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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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I'm liking Bams' chances...

See! Unskewed Polling was right!



The full story of how the financial tsunami failed to strike has yet to be untangled, but bits and pieces have dribbled out over recent days.

The Democratic Superpacs, reports the New York Times today, have gotten their act together, even if they can’t match the Republican effort. The GOP Superpac effort may have underwhelmed in part because it offers a more scattered message, not controlled by the campaign, that fails to drive the central theme as effectively.

What’s more, Obama seems to be getting way more bang for his buck. Republicans are paying their staff twice the rate Democrats are paying theirs, allowing Obama to have twice as many people working for him for the same amount Romney is spending. And the Washington Post today reports the little-known fact that campaigns, by federal law, can command lower advertising rates than Superpacs, giving Obama consistent, and occasionally huge, savings:

In one Ohio ad buy slated to run just before the election, for example, Obama is paying $125 for a spot that is costing a conservative super PAC $900.

Most of the reporting until recently has focused on inputs, like the financial imbalance between the two sides. But the outputs are a different story.

I found this interesting, and it helps explain why Obama has kept parity or better on advertising compared to the greater wave of SuperPAC cash.
I found this interesting, and it helps explain why Obama has kept parity or better on advertising compared to the greater wave of SuperPAC cash.

I will also say that Priorities USA has been far far better in their ads and targeting than GOP Super PACs.

And that could be the result of them having too much money, so they just threw whatever they could hoping something would stick. Priorities USA with their little coffer just one goal - Paint Romney as out of touch and not for the middle class.


What’s more, Obama seems to be getting way more bang for his buck. Republicans are paying their staff twice the rate Democrats are paying theirs, allowing Obama to have twice as many people working for him for the same amount Romney is spending. And the Washington Post today reports the little-known fact that campaigns, by federal law, can command lower advertising rates than Superpacs, giving Obama consistent, and occasionally huge, savings:

In one Ohio ad buy slated to run just before the election, for example, Obama is paying $125 for a spot that is costing a conservative super PAC $900.

Dat fiscal conservatism.


I will also say that Priorities USA has been far far better in their ads and targeting than GOP Super PACs.

And that could be the result of them having too much money, so they just threw whatever they could hoping something would stick. Priorities USA with their little coffer just one goal - Paint Romney as out of touch and not for the middle class.

The Republicans live in a strange bubble. They think they can run things that appeal to 20% of the country that are racist bigoted hard core conservatives and think that it resonates with the entire country. They can't, for the life of them, understand why anyone would vote for a Muslim-Kenyan-Socialist-Nazi-Illegitimate President and so they keep pushing those narratives and they fall on deaf ears to everyone outside of their rabid base.


Well, it will be interesting to see if this Presidential race continues to be a boat race if the Dems won't start pouring money into that race. Especially if Sherrod Brown and others remain safe.
Perhaps the most heartbreaking thing is that Hillary really didn't have anyone to confide in during that campaign. I could tell she was lonely as her campaign imploded around her and Bill went on this selfish warpath. Who was there to comfort Hillary? No one. It makes me sad just thinking about it.

I know you cried hacky tears of love while masturbating to this scenario.


If Akin wins after all this, it's time to ship Missouri off to Antarctica.

A lot of people vote for more then just their senator but who controls the senate. Although less so now that his campaign is starting to implode its big part of Warrens message against senator Brown; its not about who represents your state but what you want you want your state to vote for. There is little individualism left in the political climate, its an us vs them problem and its letting people like Akin still have a chance when he shouldn't.
A lot of people vote for more then just their senator but who controls the senate. Although less so now that his campaign is starting to implode its big part of Warrens message against senator Brown; its not about who represents your state but what you want you want your state to vote for. There is little individualism left in the political climate, its an us vs them problem and its letting people like Akin still have a chance when he shouldn't.

Agree, but I honestly couldn't vote for someone like Akin even if it's against my party. Dude is a sexist POS.

Obama up 8+ in the RAND daily poll, now. Eight!
Poligaf cheering Super PAC spending and the ruin of our election process due to money? Is there nothing you guys won't flip flop on if it helps Obama...


Poligaf cheering Super PAC spending and the ruin of our election process due to money? Is there nothing you guys won't flip flop on if it helps Obama...

We learned a long time ago, sometimes to fight evil, you have to be willing to go as far as evil is willing to go.

Not to get too philosophical, but that's kind of why evil ever wins in the first place. It's because the forces of evil are willing to go a few steps further on the morally reprehensible scale of actions than the forces of good are.

And you either wait to get nuked, or say fuck it, use nukes, and then feel bad about it later but know it was a necessity.


