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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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You're the one who sounds tired, off his game and boring, PD.
You know the boy who cried wolf?

If you keep crying that Romney is coming back no one will take you seriously even if he does.

PD is a slow-drip account suicide that's never going to be put out of our misery. He pissed away any reputation as a worthwhile poster for Mitt Freakin' Romney. Every so often he makes a post that seems to reflect his real feelings, and it gets "not sure if serious" replies.

True, but people bomb pre-written jokes all the time: every awards show that has ever happened, for example. Plus, debates are not so easily predicted in term of when to lob your prepared statements, there is still some quick thinking that goes into laying out these zingers at the right time.

Mitt's going to have a quiver full of zingers, but I guarantee he fails to pull some of them at the most opportune moment. He may even repeat them.

it's a shame that we lost Mandark, APF and some others; it'll be a shame when others are gone after this. this final month-long stretch to the finish is going to be entertaining.

You know who I miss? Stoney Mason.

I liked Manos for the most part, but he never should have ignored the warnings the mods were giving him. If he'd only addressed Pete's rebuttals directly, he'd have survived.


Mitt's main debate problem is that he doesn't realize when he sounds full of shit, like when Kennedy asked him for hard numbers, or when he asked Perry to take a $10,000 bet, or when he asked Anderson Cooper for help. He is so deep in the rich's man's bubble. It's been said many times but the 47% tape was so powerful because it reinforced everyone's worst opinions of Mitt.



Should I make a thread on this?

Sam Adams is shocking.

I usually drink Rolling Rock, so I'm definitely not in the same spot as that.

Perhaps I shall try this Sierra Nevada and see what my fellow high turnout dems are drinking.
when are the debates?
I might wanna tune in to those if they are at a serviceable time for us europeans ;)
First one is 2/3 am on wednesday for us =( It's late, but I'm staying up. Have to see it live and in full. None of the national channels here are airing it live. Neither are the BBC and CNN international it seems. That's messed up.

Also, there seem to be a lot of light drinks on the republican side. What does light mean in this case though?



Should I make a thread on this?

Sam Adams is shocking.

I love this chart. I love that people who drink light beer are always more likely to vote than people who drink the equivalent non-light, presumably ecause it's less filling. Miller's success at market segmentation is also impressive. It's also probably telling that I thought Sierra Nevada was much more popular than I apparently is.


I love this chart. I love that people who drink light beer are always more likely to vote than people who drink the equivalent non-light, presumably ecause it's less filling. Miller's success at market segmentation is also impressive. It's also probably telling that I thought Sierra Nevada was much more popular than I apparently is.
Even Samuel Adams' market share is below 1% IIRC.

Obviously it's a huge market, but even brewers like Left Hand don't make gazillions in revenue.


These questions are amazing, from the latest ABC News/WAPO national poll

32. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) On a ship in a storm, who would you rather have as the captain, (Obama) or (Romney)?*
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 52 40 1 6 1
9/9/12 RV 46 43 * 7 4
*Half sample asked Q32-34; other half sample asked Q35-37.

33. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Who would you rather invite to dinner at your home, (Obama) or (Romney)?
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 54 32 6 7 1
9/9/12 RV 52 33 7 6 2

34. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Who would you rather go on an overnight camping trip with, (Obama) or (Romney)?
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 48 34 4 12 2

35. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Who would you rather have babysit your children, (Obama) or (Romney)?
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 41 41 3 13 2

36. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Whose music playlist would you rather listen to, (Obama)’s or (Romney)’s?
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 46 30 1 9 14

37. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Who would you rather see as a contestant on Dancing with the Stars, (Obama) or (Romney)?
Obama Romney Both Neither No Opinion
9/29/12 RV 51 26 4 11 8
*** END ***


I was distracted by teh Halos.

*shakes fist*

Edit: that popped the Down 100 points in a few minutes, wow. It was nearly two points above expectations.

Edit2: construction spending dropped .6%, though, when it was thought to have expanded.

The ncredible volatility of the market is the sleeper story this year. Nobody who took their money out is actually doing anything with it -- you can tell from the huge pops that people are just waiting for an economic boost they can trust to start reinvesting. Unfortunately, that very nervousness is the problem.

Edit: I wih I could tell whether question 35 is racism or just that Romney is a straitlaced Mormon.


Sidhe / PikPok
Would they get into hilarious arguments about freeing the baby from the shackles of the babysitter? And how the babysitter can't create fun?

