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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Cutting NASA is being penny wise but pound foolish.

With a better economy you'd have more revenue and therefore more to allocate to NASA. Everyone gets mad when their favorite government program gets cut, but there's a reason the economy is the number one concern. Obama is damn near the closest thing we'll ever get to a technocratic president and I love it.


Setec Astronomer
With a better economy you'd have more revenue and therefore more to allocate to NASA. Everyone gets mad when their favorite government program gets cut, but there's a reason the economy is the number one concern. Obama is damn near the closest thing we'll ever get to a technocratic president and I love it.
If the economy is such a concern why are you for eliminating research jobs just to save 0.5% of the budget?

Penny wise.
Pound foolish.

Cake Boss

Not fucking NASA and if he cant show some balls for NASA considering how small it is thats pathetic. How about cut $70k commericals which and mollify Pakistsn...to great effect.

Lol 70k to billions of dollars in spending in NASA. hmmmm which one ahould I choose here, this is really hard. One has more zeros than the other.


If the economy is such a concern why are you for eliminating research jobs just to save 0.5% of the budget?

Penny wise.
Pound foolish.

We don't know what that 0.5% is being spent on instead or what good it has done. That's where trust comes in. I trust that Obama did not make that decision without having a good practical reason for it. Evidently you disagree. Considering that he was in academia himself, I don't envision Obama taking this sort of thing lightly.
If the economy is such a concern why are you for eliminating research jobs just to save 0.5% of the budget?

Penny wise.
Pound foolish.

Agree. NASA is an easy target because people are all like "lol moon rocks, what good is that."

The world's economy would be vastly different if not for NASA. So many every day things we use came from them exploring space.

I'd rather cut the military by an equal amount. Or many other things.

We don't know what that 0.5% is being spent on instead or what good it has done. That's where trust comes in. I trust that Obama did not make that decision without having a good practical reason for it. Evidently you disagree. Considering that he was in academia himself, I don't envision Obama taking this sort of thing lightly.

He's probably just being practical. It's a cut without opposition and thus is can make it through. Sad, really.


Setec Astronomer
We don't know what that 0.5% is being spent on instead or what good it has done. That's where trust comes in. I trust that Obama did not make that decision without having a good practical reason for it. Evidently you disagree.
Actually, that 0.5% represents the entire NASA budget. Last I checked it was actually 0.4% but since I'm uncertain about what it is now I'm just rounding it up to 0.5%.

That's the reality of NASA funding, and not even all of it is devoted to space exploration. You can check the specific outlay categories in publicly available budget documents. Going after them for extra cash is like Mitt Romney going after people under the poverty line for tax revenue.

Also, trusting elected officials is unhealthy. As a citizen it's your job to keep them on their toes.


Who ever came up with the idea that Lying Ryan is an intellectual needs his eyes and brains taken out
The beltway pundits are responsible for propagating that particular myth, for Ryan shares their shallow intellect. His vacuity was readily apparent when he released his budget, yet the beltway lapped it up despite its myriad flaws. That was not the product of a wonk. It was the work of a deceptive, feeble mind unqualified for his assignment. And now his act is being exposed to the world.
I think Huntsman is almost worse because he pretended to be reasonable and serious, acting like the adult in the room, yet was one of the first candidates to enthusiastically back the Paul Ryan budget, and from what I remember he even flip flopped on climate change when it suited him.

Bleh. He was probably the best, but they all sucked.
He was the best. He supported civil unions, and he had a better comprehension of foreign policy. But being the best of a pitiful field is no accomplishment. He embraced the conservative economic orthodoxy. And that should reflexively disqualify him for anyone grounded in reality.
Scoop Jackson was probably dead before you ever cast a vote.
True. But it's an attempt to affirm the foreign policy of George W. Bush without the stigma.

posted? (I was out all day, catching up to news now)



Setec Astronomer
Agree. NASA is an easy target because people are all like "lol moon rocks, what good is that."

The world's economy would be vastly different if not for NASA. So many every day things we use came from them exploring space.

I'd rather cut the military by an equal amount. Or many other things.
Even without going anywhere the study of space is what jumpstarted the scientific revolution in the first place, and astronomy continues to be a field of research where all aspects of physical science are important, from quantum to chemistry to relativity, even biology.
True. But it's an attempt to affirm the foreign policy of George W. Bush without the stigma.
Many of his aides and disciples (a few never changed party out of respect to him) wound up there. I have no problem owning up to that or being embarassed by it. Truthfully I had known about him at the time and his record was still contrastable with Bush in certain key areas that were important to me.


