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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Eh, I'll just leave this here for PoliGAF to dissect.

Paul Ryan Says Carter Years 'The Good Old Days'

GREENVILLE, N.C.-Paul Ryan today compared the president to Jimmy Carter, using a line Democrats have been asked over the past two days, saying the country is not "better off" than four years ago and "simply put, the Jimmy Carter years look like the good old days compared to where we are right now."

"We're going to hear a lot of words from Charlotte this week," Ryan continued. "But here's the kind of words we're not going to hear. We're not going to hear evidence and facts about how people are better off. You see the president cannot run on this record. He's run out of ideas. And so that is why he's going to be running a campaign based on envy and division, based on frustration and anger. Hope and change has now become attack and blame."

That's funny. We didn't hear any of that from Ryan last week, either.
Obama campaign selling these buttons on the DNC. Amazingly perfect:
My wife worked the merch at the DNC this weekend and said there were tons of these. Also, "Sisters for Obama" with nuns, "Aliens for Obama" with space aliens (lol), "Veggies for Obama" with vegetables, and so on.


My wife worked the merch at the DNC this weekend and said there were tons of these. Also, "Sisters for Obama" with nuns, "Aliens for Obama" with space aliens (lol), "Veggies for Obama" with vegetables, and so on.

I just saw apparently they also have "Crazy Cat Ladies for Obama" ones too.
PPP Colorado results:

Obama 49
Romney 46

Romney favorability 46/50, up three. Obama approval 48/49.

Obama leading significantly with independents, women, non-whites, under 45s.

Romney leading significantly with over 45s, leading slightly with whites, men.

Obama almost even with whites? trouble for romney then, cant really call it a dem state either


My god, the anti-Obama/anti-gay marriage ad they played on Hardball is freaking hilarious.

"What's the matter honey?"
"Obama is trying to force gay marriage on our country. That's not the change I voted for."
"That's not the change I voted for, either. What can we do?"
"We can vote for someone else with values."

I would say we'll be looking back at this sort of thing and laughing, but I really don't think it could sound funnier to me even in the future.

Just saw the ad discussed on Hardball. HOLY SHIT that looks so bad.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Do republicans really want to ask "are you better off than you were FOUR years ago?" during a time we saw 800,000 jobs lost per month instead of the 150k+ that are being added today?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

Apr: -208,000
Mar: -190,000
Jun: -198,000
Jul: -210,000
Aug: -274,000
Sep: -432,000
Oct: -489,000
Nov: -809,000
Dec: -661,000

Yeah, GOP, please ask: "Are you better off today than in 2008?"

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The really shit thing about this message is the insinuation is that support marriage equality means you have no values. Excuse me, but who the fuck gives these people a monopoly on what "values" are? I would say treating your fellow man with dignity and respect is a far greater value than prejudice and hate.

Anyway, let the GOP use that as ammunition. The country has moved forwards on this issue so its not going to work.

In order for that framework to even make theoretical sense, you have to remember the narrative such rationalizations are intended to evoke resonance with: that homosexuality = sin and a failure of morality. Gays are not equal persons, they're straight people who are morally corrupt. Therefore, any and everything connected with homosexuality = lack of values.

Really, it's this kind of latent bigotry that's deeply woven into the fabric of culture that such scare tactics are meant to hook into. In a sense it's only going to get worse before it gets better, precisely because, as you say, things are moving forward. It's not just related to gay issues either. Generally speaking, the GOP tactic is to present themselves as the "last bastion of morality", in order to appeal to a segment of Americans who see their whitebread selves as the standard for normal and right. And who are intrinsically afraid of 'otherness'.

In the long run this cannot hold, since society is rapidly changing. While it can be aggravating to deal with, it is kind of fascinating from a sociological standpoint. We're watching, in real time, what happens with entire glaciers of cultural memes begin to break up and fall into the sea. As one might expect, there is much running and screaming and panic as everything appears to fall apart.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
So I just got back from a farmer's market where my dad was meeting up with one of his friends. My dad's friend and his wife were both wearing Romney/ Ryan shirts, and the husband proceeded to start talking to me about why he is republican. He asked me, "How can you say god doesn't exist when there are so many different colors of orchids?"

For some reason, this statement sparked a realization in my head, that I need to pay more attention to whats happening in my country.

Please PoliGaf, teach me your ways.


The week of the Democratic National Convention: PoliGAF's ultimate week of self-backpats. eznark is going to have a stroke reading this thread this week.


So I just got back from a farmer's market where my dad was meeting up with one of his friends. My dad's friend and his wife were both wearing Romney/ Ryan shirts, and the husband proceeded to start talking to me about why he is republican. He asked me, "How can you say god doesn't exist when there are so many different colors of orchids?"

