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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Setec Astronomer
If I was teaching a computer science course for programming, students would be free to use whatever online resources to write their code. Because that's what you do in the real world.
And then you're either certain to run afoul of copyright or patent law. Better hope you have a patent portfolio of your own or you're fucked.
A professor for a computer science class I took in junior college said that if a student gets caught for plagiarism, they not only fail the class, but they also get kicked out of college and their plagiarism infraction would remain on their transcript forever and wouldn't be able to transfer to university.

Seemed a bit extreme. Probably was just repeating some old wives tale or something.
And you paid for that privilege.
What the hell? There HAS to be more to this story. No way in hell Obama would be dumb enough to realize how awful the optics would be.

I recall from the aftermath of the Osama raid that a lot of people said that would be impossible for security reasons (to protect the SEALs identities).


Considering what students are subjected to in regards to academic honesty, it's only fair that someone who is paid is subjected to a higher standard.

The thought that you could, with a straight face, make an argument against him using academic or journalistic honesty, when, if you were serious, you should be calling for the entirety of Fox News's staff to be fired, is laughable at best.


Setec Astronomer
Offending passage by Fareed Zakaria:

Adam Winkler, a professor of constitutional law at UCLA, documents the actual history in Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America. Guns were regulated in the U.S. from the earliest years of the Republic. Laws that banned the carrying of concealed weapons were passed in Kentucky and Louisiana in 1813. Other states soon followed: Indiana in 1820, Tennessee and Virginia in 1838, Alabama in 1839 and Ohio in 1859. Similar laws were passed in Texas, Florida and Oklahoma. As the governor of Texas (Texas!) explained in 1893, the "mission of the concealed deadly weapon is murder. To check it is the duty of every self-respecting, law-abiding man."

Corresponding passage by Jill Lepore:

As Adam Winkler, a constitutional-law scholar at U.C.L.A., demonstrates in a remarkably nuanced new book, “Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America,” firearms have been regulated in the United States from the start. Laws banning the carrying of concealed weapons were passed in Kentucky and Louisiana in 1813, and other states soon followed: Indiana (1820), Tennessee and Virginia (1838), Alabama (1839), and Ohio (1859). Similar laws were passed in Texas, Florida, and Oklahoma. As the governor of Texas explained in 1893, the “mission of the concealed deadly weapon is murder. To check it is the duty of every self-respecting, law-abiding man."

Both properly cite Adam Winkler.
And then you're either certain to run afoul of copyright or patent law. Better hope you have a patent portfolio of your own or you're fucked.
I can only speak from my own experience as a computer science student, but there isn't really any sort of assignment in college that would get you in that type of trouble. And besides, you're doing an assignment, not making a product. A lot of the assignments come down to "come up with an algorithm for x situation," and a lot of those algorithms have already been found and optimized. Design patterns have been thought up, and trying to come up with new ones all over again is a waste of time. It's all well and good for students to learn how to come up with stuff on their own, but having them write everything from scratch isn't worth that on most assignments.

And in the industry, there's a difference between a design or action or behavior and code. You can't patent the algorithm for a bubble sort, for example.

Then again, programming and journalism are not alike at all so the comparison is not really apt.


has calmed down a bit.
Yeah, that was a very serious offense. I'd get kicked out of my program for that. I don't think his career should end, but he got off too easy imo.


Reading things like this will always get my blood to boiling temperature.

Thankfully, some courts are blocking the most egregious attempts from being enacted in time for November.
The temerity of Republicans to engage in widespread suppression is remarkable. They conceal their intentions with fictive accounts of fraud. And it successfully dupes an alarming portion of the populace. Even a few posters were in here lauding Bob McDonnell and Virginia for passing a less onerous policy.
What the heck, y'all? Sure, Fareed made some mistakes, but hell, he's one of us, dang it. We can't just throw him under the bus, since he was still a force for good (generally).
That was a glaring mistake, though. I enjoyed Fareed as he discusses issues typically ignored by the broader media. But he largely expropriated an entire paragraph from another article. It may have been a genuine mistake. But it's imperative to be thorough.


If there is one thing Obama proved in 2008 is he knows how to get out the vote and register voters. I saw it on our campus last week, even though youth still makes a shitty 1-2% of the electorate if its close that could be enough
1 to 2% sounds awful low. What do you consider to be the youth vote?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I actually can't believe he said that out loud. Wow.


I wonder how much effect the draconian voter registrations being overturned will help Democrats there in this next month.
Well, none of the county supervisors were willing to go through with Rick Scott's nonsense anyway, but yeah, Democrats will benefit greatly from that.

Obama's winning with independents in Florida by 51-39. If that holds up I can't see how he loses. His approval rating is 47-50.


Good lord, how did i miss this quote.

“The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

It's one of those things that despite being absolutely true, it's hilarious when someone says it out loud, like an onion article.


What the hell? That's a real quote hahahaha


The temerity of Republicans to engage in widespread suppression is remarkable

Yep. Somehow Republicans have convinced a huge swathe of the populace that regulation and infringement upon one set of constitutionally-protected rights (voting rights) is OK whilst simultaneously decrying as unconstitutional any regulation of another set of rights (gun rights).


Good lord, how did i miss this quote.

“The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

It's one of those things that despite being absolutely true, it's hilarious when someone says it out loud, like an onion article.


Graham's just saying what everyone in political circles, even the GOP higher ups, realizes but won't admit publicly. Too bad for them the tea party is completely blind to the demographic changes.

Yep. Somehow Republicans have convinced a huge swathe of the populace that regulation and infringement upon one set of constitutionally-protected rights (voting rights) is OK whilst simultaneously decrying as unconstitutional any regulation of another set of rights (gun rights).