More likely they'll argue whether the baby should get handouts like food and housing because it doesn't pay taxes.
I read more site comments on news stories.

I realize poligaf is a pretty left leaning thread, and everybody in here is like "Barry's got it in the bag" but then I see comment after comment that are just vile and stupid and full of lies and I think "You know, he still might lose" And I can't think of ANY reason for this vitriol. I just can't.

I went out to breakfast with my family on sunday and the place we were at had fox news on. I haven't watched fox news in years besides snipets here and there of various programs. I think my jaw was on the floor the entire time because I was so taken aback but the pure bullshit that they were saying and reinforcing over and over and over. And that bullshit is the same stuff that these clowns believe. The same ones that are posting their vile bullshit are getting it from places like fox.

Then I read that shit that people like Ryan say "Media bias" saying that shit on the biggest biased network I can think of. AND PEOPLE BELIEVE ALL OF THIS SHIT.

I don't think I want to live on this planet any more.


The ncredible volatility of the market is the sleeper story this year. Nobody who took their money out is actually doing anything with it -- you can tell from the huge pops that people are just waiting for an economic boost they can trust to start reinvesting. Unfortunately, that very nervousness is the problem.

Edit: I wih I could tell whether question 35 is racism or just that Romney is a straitlaced Mormon.

i think the assumption is that Romney would most likely bring a nanny because damned if he will change diapers, so you get some professional care along with a mormon to watch your house.

This guy's Presidential aspirations are done for after this election.

i really want to know what happened in the VP meetings. Like, did the establishment republicans know they were going to lose and saw a way to completely ruin the Ryan train (they knew nothing good was going to happen with him after opponents ran on his budget and won seats that haven't been D in decades)


i really want to know what happened in the VP meetings. Like, did the establishment republicans know they were going to lose and saw a way to completely ruin the Ryan train (they knew nothing good was going to happen with him after opponents ran on his budget and won seats that haven't been D in decades)

It was a pretty smart move if that was the case. If the republicans ever want to expand their voting base, they need to ensure that his poison budget is destroyed in front of everyone.
It was a pretty smart move if that was the case. If the republicans ever want to expand their voting base, they need to ensure that his poison budget is destroyed in front of everyone.

Then again, this IS the Republican party we're talking about here. They aren't exactly the most sane or sharpest tool in the sheds
I'm kind of wondering whether the "Ryan is muzzled by the Romney camp" stories are coming from conservatives to protect his national ambitions. Even if that is true and Ryan isn't truly being himself, I don't even see a hint of a good politician there. He's not energetic on the stump, he seems a tad awkward, and has been exposed to more analysis from the media - who before apparently endorsed all his plans without running numbers. I just can't see him being the messiah republicans pretend he is

And even if he runs in four years will that magically make powerpoints and chalk boards popular on the stump? Of course not. And his Medicare plan will still be toxic


I read more site comments on news stories.

I realize poligaf is a pretty left leaning thread, and everybody in here is like "Barry's got it in the bag" but then I see comment after comment that are just vile and stupid and full of lies and I think "You know, he still might lose" And I can't think of ANY reason for this vitriol. I just can't.

I went out to breakfast with my family on sunday and the place we were at had fox news on. I haven't watched fox news in years besides snipets here and there of various programs. I think my jaw was on the floor the entire time because I was so taken aback but the pure bullshit that they were saying and reinforcing over and over and over. And that bullshit is the same stuff that these clowns believe. The same ones that are posting their vile bullshit are getting it from places like fox.

Then I read that shit that people like Ryan say "Media bias" saying that shit on the biggest biased network I can think of. AND PEOPLE BELIEVE ALL OF THIS SHIT.

I don't think I want to live on this planet any more.

Used to study in Texas, tell me about it. Back then, the only dedicated new channels in my country was CNN International and UK's BBC on cable. Upon arriving in US, after a while I knew something weird is going on with US news reporting. Turn out, it's just Fox News being shown everywhere there. My first exposure to media within the US were news anchors be praising W Bush and the wars 24/7 and Bill O'Reilly.


i really want to know what happened in the VP meetings. Like, did the establishment republicans know they were going to lose and saw a way to completely ruin the Ryan train (they knew nothing good was going to happen with him after opponents ran on his budget and won seats that haven't been D in decades)
The reporting I read suggested that it was mostly Romney's decision, against the advice of many of his people.
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