no link, i was watching it live on this contraption called a TVLink, homey. Link.
no link, i was watching it live on this contraption called a TVLink, homey. Link.
Anyway, the Post has a new poll out. Obama leads in Ohio by eight, and in Florida by four.
The Romney campaign and other Republicans say polls showing President Obama with a significant lead over their candidate are inaccurate.
They argue many mainstream polls skew in Obamas favor because of sample sizes that base 2012 turnout projections on 2008, when Democrats and Hispanics, blacks and young voters in particular turned out in record numbers.
I dont think [the polls] reflect the composition of what 2012 is going to look like, Romney pollster Neil Newhouse said in an interview.
Frustration that polls are skewed in favor of Obama has escalated among some on the right in recent weeks. One website, www.unskewedpolls.com, recently began re-weighting the mainstream polls to closer track the demographic assumptions of conservative polling outlet Rasmussen Reports. The re-weighted polls all show Romney ahead in the race, with leads of between 3 and 11 percentage points.
Democrats counter that the sample sizes used in polls are accurate because there is no reason to think the makeup of the 2012 electorate will be proportionately different than in 2008. They also point to census data that shows minorities making up a greater share of the population, something driven by the surging Hispanic population.
GOP takes aim at ‘skewed’ polls
How long will this denial continue?
GOP takes aim at skewed polls
How long will this denial continue?
Edit: Consumer Confidence was just released for the month. It's up 10 points from last month.
CHEEZMO;42525749 said:Anyone know anything about this organisation?
Run by this lovely woman: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela_Geller
Michael Hastings @mmhastings
Insta-analysis: Obama's UN address is one of the most significant speeches he's given. this year.
GOP takes aim at skewed polls
How long will this denial continue?
Did you read the posts on CoFREE day FB page? *face palms*
These Republicans are on a fucking mission.
I remember back in 2004 dailykos was filled with people showing why polling was flawed. Missing democratic voters, young people don't respond to polls, etc.
It's crazy to watch that same exact reaction on the right this time.
November 7th.
CHEEZMO;42526402 said:Forever.
Damn...I may need to watch a video of this.
Text of Obama's speech... it reads like a great one.
Ramsglen said:Why show up. You just should have called it in from the "View". Mr Eye Candy Dandy. You make we want to puke.
Damn...I may need to watch a video of this.
I don't even understand the fervor from the right to challenge the polls. If I was a conservative I wouldn't want Romney to win anymore. This is a guy whose loved less than half as much as liberals tolerated John Kerry. And then if Romney wins you have to wait 8 years to get a new candidate assuming Romney runs for re-election, unless they seriously want to challenge the sitting President in the primaries.
Just stomach 4 more years of impassioned opposition and get someone you can love next time.
Staffers for Sen. Scott Brown chanted Indian "war whoops" and made "tomahawk chops" during a rally for the Republican senator this week in Boston.
Scott Brown staffers do stupid and offensive shit...sigh
If the GOP lose here, ACA becomes nearly impossible to overturn and the Bush tax cuts are likely out as well. Also, Obama will get the credit for the eventual economic boom that will happen before he leaves office, which will solidify his popularity and make Dems taking the WH again in 2016 that much more likely.
Scott Brown staffers do stupid and offensive shit...sigh
Text of Obama's speech... it reads like a great one.
Still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that these intolerant fucktards live in Boston. How is this even possible?
Still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that these intolerant fucktards live in Boston. How is this even possible?
Is Chait wrong in the significance of this?
Still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that these intolerant fucktards live in Boston. How is this even possible?
GOP takes aim at skewed polls
How long will this denial continue?
Still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that these intolerant fucktards live in Boston. How is this even possible?
You could almost hear the GOP tectonic plates shifting last week as President Obama appeared to solidify his lead over Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, and Republicans further down the food chain for the first time began imagining another four years of Democratic rule in the White House.
First, a handful of Republicans battling for election in close Senate races in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Nevada publicly distanced themselves from Romneys surreptitiously videotaped comments that 47 percent of Americans think of themselves as victims, pay no income taxes and are dependent on government support.
Most telling of all is that House and Senate Republicans have begun openly speculating on how Congress and the White House would address the looming fiscal cliff if Obama wins a second term. Even while they were packing their bags and preparing to head home to campaign through the Nov. 6 election, some GOP lawmakers were privately conferring with administration officials and spinning out possible scenarios for action in the event of a Romney loss.
I'm not buying it. A football game isn't going to be a seminal moment in labor relations. I doubt its effects spread beyond sports.
... Sorry man, but you're talking about an incredibly racist city.Still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that these intolerant fucktards live in Boston. How is this even possible?
I don't even understand the fervor from the right to challenge the polls. If I was a conservative I wouldn't want Romney to win anymore. This is a guy whose loved less than half as much as liberals tolerated John Kerry. And then if Romney wins you have to wait 8 years to get a new candidate assuming Romney runs for re-election, unless they seriously want to challenge the sitting President in the primaries.
Just stomach 4 more years of impassioned opposition and get someone you can love next time.