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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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I would say that is the main problem with attacking Obama. They have been doing it continuously for the last 4 years that it has lost its potency. It's like the boy that cried wolf. They have being crying wolf since 2009 and yet we don't live in some dystopian universe like they claim. This constant ragging on Obama has made the message itself weaker and weaker.


For Republican strategists wondering why “You didn’t build that” wasn’t enough to push Mitt Romney into a lead while “47 percent” is breaking through, Haley Barbour may have answer for you.

I love the republican talking point that " you didn't build that" wasn't taken out of context and only liberals and the white house are trying to spin it that way. I saw someone regurgitate that on fox news last night before changing the channel in my regular " watch Fox news for 10 minutes and see how many crazy things are said" schedule.


I would say that is the main problem with attacking Obama. They have been doing it continuously for the last 4 years that it has lost its potency. It's like the boy that cried wolf. They have being crying wolf since 2009 and yet we don't live in some dystopian universe like they claim. This constant ragging on Obama has made the message itself weaker and weaker.

That's exactly what I thought when I read that quote. The GOP's attacks on Obama has been so over-the-top for so long that--and it totally contradicts how Obama present him to the public--that people are starting to tune out the attacks.


And yet you never explain how Castro will appeal state wide to a state that is still deep red. Obama isn't even campaigning there yet you expect Castro to outright win in two years?

Mobilize the Hispanic vote, which hasn't really coalesced into a statewide force yet. Run down the middle to swing the non-crazies. Capitalize on Rick Perry being epically unpopular. Maximize turnout in the urban liberal enclaves. It's not out of the realm of possibility at all.

It's also easier to be a Democratic governor in a red state than a senator. You don't have a voting record to be tied to or Washington party interests breathing down your neck.


Forgive and forget if this has been posted

The WMUR Granite State Poll shows Obama leading Romney 52 to 37 percent among likely voters. Nine percent said they are still undecided.

The poll of 600 likely general election voters was conducted by landline and cellphone from Sept. 27 through Sept. 30 for WMUR by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center. It has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

UNH pollster Andy Smith said there has been a significant shift in which party is energized.

"Right now, the voters most interested in the election are Democrats," Smith said. "That is a good sign for the president because you really have to get energized, angry, motivated voters to get to the polls, and right now, that's the Democratic Party."

The poll also shows that Obama is winning over independents. After being neck and neck last month, the president now leads that group by 16 points.

Obama has also has seen a boost in his favorability rating. The polls shows that 56 percent of those surveyed have a favorable opinion of the president, while 40 percent do not.

"If you go back to August, it was a tie at 48 percent favorable and 48 percent unfavorable," Smith said. "He has really done a good job of buttressing his image here in the state."

Romney's favorability numbers are going the wrong way in the most recent poll, with 39 percent having a favorable opinion compared to 54 percent with an unfavorable opinion.

Smith said a good showing in the Wednesday's debate could help Romney, who might also benefit from new ads.

Read more: http://www.wmur.com/news/politics/P...16806904/-/evbu84z/-/index.html#ixzz285QT7giS


Who's going to beat him, in a deep red state? The only way Perry loses is if he faces a decent primary opponent. No democrat will beat him

TX isn't a deep red state, it's a moderately red state that is steadily turning purple. It's not Idaho.

Obama won NV and Wisconsin by larger margins than McCain won Texas, and Texas and Penn were the same amount.
And yet you never explain how Castro will appeal state wide to a state that is still deep red. Obama isn't even campaigning there yet you expect Castro to outright win in two years?

Governerships don't necessarily follow the same rules as national politics. In 1982 they elected a dem as governer, in 1984 then went to the republican by 24 points.

Not to say that the castro boosters are right here, either, I've heard the texas dems are in shambles, but it's totally concievable to have a deep red state, but have a centrist dem get elected governer. I mean, look at New England, totally blue, but they love them some republican governers. I mean, if Vermont can elect a republican in 2003, Texas can elect a dem today.


They shouldn't be doing this Libya stuff. Perhaps it's because Romney's people are all older generation Rs who think they naturally own all national security issues.

They should be hammering him on Obamacare and the mandate (as opposed to the dumb "robbing medicare" shit). That's something he's done that's actually unpopular.

