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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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If Romney keeps bombing his supporters might stay home in many states. That won't really matter in Texas or Alabama, but it could lead to Obama taking Arizona. It would be super hard to pull off, but from what I've read about the Arizona/Hispanic voter registration makes me believe it's a possibility.

I wonder how many Hispanics will be arrested on election day though lol, for no reason


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Was Chris Wallace's father, Mike Wallace, also a conservative?

In 1967, Wallace anchored the documentary CBS Reports: The Homosexuals. Wallace had said in 1967, "The average homosexual, if there be such, is promiscuous," Wallace said in the piece. "He is not interested or capable of a lasting relationship like that of a heterosexual marriage. His sex life, his love life, consists of a series of one-chance encounters at the clubs and bars he inhabits. And even on the streets of the city—the pick-up, the one night stand, these are characteristics of the homosexual relationship."

In 1981, Wallace was forced to apologize for a racial slur he had made about blacks and Hispanics. During a break while preparing a 60 Minutes report on a bank that had been accused of duping low-income Californians, Wallace was caught on tape joking that "You bet your ass [the contracts are] hard to read" if you're reading them over watermelon or tacos.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I know you know this but I feel like making sure it gets said so other people don't make the same shallow argument presented here: Warrent Buffet claim is that the rules are rigged against regular folks, that he doesn't think it's right that tax laws favor people like him over his secratary. His argument is not, I have so much money, if only there was a way I could give it to the government.

I like to use a video game analogy. Warrent Buffet is playing Halo and in the current patch the shotty is OP. He's winning the game 49-5 since he has the shotty. Sure, he is personally winning but no one is having fun, him since the game is too easy and everyone else because they keep getting shottgunned to the face. He is asking for developers to nerf the shotty to balance the game and make it fun for everyone.

Of course you already know this since it's been pointed out dozens of times. I'm just pointing this out for lurkers who read your posts and fall for your shallow arguments.

Oh dear. This proves to be a problem for me since I've argued somewhat opposite things on the gaming side before.

Ex. Usually some buttface will whine about how the cape in Super Mario World is too overpowered and game breaking because it allows you to skip through the levels. This would always piss me off because nobody was forcing you to do that, and if you did, you'd be missing much of the point of playing a Mario game to begin with!

So in a rather amusing bit of irony, I think I may be on Kosmo's side on this!



Romney trying to stop the bleeding on releasing his tax returns. Good on him. Blatant, but good move.

That bleeding is related to the 2009 tax returns, not 2011. People want to see the older ones he didn't think about massaging for public viewing, not the newer ones where he purposely paid more tax to avoid criticism.


Oh dear. This proves to be a problem for me since I've argued somewhat opposite things on the gaming side before.

Ex. Usually some buttface will whine about how the cape in Super Mario World is too overpowered and game breaking because it allows you to skip through the levels. This would always piss me off because nobody was forcing you to do that, and if you did, you'd be missing much of the point of playing a Mario game to begin with!

So in a rather amusing bit of irony, I think I may be on Kosmo's side on this!


Your argument really only works in a single player game. I don't think you could ever argue "just don't use that overpowered weapon" in a multiplayer game. That'd be pretty bullshit. That needs to be balanced out.


Ryan gets booed by the AARP over anti-Obamacare rhetoric

What a smug little twit. Nobody is buying what you're selling, Ryan. Shut the fuck up.

I can't stand his voice. Cannot. fucking. stand. his. voice.

The most blatant and easily disproven lie of all is when Ryan said that Obama has never budged an inch to work with Republicans. Obama was bending over backwards to try to get even a single Republican to vote for anything the past 4 years and they simply refused. Luckily the AARP could smell the Ryan bullshit.

Man, if this ends up being representative of the elderly vote...

Nah. The AARP is a rather high-information group of elderly people. The organization does a good job of giving them information on issues that impact them - they know who who wants to take their benefits and who doesn't. Considering this, and the fact that the AARP endorsed Obamacare years ago, it makes sense.

