Oh, EV's back?
My (Australian) state's new conservative government took a chainsaw to the public service, health spending, and all kinds of community programs, based on a diabolically spurious terror of debt.
EV was summoned.
Oh, EV's back?
48 other posters got banned right before EV got unbanned.
Obviously this means EV is worth 50 normal GAF posters.
It really doesn't matter how much a poster is worth, NeoGAF determines that. It can just create more posters with the push of a button.
The reason I'm not worried is because if he had any talent as a politician, he wouldn't be in such a hole. He'd need to pick up 6 points just to tie the race. I'd much rather be tied to begin with and surge to have a 6 point lead, which is pretty much what Obama did.Aaron: yeah, I'll admit -- this coming from me being "UH OH, MITT" as Dax painted me as being, that he totally wasted a fuckton of political opportunities. I blame the party. His campaign must be a living hell behind closed doors.
Or maybe Mitt really is this fucking stupid. All these years (since 2004 really) I thought he'd be a formidable candidate to go up against.
pigeon: It suggests that Obama has the momentum in OH. I'm not an idiot, I know how to read polls. Holy shit.
If we're talking about a 4-5 point race in OH, and Romney is one less point into the red, then it can potentially help if he has an unanticipated strong showing in the debates.
Polls continue to tighten even after the 47% video lmao
This could be even funnier than the Stewart/O'Reilly thing, honestly.Next month, the satellite-TV company will broadcast an ideological face-off between alarmist talk-show host Glenn Beck and disgraced former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who will go head-to-head on some of the same issues facing Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. The showy debate, dubbed War of the Words, will take place in Denver, just 24 hours before Obama and Romney square off in the same city.
Obama's lead in the battleground states is 52-41 in that same poll. He's doing well where it mattersI agree with your pessimistic attitude but national polls are almost worthless at this point in time...
PS: That Pelosi ad is really strange. It would make me vote against whoever put that out...
African Union troops 'to move into Kismayo'
Kenyan and Somali troops are preparing to move into Kismayo following the withdrawal of rebel fighters from the southern port city, Hussein Arab Isse, Somalia's deputy prime minister, has told Al Jazeera.
Joint forces launched a series of assaults to take the city on Friday, forcing al-Shabab rebels to withdraw from the port town - their last stronghold in Somalia.
"This is a major blow to them and we think it's positive for the region and for Somalia," said Musalia Mudavadi, a deputy Somali prime minister. Speaking on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, Mudavadi called the entry of Kenyan forces into the Somali port "a significant victory".
The loss of Kismayo a day after it was attacked by Kenyan and Somali soldiers backed by air strikes will deal a major blow to the al-Qaeda-linked rebels, weakening morale and depriving them of revenue from taxing local businesses and shipping.
Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow described Kismayo as a very important and strategic town for the group.
Kismayo, "is the backbone of the funding of al-Shabab"; it is also the location from which the group bring in their arms and supplies, he said.
Losing city, said Adow, would be "a huge setback for" the group and would leave them with the Somali capital as the only place that can provide al-Shabab with a hideout where they will also have access to "soft targets".
Some good news on the foreign policy front: al-Qaeda crippled in North Africa.
All joking aside about Romney and his FP issues, Obama has left himself open to some attacks due to how Libya was somewhat "handled". Not that Obama or his team purposefully mislead anybody, just the flow of intelligence was such and GOP is better at exploiting national security deaths.
I actually think Obama is more vulnerable on his FP right now against Romney than the economy.
Don't let the liberal media fool you. Nobody gives a shit about Libya.
Night Of The Living Pelosi
Courtesy of the Republican running against her.
It's so weird I don't know what to think of it, lol
Racism a form of collectivism is the antithesis of liberty.
All joking aside about Romney and his FP issues, Obama has left himself open to some attacks due to how Libya was somewhat "handled". Not that Obama or his team purposefully mislead anybody, just the flow of intelligence was such and GOP is better at exploiting national security deaths.
I actually think Obama is more vulnerable on his FP right now against Romney than the economy.
Obama attempted to retain his balance through the outbreak of Palinmania. When his team’s first instinct was to criticize Palin’s selection, he dialed them back. He counseled them repeatedly to keep their eyes (and train their fire) on the top of the ticket. When Jarrett informed him of a series of meetings she’d had in New York with frantic Democrats in that first week after the conventions, Obama said, “Just tell them to calm down.”
A couple of days later, Jarrett received a viral email that pictured Obama staring forward sternly and pointing in the direction of the camera. Above his head were the words “EVERYONE CHILL THE FUCK OUT,” and below that, the message “I GOT THIS!” She forwarded it to Obama.
“That’s what I was trying to tell you!” Obama replied.
