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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Not a bad ad, especially in light of Obama's comments on not being able to change Washington from the inside. Four years have passed and he still doesn't know how to work with congress. He's right that the LBJ days of congressional strong arming are gone, but Bill Clinton and even W Bush were able to work with hyper partisan congresses. I can see voters rejecting four more years of nothing getting done...if Romney can give them a reason to

2 more years of nothing getting done, sure. But the 4 years nonsense is just baloney.

Saving 4.2 million jobs with the stimulus and the auto bailout
Creating another 4.6 million jobs over the last 30 months
Lowering taxes on the middle class and small business
Passing Health Care Reform
Doubling Pell Grants and cutting Student Loan Costs
Financial Regulation reform
Repealing DADT
Ending the War in Iraq
Killing Bin Ladin and other Al Queda operatives
Liberating Libya from Khadafi
Passing Lily Ledbetter Act

You can disagree with his policies, but not with the record - Obama has gotten more done in his first two years than Bush got in 8 and Bush didn't have this aggressive opposition. The Difference is that Obama believes the Federal Govt should get stuff done, Republicans believe the Federal Govt should do as little as possible.


You can disagree with his policies, but not with the record - Obama has gotten more done in his first two years than Bush got in 8 and Bush didn't have this aggressive opposition. The Difference is that Obama believes the Federal Govt should get stuff done, Republicans believe the Federal Govt should do as little as possible.

The amusing thing about PD's theory is that the pundit consensus is exactly the opposite -- Obama's biggest mistake was in trying to work with Congress for too long instead of attacking their obstructionism and focusing on the things he could do solely on the power of the executive branch.
2 more years of nothing getting done, sure. But the 4 years nonsense is just baloney.

Saving 4.2 million jobs with the stimulus and the auto bailout
Creating another 4.6 million jobs over the last 30 months
Lowering taxes on the middle class and small business
Passing Health Care Reform
Doubling Pell Grants and cutting Student Loan Costs
Financial Regulation reform
Repealing DADT
Ending the War in Iraq
Killing Bin Ladin and other Al Queda operatives
Liberating Libya from Khadafi
Passing Lily Ledbetter Act

You can disagree with his policies, but not with the record - Obama has gotten more done in his first two years than Bush got in 8 and Bush didn't have this aggressive opposition. The Difference is that Obama believes the Federal Govt should get stuff done, Republicans believe the Federal Govt should do as little as possible.

I wish I could show this list to every single voter in the swing states so I could have a reason of why they aren't voting this man back into office.

It completely infuriates me that a man that's accomplished this much is genuinely hated to the extent of the world's worst dictators all because of his skin color and the cookie cutter bullshit they call reality.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

“I know in some of the communities around this particular hotel it’s hard to let people know you’re conservative without them looking at you funny," Romney said, before noting that he had lunch with “a very famous actor — very famous. Very liberal. I won’t tell you his name or he’d shoot me… He pulled me aside, he said, ‘In this town, you really can’t get work unless you’re known as a liberal,’ and he said, ‘But no one knows how I really vote.’ And there are a lot of people that feel that way.”


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Does anyone have even the slightest respect for what Ann Romney says? It doesn't even seem like Mitt respects her very much.

Remember when he pretended not to know anything about Rafalca and dressage? 'Oh, that's Ann's thing. I don't even know when the event is, and I'm not going to watch it.'

He's a dick.


It completely infuriates me that a man that's accomplished this much is genuinely hated to the extent of the world's worst dictators all because of his skin color and the cookie cutter bullshit they call reality.

He's gonna be dodging bullets like Neo in his second term, but history will vindicate him.

I'm in tears here!


Dumbass of the day:

Ann Coulter: ‘Civil rights are for blacks–what have we done to the immigrants?’
"Democrats are dropping the blacks and moving on to the Hispanics," Coulter said during a roundtable discussion that featured Coulter, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich and former Obama domestic policy adviser Melody Barnes.
"I think the way liberals have treated blacks like children and many of their policies have been harmful to blacks, at least they got the beneficiary group right," Coulter said. "There is the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow laws. We don't owe the homeless. We don't owe feminists. We don't owe women who are desirous of having abortions or gays who want to get married to one another. That's what civil rights has become for much of the left."
"Immigrant rights are not civil rights?" Stephanopoulos asked.
"No," Coulter responded, "No. I think civil rights are for blacks. What have we done to the immigrants? We owe black people something. We have a legacy of slavery. Immigrants haven't even been in this country."


Color me shocked. ABC news this evening just admitted that Obama has opened-up leads on pretty much all 8 or 9 of their swing states. It was in the middle of a story detailing how GOP officials are bashing how Romney is conducting his campaign.

Not very often that you'll see a media outlet admit that.