Obama is still losing the elderly vote. The good news is that he's lowering Romney's margin among them


Obsidian fan
The most blatant and easily disproven lie of all is when Ryan said that Obama has never budged an inch to work with Republicans. Obama was bending over backwards to try to get even a single Republican to vote for anything the past 4 years and they simply refused. Luckily the AARP could smell the Ryan bullshit.


Love this. Bennett is the best political cartoonist there is <3


Nah. The AARP is a rather high-information group of elderly people. The organization does a good job of giving them information on issues that impact them - they know who who wants to take their benefits and who doesn't. Considering this, and the fact that the AARP endorsed Obamacare years ago, it makes sense.

Obama is still losing the elderly vote. The good news is that he's lowering Romney's margin among them

Why is Obama losing the elderly vote when his policies are more senior-friendly than Romney's?


That bleeding is related to the 2009 tax returns, not 2011. People want to see the older ones he didn't think about massaging for public viewing, not the newer ones where he purposely paid more tax to avoid criticism.

Since Romney was willing to overpay this year's tax returns, is it possible that the reason for the delay in releasing the summary of old returns is that he was amending them to make them look less embarrassing?

Did Romney artificially inflate his tax rate using the same strategy in other returns? That’s the biggest question raised by the disclosure of his move to take fewer deductions in 2011. The Romney campaign did not immediately respond to questions over whether Romney amended any of his previous returns.


Let us compare two pictures of Obama and Romney and you should see the difference

It's not a race thing. Well, mostly anyway. The current Democratic president could be white and Republicans on Fox and on the radio will be demonizing him in largely the same extreme way, scaring old people. People underestimate right wing propaganda.


Since Romney was willing to overpay this year's tax returns, is it possible that the reason for the delay in releasing the summary of old returns is that he was amending them to make them look less embarrassing?

And then there's this:

The Romney campaign also released new info on how much he paid from the years 1990-2009, claiming: &#8220;Over the entire 20-year period, the average annual effective federal tax rate was 20.20%.&#8221;

That 20 percent figure sounds a lot better than 13 or 14 percent, right? Well, here&#8217;s the problem: It all turns on how that 20 percent figure was calculated.

Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, tells me there are two ways to calculate it. First, the campaign could simply have averaged the rates against each other &#8212; treating the rates themselves as a collection of individual numbers &#8212; to calculate the overall average rate.

The second way to calculate it would be to add up all the income Romney earned over the 20 years, add up the total amount he paid in taxes during that period, and calculate the overall average rate paid that way.

The Romney campaign confirmed to me just now that the 20 percent figure was calculated the former way &#8212; it represents an average of the rates themselves.

So it's an average of his tax rates, irrespective of the base of income it's on. In other words, a straight average, rather than a weighted average. The question is, what is the tax rate Romney paid on his income over that 20-year period. The tax rate he released does NOT answer that question. It masks the answer - probably deliberately.

This is the kind of bullshit someone in junior high might pull to fudge some numbers. I work in finance, and that was the first thing I thought of when he released the "average" tax rate. It's a transparent lie.


Setec Astronomer
It's not a race thing. Well, mostly anyway. The current Democratic president could be white and Republicans on Fox and on the radio will be demonizing him in largely the same extreme way, scaring old people. People underestimate right wing propaganda.
See also: Bill Clinton.

Well, they tried their best anyway.


And then there's this:

So it's an average of his tax rates, irrespective of the base of income it's on. In other words, a straight average, rather than a weighted average. The question is, what is the tax rate Romney paid on his income over that 20-year period. The tax rate he released does NOT answer that question. It masks the answer - probably deliberately.

This is the kind of bullshit someone in junior high might pull to fudge some numbers. I work in finance, and that was the first thing I thought of when he released the "average" tax rate. It's a transparent lie.

