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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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So basically Obama needs to have his own Lewinsky.
I doubt he'd do that, but even if he did, he paid attention to the 90's.
He'd just have to admit he did have an affair under oath, and it would hurt his reputation but would not make him impeachable.

You are uber paranoid for even thinking that through. Troll post?

Huh? Scandal doesn't mean=sex with a white woman. Stop stereotyping black men

I mean any type of major scandal. No modern administration has gotten through two terms without a scandal of some type, hence the potential. Plus a terrorist attack could change everything, or a war. What if the economy is doing swell in 2014, Obama is riding high...and Israel attacks Iran?


I mean any type of major scandal. No modern administration has gotten through two terms without a scandal of some type, hence the potential.

But what about Solyndra, GSA spending, Fast & Furious and all the other bullshit they've tried to pin on him? lol
Huh? Scandal doesn't mean=sex with a white woman. Stop stereotyping black men

I mean any type of major scandal. No modern administration has gotten through two terms without a scandal of some type, hence the potential. Plus a terrorist attack could change everything, or a war. What if the economy is doing swell in 2014, Obama is riding high...and Israel attacks Iran?
Well, the last time there was a major terrorist attack on a president's watch his approval went up to 90%.

I'm not convinced that a major war or terrorist attack would sink Obama. If he handles it well (and has he bungled ANY foreign affairs since he took office?) he'd probably get a boon from it, if anything.


Heh, so Verge ran a piece about some nonsense conspiracy theory regarding Obama's AMA. One thing stood out to me:
(Disclosure: until March, Lee was a contributing editor for The Verge's sister site SB Nation, a coincidence we discovered in the course of reporting.)

SB Nation, of course, is founded by the guy who started DailyKos. So I looked it up and sure enough, his company (Vox Media) owns The Verge. I had no idea


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wow, Melissa Harris Perry was pretty pissed this morning discussing welfare.

Of course, what do you expect from those people.


Setec Astronomer
So I haven't kept my disdain for Ryan private on my Facebook. Some conservative friends of mine are now on the "fact checkers are all liberally biased!" band wagon.

I truly don't understand this entire line of thinking and I fear for where our country is going if so many people will just follow the narrative, lock step, without question.
Think of it as a political cult. All of the same features as a religious cult but to a different end.

They've been led to close themselves to outside sources of information according to the thought stopping phrase "it's biased".


Wow, Melissa Harris Perry was pretty pissed this morning discussing welfare.

Of course, what do you expect from those people.

Yeah, I mentioned that this morning. Pretty surprising since she's usually very calm and almost soft-spoken. I can't really blame her though. That's got to be a tough issue depending on where you grow up. If you grow up surrounded by the terrible effects of poverty and seeing people struggle and go mad from it, it's got to be insulting to see people talk about it like they know what it's like.
Are we talking about marathongate yet? lol

On the surface this may seem trivial, but this is absolutely terrible for his brand since it comes right off the heels of his lie-infested convention speech.

What's worse is that this is a completely unforced error. Nor can this be blamed on the Romney campaign for supposedly forcing Ryan to tell lies to stay on message. This is just Ryan choosing to casually lie to puff himself up. I mean he didn't just make a little exaggeration, he basically almost halfed his marathon time and practically turned himself into Olympian.

This explains why he had no problem delivering the speech on Wednesday with all those inaccuracies. Add this along with him claiming not to ask for Stimulus money, in just one week he's come across as yet just another slimy slick politician. Hardly the "most serious" guy in Washington. If his latest marathon fabrication gets much media play, then "Lyin Ryan" might actually stick among independents.

I wonder how good a Paul Ryan impression Tina Faye can do...


Runners take their times very seriously. He actually lost (a small amount) of votes over that.
I don't know if he'll lose any votes on that, but the idea that he doesn't exactly remember his best marathon time is ridiculous to anyone with even a passing interest in long distance running.


Professional Schmuck
Pretty interesting that Bush, Obama, and McCain chose vice presidents who apparently had no impact on future races. Cheney wasn't interested, Biden will likely be too old, and Palin is Palin. Ryan breaks that cycle and will be the next nominee if Romney loses...well unless Romney loses due to Ryan's budget

Ryan won't have any impact on future races. This one will destroy any upward political mobility for him for at least a generation. He might have a nice long career in the house if he can get his constant lying under control.
Ryan won't have any impact on future races. This one will destroy any upward political mobility for him for at least a generation. He might have a nice long career in the house if he can get his constant lying under control.

If conservatives simply blame Romney for the loss, he'll have a future. However if there's clear evidence the Ryan plan lost the election and many house seats, I think Ryan will be finished on a national scale. He can probably stay in congress as long as he wants, or maybe take Tommy Thompson's senate seat in a few years after he retires.

The GOP bench is too deep for them to be forced to bet the farm on Ryan again.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Hey poligaf, looks like you could use some uplifting data!





