September 21, 2012
Washington, D.C. U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) today released the following statement on Libya:
With the U.S. Senate prepared to vote in just hours on an amendment to cut off all foreign assistance to Libya, every member of Congress, and all Americans, should know what happened today in Benghazi.
Recent reports estimate that as many as 30,000 Libyans took to the streets in Benghazi, the city where Ambassador Chris Stevens and three of his colleagues were tragically murdered ten days ago. These Libyan demonstrators marched peacefully to the gates of the compound of Ansar al-Shariah, the militia allegedly responsible for the attack that killed Ambassador Stevens and his colleagues. The demonstrators conducted themselves peacefully. They carried signs, according to media reports, that read, The Ambassador was Libyas friend; No, no to militias; and Where is the army, where is the police? And when these brave Libyans arrived at the gates of the compound, they told this militia that they and their violent extremist agenda are not welcome in the new Libya.
Somewhere, Chris Stevens is smiling. This is the real Libya the Libya he knew so well, the Libya he wanted America to support and remain engaged with, the Libya for which he ultimately gave his life. These brave people in Libya are friends of America. They want our help and need our help. And we must continue to provide it to them, which is exactly what Chris Stevens would have wanted. If the Senate were to cut off all U.S. assistance to Libya now, as Senator Rand Pauls amendment would have us do, it would abandon our friends to our terrorist enemies, destroy Americas moral standing in the world, and do egregious harm to our national interests.