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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Would you give five years of your life just to be there for her during the summer of 2008?

I actually considered going to NH to campaign after the Iowa loss, and especially after the event where Hillary cried. Alas it wasn't feasible so I had to watch from the sidelines in a state that wasn't competitive (Michigan, due to the early primary fiasco). I felt neutered.


Speaking of Edward Kennedy, I wonder what will become of Joseph Kennedy III after he wins election in Massachusetts? The guy's only 31 years old and appears to have far more potential than cousin Patrick Kennedy, and I bet he'll run for the Senate in a few years after he's built the necessary reputation as a serious legislator.

He's good looking if you can get past the bias against red-heads these days. From articles I've read covering the race, he's a quiet man in more of the mold of Robert F. Kennedy. President Kennedy again? It's possible.
RFK and JFK we're quiet people?

Also, I don't think that being in the mold of either of them is all that great.


Anyone following Fox's latest scandal? Apparently they have confirmed with "intelligence sources" that the WH knew Libya was a terrorist attack from the start and totally unrelated to the Cairo protest and tried to cover it up. Basically the typical trumped up, "what did they know and when did they know it?" farce.

I see no other outlet reporting this so I guess these could be magical sources only Fox has access to.

What exactly would they have to gain by lying? I can understand them being wrong but intentionally misleading would be stupid.
They do it all the time with no reason.

Edit:Oh I misread.
Perhaps the most heartbreaking thing is that Hillary really didn't have anyone to confide in during that campaign. I could tell she was lonely as her campaign imploded around her and Bill went on this selfish warpath. Who was there to comfort Hillary? No one. It makes me sad just thinking about it.

Between this and your Michelle thing a couple days ago, This is all going to morph into some sort of slash fic, isn't it?
Speaking of Edward Kennedy, I wonder what will become of Joseph Kennedy III after he wins election in Massachusetts? The guy's only 31 years old and appears to have far more potential than cousin Patrick Kennedy ever did, and I bet he'll run for the Senate in a few years after he's built the necessary reputation as a serious legislator.

He's good looking if you can get past the bias against red-heads these days. From articles I've read covering the race, he's a quiet man in more of the mold of Robert F. Kennedy. President Kennedy again? It's possible.

He seems a bit awkward in the videos I've seen, but it's clear he has some political acumen and I'm sure he'll get better. He'll have to wait his turn though. If Warren wins she'll hold that seat for a long ass time, and if Kerry gets the SoS job next year (assuming an Obama win of course) the job will likely go to another dem who will hold it for years. He's going to have to put his nose down and actually work, not live off his name. If he does that who knows. Kennedys seem like the best northeastern national politicians in terms of appealing to regular people.
Perhaps the most heartbreaking thing is that Hillary really didn't have anyone to confide in during that campaign. I could tell she was lonely as her campaign imploded around her and Bill went on this selfish warpath. Who was there to comfort Hillary? No one. It makes me sad just thinking about it.

This... is... beautiful.

::slow clap::
"They're not racist, they're just making racist comments" is a distinction not worth discussing.

It is a matter of historical fact that the Obama campaign seized on innocuous comments like "fairy tale" and tried to make it a racial issue.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqd2dfjl2pw The Clintons did have a lot of racial undertones in their campaign, but I don't think that makes them racist. They just wanted to win. But this comment right here is what really turned me off on them. Pretty dismissive if you ask me. You shouldn't just write off people that don't vote for you.

I would also say that the pimping comment about Chelsea was really out of line. All campaigns have their supporters and family pulling for them. Why single her out? Was really below the belt.


Nate Silver must be sore from slapping his forehead. Every Republican is now an expert in demographic statistical polling analysis.



Republicans On Akin’s Latest Flap: We’re Not Touching That One
National Republicans are keeping a steely distance from Missouri Senate nominee Todd Akin once more after he said Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) wasn’t “ladylike” in their last debate.

“Decline to comment,” said a spokesperson for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

“I think it’s best if the NRSC weighs in on these questions because we’re so focused on the presidential,” an RNC spokesperson said.
The McCaskill campaign declined to comment.
Obama and the Clintons seem to be buddies now so that's long settled. If Obama finishes 2016 as a popular president, I could see him campaigning for Hilary 2016.

Definitely not during the primaries -- the incumbent is expected to stay neutral, and I can't imagine Obama breaking that tradition.

During the general...possibly, assuming she wins. It depends on how personally popular he is by the end of his second term. Recent history (see: Clinton & Reagan) suggests that people might be a little tired of Obama after eight years, so he might minimize his time on the campaign trail in 2016. On top of that, I'd imagine that the 2016 Dem nominee will be trying to push his/her own vision for the future, rather than trying to rest on the previous nominee's achievements (especially because -- excepting Hilary, obviously -- whoever it is will want to be defining themselves in the minds of a public that doesn't know them very well).


Jeffrey Goldberg ‏@JeffreyGoldberg

Okay, it's official: #Netanyahu has no idea what he's doing. He has just turned a serious issue into a joke.

Jeffrey Goldberg ‏@JeffreyGoldberg

Netanyahu's bomb cartoon is the Middle East equivalent of Clint Eastwood's chair.



