so.

If the media doesn't allow republicans to lie to their face over and over again, this will be the end of Mitt.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The videos have been out for awhile, I'd imagine Mother Jones will release the Latino/Mexican comments next. I'm going to bet they don't have anything that wasn't on that youtube page a week ago
you keep saying that, but I and most of the political junkies on this forum hadn't seen them. Neither apparently had the news media. But maybe if you keep saying it until tomorrow, they will go away.

Jesus Ari Fleischer is an idiot. Watching on Anderson Cooper and he's just spewing stupid crap and getting slapped around...

I'm watching this with my jaw wide open.

He looks super weird too, like he's reading a nonexistent TelePrompTer.
Just gonna leave this here.


(At left: the Smiler from Transmetropolitan. At right: oh, you guys know who.)


Clothed, sober, cooperative

Wow I just got a chance to watch this. Holy fucking shit. The president has his group, and I have mine.

Also, like all of republican rhetoric for the last several years, it's built on this crazy ass straw man that they can't actually enumerate. That the government is an enormous free ride machine. If it was, we'd all be doing it and it old be awesome.

He should never, ever, ever, ever have criticized poor people for not paying taxes, because when that comes back to bite him, and it will, it will be a Great White bite. I pay far more taxes by percentage than Romney. And I am infinitely poorer. Or geometrically, at least.


Soon or later Republicans will have to throw Romney under the bus to save their party.

edit: I wonder if the next big news story will be about the shooting of troops by the Afghan security force?
He should never, ever, ever, ever have criticized poor people for not paying taxes, becaus when that omes back to bits him, and it will, it will be a great white bite. I pay far more taxes by percentage than Romney. Ned am infinitely poorer. Or geometrically, at least.

If I had twitter this would have been twat.

A reporter needs to straight up ask Mitt if in the last ~10 years he has ever not paid federal income taxes.
He did come out and said that he paid taxes every year. But that is pretty vague. How much? What is the lowest effective federal tax rate you've ever paid? Just release your damn tax forms.


He did come out and said that he paid taxes every year. But that is pretty vague. How much? What is the lowest effective federal tax rate you've ever paid? Just release your damn tax forms.

What I'm saying is that if he ever only made money off capital gains taxes, then he would have no paid income taxes. I'm just trying to get someone to gotcha him and let people know that in some years he was part of the 47% number he's throwing around.


Professional Schmuck
Brooks has a special penchant for sounding reasonable or sounding informed, but it doesn't take much scrutiny to prove otherwise.

Peggy Noonan is especially grating. There's nothing more politically irritating than hearing her motherly, whining, pleading voice spewing pretend rationality.

After watching Romney basically campaign for president for 6 years now, and just seem to get progressively worse at it as he goes, I really have to wonder how he managed to succeed at anything else in life.

Do you really have to wonder how he managed to succeed? When you realize why/how he did, that's when the real anger sets in.
I'm in Europe for the week for work, so I'm just waking up to this whole thing...wow. It never fails to amaze me how easy it is for Romney to live up to being a caricature of a plutocrat. Just when you think he can't possibly top himself, he does.

Two things, though:
1) There must be someone (or some people) inside his campaign trying to torpedo it intentionally, possibly with an eye to 2016. The alternative is that he's hired people who sideline in performance art, and they're trying to see how much of that they can bring into a campaign. I mean, I've seen some poorly planned campaigns, but this one is just taking things to a whole new level.

2) I have to agree with Charles Pierce about what this video is ultimately going to mean:

We are coming rapidly toward a devastating confluence of two colliding panics. The Romney campaign is panicking about itself, and the Republicans are panicking about the Romney campaign. He cannot come back from this, honestly. This is who he is. This is what he believes the world to be. Half the electorate already thinks he's a fake, which means he's not a very good one. There's really only one campaign left to him now.

Unfortunately for American politics, that means only one thing. It's going to get extraordinarily dirty extraordinarily fast. There is going to be pale birtherism and barely covert racism. The body of Ambassador Christopher Stevens is going to be exhumed and used as a bludgeon. There is going to be poor-baiting, and gay-baiting, and ladyparts-baiting, and probably baiting of things I haven't thought of yet. The polite part of the campaign is going to be Romney's effort to convince You that he was really talking about Them when he was calling people moochers and sneak thieves. He wasn't talking about Your Medicare or Your Social Security. Naw, he was talking about Their greed for what You have. That's going to be the polite part of the rest of the campaign, reinforced in the lower registers by a few million in ads to make sure You remember who They are.


