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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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It's odd. I think he really wants it more than anything, which is why that doesn't make sense. Unless the campaign trail has battered him so much that he's mentally fatigued? I don't know, but he better show up in these debates if he doesn't want this to become a blowout.

Chicken George will return as Chicken Mitt.


Unconfirmed Member
Agree. NASA is an easy target because people are all like "lol moon rocks, what good is that."

I think the general public loves space exploration, but is simply oblivious that the budget is already small or potentially in danger.

Thousands of people all across California watched the shuttle flyby this week with great excitement. It flooded my Facebook feed and in person discussions. The mars rover landing was a sensation as well.



See I find that surprising
The survey showed the president again has a chance of winning an electoral vote in the Omaha-based 2nd Congressional District, with the district split at 44 percent each for Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

The poll was conducted Sept. 17-20 by Wiese Research Associates of Omaha. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
One of the few polls we get here in Nebraska show that the president is tied. I know that the changed the district a little but there has been significant bitching by Republicans that they didn't cut Douglas county in half during the redistricting. They didn't affect the district as much as Nate is talking about. While I think that our Second district will go Romney I think Nate is greatly over exaggerating Romney's chances.

EDIT: I should also point out that Kerry is going to get hammered :(

The margin was even worse for Kerrey when the poll was narrowed to likely voters, with the former governor and two-term senator trailing Republican State Sen. Deb Fischer by 16 percentage points — 56 percent to 40 percent.


I love that. Although it looks like just an opening salvo in a longer battle.

In the tweet box of that link, I noticed that Mitt Romney took Saturday off. No public events scheduled and only 6 weeks away. #doesntreallywantit
The more Mitt campaigns, the worse, if ever so nominally, he performs. He should maintain appearances to avoid speculation from the media. But keep them short, sweet, and simple. Then, he must pour himself into debate preparation. Actually, it doesn't matter; his defeat's ineluctable.



Romney gotta Romney

"When you have a fire in an aircraft, there’s no place to go, exactly, there’s no — and you can’t find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem. So it’s very dangerous."

Fucking air pressure, how does it work?

*edit*, okay made this in about 2 seconds, would have been better with real Photoshop. Made an attempt at putting the ICP guy's makeup on Romney but it looked like crap.


Not a bad ad, especially in light of Obama's comments on not being able to change Washington from the inside. Four years have passed and he still doesn't know how to work with congress. He's right that the LBJ days of congressional strong arming are gone, but Bill Clinton and even W Bush were able to work with hyper partisan congresses. I can see voters rejecting four more years of nothing getting done...if Romney can give them a reason to
Clinton got a lot of support passing DADT, DOMA, repeal Glass Steagal from Republicans. Yea.

Obama has not only had to deal with Bush's shit, he had to deal with Clinton's shit too ;)
Not a bad ad, especially in light of Obama's comments on not being able to change Washington from the inside. Four years have passed and he still doesn't know how to work with congress. He's right that the LBJ days of congressional strong arming are gone, but Bill Clinton and even W Bush were able to work with hyper partisan congresses. I can see voters rejecting four more years of nothing getting done...if Romney can give them a reason to
Why exactly does HE have to work with THEM.

Sorry, that's a two way street.
The internet responds:

Until Republicans Fix This Problem, They Can't Fix Any Problems: The inability to judge arguments on their merits and separate fact from fantasy is what ails the conservative movement.

(full article)

Much of the right stopped valuing reasoned debate or empiricism. As a result, huge swaths of an excessively loyal right-of-center GOP coalition supported numerous policies it would later look back on in bemused horror.
But they don't look back in bemused horror. You ever hear a Republican say the Iraq war was a bad move? You ever hear a Republican say the Bush tax cuts were a bad idea? You ever hear a Republican call of the repeal of Medicare Part D?

No, but you do hear them whine about Bush spending too much . . . THOSE ARE THE SPENDING! Their philosophy inherently contradicts itself. You can't have super low taxes, a massive military, and no deficit.