For some reason, this statement sparked a realization in my head, that I need to pay more attention to whats happening in my country.

Please PoliGaf, teach me your ways.

That sounds terrible.

Did you see Clint Eastwood talk to an empty chair by chance?


No Scrubs
So I just got back from a farmer's market where my dad was meeting up with one of his friends. My dad's friend and his wife were both wearing Romney/ Ryan shirts, and the husband proceeded to start talking to me about why he is republican. He asked me, "How can you say god doesn't exist when there are so many different colors of orchids?"

For some reason, this statement sparked a realization in my head, that I need to pay more attention to whats happening in my country.

Please PoliGaf, teach me your ways.

Wow, that is just painful. Please tell me this guy has nothing to do with growing our food because wow.


awesome post.

Thanks for taking the time to write that, that was great.

My observation is that we are going to see a full throated defence and advocacy of marriage equality, now that it has been incorprorated into the democratic platform. You can already see it in some of the language that's being used (e.g. "respect for marriage act", etc.). The "values" narrative needs to be wrestled away, and people need to start feeling comfortable that standing up for marriage equality is an expression of value.

So I just got back from a farmer's market where my dad was meeting up with one of his friends. My dad's friend and his wife were both wearing Romney/ Ryan shirts, and the husband proceeded to start talking to me about why he is republican. He asked me, "How can you say god doesn't exist when there are so many different colors of orchids?"

For some reason, this statement sparked a realization in my head, that I need to pay more attention to whats happening in my country.

Please PoliGaf, teach me your ways.

It sounds like it would take more than a five minute conversation to get through to someone like that. Probably best to avoid ...
So I just got back from a farmer's market where my dad was meeting up with one of his friends. My dad's friend and his wife were both wearing Romney/ Ryan shirts, and the husband proceeded to start talking to me about why he is republican. He asked me, "How can you say god doesn't exist when there are so many different colors of orchids?"



So I just got back from a farmer's market where my dad was meeting up with one of his friends. My dad's friend and his wife were both wearing Romney/ Ryan shirts, and the husband proceeded to start talking to me about why he is republican. He asked me, "How can you say god doesn't exist when there are so many different colors of orchids?"
People THAT deluded would not be allowed to vote if it were up to me, and it'd be a better society by far.
Leave it to the Republicans to be surprised when someone believes the same things after a few years.
Let's see . . . 4 years ago we had the worst financial melt-down since the great depression, jobs were being lost by the millions, gays were witch-hunted out of the military, Usama Bin Laden was still out there acting as the figurehead for a terrorist movement against us, there was a hugely expensive quagmire war in Iraq, the Dow was below 9000, the Bush government had no clue as to what to do and was just trying to run out the clock.

Yeah, we are MUCH better off than 4 years ago. Sure . . . the unemployment level sucks. But the house GOP has done everything they can to torpedo any recovery efforts.
Do republicans really want to ask "are you better off than you were FOUR years ago?" during a time we saw 800,000 jobs lost per month instead of the 150k+ that are being added today?
Yeah, that is what I keep wondering. Please . . . go ahead with that line of attack. All Obama has to do is point to the things I pointed out above. 2008 was a year of financial panic. People were wondering if we were going to enter a new great depression. The job losses and stock market losses were out of control.

But hey . . . $1.98/gallon gasoline! Great if you had a job to drive to.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I mean, I really like the guy because they like to get out and do a lot of fun things, but listening to him talk about world matters and how sickening democratic policies are is really exhausting.

I know the only person that can educate me on these things is myself, but I felt like sharing an instance of the sort of people I am around every day.


I mean, I really like the guy because they like to get out and do a lot of fun things, but listening to him talk about world matters and how sickening democratic policies are is really exhausting.

I know the only person that can educate me on these things is myself, but I felt like sharing an instance of the sort of people I am around every day.

I know that feel, bro.
PPP Michigan poll (likely voters):

Obama 51
Romney 44

Previous poll 53/39 (registered voters)

Romney favorability 45/49

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
53% of MI voters think Obama has been better for auto industry to 31% for Romney. 80% consider issue important


Anyway, thats my introduction here. I probably won't talk a lot in this thread since I am not experienced with these things, but I will lurk as much as possible.

Welcome! There's nothing wrong with lurking. Sitting back and reading everything you can is the best possible way to educate yourself on these matters. A page or so ago some people posted great news sources, so use them and other things you stumble across to strengthen your opinions.
So I just got back from a farmer's market where my dad was meeting up with one of his friends. My dad's friend and his wife were both wearing Romney/ Ryan shirts, and the husband proceeded to start talking to me about why he is republican. He asked me, "How can you say god doesn't exist when there are so many different colors of orchids?"

