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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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If it's any consolation, I know I intend to vote for it.

The language that will show up in the booth is a bit confusing, though.

"Civil marriage license" threw me off for a bit - I thought it was saying "do you support civil unions over proper marriage?", although I believe that's not what it actually says. All the talk about "protect[ing] clergy from having to perform any particular marriage ceremony in violation of their religious beliefs", too, since it sounds a lot like the sort of argument you'd hear anti-gay marriage people to use.

That's actually quite a nice description to have on there as it debunks all of the most common arguments against gay marriage that people don't otherwise understand are irrelevant.


If Obama wins, the next GOP attack on voting rights will be to stop early voting. Already seeing Republicans complaining about voting taking place before the first debate (as if this campaign hasn't been going on for over a year)


Here's an interesting explanation of the Romney lyme disease mailers

Let’s play doctor. A patient comes to you with joint pain, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, poor attention, and mood swings. You might run a series of tests to rule out a persistent infection or other disorder. If your patient lives in a tick- and Lyme-disease-infested area, you would be wise to test for the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and, if detected, prescribe a course of antibiotics. But suppose the tests come back negative and there is little evidence that your patient was bitten by a tick or was infected with the Lyme disease bacterium. If you are a good doctor, and you are, you might explore a diagnosis of depression, a disease that afflicts almost 10 percent of the population at any given time.

If you are a doctor who believes that the CDC and NIH have misrepresented carefully vetted clinical trial data about the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, however, you might diagnose your patient with chronic Lyme disease and prescribe an intensive, long-term, side-effect-laden, mega-dose of antibiotics.

And who would be the biggest supporter of your and your patient’s right to pursue a worth-testing-but-found-wanting treatment? Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.


I still want Election Day to be a national holiday. That'd be at or near the top of my realistic wish list for Obama's second term.
THAT is what this fucker is talking about?!
That was one thing the Romney campaign brought up but we don't know if that is what this guy was talking about.

Didn't he say something about how absentee ballots from soldiers were down? Perhaps this is merely because WE ENDED THE IRAQ WAR. With less soldiers in FOBs and more in the main military bases perhaps there just are less absentee voters but that does NOT mean that anyone is suppressing them. Perhaps he was just spewing a biased manipulation of the truth that allows people to infer something nefarious where it doesn't exist.

Edit: Surprise! The claim is garbage.


Not sure about the national holiday. That would be great but that might cause other problems. Would be better to make early voting mandatory for all states, at least a week leading up to the election (states can make it longer if they want) and the hours must extend to at least 9 or 10pm for all time zones. That should take care of overcrowding, people that work longer hours, and any area that might require you to produce some form of ID that you might not have on you that day for whatever reason. You can come back the next day.


If Obama wins, the next GOP attack on voting rights will be to stop early voting. Already seeing Republicans complaining about voting taking place before the first debate (as if this campaign hasn't been going on for over a year)

They've already been trying.

Ohio Early Voting

The state legislature cut back on the early voting period, and banned it in the three days prior to Election Day. (Even though 93,000 Ohioans voted in those three days in 2008.) An exception, however, was made for military personnel, who tend to lean Republican.

They Want to Make Voting Harder?

Mr. Obama won North Carolina, for example, by less than 15,000 votes. That state has had early voting since 2000, and in 2008, more ballots were cast before Election Day than on it. Mr. Obama won those early votes by a comfortable margin. So it is no coincidence that the North Carolina House passed a measure — along party lines — that would cut the early voting period by a week, reducing it to a week and a half before the election. The Senate is preparing a similar bill, which we hope Gov. Beverly Perdue, a Democrat, will veto if it reaches her.

It's disgusting this stuff can go on so blatantly.
JKF would have won certainly, but not LBJ

If you're asking who has been banned the most number of times and yet still lives to post on GAF, Speculawyer has 18 bans (including a perm warning) and PhoenixDark has 19 (including an actual perm which was rescinded). Speculawyer has been banned by 10 separate moderators while Phoenixdark has been banned by 12.

Dude, what the fuck are you and Spec doing? Yall gotta chill.

