2 more years of nothing getting done, sure. But the 4 years nonsense is just baloney.
Saving 4.2 million jobs with the stimulus and the auto bailout
Creating another 4.6 million jobs over the last 30 months
Lowering taxes on the middle class and small business
Passing Health Care Reform
Doubling Pell Grants and cutting Student Loan Costs
Financial Regulation reform
Repealing DADT
Ending the War in Iraq
Killing Bin Ladin and other Al Queda operatives
Liberating Libya from Khadafi
Passing Lily Ledbetter Act
You can disagree with his policies, but not with the record - Obama has gotten more done in his first two years than Bush got in 8 and Bush didn't have this aggressive opposition. The Difference is that Obama believes the Federal Govt should get stuff done, Republicans believe the Federal Govt should do as little as possible.
Ah the "saved jobs" fairy again...
Obama got stuff done, he didn't get the right stuff done. Hence why this race is relatively close nationally and why he'd be losing big against a decent challenger.