Voter ID laws is just more proof that the GOP charge of being against "Big Government" is a lie. They're just fine with big government a long as it suits their agenda.


Hi Poli-GAF! A friend, who happens to be of the tea party variant, is inviting a few of my friends and I to see the Obama 2016 movie. While I see myself as a psuedo- Eisenhower republican, I can smell the loony coming from the movie, and yet it has made money. What exactly am I getting myself into here?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hi Poli-GAF! A friend, who happens to be of the tea party variant, is inviting a few of my friends and I to see the Obama 2016 movie. While I see myself as a psuedo- Eisenhower republican, I can smell the loony coming from the movie, and yet it has made money. What exactly am I getting myself into here?

Watch Bill Maher's interview with the director/writer from Friday night. That should give you a good look into who made the movie and with what state of mind.


Hi Poli-GAF! A friend, who happens to be of the tea party variant, is inviting a few of my friends and I to see the Obama 2016 movie. While I see myself as a psuedo- Eisenhower republican, I can smell the loony coming from the movie, and yet it has made money. What exactly am I getting myself into here?
Watch this interview.
Yep. Somehow Republicans have convinced a huge swathe of the populace that regulation and infringement upon one set of constitutionally-protected rights (voting rights) is OK whilst simultaneously decrying as unconstitutional any regulation of another set of rights (gun rights).
Even more perverted is that, unlike voter fraud, gun violence is an actual problem.


Watch this interview.Even more perverted is that, unlike voter fraud, gun violence is an actual problem.

"Maher went so far as to attack the patriotism of the Republican party for not wanting to fix the economy because it would allow Obama to secure reelection. D’Souza charged that Democrats acted similarly under George W. Bush, and the only reason they supported the war in Iraq was because of a post-9/11 “patriotic surge.”

Holy shit, is Kosmo Dinesh D'Souza?
True facts, by the way. You can run the number yourself here: http://dqydj.net/sp-500-return-calculator/ Feel free to share with your Facebooks and Tumblrs.



"Maher went so far as to attack the patriotism of the Republican party for not wanting to fix the economy because it would allow Obama to secure reelection. D’Souza charged that Democrats acted similarly under George W. Bush, and the only reason they supported the war in Iraq was because of a post-9/11 “patriotic surge.”

Holy shit, is Kosmo Dinesh D'Souza?
You just made Kosmo's week.


I love how in that Bill Maher interview, Dinesh asserts that because the PPACA didn't receive a single republican vote, it's evident that Obama didn't court republican ideas. What?

It takes a bizarre mind to reach that conclusion, rather than say, that the repubs wanted to stonewall any achievement by the President.


I believe thats an improvement for Romney over PPP's previous poll

It's a three point bump from the previous PPP poll. That poll itself was a high-water mark for Obama in NC since April, though, so some portion of that may just be reversion to the mean. Call it two points and a bit -- too bad for him Florida shows no change whatsoever!
I love how in that Bill Maher interview, Dinesh asserts that because the PPACA didn't receive a single republican vote, it's evident that Obama didn't court republican ideas. What?

It takes a bizarre mind to reach that conclusion, rather than say, that the repubs wanted to stonewall any achievement by the President.

No, it just takes an asshole.
Obama will probably regain the lead after the DNC. PPP hasn't had either candidate lead by more than 3 points in a while - it'll be close right up until election day.


Professional Schmuck
One last note on the Eastwood thing before it gets swept under the rug: it's exactly the second that I can think of in which Romney has kinda thrown a hail mary and/or taken an unnecessary risk which indicates he thinks he needs to do so to win.

The first was Paul Ryan, the second was Clint Eastwood taking up 25% of the ONE SINGLE HOUR Romney got to officially introduce himself to the nation. There have been a bunch of other risks, of course (like not releasing his taxes) that otherwise look like mitigated bets. But these two in particular looks like he's worried.

Hey, at least we're not talking about his taxes!


One last note on the Eastwood thing before it gets swept under the rug: it's exactly the second that I can think of in which Romney has kinda thrown a hail mary and/or taken an unnecessary risk which indicates he thinks he needs to do so to win.

I don't think Romney intended it as a hail mary because Eastwood was supposed to have a script only to throw it out (and grab a chair) a couple minutes before going out. I think Romney expected Eastwood to sound like he did in that auto commercial; a rugged old man everyone loves being optimistic about the country (or in this case, about Romney). At least that's what I expected when I heard he'd speak there.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Computer Science is taught is so many wrong ways in many colleges.

If I was teaching a computer science course for programming, students would be free to use whatever online resources to write their code. Because that's what you do in the real world.

The guy was a decent professor, but I only took one class ever with him. I'll always remember his distinction between research and plagiarism.

"Plagiarism is when you steal from one source. Research is when you steal from multiple sources."
One last note on the Eastwood thing before it gets swept under the rug: it's exactly the second that I can think of in which Romney has kinda thrown a hail mary and/or taken an unnecessary risk which indicates he thinks he needs to do so to win.

The first was Paul Ryan, the second was Clint Eastwood taking up 25% of the ONE SINGLE HOUR Romney got to officially introduce himself to the nation. There have been a bunch of other risks, of course (like not releasing his taxes) that otherwise look like mitigated bets. But these two in particular looks like he's worried.

Hey, at least we're not talking about his taxes!

One liberal blog put it best (paraphrasing):

Romney's campaign put Eastwood out there to make a parody of Obama and instead ended up making it a parody of a typical Romney voter


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
D'Souza actually went ahead and made a stupid movie about his retarded right wing beliefs. He wins by default.
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