20 years ago he probably had an actual salary so he paid a higher tax rate on a lower income. Then his capital gains became his main income and his tax rate plummeted as his net worth skyrocketed. The 20% average isn't weighted because weighting would make his more recent years count for way more since his capital gains income keeps growing.


20 years ago he probably had an actual salary so he paid more tax. Then his capital gains became his main income and his tax rate plummeted as his net worth skyrocketed. The 20% average isn't weighted because weighting would make his more recent years count for way more since his capital gains income keeps growing.

homosexual thing, given the date, could be borne of genuine ignorance but the racist thing is naked hatred.

Not only that but it is not like they had much option. Many homosexuals probably did not want a regular relationship at that time since that could be discovered and get them in trouble. And the marriage? Not even in their wildest dreams.

So such behavior was actually in-part due to the people that discriminated against them.


NBC just hit home that his taxes should have been under 10 percent and played the clip of Romney saying he wouldn't be qualified if he paid more than he owes


NBC just hit home that his taxes should have been under 10 percent and played the clip of Romney saying he wouldn't be qualified if he paid more than he owes

I was wondering if the media was going to give him a pass on that one.

Can someone explain to me the whole thing about qualifying if he paid more?

Romney deferred some of his deductions, which would have reduced his tax burden this year, to next year. That way his tax rate this year is higher, and next year's lower. He manipulated the deduction timing so that his tax rate in 2011 was above the level he said it was. Doing this was the reason he delayed releasing the taxes for six months - he was amending them retroactively so they lined up with his promise that he didn't pay less than a certain rate in prior years.


NBC just hit home that his taxes should have been under 10 percent and played the clip of Romney saying he wouldn't be qualified if he paid more than he owes

He really just keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Every sound bite he has made shows him to be a hypocrite, if we take him at his own words he should have held every position known to man and deems himself unqualified to be president by his own words. Wait... maybe he is a quantum robot from the future set to troll all the conservatives in this era to vote for him?


Can someone explain to me the whole thing about qualifying if he paid more?

When people were hammering him on his low tax rate and his offshore accounts his excuse was that he pays all taxes legally required and that he didn't think someone who pays more than legally required should be qualified to be president. Well, with this year's taxes he clearly paid more than legally required (in order to keep it above his 13% "promose," and thus according to his own words he isn't qualified to be president.


Romney: My campaign doesn't need a turnaround
Scott Pelley: You are slipping in the polls at this moment. A lot of Republicans are concerned about this campaign. You bill yourself as a turnaround artist. How are you going to turn this campaign around?

Mitt Romney: Well, actually, we're tied in the polls. We're all within the margin of error. We bounce aroun -- week to week-- day to day. There are some days we're up. There are some days we're down. We go forward with my message, that this is a time to reinvigorate the American economy, not by expanding government and raising taxes on people, but instead by making sure government encourages entrepreneurship and innovation and gets the private sector hiring again.

Scott Pelley: Governor, I appreciate your message very much. But that wasn't precisely the question. You're the CEO of this campaign. A lot of Republicans would like to know, a lot of your donors would like to know, how do you turn this thing around? You've got a little more than six weeks. What do you do?

Mitt Romney: Well, it doesn't need a turnaround. We've got a campaign which is tied with an incumbent president to the United States.

Scott Pelley: Well-- as you know, a lot of people were concerned about the video of the fundraiser in which you talked about the 47 percent of the American people who don't pay taxes. Peggy Noonan, a very well-known conservative columnist, said that it was an example of this campaign being incompetent. And I wonder if any of that criticism gets through to you and whether you're concerned about it at all, whether--

Mitt Romney: Well, that's not--

Scott Pelley: --the concerns of Republicans--

Mitt Romney: That's not...that's not the campaign. That was me, right? I-- that's not a campaign.

Scott Pelley: You are the campaign--

Mitt Romney: I've got a very effective campaign. It's doing a very good job. But not everything I say is elegant. And I want to make it very clear, I want to help 100 percent of the American people.
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