Professional Schmuck
I actually subscribe to the belief that Romney subconsciously doesn't really want to be President and continues to sabotage himself despite having every advantage a challenger could ever hope to have. You know, except for charisma, sincerity, a believable overcoming of odds, extremely refined rhetorical skill, and/or a significant political killer instinct. When you have some of those, you're Bill Clinton. When you have all of them, you're Obama. When you have none of them, you're Romney, and you're fucked.
2) I have to agree with Charles Pierce about what this video is ultimately going to mean:
If Romney wants to play dirtier than he has, I wouldn't put it on Obama to rest on his laurels. The man has a machine, and it does work, unlike the clusterfuckery of Romney's disorganization.

All I can think of since Romney's Libya mistake has been how Romney would react to changing events on the world stage. From what we've seen of this man and how he's presented himself, how would he handle a 9/11? Another attack on US soil? A Katrina or devastating oil spill? Much less invasions, genocides, police actions and saber rattling abroad. He's fucking reactive, and he reacts with idiocy, and always asks for a do-over or that we look past his words and actions.

He may be a grinning posterboy of financial success but he doesn't seem to have the chops to handle adversity, even of the rabid media variety. And that takes me back to Obama 2008, who when the heat started to rise, also rose to the occasion and revealed the kind of leader he could be before we handed him the keys. Such a night and day difference, I can only imagine Romney has wanted to quit at least a few times already.
If Romney wants to play dirtier than he has, I wouldn't put it on Obama to rest on his laurels. The man has a machine, and it does work, unlike the clusterfuckery of Romney's disorganization.

All I can think of since Romney's Libya mistake has been how Romney would react to changing events on the world stage. From what we've seen of this man and how he's presented himself, how would he handle a 9/11? Another attack on US soil? A Katrina or devastating oil spill? Much less invasions, genocides, police actions and saber rattling abroad. He's fucking reactive, and he reacts with idiocy, and always asks for a do-over or that we look past his words and actions.

He may be a grinning posterboy of financial success but he doesn't seem to have the chops to handle adversity, even of the rabid media variety. And that takes me back to Obama 2008, who when the heat started to rise, also rose to the occasion and revealed the kind of leader he could be before we handed him the keys. Such a night and day difference, I can only imagine Romney has wanted to quit at least a few times already.
If Romney goes full-stupid attacking Obama on race issues or whatever I have to imagine Obama will retaliate pretty hardcore and leave Mittens' asshole in ruins.

Triple U

Of course troops don't pay taxes and get government money, Medicare recipients with no taxable income, people getting SSI Benefits, families working one or more jobs but making less then a certain threshold, non profit organizations, many church organizations, struggling small businesses, people who invested in a Roth IRA or are living off tax free life insurance loans...

There are boatloads of people who take personal responsibility for their lives who pay no taxes, and tens of millions who would switch places with Romney financially and willfully pay twice as much in taxes then Romney currently does to do so.

If the media doesn't allow republicans to lie to their face over and over again, this will be the end of Mitt.

Military pay taxes. Fedaral and whatever state your home of record is in. The income you make, deployed in places like Afganistan(and then only in areas marked combat zones) is tax free.


Sidhe / PikPok
The alternative is that he's hired people who sideline in performance art, and they're trying to see how much of that they can bring into a campaign

I have come to suspect in the past week that Romney himself might be the greatest performance artist the world has ever seen, playing the longest sketch ever known. There is just too much layering and complexity of parody for it not to be true.

Andy Kaufman will rise from his grave and applaud when all is revealed.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I have come to suspect in the past week that Romney himself might be the greatest performance artist the world has ever seen, playing the longest sketch ever known. There is just too much layering and complexity of parody for it not to be true.

Andy Kaufman will rise from his grave and applaud when all is revealed.

That is the real joke. Andy Kaufman IS Mitt Romney.


If Romney goes full-stupid attacking Obama on race issues or whatever I have to imagine Obama will retaliate pretty hardcore and leave Mittens' asshole in ruins.

I think Obama would just call it what it is, desperate smear tactics. It would be so transparent and obvious that even the American public would recognize it. If Romney is foolish enough to go that route then he will only ensure an Obama landslide.
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