For some reason, this statement sparked a realization in my head, that I need to pay more attention to whats happening in my country.

Please PoliGaf, teach me your ways.
I'd go scienceGaf. The flowers evolved many different colors by natural selection in order to attract bees for pollination. So yeah, those colors evolved. Of course humans stepped in and have been doing artificial selection for centuries now to select and breed the colors we like. We can even create glow-in-the-dark flowers now. We are the gods.

Yeah, no . . . I'd just say "You don't want to get into that discussion with me."

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I'd go scienceGaf. The flowers evolved many different colors by natural in order to attract bees for pollination. So yeah, those colors evolved. Of course humans stepped in and have been doing artificial selection for centuries now to select and breed the colors we like. We can even create glow-in-the-dark flowers now. We are the gods.

Yeah, no . . . I'd just say "You don't want to get into that discussion with me."

I am actually really scared about how future conversations are gonna go with this guy. I haven't been to a church since I was like 3.

I have a feeling that a metric fuck ton of lying is going to ensue.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Also keep in mind that PoliGAF is currently in election mode, which means an inordinate amount of discussion of election stuff over actual politics.


Bams is looking p. confident. Have a good feeling that this is gonna be a successful week.

I don't think people are really going to pay attention to the GOP's sideshow. The Occupy people are there, but I think the American public at large is generally tired of seeing them, as well, so I doubt they have much of an impact. The Obama campaign likes to play things safe, so I'd say this convention will be pretty by-the-books and stick to the script; especially since we saw what going off script can look like last week.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
PPP Michigan poll (likely voters):

Obama 51
Romney 44

Previous poll 53/39 (registered voters)

Romney favorability 45/49

And that is why I'm confident Obama doesn't lose Michigan.


has calmed down a bit.
I am actually really scared about how future conversations are gonna go with this guy. I haven't been to a church since I was like 3.

I have a feeling that a metric fuck ton of lying is going to ensue.

What does that have to do with politics? I don't follow.

Believing in God is not limited to Republicans. Its a silly statement, but I'm not what sure the connection is between that and their support for romney/Ryan.


No Scrubs
Also keep in mind that PoliGAF is currently in election mode, which means an inordinate amount of discussion of election stuff over actual politics.

There isn't going to be any policy to talk about until after the election anyway. It's just going to be the horse race stuff from here on out, and PD trolling.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
What does that gave to do with politics? I don't follow.

Believing in God is not limited to Republicans. Its a silly statement, but I'm not sure the connection between that and their support for romney/Ryan.

Sorry, I should have elaborated more. I wasn't bashing religion or anything, its just that this guy in particular links a lot of his opinions in politics to his religious views, meaning that he also will work it into conversations about life decisions and social problems.
wtf is this hahahah

my Vandy trust fund friends are going to go batshit if they see this

Comment in there nails it:

"4 years ago we were losing 750k jobs a month. Now we're not. We had 2 wars. Now we don't. We didn't know where Bin Laden was. Now we do. Health insurance rates were growing at a blistering pace. Now they're not. The DOW was at 6000. Now it's at 13,000. Are you better off now? You damn right you are"


has calmed down a bit.
Sorry, I should have elaborated more. I wasn't bashing religion or anything, its just that this guy in particular links a lot of his opinions in politics to his religious views, meaning that he also will work it into conversations about life decisions and social problems.

Well I think if you hang around here long enough you will learn ways to demonstrate inconsistencies with his religious views and his political views. For example, he is likely pro life yet pro death penalty. He believes the orchids demonstrate God's creative beauty and yet likely doesn't support policies to help sustain God's green earth. He believes in Jesus' compassion yet he probably opposes government assistance for poor and needy families, including Obama's health care law, that ended despicable insurance company practices and extended coverage to tens of millions of Americans. The first Bible verse he taught his kids was likely the easiest to learn: "God is love", yet he likely teaches them to hate and exclude gays.

The religion is not the problem, its the hypocrisy.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Well I think if you hang around here long enough you will learn ways to demonstrate inconsistencies with his religious views and his political views. For example, he is likely pro life yet pro death penalty. He believes the orchids demonstrate God's creative beauty and yet likely doesn't support policies to help sustain God's green earth. He believes in Jesus' compassion yet he probably opposes government assistance for poor and needy families, including Obama's health care law, that ended despicable insurance company practices and extended coverage to tens of millions of Americans. The first Bible verse he taught his kids was likely the easiest to learn: "God is love", yet he likely teaches them to hate and exclude gays.

The religion is not the problem, its the hypocrisy.

Oh wow, I already love it here.
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