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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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It is interesting how Cuomo did not want to speak when he is clearly running in 2016. I doubt Gillibrand will run, Cuomo would take up all the NY campaign talent and financiers.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Reading things like this will always get my blood to boiling temperature.

The new law practically begs partisan poll watchers to challenge every such provisional ballot so as to place the burden on the registered voter to twice prove his or her voting rights. And that's the whole point of the law. Many voters will have their "reasonable impediments" refused by untrained local election officials. And for those voters who somehow pass that discretionary test, there will be the provisional challenges later in the week, challenges structured so as to deny the voter a reasonable right to be heard.

This isn't about protecting against voter fraud. This is all about taking away the vote from minorities, the poor, and the ill -- taking it away from people who have voted without incident for decades. It's not Andino's fault. She's just the poor bureaucrat left to try to explain the inexplicable: how all of this could come to pass in the United States of America 50 years after passage of the Voting Rights Act.

Thankfully, some courts are blocking the most egregious attempts from being enacted in time for November.


I don't know if he'll lose any votes on that, but the idea that he doesn't exactly remember his best marathon time is ridiculous to anyone with even a passing interest in long distance running.

Seriously, this is true. I've never managed to train up for a marathon without injuring myself, but I could rattle off times for anything else I've done.

I can't remember my exact marathon time, and I've only run one.
Wow, Melissa Harris Perry was pretty pissed this morning discussing welfare.

Of course, what do you expect from those people.
Do you have a link to the full segment? I've only seen the part where she yells and would be interested in the context.
Democrats speaking to the Iowa delegates at the DNC - possible presidential candidates:

O'Malley, Klobuchar, Warner, Gillibrand, and Schweitzer are all possible candidates. I think Gillibrand would be a good substitute for Hillary.

I think Schweitzer is a dark horse. Good speaker, appeals to moderates, and will appeal to the Iowa crowd better than the more city based candidates like O'Malley or (*yuck*) Gillibrand.

Warner seems like he'll be a major player as well. Popular businessman, governor, senator, would certainly carry Virginia, etc. I'm not a big fan but I'd certainly support him over Cuomo. Both are rich businessmen with corporate ties though.


aka andydumi
I can't remember my exact marathon time, and I've only run one.

I think the point is that if you were to speak in front of a high stakes national audience, you would want to ensure you know what you are talking about. Particularly since a real runner knows how important marathon times are in terms of personal achievement.

This goes to any topic, but this event stands out because he actually apologized for it, unlike the many other incorrect remarks by all politicians. The whole "wont be run by fact checkers" approach.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Gallup still at Obama +1 this morning. Dat bounce.


Romney has to be absolutely furious that the Eastwood speech took all attention away from what was probably his best speech yet.


Gallup still at Obama +1 this morning. Dat bounce.

Don't get too excited. Their Romney vs. Obama chart is a 7 day rolling average. Their Obama approval rating is only a 3 day rolling average and Obama had a net 4% decrease in approval today, the biggest single day drop in a long while.
ROFL! OMFG. I can't stop laughing. Has this happened before in history? Holy shit.

Chuck Todd said before the convention there would be no bounce because everyone has already made up their minds thanks to the huge amount of money already spent by both campaigns. He said it's basically Late October not Late August/Early September.
Don't get too excited. Their Romney vs. Obama chart is a 7 day rolling average. Their Obama approval rating is only a 3 day rolling average and Obama had a net 4% decrease in approval today, the biggest single day drop in a long while.

Ah ic. That's a pretty important detail.
Don't get too excited. Their Romney vs. Obama chart is a 7 day rolling average. Their Obama approval rating is only a 3 day rolling average and Obama had a net 4% decrease in approval today, the biggest single day drop in a long while.

Yeah this. At the same time, however, even Rasmussen is giving Romney a very slight bounce.

It seems on average it'll be a 2 point bump.


Yeah this. At the same time, however, even Rasmussen is giving Romney a very slight bounce.

It seems on average it'll be a 2 point bump.

Rasmussen has given Romney a 6 point bump so far (Obama was up 2 last tuesday, Romney up 4 today). I doubt Gallup's will be that high though.


I really don't understand the idea of a convention bounce.

Basically a sizable group of voters just change their minds willy-nilly?


Don't get too excited. Their Romney vs. Obama chart is a 7 day rolling average. Their Obama approval rating is only a 3 day rolling average and Obama had a net 4% decrease in approval today, the biggest single day drop in a long while.
Should be negated after the DNC.

Rasmussen has given Romney a 6 point bump so far (Obama was up 2 last tuesday, Romney up 4 today). I doubt Gallup's will be that high though.
Fuck Rasmussen.


I just noticed NBC will not be showing the Wednesday night of the convention due to the first game of the NFL season.
Don't get too excited. Their Romney vs. Obama chart is a 7 day rolling average. Their Obama approval rating is only a 3 day rolling average and Obama had a net 4% decrease in approval today, the biggest single day drop in a long while.

Right, but there has been zero movement so far since the convention. Even with a 7 day average, any bump of any significance would have started showing by now, as the numbers have been stable for the past 10 days. It has been static since the last day of the convention.

Obama keeping it classy

President Obama wants to make it clear that, in his own words, "I am a huge Clint Eastwood fan."

"He is a great actor, and an even better director," the president said in an interview with USA TODAY aboard Air Force One, on his way to campaign rallies in Iowa Saturday. "I think the last few movies that he's made have been terrific."

"One thing about being president or running for president — if you're easily offended, you should probably choose another profession." Obama said with a smile. He said there would be no effort to counter with a similar stunt at the Democratic National Convention, which opens in Charlotte Tuesday.

