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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Well yeah, a Romney advisor came out and said that this was the first time a US Ambassador was assassinated since Jimmy Carter was president. They have definitely been trying to make this like Jimmy Carter's Iran hostage crisis.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well yeah, a Romney advisor came out and said that this was the first time a US Ambassador was assassinated since Jimmy Carter was president. They have definitely been trying to make this like Jimmy Carter's Iran hostage crisis.

Kind of difficult since this is not a hostage crisis.
Would require at least some passing similarities one would think. Then again facts don't matter to republicans this election.
Watching The Cycle.

S.E. Cupp or Krystal Ball? I think I go with S.E. Love the glasses look <3

Did you watch what she was saying? She's basically agreeing with what Romney was saying, and accusing Obama of running on the victimization of his voter base. *facepalm*

S.E. is so fucking cute though. She needs to stop being so loony so I can love her unconditionally.


Romney can try to make this election resemble 1980 all he wants, but the fact is that he's no Ronald Reagan. I hate Reagan's work as president, but he was a master at being a politician. Romney's campaign is a joke.
Did you watch what she was saying? She's basically agreeing with what Romney was saying, and accusing Obama running on the victimization of his voter base. *facepalm*

S.E. is so fucking cute though.
It's ok, I'd make sure she wouldn't talk much.

Besides, she seems too smart to honestly believe that shit, she's just playing a part.


It's ok, I'd make sure she wouldn't talk much.



Romney can try to make this election resemble 1980 all he wants, but the fact is that he's no Ronald Reagan. I hate Reagan's work as president, but he was a master at being a politician. Romney's campaign is a joke.

It resembles 2004 in many ways, except Kerry was never quite this bad.


Did you watch what she was saying? She's basically agreeing with what Romney was saying, and accusing Obama of running on the victimization of his voter base. *facepalm*

S.E. is so fucking cute though. She needs to stop being so loony so I can love her unconditionally.

Oh she's totally right wing but at least she's not a shrill name-caller like a Malkin. S.E. could get it anytime lol
Well yeah, a Romney advisor came out and said that this was the first time a US Ambassador was assassinated since Jimmy Carter was president. They have definitely been trying to make this like Jimmy Carter's Iran hostage crisis.
Of course there is subtle lie in that analogy . . . . they want you to think Iran but the ambassador that was killed that year was the Afghanistan ambassador, not the Iranian ambassador.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Q: Does Mitt Romney's work at Bain Capital make you more or less likely to vote for him, or does it not make a difference?

More likely: 21
Less likely: 38
No difference: 39

Q: Do you think the Republicans are intentionally stalling efforts to jump-start the economy to insure that Barack Obama is not re-elected, or not?

They are: 47
They are not: 41
Not sure: 11

Q: Do you think the economy would be in better shape now if John McCain had been elected President in 2008, or not?

It would be in better shape: 38
It would not: 51
Not sure: 11

That's among independents. :eek:


Q: Do you think the Republicans are intentionally stalling efforts to jump-start the economy to insure that Barack Obama is not re-elected, or not?

They are: 47
They are not: 41
Not sure: 11

The 47% strikes again!




Mitt's comments about not being Latino are baffling to me. Is he saying that he'd be doing better if he weren't white? It's a disadvantage to being a wealthy white guy now?

I think he's saying he'd be doing better because Latinos would be supporting him because he'd be one as well.. It goes back to the belief republicans have that black voters are voting for Obama in such high numbers simply and only because he's black. Nothing else matters. While his comments are strange I also think they're insulting given what republicans have tried saying in the past.
That's among independents. :eek:

Holy shit.

That said, I don't think Romney's 47% comment is really going to have much of effect (unless there are polls coming in saying otherwise that I didn't see; I've been in class and lab all day) because it's really easy to convince ones self that you are not part of that group he's talking about.


That said, I don't think Romney's 47% comment is really going to have much of effect (unless there are polls coming in saying otherwise that I didn't see; I've been in class and lab all day) because it's really easy to convince ones self that you are not part of that group he's talking about.

Indeed. For instance, I doubt even a single retired senior citizen voting for Romney would consider themselves one.
That said, I don't think Romney's 47% comment is really going to have much of effect (unless there are polls coming in saying otherwise that I didn't see; I've been in class and lab all day) because it's really easy to convince ones self that you are not part of that group he's talking about.

Romney convinced himself that he is not part of it! I wonder how many millionaires at that fundraiser were part of the 47%?