Dumbass of the day:

Ann Coulter: ‘Civil rights are for blacks–what have we done to the immigrants?’

Yeah, I'm starting to think The Boondocks were right about her.

Color me shocked. ABC news this evening just admitted that Obama has opened-up leads on pretty much all 8 or 9 of their swing states. It was in the middle of a story detailing how GOP officials are bashing how Romney is conducting his campaign.

Not very often that you'll see a media outlet admit that.
I think the GOP bought into the whole liberal mainstream media narrative so much that they started to believe that there's no reason to not treat them like crap.
They should ask Al Gore how that worked for him.
Actually, that 0.5% represents the entire NASA budget. Last I checked it was actually 0.4% but since I'm uncertain about what it is now I'm just rounding it up to 0.5%.

That's the reality of NASA funding, and not even all of it is devoted to space exploration. You can check the specific outlay categories in publicly available budget documents. Going after them for extra cash is like Mitt Romney going after people under the poverty line for tax revenue.

Also, trusting elected officials is unhealthy. As a citizen it's your job to keep them on their toes.

Well said. Obama has been a fucking disgrace on NASA and this issue.

It was said that Friday's flyby of Endeavor was "an open-casket funeral for the space age." All too true.

And yeah, I wouldn't just inherently trust nearly any politician, let alone Obama. There are plenty of things he's done that people trusting him wouldn't have imagined he would do, but then here we are.
PPP: Obama up 50-46 in FL.

Edit: Also, Marshall has a good take on Kristol's comments.

All the suggestions amount to getting Romney to run against Obama on really the worst footing possible. We had a referendum on Obama which didn’t seem to take. That’s been followed by a referendum on Romney, which has gone terribly. So to get the conversation off Romney, who’s not popular, it’s down to ignoring the last four years and making the race a referendum on conservative ideology.

And all this while the country’s objective economic condition remains feeble and should give a challenger more than enough to work with.

My own take — what I think will seem obvious post-election — is that at some point over the last couple months it became obvious that 8+% unemployment simply wasn’t enough to drive Obama out of office. And once that became clear, Romney simply had no Plan B.


Setec Astronomer
Well said. Obama has been a fucking disgrace on NASA and this issue.

It was said that Friday's flyby of Endeavor was "an open-casket funeral for the space age." All too true.
The shuttle itself can go. When it comes to operating in LEO it's an outdated vehicle that should have been replaced a long time ago. The shuttle also can't get stuff to the moon or Mars.

But what do we have to replace it? Not much.


PPP: Obama up 50-46 in FL.

Edit: Also, Marshall has a good take on Kristol's comments.

The spread is up three points from their last, which is in line with the national bounce. Taken what, two weeks after the convention now? I think at this point it's clear it wasn't so much of a convention bounce as it was a convention lift for Obama.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The spread is up three points from their last, which is in line with the national bounce. Taken what, two weeks after the convention now? I think at this point it's clear it wasn't so much of a convention bounce as it was a convention lift for Obama.

Convention Lift, or 47% lift?
The shuttle itself can go. When it comes to operating in LEO it's an outdated vehicle that should have been replaced a long time ago. The shuttle also can't get stuff to the moon or Mars.

But what do we have to replace it? Not much.

I know, I wasn't claiming that the shuttle should stay in service or anything like that. But it's true that the flyby Friday was kind of like a goodbye to that future-thinking, space-oriented age for this nation. And it's really depressing.


Convention Lift, or 47% lift?
The 47% bruhaha came in around the time convention bounces fade, so there's definite overlap, to the point where I'm not sure we can distinguish. It might have offset the tail end of the bounce. It couldn't have done Romney any favors, in Florida no less.


PPP on Twitter said:
Romney's net favorability in Florida has dropped 9 points in the last three weeks.

Where Romney's really lost ground in Florida over the last 3 weeks is with Democrats- doesn't have the crossover support he did before.

This is consistent with findings in other polls, and is part of the reason why I think Obama's margin will endure. It's not swing voters that are leaving Romney. It's Dems coming home, and he's far less likely to win them back.


Dumbass of the day:

Ann Coulter: ‘Civil rights are for blacks–what have we done to the immigrants?’


Wait wait wait wait wait. Forget all the other stuff about other minorities for a second. She thinks "Giving" Civil Rights to Blacks was our nation's way of paying them back for slavery and segregation?

WTShit? MindBlown. Civil Rights didn't give Black People anything, it simply further made it illegal to take basic human rights away from them.

"I took the chains off your feet, you want me to take them off your hands too? GTFO" - Ann Coulter


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I guess it's A JERSEY THING :'(

It's a ronnie/sammi dysfunctional thing. One gaffer originated the great transliteration of Sammi's whining. And that's all I could think of when ann romney whines.
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