Wake the fuck up America.

Its almost 12pm here in India and I have nothing new to read or discuss. BORING
It's Sunday, dude. Every good American is in bed so they can grumble about waking up early for church and then rush home for football.
Many of his aides and disciples (a few never changed party out of respect to him) wound up there. I have no problem owning up to that or being embarassed by it. Truthfully I had known about him at the time and his record was still contrastable with Bush in certain key areas that were important to me.
Hm, yes. Bush's team was even more belligerent, ideological, and reckless. And that's positively terrifying especially considering vestiges of their execrable group remain influential in Washington.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Oh, shit! Sorry about that guys. I have images disabled and I accidentally posted the wrong image. :lol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
edit: okay I don't wanna get banned, so fun's over. If any of you care enough to get that last pic, feel free to pm me.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'll laugh if after all his political-thread trolling in the OT, Oblivion gets banned for hot womenz.

How ironic. To be punished for expressing the same freedom that we're trying to bestow in the Middle East.
Just gonna drop this here:
The internet responds:

Until Republicans Fix This Problem, They Can't Fix Any Problems: The inability to judge arguments on their merits and separate fact from fantasy is what ails the conservative movement.


The civil war the right needs is one waged against the hucksters, whether they're in the marketplace of ideas or the marketplace itself. Victory would mean establishing norms that would've made Roger Ailes too ashamed to air all those months of Glenn Beck; that would've made the Claremont Institute mortified to give Rush Limbaugh a statesmanship award; that would've made Matthew Continetti cringe at the idea of a modeling a conservative publication on what he disdains about liberal publications; norms that would've caused Erick Erickson to apologize for his absurd parade of indefensible statements before it complicated his successful effort to start a CNN gig; and that would make Mitt Romney embarrassed to stand in front of donors uttering untruths.

The right needs to value robust argument more highly. And to denigrate those who subvert it more forcefully. For public discourse is all it has to test ideas and formulate an evolving agenda.

If Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager reflect on why they conduct themselves with more integrity than Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, even though they needn't do so to succeed in talk radio; if the most intellectually honest scholars at the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation think about why they hold themselves to a higher standard than the most hackish of their colleagues; if all the people who know better reflect on the reasons for their own behavior, they'd perhaps better appreciate why it is vital to stop staying silent when prominent co-ideologues fall short of the most minimal standards.

(full article)


Until Republicans Fix This Problem, They Can't Fix Any Problems: The inability to judge arguments on their merits and separate fact from fantasy is what ails the conservative movement.
But the party's problems with policy aren't driven by a problem with empiricism. Its problem with empiricism is a necessary part of supporting policies that a majority won't vote for without a great deal of fact-free propaganda. The GOP isn't skeptical of climate change because it's bad at empiricism; it's bad at empiricism because it's skeptical of climate change.

I'm not sure what the modern conservative movement plus robust rational argument would look like. Obama, maybe minus gay marriage and legal abortion?

Edit: this is diagnosing the symptom rather than the cause. The problem is not that conservative talking heads and think tanks and magazines just happen to be really hackish, and, if only the more reasonable people working in these areas would call the less reasonable out on their unreasonableness, things could get back on track. That's ridiculous. If one of the more reasonable people at National Review makes a habit of calling out the bigger names who write there in the terms they deserve, that reasonable person is very quickly going to be out a job. Conservative think tanks are not paid to come up with solutions to various problems; they're paid to justify the solution their backers already have in mind. Nobody in conservative media will go toe to toe with Limbaugh because their ratings would tank. And so on.


I love that. Although it looks like just an opening salvo in a longer battle.

In the tweet box of that link, I noticed that Mitt Romney took Saturday off. No public events scheduled and only 6 weeks away. #doesntreallywantit
I love that. Although it looks like just an opening salvo in a longer battle.

In the tweet box of that link, I noticed that Mitt Romney took Saturday off. No public events scheduled and only 6 weeks away. #doesntreallywantit

It's odd. I think he really wants it more than anything, which is why that doesn't make sense. Unless the campaign trail has battered him so much that he's mentally fatigued? I don't know, but he better show up in these debates if he doesn't want this to become a blowout.
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