I guess it is all based on the faith-based economics where if they cut taxes the economy will magically grow like crazy and that growth will pay for everything. But how many times does that have to fail before they realize they are building castles in the sky?
You guys see this: Ted Koppel on Bill O'Reilly's show. He's saying Fox news and ideological slants to the news are bad for America. Bill says it'd be impossible for them to be on top for so long and be selling an inferior or dishonest product.

Bill O'Reilly has been drinking his own kool-aid for so long that he has completely lost touch with reality.

Really Bill? You can't comprehend the fact that people will buy an dishonest product? Really? Ever look at the commercials that support television? Drink this beer and you'll hang with hot chicks! Buy this weight control pill and you'll lose hundreds of pounds! Go to this seminar and you'll become a millionaire!

Dishonesty is sadly fundamental to the human psyche. We could not survive a day without hundreds of rationalizations. Dishonesty is the exact reason why Fox is so successful. They spew the "news" that people who sit around and watch cable news (cranky old white people) want to hear.
PPP is releasing FL and CO numbers tonight, their tweet makes me think the polls will be very close:

@byelin haha we can only tease when it's really obvious how the polls are going to come out- you'll get the real thing tonight!

To note, their last CO poll was O+3 (49-46) and their last FL poll was O+1 (48-47)


Neither of them had an opposition with a concerted agenda to obstruct absolutely everything.

I would argue that each encountered the most partisan opposition that any President (modern times) had faced up until that point.

It's just continually escalated over the past 20 years.
Not a bad ad
Please, I mean I know you like to troll and everything but this is an ad for people who have never done teleconferencing before. You can't mute the other end of the line. When you press Mute, you're muting your side so that the person talking isn't interrupted by you making a side comment, or coughing, or whatever.

Plus, if you could mute someone, how the hell would you know when they're done talking to unmute it? I mean, it's "not a bad ad" if you work from the premise that Romney is trying to get people with no gaddamn brains in their fool heads to vote for him.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Please, I mean I know you like to troll and everything but this is an ad for people who have never done teleconferencing before. You can't mute the other end of the line. When you press Mute, you're muting your side so that the person talking isn't interrupted by you making a side comment, or coughing, or whatever.

Plus, if you could mute someone, how the hell would you know when they're done talking to unmute it? I mean, it's "not a bad ad" if you work from the premise that Romney is trying to get people with no gaddamn brains in their fool heads to vote for him.

lol this. What an idiotic ad.


dont know how his approval shot so high

Gallup: Obama 48 Romney 46

Approval: 51-43

Wow. So the three day change was +1, +1, +4 on approval. It looks like people were not pleased about Libya, but they were even more upset about the 47% remarks. Or there was just some weird sampling problem, who knows. Now I really want to see the horse race trend in the next week -- if this is a leading indicator, we're going to see Gallup return to par very quickly.
Please, I mean I know you like to troll and everything but this is an ad for people who have never done teleconferencing before. You can't mute the other end of the line. When you press Mute, you're muting your side so that the person talking isn't interrupted by you making a side comment, or coughing, or whatever.

Plus, if you could mute someone, how the hell would you know when they're done talking to unmute it? I mean, it's "not a bad ad" if you work from the premise that Romney is trying to get people with no gaddamn brains in their fool heads to vote for him.

We don't know what type of phones congress buys with out tax dollars
Please, I mean I know you like to troll and everything but this is an ad for people who have never done teleconferencing before. You can't mute the other end of the line. When you press Mute, you're muting your side so that the person talking isn't interrupted by you making a side comment, or coughing, or whatever.

Plus, if you could mute someone, how the hell would you know when they're done talking to unmute it? I mean, it's "not a bad ad" if you work from the premise that Romney is trying to get people with no gaddamn brains in their fool heads to vote for him.

PD's one of the unemployed Obama college grads, confirmed.


dont know how his approval shot so high

Gallup: Obama 48 Romney 46

Approval: 51-43
Probably just had a bad day roll off and a good day roll onto the window. Even with the long averages Gallup has been pretty volatile this cycle, it's been weird.

So another +5 for Bams in Ohio (51-46). If he holds just that and Iowa, he's already won.

So I see Obama up by 5 and over the 50% threshold, and click through to find it being framed as a toss up. FFS.
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