Poligaf cannot suffer any more gaf deaths.
Jon Chait has an article today about how the media has been shrewdly targeting Paul Ryan's hitherto unexposed fatal weaknesses -- straightforward questions about his proposals, and accurate reporting of things that have actually happened.


He just wasn't ready for prime time, and as we've discussed on PoliGAF, it's going to irreparably harm his political career. Maybe he would've been in a few years, maybe not. But you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Agreed. The media cuddled him for three years, and now that it's game time he's still not ready...

As I said earlier, what has he done in this campaign to convince anyone that he's ready to win a nomination, much less be The nominee? He's not a good politician, it's pretty clear. And if Obama wins the Medicare vote in November, alongside the elderly vote? Stick a fork in it, Ryan is done. He can stay in the house and craft policy for Obama to reject all he wants. Rubio, Christie, Jeb Bush, etc are superior politicians and might have their own budgets by 2016


Dude, what the fuck are you and Spec doing? Yall gotta chill.

Poligaf cannot suffer any more gaf deaths.

Dudes, chill out. I like Spec's posts and this thread would be way less entertaining without PD. This little community doesn't need to see any more deaths.
Interesting [to me] fact:

If Obama wins re-election, and does so with 50%+ of the popular vote, it will have been the first time since FDR that a Democrat has won both his Presidential election and re-election with a majority of the popular vote.

edit: Also, Andrew Jackson is the only other Democrat to have done so.

That's got more to do with strong 3rd party cadidates than anything else.


GIFs of two men standing behind podiums talking? Can't wait, the opportunities for interesting and dynamic GIFs is astronomical!

(Seems like a waste of time to me, if the sarcasm wasn't obvious.)



Can someone sum up the Elastic Clause in the Constitution? Don't even understand the basics. (for school)

edit: sounds like a rehash of Artivle 1, Section 8 (Enumerated powers?)


Can someone sum up the Elastic Clause in the Constitution? Don't even understand the basics. (for school)

edit: sounds like a rehash of Artivle 1, Section 8 (Enumerated powers?)

It's in that section, actually. Basically, the Necessary and Proper Clause just says that Congress has the power to do anything that they feel is necessary or at least reasonable in order to accomplish one of their other responsibilities. For example, the Constitution doesn't give the federal government the authority to create the Federal Reserve, but doing so is necessary to "coin Money [and] regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin," so the Constitution is interpreted as giving them that authority. Otherwise they really wouldn't be able to do anything much.


North Carolina to investigate firm registering GOP voters


A company hired by the North Carolina GOP to register voters is under review by state election officials after the firm was accused of submitting questionable registration forms in Florida. The state GOP has fired the firm and the state may decide this week whether to launch a full investigation.

Strategic Allied Consulting, which worked for the Republican National Committee and the state Republican Party in North Carolina, Florida and several other states, was fired by the RNC and the GOP in at least three states after it turned in 106 questionable voter registration forms in Palm Beach County, Fla.

“We take any threat to the voting process very seriously,” said Rob Lockwood, the communications director for the North Carolina GOP in an email. “We have terminated our relationship.”

The North Carolina board of elections is contacting local boards of elections in the state to see if they have found any discrepancies or questionable forms being submitted by Strategic Allied. The board will decide whether to launch an investigation, said board Director Gary Bartlett. “Right now, we’re looking to see if there’s been any impropriety,” he said. “No one yet has brought to my attention that there is something wrong here, but I asked my investigator to see if we have a problem. And if we do, we will deal with it.”

In Florida, a worker with the Palm Beach County elections office notified officials after discovering that several voter registration forms had similar handwriting and signatures, as well as other discrepancies.

The initial report spawned a larger investigation that found 106 new registration forms were suspected of being fraudulent, the Miami Herald reported last week.

Officials with the company said the fraudulent forms were all tied to the same Strategic Allied employee, who was terminated. But shortly after the initial incident, more Florida counties from across the state reported similar irregularities with voter registration forms. All were traced to the Republican Party of Florida.