I don't think Romney's 47% comment is really going to have much of effect (unless there are polls coming in saying otherwise that I didn't see;

unless they keep talking about it. Seems this comment upset a lot of independents, according to both the nature of the comments Romney made as well as the callers on CSPAN this morning.

Republican's love the comments he made, but independents? Not so sure they agree.

If the comments don't matter, why give dat Press Conference?

Also why would Drudge Headline with this vintage Obama false equivalence video from 1998?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Which question will get asked at the debates and should be of more importance the electorate:

"Why do you think 47% of Americans are lazy and don't want to help themselves?"
"Why do you think the government should be able to drone Americans without due process and are you personally involved in those decisions?"

Clearly the first is more important.

Why, those two questions form the perfect segue for Romney! "Yes, I believe 47% of Americans are worthless, shiftless moochers and it's why I believe Mr. Obama's current drone policy simply doesn't go far enough. Drone the 47%!!!"

In all seriousness, by all means, let's ask both questions at the appropriate debates. I'd love to hear the President's and Romney's answers to both questions.
Paul Ryan's going to have so much to overcome when he runs in 2016. I really can't believe they convinced him to join this trainwreck of a campaign.
Indeed. For instance, I doubt even a single retired senior citizen voting for Romney would consider themselves one.

"Yup, no good moochers. Romney's right. I did my part!"

I know several people like this. I was talking to one earlier today, actually, that person being my grandmother. Because they payed taxes while they were working, they don't count themselves as part of this "lazy no responsibility" 47%, even though they technically are now.

Dude Abides

Paul Ryan's going to have so much to overcome when he runs in 2016. I really can't believe they convinced him to join this trainwreck of a campaign.

Hopefully this ends both his presidential aspirations and his unearned reputation as a Serious Man With Serious Ideas About Difficult Problems.

Angry Fork

Which question will get asked at the debates and should be of more importance the electorate:

"Why do you think 47% of Americans are lazy and don't want to help themselves?"
"Why do you think the government should be able to drone Americans without due process and are you personally involved in those decisions?"

Clearly the first is more important.

Do you have no shame? I don't understand how you can be so transparently hypocritical without realizing it yourself or caring at all. You must know what you're thinking and saying, you're writing words down and reading them before posting on a gaming forum full of mostly leftists and centrists.

You must know how contradictory you often are and the problems of not reading statements/articles before commenting on them. I don't understand, the only explanation is trolling or some form of dementia/alzheimer's. Do you not comprehend the reality around you?

I swear on my life I'm not trying to be insulting I want to understand what you are. Are you just so committed and driven for the republican party that even if democrats propose republican ideas you reject them because they're from democrats? Do you not care about policy, debate, fact etc. and just want to cheerlead people in your tax bracket?


Do you have no shame? I don't understand how you can be so transparently hypocritical without realizing it yourself or caring at all. You must know what you're thinking and saying, you're writing words down and reading them before posting on a gaming forum full of mostly leftists and centrists.

You must know how contradictory you often are and the problems of not reading statements/articles before commenting on them. I don't understand, the only explanation is trolling or some form of dementia/alzheimer's. Do you not comprehend the reality around you?

I swear on my life I'm not trying to be insulting I want to understand what you are. Are you just so committed and driven for the republican party that even if democrats propose republican ideas you reject them because they're from democrats? Do you not care about policy, debate, fact etc. and just want to cheerlead people in your tax bracket?

He's just not an elite, smart person. Don't worry about it.


Even though this transpired long after the primary, it's still invalid to compare it to Rev. Wright because Obama still had tons of momentum on his side. Romney just went from fucked to even more fucked. Keep on diggin', man.

I don't even read Kosmo's posts anymore, it's better that way.


I think Fox News is confused about the meaning of a new ticker. They're basically just putting articles in there.


Romney can try to make this election resemble 1980 all he wants, but the fact is that he's no Ronald Reagan. I hate Reagan's work as president, but he was a master at being a politician. Romney's campaign is a joke.
The most significant difference isn't the quality of the challenger. Reagan's been mythologized to an extent. Although he's now perceived as an exceptional candidate, Reagan had many liabilities in 1980. Foremost, he was perceived as an extremist. And there was some doubt by Republicans that his candidacy would be viable. Rather, the most consequential distinction between now and 1980 is the economy. The economy in 1980 was racked by a pernicious combination of recession and elevated inflation. Romney needed the economic conditions of 1980 to win. He's desperately attempting to force the analogy, but it's incomparable on nearly every dimension.
Even though this transpired long after the primary, it's still invalid to compare it to Rev. Wright because Obama still had tons of momentum on his side. Romney just went from fucked to even more fucked. Keep on diggin', man.

