32. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) On a ship in a storm, who would you rather have as the captain, (Obama) or (Romney)?*
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 52 40 1 6 1
9/9/12 RV 46 43 * 7 4
*Half sample asked Q32-34; other half sample asked Q35-37.
33. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Who would you rather invite to dinner at your home, (Obama) or (Romney)?
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 54 32 6 7 1
9/9/12 RV 52 33 7 6 2
34. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Who would you rather go on an overnight camping trip with, (Obama) or (Romney)?
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 48 34 4 12 2
35. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Who would you rather have babysit your children, (Obama) or (Romney)?
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 41 41 3 13 2
36. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Whose music playlist would you rather listen to, (Obama)s or (Romney)s?
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 46 30 1 9 14
37. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Who would you rather see as a contestant on Dancing with the Stars, (Obama) or (Romney)?
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 51 26 4 11 8
*** END ***