Perhaps the most heartbreaking thing is that Hillary really didn't have anyone to confide in during that campaign. I could tell she was lonely as her campaign imploded around her and Bill went on this selfish warpath. Who was there to comfort Hillary? No one. It makes me sad just thinking about it.

You're actually not that far off in substance but nevertheless it's kind of peculiar to have that level of empathy for a political figure.

Definitely not during the primaries -- the incumbent is expected to stay neutral, and I can't imagine Obama breaking that tradition.

Who else would even be in the primaries? Cuomo? He'll flee the minute he hears the name Clinton. O'Malley? His speech was possibly the biggest letdown of the DNC.

Clinton would clear the field for sure this time. Obama might even feel comfortable enough to back her in the primaries.
Not JFK, but I'd always understood that RFK was a rather introverted man at heart, and was considered quite shy and timid growing up. Maybe someone whose read biographies on him could shed more light on this though.

RFK was a loud and in your face PITA, at least from what I've read about him in a book on the Cuban Missile Crisis.


My opinion of Netanyahu and the feeling I get whenever he does something lately must be much the same as other countries get when they see some of our Republicans. He's a warmongering clown and it's getting old.

Dude Abides

...And after the preponderate of evidence which I've already shown you that proves that the Clintons were deliberately running a race strategy, saying that they were politicizing race turns out to have been an entirely justified assertion. Your objection seems to be that the smoking gun that proves the Clinton strategy came in private conversations. That doesn't exonerate them; quite the contrary. Your denial of Game Change indicates to me that you just don't like truths that interfere with your preconceived notions.

The word is "preponderance."

I'll try to explain it one more time, even more simply:

You: Hillary's campaign was straight crazy. Cite rather minor statements.

Me: By that standard anything is straight crazy, such as when the Obama campaign started calling the Clintons racist.

You: But the Clintons were racist. See Game Change.

Me: Even if Game Change is entirely correct (lol Halperin) those comments were not the basis of the Obama campaign reaction I referred to. They were reacting to innocuous shit like "fairy tale."

You: Game Change Game Change Game Change Ted Kennedy Game Change.


The word is "preponderance."

I'll try to explain it one more time, even more simply:

You: Hillary's campaign was straight crazy. Cite rather minor statements.

Me: By that standard anything is straight crazy, such as when the Obama campaign started calling the Clintons racist.

You: But the Clintons were racist. See Game Change.

Me: Even if Game Change is entirely correct (lol Halperin) those comments were not the basis of the Obama campaign reaction I referred to. They were reacting to innocuous shit like "fairy tale."

You: Game Change Game Change Game Change Ted Kennedy Game Change.
You're basically the only person in the thread who's still in denial over this so whatever. I really don't care.


RFK was a loud and in your face PITA, at least from what I've read about him in a book on the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Yeah, he comes off as a dick on numeroius civil rights books I read as he does in The Passage of Power.

Oh, it's a fucking historical travesty that the Kennedys get credit for the Cuban Missle Crisis.
Those idiots almost started World War 3 for no fucking reason.
Yeah, he comes off as a dick on numeroius civil rights books I read as he does in The Passage of Power.
Yep...I mean granted he could have just been normal for his state, which appears like a dick to anyone in other states.

Oh, it's a fucking historical travesty that the Kennedys get credit for the Cuban Missle Crisis.
Those idiots almost started World War 3 for no fucking reason.
I know, truthfully you get better side and understanding of the military sides and reasoning, heck even with LeMay these days.

I think he already did in 04

Mr. Soros’ overall giving remains far below the scale of his political spending in 2004, when he and fellow billionaire Peter B. Lewis, the chairman of Progressive Insurance, together donated more than $40 million to Democratic-leaning independent groups.
What was teh sexism Clinton faced from the media/others in 2008? I recall some of the anti-Palin sexism (although there were more cried of wolf than actual wolves in that case) but not any anit-Hilary stuff.
Who else would even be in the primaries? Cuomo? He'll flee the minute he hears the name Clinton. O'Malley? His speech was possibly the biggest letdown of the DNC.

Clinton would clear the field for sure this time. Obama might even feel comfortable enough to back her in the primaries.

If it's Clinton vs...I don't know, the 2012 equivalent of Bill Bradley or something (i.e. someone with absolutely no chance whatsoever), then yes, Obama might support her during the primary season, since he wouldn't want to damage the eventual nominee.

I just have a hard time imagining that it'll be Clinton with clear field, though. She'll be 68, for one thing. For another, I have a hard time imagining that people like Cuomo, Mark Warner, Deval Patrick and Brian Schweitzer would just roll over for her. I think Obama will definitely support -- in some way -- the Dem nominee, but I think he'll wait until it's a sure thing.

Of course, whether his people wait is another matter entirely...

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I'm guessing that Netanyahu thought that a picture of an actual missile would be too misleading since it would suggest that Iran has the capability to put a hypothetical nuke into a missile.

Just think about that logic for a second.

They could have used a doomsday clock at least.
Enjoy your salty tears libs. I hope we never ever get into the same fake bubble conservatives sealed themselves in 4, 8, 12 or 16 years from now. But it's inevitable...
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