^ LMAO, is that from Game Change?
Fox spinning is one thing, but its a lot different when you are in a debate and have to answer for your own dumb ass action. Libya wasn't Obamas fault at all, and I'm pretty sure he can communicate that.Fox has been spinning and slamming Obama on Libya nonstop, they're trying to create an opening for Romney in the FP debate. It might work. His foreign policy approval has gone down since the attack.
Oh another quote from my new favorite book:
Should I make a thread on this?
Sam Adams is shocking.
Well, if they're publicly saying "we'll turn it around at the debates!" they're at least admitting to losing presently.Romney will bring everything and anything up just to see what sticks.
The Romney campaign has not shown an ability to think rationally as far as anything goes, so it's really not as easy as saying "yeah, Romney doesn't want to bring it up."
Hell, he probably thinks he scored points with his stunt, there. They're in a bubble right now.
Everybody is diablos.Averon said:Obama is -1 in one poll (he's still up by 4 and early voting starts today!) and everybody's freaking the fuck out.
To talk with any working Republican political operative these days is to hear the same tale of woe: a grim accounting of the last few weeks, a dash of gallows humor and a measure of hope that President Obama is still beatable. Never in question is that Mitt Romney is trailing - the private surveys these strategists see for their down-ballot clients make that clear. The only question is how much.
But, hanging up the phone or clicking out of e-mail, is to find a parallel universe on the right. On TV, talk radio and especially the internet is a place where the swing-state polls showing Romney losing are not just inaccurate but part of an intentional plot by the heretofore unknown media-pollster axis to depress Republican voters. In this other world, Romney not only isn’t losing – he’s on the verge of a convincing victory.
There has always been a divide between the Republican consultant class and conservative media figures, of course. Operatives must dwell in the real world because their jobs depend on winning and losing. The likes of Morris and Limbaugh have different incentives. They want to build their email lists and listening audiences and there’s no faster way to conservative hearts than to kick the dreaded MSM. And, when it’s well after Labor Day of a presidential year and the Republican nominee isn’t faring well, reassuring the home team that there’s just a scoreboard malfunction offers a seeming dose of logic to the situation.
But the internet has let the alternate campaign reality flower this fall in a way that’s both striking and depressing to political professionals and pollsters
Everybody is diablos.
The margin of error for this subsample is likely high, but it's interesting that the poll doesn't exactly rule out the race not being tight in swing stateshttp://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politic...expectations-but-the-race-itself-stays-close/
Obama 49-47 nationally, among LVs.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/polit...d0d402-0b28-11e2-a310-2363842b7057_story.htmlBut 52 percent of likely voters across swing states side with Obama and 41 percent with Romney in the new national poll, paralleling Obama’s advantages in recent Washington Post polls in Florida, Ohio and Virginia.
Welcome back, professor.This is not a real issue in the US, and Republican advocacy for additional limitations on the medical freedom of women does not suggest that Republicans are not waging a war against women.
Genius.But we should know that he didn't need to sacrifice those posters. In the system we have he could have just brought EV back. The mods can ban and unban as they see fit. Imagine, if you will, a computer with a button. Now, an unban is nothing but hitting that button and changing some stuff on a computer screen. Then voila, someone is unbanned. A ban is nothing more than the same in reverse. If we see the system in this way we can freely choose to ban or unban regardless of how many posters we have overall. In fact, by banning that many he's just taking away from the posting economy.
What I mean to say is STOP MOD AUSTERITY!
Modern Mod Theory
I knew I saw something I wanted to comment on when I was on my phone!If you weren't on the list, don't feel bad. I wasn't trying to rule anybody out. You weren't on there because I had a hard time thinking of a certain style that I could summarize about your posts. People like bakuya, codhand, RustyNails, Nullpointer (and other prominent posters). It's not a bad thing.
I <3 you guys.
LOL! That's definitely me....
Rocket Scientist - "Wait, what does this mean?"
It's October. Time for a new election narrative, and its going to probably be "Romney's Comeback".
Can't wait.
To date, the 2012 elections in PoliGAF summed up:
PhoenixDark - "Romney's going to win, etc."
cartoon_soldier - "The media is going to be against him! It's gonna be rough!!!"
Diablos - "Guys, Romney! Guys, UH OH!!"
GhaleonEB - "These economic indicators aren't making any goddamn sense with the BLS monthly reports."
Aaaron Strife - "My optimism shall not abate. We will go on, and we will win!"
Cyan - "Let's be reasonable here."
eznark - "I'm just around for the entertainment."
Jackson50 - "[long post here]...and I'm a sesquipedalian poster. Also concinnous."
ToxicAdam - "You all need to get a room."