State GOP officials said the party would not accept any hint of irregularity in voter registration. “We have zero tolerance for any threat to the integrity of elections,” said Sean Spicer, communications director for the RNC, in a statement.

A representative with Strategic Allied could not be reached Sunday, but, according to its website, the firm and its affiliated companies have registered more than 500,000 voters across the country during the past eight years. It has also conducted voter registration and grass-roots projects in more than 40 states.

“The reason we have quality control measures in place is because we recognize that with projects this large, there will be isolated incidents of individuals trying to cheat the system,” a statement on the company’s website read. “Our quality control measures and the clear intent of our culture (do) not tolerate fraud.”

Records indicate that at least seven states have worked with Strategic Allied Consulting in recent months.

But in the wake of the incident in Palm Beach County, at least three – North Carolina, Colorado, and Virginia - have fired the company, according to media reports.

The RNC paid the firm $2.9 million this year, according to elections records. Strategic Allied Consulting was the only vendor the RNC hired to register voters.

Strategic Allied Consulting was formed in June by Nathan Sproul. Sproul is a Republican consultant who has been investigated in the past for voter fraud in other states. An attorney for the firm, Fred Petti, told the Herald that those investigations turned up no evidence of fraud.


It's in that section, actually. Basically, the Necessary and Proper Clause just says that Congress has the power to do anything that they feel is necessary or at least reasonable in order to accomplish one of their other responsibilities. For example, the Constitution doesn't give the federal government the authority to create the Federal Reserve, but doing so is necessary to "coin Money [and] regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin," so the Constitution is interpreted as giving them that authority. Otherwise they really wouldn't be able to do anything much.

Haha. Is that from, "And he hasn't told you how much his healthcare plan is going to raise your taxes!"

"Ok, let me tell the American people right now. It will NOT raise your taxes at all." - Obama

Yeah, that's McCain's reaction to Obama 'talking to' Joe the Plumber and saying his fine for not purchasing insurance would be $0.

"I'm happy to talk to you, Joe, too, if you're out there. Here is your fine. Zero."

That debate was all kinds of glorious.


GOP’s October surprise?
Source reveals "Jimmy Carter Strategy" to make Obama seem weak on defense in campaign's final month
According to a highly reliable source, as Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama prepare for the first presidential debate Wednesday night, top Republican operatives are primed to unleash a new two-pronged offensive that will attack Obama as weak on national security, and will be based, in part, on new intelligence information regarding the attacks in Libya that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens on Sept. 11.

The source, who has firsthand knowledge of private, high-level conversations in the Romney camp that took place in Washington, D.C., last week, said that at various times the GOP strategists referred to their new operation as the Jimmy Carter Strategy or the October Surprise.

He added that they planned to release what they hoped would be “a bombshell” that would make Libya and Obama’s foreign policy a major issue in the campaign. “My understanding is that they have come up with evidence that the Obama administration had positive intelligence that there was going to be a terrorist attack on the intelligence.”

The source described the Republicans as chortling with glee that the Obama administration “definitely had intel” about the attack before it happened. “Intelligence can be graded in different ways,” he added, “and sometimes A and B don’t get connected. But [the Romney campaign] will try to paint it to look like Obama had advance knowledge of the attack and is weak on terrorism.”

He said they were jubilant about their new strategy and said they intended to portray Obama as a helpless, Jimmy Carter-like president and to equate the tragedy in Libya with President Carter’s failed attempt to rescue American hostages in Iran in 1980. “They are so excited about it,” he said. “Over and over again they talked about how it would be just like Jimmy Carter’s failed raid. They feel it is going to give them a last-minute landslide in the election.”


aka andydumi
GOP’s October surprise?
Source reveals "Jimmy Carter Strategy" to make Obama seem weak on defense in campaign's final month

Carter didn't kill Bin Laden...

Lawyers in the tight circle who specialize in filing fraud claims with the federal government on behalf of clients with evidence of wrongdoing have raised more than $3 million so far for President Obama. The administration, meanwhile, has paid out $1.6 billion to whistle-blowers during his tenure, with law firms taking a cut in some cases of up to 40 percent of the proceeds.