Poligaf cheering Super PAC spending and the ruin of our election process due to money? Is there nothing you guys won't flip flop on if it helps Obama...
I've said from the beginning that I want dems to fight fire with fire but I still support overturning citizens united.


Good grief, CNN is worthless. Erick Erickson and Roland Martin debating Netanyahu/ME issues?

There is nothing worse than the ME coverage in the United States. In particular the issues regarding Israel and Palestine. And its a reflection of the politicians who are always in a competition with each other to prove how much they love Israel. Hell 90% of the dialogue is over who can suck Israel's dick the most with the remaining 10% centering on condemnation of violence.


PD may be a just tugging your guys chain all the time, but on this he is right. SuperPAC money is fucked up, and it's fucked up no matter who does it. The whole 'fight wrong by doing more wrong' is just a dumb philosophy, even if it is a cynical assessment of what is likely the reality.

But one thing is for sure: if we ever want this money out of politics, we're going to need a full Dem house/senate that can push back on this issue. But I'm unsure that were such a scenario to happen, they'd feel compelled to push a constitutional amendment like that, so it's not worth the risk right now.


PD may be a just tugging your guys chain all the time, but on this he is right. SuperPAC money is fucked up, and it's fucked up no matter who does it. The whole 'fight wrong by doing more wrong' is just a dumb philosophy, even if it is a cynical assessment of what is likely the reality.

But one thing is for sure: if we ever want this money out of politics, we're going to need a full Dem house/senate that can push back on this issue. But I'm unsure that were such a scenario to happen, they'd feel compelled to push a constitutional amendment like that, so it's not worth the risk right now.

They changed the rules. We didn't like that, but everyone is still playing the same game. If they fall prey to their own shenanigans that's just poetic justice.
We learned a long time ago, sometimes to fight evil, you have to be willing to go as far as evil is willing to go.

Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devestation and destruction wherever we go.


Poligaf cheering Super PAC spending and the ruin of our election process due to money? Is there nothing you guys won't flip flop on if it helps Obama...

This is the same lame argument conservative use for taxes. If they vote to raise taxes, it doesn't matter how rich they are or if they don't overpay taxes -- it's not hypocritical to be a rich Democrat who pays only the taxes they owe. If they want to overturn Citizens United, it doesn't matter if they use Super PACs to do it -- they still want to overturn Citizens United.


Bullshit, Dick Morris said Romney would win by four or five points if the election was today

That will be the best analysis of the election I think.

Also, I still am continually amazed this guy worked for Bill Clinton for twenty years. TWENTY YEARS. It's like he's trolling an entire audience because he knows it's an extremely profitable way to--- oh

They changed the rules. We didn't like that, but everyone is still playing the same game. If they fall prey to their own shenanigans that's just poetic justice.

If someone held a position you genuinely felt was detestable, and then got a law passed to support said position, it still would not change how detestable that position is.

To be extreme for a moment, if murder was the name of the game, and everyone was out murdering on the other side in order to win votes, you'd say "well, murder is in order. Gotta fight fire with fire!"

Slippery slopes are slippery slopes for a reason. I understand that it is still a perfectly reasonable position to feel that the only way to eradicate this particular position is to get people in power to limit the power of Citizens United, but I don't think that makes PhoenixDark wrong. Cheering Democrats getting more SuperPAC money is sad no matter how one slices it, if individuals were truly against the law.
Romney campaign raises the white flag already on the first debate
In a memo about the debates distributed to campaign surrogates and provided to CNN on Thursday, longtime Romney adviser Beth Myers outlines a series of reasons why the president is likely to emerge as the winner of the first debate.

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– Check out the CNN Electoral Map and Calculator and game out your own strategy for November.

Among them:

– President Obama is "widely regarded as one of the most talented political communicators in modern history."

– "This will be the eighth one-on-one presidential debate of his political career. For Mitt Romney, it will be his first."

– "Four years ago, Barack Obama faced John McCain on the debate stage. According to Gallup, voters judged him the winner of each debate by double-digit margins, and their polling showed he won one debate by an astounding 33-point margin."

Myers argues that Obama will "use his ample rhetorical gifts and debating experience to one end: attacking Mitt Romney."

"We fully expect a 90-minute attack ad aimed at tearing down his opponent," she writes in the memo.

Pushing back against emerging conventional wisdom, Myers concludes that the debates will not, in fact, decide the election: "It will be decided by the American people," she says.
What a pathetic campaign. Someone just put this campaign out of it's misery, and release the Rombot to go back firing people, hang out with Nascar owners, shoot varmints or whatever he likes doing.

Edit: I like this post by a cnn poster

Rolling over before the debate even begins. Will that be Romney's response when faced with a formidable opponent in the Middle East?
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