Empty Vessel - "The deficit doesn't matter. Now, let me type out an extremely long post detailing why."
Kosmo - "LOL, [insert ignorant false equivalence]."
pidgeon - "I'm pretty chill, but I'm gonna call out bullshit when I see it."
speculawyer - ". . . weirdly spaced periods."
Hitokage - "Sticking by to make sure things stay pleasant."
Tamanon - "Still here."
chichikov - "I'll type one sentence then I gotta press the Enter key."
TacticalFox88 - "Let me show you this funny picture."
Clevinger - "Nothing good is ever going to happen ever."
Manos - "GUNS"
HylianTom - "Oh, their delicious tears."
scorcho - "From time to time, I'll make a genuinely funny troll post, but other than that I got this levelheadedness thing down."
Reilo - "lol, PD."
Tim-E - "Yeah, not buying that."
Black Republican - "hey"
gcubed - "You all make me sad. Relax."
Oblivion - "*snickers* Guys, did you see those suckers in that OT political thread? Totally got 'em."
AlteredBeast - "Republican Party, be more sensible!"
Rocket Scientist - "Wait, what does this mean?"
RDreamer - "Wisconsin."
Stinkles - "The GOP's fucking insane."
Loud Ninja - "Post and link here."
Pantherlotus - "I'm still here too!"
Cheebo - "I'm chicken little no longer."
AniHawk - "I'm not so sarcastic here."
dude abides - "Well, you're getting that wrong."
Dr. Pangloss - "Not Spock."
incognito - "This is a pretty humorous story."
quadriplegicjon - "I am crossing my arms at you."
Forever - "I got a lot of good shit to say."
Dax01 - "Fuck you, PD."
Mitt Romney: A New Course for the Middle East
A whole lot of nothing.
I love this new talking point.Yet amid this upheaval, our country seems to be at the mercy of events rather than shaping them.
Mitt Romney: A New Course for the Middle East
A whole lot of nothing.
For god's sake America. Get a grip.He recently downgraded Israel from being our "closest ally" in the Middle East to being only "one of our closest allies."
...the ayatollahs must be made to believe us.
This fucking dude is on a warpath. ''We need to go to war and show them who's boss baby!''. How out of touch with reality do you have to be to say this shit.The 20th century became an American Century because we were steadfast in defense of freedom. We made the painful sacrifices necessary to defeat totalitarianism in all of its guises. To defend ourselves and our allies, we paid the price in treasure and in soldiers who never came home.
Egg-fucking-zactly. The media needs to jump all over this and expose this warmongerer for what he is. The American people need to know that this dude is Bush fucking III. Sorry this is just incredibly frustrating.In fact, you could argue that one of the biggest reasons the region is so fucked up now is because of western leaders and nations trying to "shape events" there over the course of the 20th century.
http://www.boston.com/politicalinte...wing-states/U8xryrEdnbaCUuqPJGchLM/story.htmlPresident Obama’s reelection campaign is reloading what it considers a powerful weapon against Republican challenger Mitt Romney: the disgruntled voice of someone who worked with Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts.
Eleven Massachusetts Democrats who overlapped with Romney between 2003 and 2007 will visit nine swing states this week in a foray timed to the first presidential debate on Wednesday in Denver. Since June, the Obama campaign has deployed more than two dozen current and former elected officials from Massachusetts to 11 states, where they have hosted more than 100 events.
The idea, Obama campaign spokesman Michael Czin said, is to make the president’s criticisms of Romney concrete.
“Those who served with Romney are in a unique position to tell voters across the country about Romney’s record of failed leadership and failed policies in Massachusetts,” Czin said.
“What I’ve found is voters are very interested in what Governor Romney was like when he was governor,” said state Representative Marty Walz, speaking by phone from a diner in Lebanon, N.H., where she talked to voters on Sunday. “People came to the diner to hear first-hand experience.”
Raise Your Voice
Click to contact candidates or elected officials about this issue. Bay State Democrats like Walz bring a warning to the nation’s battlegrounds: Don’t be fooled, like we were.
“A lot of people in my family voted for Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney was an impressive candidate for governor,” said Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone. “But he didn’t deliver.”
Ah hell its link time!
As for the creepshot thread, I thought of participating by posting some of the better creepshots Ive taken in the past, but decided that may not be the best idea.
This is the first time I've ever been acknowledged on one of these lists. *tear*
Fox has been spinning and slamming Obama on Libya nonstop, they're trying to create an opening for Romney in the FP debate. It might work. His foreign policy approval has gone down since the attack.
Oh another quote from my new favorite book:
Should I make a thread on this?
Sam Adams is shocking.
Not enough TPM backpats!
No wonder you like public transit so much.