The lawyers have contributed directly to Mr. Obama’s campaign, served as “bundlers” who solicit contributions from others, donated to the Democratic National Committee and written large checks to Priorities USA, the “super PAC” supporting Mr. Obama’s re-election efforts. They have also donated heavily to Congressional Democrats.

Their support comes as Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee, has called for repeal of the Dodd-Frank Act, which imposed new oversight of the financial services industry and expanded the government’s whistle-blower program to the Securities and Exchange Commission, which has set aside $430 million for payouts. Business groups have also pushed for legislation imposing a cap on payments to whistle-blowers, arguing that rewards reaching as high as $104 million, as happened in one case, have turned anti-fraud efforts into a lottery.

“The risks are enormous there will be real pullback because of pressure from the industry that has paid billions in penalties,” said John R. Phillips, one of the nation’s top whistle-blower lawyers, who has raised more than $200,000 for Mr. Obama’s re-election from colleagues, after first working in 2008 to help Mr. Obama get elected.

The fund-raising is already a flash point in Washington, where lawmakers have been divided along partisan lines over the administration’s efforts to regulate the financial industry and the political parties have long been at odds over trial lawyers and class-action suits. On the campaign trail, Mr. Romney has cast himself and fellow Republicans as champions of business and the president and Democrats as hostile to business interests.



GOP’s October surprise?
Source reveals "Jimmy Carter Strategy" to make Obama seem weak on defense in campaign's final month
I can't see that working for the GOP, at all.

Romney only has two paths to victory - the economy, and Obama fucking a white woman.

Any second that they don't talk about unemployment or with White She Devil is a wasted second.
And they don't have a whole lot of time left.


GOP is obsessed with linking Obama to Carter. It won't work. Also, refocusing the campaign on FP seems like a massive mistake. This isn't 2004.
trinity university, a tiny (2,000 students) liberal arts school deep in the heart of texas.

I'm a lurker here in PoliGAF and starting to catch up for the day but thumbs up. I'm a Trinity graduate, glad to see the school is still bringing in awesome speakers. Lord knows they have enough money to do it.

Also a trinity graduate, 2007. I also got to see some famous speakers: George H. W. Bush and Frank Rich from what I can remember. Also, Joaquin Castro taught me Business Law. Good guy. That probably was the best thing about the school. Kind of wish I had went to my current college for undergrad though, LSU. It's cheaper, and I find the professors here more helpful. I would also say it is much easier, but paying $30,000 in tuition was not worth it. Anyway I am at the real fighting Tiger school now.
GOP’s October surprise?
Source reveals "Jimmy Carter Strategy" to make Obama seem weak on defense in campaign's final month

Fox and others have been talking about this already and it has gained no traction. I will admit this seems like a clear case of media bias, but on the other hand I can imagine the media not covering it in part because it's not a sexy story. The administration certainly knew an attack was very likely going to happen and failed to do anything...but I don't see how that fixes Romney's foreign policy problem. He's still the guy who rushed out the gate on the issue, and looked like a fool.

Republicans need a domestic terrorist attack, basically. And even that might not work in Romney's favor


Fox and others have been talking about this already and it has gained no traction. I will admit this seems like a clear case of media bias, but on the other hand I can imagine the media not covering it in part because it's not a sexy story. The administration certainly knew an attack was very likely going to happen and failed to do anything...but I don't see how that fixes Romney's foreign policy problem. He's still the guy who rushed out the gate on the issue, and looked like a fool.

Republicans need a domestic terrorist attack, basically. And even that might not work in Romney's favor
Show me proof please.


Fox and others have been talking about this already and it has gained no traction. I will admit this seems like a clear case of media bias, but on the other hand I can imagine the media not covering it in part because it's not a sexy story. The administration certainly knew an attack was very likely going to happen and failed to do anything...but I don't see how that fixes Romney's foreign policy problem. He's still the guy who rushed out the gate on the issue, and looked like a fool.

Republicans need a domestic terrorist attack, basically. And even that might not work in Romney's favor

someone posted a few pages back...

the general public doesn't gives a shit about Libya
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