"I think we'll be playing this pretty straight," he said


There is absolutely no way Obama loses Michigan.
Yep, same with PA. Regardless of the voter ID laws, he's safe.

And linking back to the HRC POTUS talk, I'd absolutely love for her to make a go of it. I don't think the age thing will be a problem as she'd assuredly win the primary, there's no GOP opposition out there that could take her down at this point (as said, she's done stellar work as SOS and more popular than ever) and all that Clinton scandal stuff would be 20-years-old at that point.

My gut feeling is that she does eventually run, but obviously, we'll have to wait and see.




I bet Obama must be counting the days till the first debate. Considering that he doesn't think much of Romney, he must really want to lay into him about all the lies being thrown out in his ads.


The VP debate should be pretty interesting. It'll be a challenge for Ryan, since they're not going to discuss the economy and just stick with foreign and domestic policies.

The economy is domestic policy though.
I bet Obama must be counting the days till the first debate. Considering that he doesn't think much of Romney, he must really want to lay into him about all the lies being thrown out in his ads.


The VP debate should be pretty interesting. It'll be a challenge for Ryan, since they're not going to discuss the economy and just stick with foreign and domestic policies.

The Romney/Obama Foreign Policy debate should be GLORIOUS. OMG!

Romney:Talking Point.
Obama:*Yawn* I got Osama. Deal with it.


lol Libertarian drama lol

"I hired thirty hookers and sent them into Ron Paul's speech at the Sun Dome wearing these really skintight low-cut Gary Johnson T-shirts — they weren't hookers they were dancers, exotic dancers, pardon me. I sent them because they wouldn't let us in."

"Why wouldn't Ron Paul let you into his speech?
Because Ron would like to hand the franchise off to Rand. The Pauls are about money. They raised $47 million, and at least 5 of it was spent on the campaign. And a lot of the rest of it went into the pockets of Rand Paul family members and other hangers-on. It's a great franchise, so we're gonna try to hand the franchise to the idiot son. It's not going to work, because when this is over, I think Johnson will have greater cache."
It is only after the George W. Bush presidency that the author begins complaining about the slow-moving “Washington machine” that members of the SEALs found frustrating. That irritation mounts in 2011, when the SEALs anxiously awaited their signal to raid Abbottabad, but this account is determined to steer clear of serious politics or leave itself open to election-season manipulation. The worst it has to say about President Obama is that none of the fighters who caught bin Laden wanted to help re-elect him, and that he never followed through on a promise to invite them to the White House for a beer.

Well that sucks. C'mon Obama...

My reign as the most retweeted GAFer amongst the media continues


I really need to stop engaging with conservatives I know. I showed him the Forbes piece on how Obama has spent less than any president since Eisenhower, and he refused to acknowledge that it is true and eventually asking another liberal person in the conversation how they sleep at night knowing they support murderers. When someone devolves into that lazy abortion bullshit because they dont want to talk about the issue at hand because they want to "win" they aren't even worth engaging.


I really need to stop engaging with conservatives I know. I showed him the Forbes piece on how Obama has spent less than any president since Eisenhower, and he refused to acknowledge that it is true and eventually asking another liberal person in the conversation how they sleep at night knowing they support murderers. When someone devolves into that lazy abortion bullshit because they dont want to talk about the issue at hand because they want to "win" they aren't even worth engaging.

Technically speaking I'm pretty sure he didnt spend less. His spending went up at a slower rate. So, make sure you're getting that part right.



Obama crowd in Colorado. With this and his crowd in Iowa yesterday, I think people's initial concerns about whether or not he can still draw big crowds can be put to rest. What's the biggest crowd for a regular Romney campaign stop so far?


Junior Member
Wow, Melissa Harris Perry was pretty pissed this morning discussing welfare.

Of course, what do you expect from those people.

I really do get sick and tired of people like Romney and Donald Trump getting patted on the back for being wealthy when they were born into wealth. It's a lot easier to be successful when you have powerful connections and a trust fund.

Reminds me of when I watch the Apprentice and suddenly realize that all the judges and managers are Trump's kids.


but believes in Chael
I really need to stop engaging with conservatives I know. I showed him the Forbes piece on how Obama has spent less than any president since Eisenhower, and he refused to acknowledge that it is true and eventually asking another liberal person in the conversation how they sleep at night knowing they support murderers. When someone devolves into that lazy abortion bullshit because they dont want to talk about the issue at hand because they want to "win" they aren't even worth engaging.
President Bush allowed abortions under his watch and funded Planned Parenthood. How did your friend sleep at night for 8 years?
lol Libertarian drama lol

"I hired thirty hookers and sent them into Ron Paul's speech at the Sun Dome wearing these really skintight low-cut Gary Johnson T-shirts — they weren't hookers they were dancers, exotic dancers, pardon me. I sent them because they wouldn't let us in."

"Why wouldn't Ron Paul let you into his speech?
Because Ron would like to hand the franchise off to Rand. The Pauls are about money. They raised $47 million, and at least 5 of it was spent on the campaign. And a lot of the rest of it went into the pockets of Rand Paul family members and other hangers-on. It's a great franchise, so we're gonna try to hand the franchise to the idiot son. It's not going to work, because when this is over, I think Johnson will have greater cache."

Keep in mind that is a low end estimate as Paul accepts donations in troy ounces.

How lame of him. Unless there was some kind of security issue in doing that.
I don't see how. Anyone who published pics or names would get the press death sentence pretty much
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