Paul Ryan says he misstated marathon claim
By NBC News wire services

Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan says he didn't run a marathon in less than three hours as he claimed in a nationally broadcast interview.

The candidate acknowledged Saturday he had misstated his marathon time by more than an hour.

He released a statement correcting the record after Runner's World magazine found evidence he had completed one marathon and finished in just over four hours.

Ryan told radio host Hugh Hewitt last month he had run a "two hour and fifty-something" marathon. That's a pace of less than 7 minutes per mile for the 26.2 mile course - extremely fast for recreational runners.

A marathon time of 4 hours and one minute is equivalent to a pace of 9:12 per mile. A marathon time of 3 hours is a pace of 6:52 per mile.

Ryan said he should have rounded his marathon time to four hours, not three.

Runner's World said a Ryan spokesman on Friday night forwarded a statement from the candidate about his marathon experience:

"The race was more than 20 years ago, but my brother Tobin—who ran Boston last year—reminds me that he is the owner of the fastest marathon in the family and has never himself ran a sub-three. If I were to do any rounding, it would certainly be to four hours, not three. He gave me a good ribbing over this at dinner tonight."
Wow, I'm so glad Ryan admits when he says something factually inaccurate!!!!


Biden is campaigning in Wisconsin today. First time I believe anyone on the ticket has done a rally there. I guess the Obama team is admitting it is indeed a swing state.


Wait... my time was 4 hours and 1 minute, i should have rounded to 4 hours, not 3?

And again, this is your numbers guy? ... i'll repeat, he's a dipshit


Setec Astronomer
Snuusnuu was on NPR's On The Media this morning trying to shout down the host about fact checking the GOP's welfare ads. Then after a while she goes "well this is what happens when everyone's entitled to their own facts" and he blows up. LOL


Runners take their times very seriously. He actually lost (a small amount) of votes over that.

So, I'm obviously not a fan of Ryan and would never have considered voting for the ticket under any circumstances, but the marathon thing is completely fucked up and gets me even angrier than than any of the shit he was feeding people during the convention. Self-aggrandizing so casually and so substantially is really, really disgusting, especially when done so to make yourself trying to look better than so many people who work so god damn hard for that.

Seriously, public finance and running are like my two favorite things in the world, and Ryan couldn't satisfy himself with making a mockery of just one. If he gives a speech trashing on the Atlanta Braves at this point, I'm signing over my retirement account to Priorities USA.


Biden is campaigning in Wisconsin today. First time I believe anyone on the ticket has done a rally there. I guess the Obama team is admitting it is indeed a swing state.

If Obama stops in more than once then it will be a swing state, Biden showing up is probably just insurance to combat the fact Ryan is from there.

Not to mention the President was in Iowa yesterday so its not like Wisconsin is all that far from us (about 3hrs)


Apropos to the recent conjecture about Hillary's future, she began a tour of Asia Friday at the obscure Pacific Island Forum. She's the first Secretary of State to attend the conference. Many were surprised at her participation in a minor regional forum; the conference is widely perceived as inconsequential. But it's important because it encapsulates a major facet of the Obama Administration's strategy in Asia-Pacific. After nearly a decade of neglect, American policy has concentrated on bolstering relations through Asian multilateral institutions. Asian institutions are the preferred medium over bilateral relations as they've developed a doctrine of non-interference; no wonder the Bush Administration ignored them. Further, they provide the U.S. an opportunity to influence regional norms. In addition to this conference, the Administration signed the treaty of Amity and Cooperation with the ASEAN thereby joining the East Asia Summit and appointing the first resident ambassador to the ASEAN Regional Forum. The import of the ballyhooed pivot has been slightly exaggerated, but this is an instance of stark distinction with the past.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Snuusnuu was on NPR's On The Media this morning trying to shout down the host about fact checking the GOP's welfare ads. Then after a while she goes "well this is what happens when everyone's entitled to their own facts" and he blows up. LOL

i dunno why this guy is still a surrogate, he's pretty terrible.
Think of it as a political cult. All of the same features as a religious cult but to a different end.

They've been led to close themselves to outside sources of information according to the thought stopping phrase "it's biased".

I've actually thought about that. A number of my friends think that there's a correlation between religious ideology and what we're seeing now. I tend to agree with them. Facts don't matter if you have "faith".
Democrats speaking to the Iowa delegates at the DNC - possible presidential candidates:

Monday, September 3 — Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa;

Tuesday, September 4 — Iowa Senator Tom Harkin and Iowa Congressman Bruce Braley;

Wednesday, September 5 — Governor Martin O’Malley of Maryland, Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, and Senator Mark Warner of Virginia;

Thursday, September 6 — Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer and the Honorable Tom Vilsack.
O'Malley, Klobuchar, Warner, Gillibrand, and Schweitzer are all possible candidates. I think Gillibrand would be a good substitute for Hillary.
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