I don't even read Kosmo's posts anymore, it's better that way.
Yeah. Until Kosmo proves he's capable of substantively engaging the thread, it's best to ignore him. Also, concise derision is an effective method.


Why does Ryan dress like a grandpa? His wardrobe guy must be fired. He even makes him wear pleated pants. It's like he's from another era.

He dresses in a way that would make your grandmother say "oh what a nice boy" even as he tries to put her on vouchers. It's all part of a carefully cultivated image.
Romney going at Obama for the redistribution thing already.
I don't quite know if "redistribution" is still a dirty word in America. There's quite a big difference between Obama saying he supports wealth redistribution and Romney basically saying he doesn't really care what happens to half the country.

A big difference.

Angry Fork

youtube comments on the redistribution audio are so bad, but they're directly from drudge so what else is new.

I&#65279; met Obama when he was a sophomore at Occidental College. He was definitely a Marxist socialist at the time.
This fraud has had access to the nations top secrets, and while Gates may have kept some away from him, Panetta is a whore who will tell him everything he wants to know. No respectable&#65279; prez would have kept eric holder as AG, but he is another fraud as the Jerk-off-InChief is.The fact that he has not been impeached only proves what a worthless Congress and Senate we've had. They are just as guilty for not throwing this ass-wipe out. Traitors. I hope he will be investigated and nailed eventually.
Let's just him out of office. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Let's see&#65279; your college transcripts to commie. Obama is the epitome of affirmative action. Now NBC says he is lying about Libya. VOTE ROMNEY/RYAN and let's get this country back on track.
Wow, this is gonna&#65279; wreck Obama. Bravo! Saying Obama supports capitalism has been about as honest as saying he prefers women.
I forgot to count -- how many times did he say&#65279; "I", "me" or "my"?

He's soooo impressed with himself.
"I actually believe in redistribution so that... everybody has a shot."

What utter bullshit. Redistribution is killing those who WANT a shot! Redistribution is mostly rewarding those who sit on their asses and do NOTHING to deserve a shot.

Subscribe to my channel and learn how to read stock charts. Up or down. Learn how technical analysis works. &#65279; Hey, I just want everybody to have a shot at making a little money in the markets.


Ryan's larger wardrobe problem is that at least 80% of the time it looks like he's wearing suits that are way to big for him.

It's like he's expecting to get all this extra bulk from muscle growth and buys accordingly, but it never comes. P90X why have you forsaken him?



Mitt Romney's advisers have held a string of conference calls with donors today, reassuring them on the direction of the campaign amid a week of negative press.

One call was at noon with the national finance committee, and a later one came a short while later - a much smaller call. There were no questions on the first one, but there were on the second.

On one call, Romney advisors Matt Rhoades, Beth Meyers, Spencer Zwick and Ed Gillespie attempted to quell donor concerns, according to a bundler .

The advisors did not address the video directly, but talked about the campaign plan and strategy is for the next couple of weeks. The bundler said the key takeaway was that the campaign would be getting more specific on policy. The call was the third in as many business days, an uptick in communications to Romney supporters.

"I think they are dealing with a broader set of issues, here, and this is just another kind of items, if you will, in the list," the bundler said of the video. "There are a lot of people who are getting nervous about the fact that this campaign doesn't seem to be going anywhere.... [Washingtonians and bundlers] operate with a herd mentality. I think the campaing recognizes that and is working to try and mollify, if not completly, push it back."

On the smaller version of the call, people questioned how hard the campaign is hitting back, but did not express doubts about the candidate, according to people familiar with the call.

Another bundler said the sentiment among many donors, despite nerves about where the race is headed, is that the media attention on Romney has been unfair and disproprotionate to the nature of what he has said.
Ryan's larger wardrobe problem is that at least 80% of the time it looks like he's wearing suits that are way to big for him.
That's exactly what I mean by Grandpa. His shirts and pants are way too big. His pants are also pleated. No one wears those except old people.


Obama audio surfaces

"I actually believe in redistribution...at least a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot."

Gotta love when Google starts fucking with numbers: 313 view....733 likes, 365 dislikes...
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