The reason that they aren't is that it isn't -- or at least it won't be for much longer. This is why Romney keeps inching closer and closer to championing Romneycare.
dirtiest race in the nation
U.S. Rep. Allen West (R-FL) reportedly asked his wife to be his "porn star" in a hand-written letter from Iraq in 2003, detailing "non-negotiable" sex acts she was to perform on his return and ordering her to wear only two-piece bathing suits.

Former Palm Beach Post and Radar.com staffer Jose Lambiet published some of the contents of the letter on his South Florida site Gossip Extra, arguing the intimate details are news-worthy because the way the Tea Party Congressman relates to women has become an issue in his reelection race.

Lambiet said he exclusively obtained the letter written to financial advisor Dr. Angela West, whom the former Army Lt. Colonel married in 1989. Among the contents:

The congressman proceeds tells his wife he expects certain intimate acts upon his return that will be “the standard and it is non-negotiable.”

...Then: “Angela, I need to know, are you committed to being my porn star?

“I do not want to hear ‘no’ or ‘we’ll see about that.’ I want my fantasies to be with you. God has authorized you and you only as my partner for intimacy and that is what I want.”



TX isn't a deep red state, it's a moderately red state that is steadily turning purple. It's not Idaho.

Obama won NV and Wisconsin by larger margins than McCain won Texas, and Texas and Penn were the same amount.

Arkansas in insanely red (assuming you don't have a Clinton running) but almost always elects a Democratic Governor.


I never knew that the Clintons were hippies.


Bill needs his beard back.


Has the polling on it improved recently?


I don't think it is likely to improve much in the next month.

There was a big move on it immediately after SCOTUS signed off on it, basically to parity.


Since then, the Democrats mounted an aggressive press on it at the DNC, focusing on the insurance company givebacks for not spending enough on patients. I don't see an especially current Obamacare poll, but that CNN poll from this morning shows Obama with a five-point lead on Romney when it comes to health care. I would bet a small amount of money that the PPACA is in positive net favorability territory today.
Obama 50 Romney 47

CNN: It's a tie!

FUCK you, CNN.
They even labelled Iowa where O has +4 advantage as a tie.

Media either doesn't know how statistics works or they're desperately clinging to a horse race. You can technically call a +8 advantage a tie too, if the error margin is 4.

Dude Abides

There was a big move on it immediately after SCOTUS signed off on it, basically to parity.


Since then, the Democrats mounted an aggressive press on it at the DNC, focusing on the insurance company givebacks for not spending enough on patients. I don't see an especially current Obamacare poll, but that CNN poll from this morning shows Obama with a five-point lead on Romney when it comes to health care. I would bet a small amount of money that the PPACA is in positive net favorability territory today.

Perhaps. I doubt the mandate is very popular, even if the bill overall is a coin flip. If nothing else it might remind the GOP base why they hate Obama and need to get him out of office.


By the way, I think there's another Warren/Brown debate tonight.
Speaking of Warren:

Two New Polls Show Warren Leading Brown In Mass.
Elizabeth Warren continues to hold the lead over Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) that she built in the weeks following the Democratic National Conventio, a pair of new polls show.

A poll released on Sunday that was conducted by the University of New Hampshire and commissioned by the Boston Globe showed Warren leading Brown, 43 percent to 38 percent. The poll was striking for its number of undecided voters: 18 percent of likely voters surveyed said they had not made up their minds.

A new survey released today that was conducted by MassINC Polling Group and commissioned by Boston public radio affiliate WBUR shows Warren holding a 4-point lead over Brown among likely voters (including leaners), 49 percent to 45 percent.
They even labelled Iowa where O has +4 advantage as a tie.

Media either doesn't know how statistics works or they're desperately clinging to a horse race. You can technically call a +8 advantage a tie too, if the error margin is 4.

This is CNN. They'd report the Super Bowl results as a tie because they don't want to alienate either side, by always resorting to some false equivalency bullshit.


or they're desperately clinging to a horse race. You can technically call a +8 advantage a tie too, if the error margin is 4.

Ding, they know the race is basically over barring a miracle from a Romney campaign that could not win a High School Presidency at this point.

And because they are somewhat in the middle they have nothing to run newsworthy unless its a contest. MSNBC can run about how awesome Obama is and FOX News can perpetuate the myth that Romney is going to win in a Reagan-esque landslide
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