Romney is going to be perceived as the winner of the first debate barring any major gaffe. It will be the first time he has been elevated to that position and will appear right next to the president himself. That alone carries weight with some. As also mention the bar for Obama to clear will be higher than Romney's own. More is expected of the man in charge. The question we should be asking is he going to do something dramatic to shake the race up?
I disagree. Romney's bar is way higher than Obama's. Right now the narrative is that Romney's campaign is practically a dead carcass on the side of the road, and it would take a miracle to revive it. The narrative that the media will most assuredly go to after the debate is, "Was that enough to get the Romney campaign in contention again? Was that enough to shake things up and move the electorate? Can he win because of that debate?"
As someone pointed out before the only thing the media loves more than a comeback is a train wreck. This campaign is a train wreck right now, and only a miracle can pull it out. If the media can't plausibly play the comeback angle, because he doesn't do something just stunning, then they're going to keep playing the train wreck angle.
And no amount of training should make you confident that Romney might be able to pull this off decisively, because the past has no hints toward that. Look at the RNC. They had plenty of time to prepare for that. That was the time when this party and this campaign could make the best possible push for their candidate. They had a week where the message was 100% theirs. Everything was in their favor for it, and look what happened. All they really had to do was make Romney look like a plausible alternative and run a good convention, and they screwed that up. Badly. They based most of it on an out of context quote and then capped the thing off with a wild out-of-their-ass idea of putting Clint Eastwood up there during prime time.
They can't even keep Romney on message at all. What makes you think he'll have one stroke of genius night where not only does he keep a straight message but Obama doesn't even call him on any of the previous messages? It isn't like Obama isn't paying attention to all this stuff. He knows what Romney's been doing and saying this whole time. He knows pretty much every possible thing Romney can say, because he's said it. There isn't some magic rabbit he can pull out of his ass to save him. I mean sure it's gotta be a bit frustrating for Obama since Romney does have so many messages he has to prepare different retorts for freaking everything, but still...
Also, Obama's been living and breathing this stuff for 4 years. Romney's just trying to be president, but Obama already is. Every single subject they can touch on Obama has already probably thought about it and possibly tried to do something about it during his years. He knows all the facts about most of the things Romney can attack him on, because he lived it. He was there. And really, all he has to do is keep looking presidential and not fuck up, and the narrative is already on his side.
All this is not to say that Obama will win or whatever. Really I think it'll be pretty divisive. I think each side will think their guy won and the narrative mostly continues. Romney will likely change his narrative from "He's dead" to possibly "Ok, well he's limbing, but I suppose he's not