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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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MONEY QUOTE from Drudge, he just edited:

"'We don't need to build more highways out in the suburbs. We should be investing in minority-owned businesses, in our neighborhoods'..."

This is the quote they're going to try to highlight tonight and make into a story.

holy fuck lol


Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
According to SurveyUSA, Obama is up 2 in North Carolina and has a 20 point advantage with early voters.
According to the poll, Obama has a 20-point lead among people who plan to cast early ballots. They accounted for 43 percent of those surveyed. Romney holds a 53 to 41 percent lead among those planning to vote on Election Day – 48 percent of those surveyed – and a 58 to 39 percent lead among the small number of people who will cast absentee ballots.
I want to see NC go blue. It'd be an early night if it did.

edit: Woops... looks like I was beaten a few pages ago.


If they think this will show up and the debates, they're mistaken. Jim Lehrer isn't going to entertain this BS. Romney might bring it up if he's desperate, but I doubt it.


Drudge said:
'For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America'... Developing tonight...

OBAMA DECLARES HOW POOR PEOPLE: 'Need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right clothes, how to act appropriately in an office'... Developing..
Oh wow.


MONEY QUOTE from Drudge, he just edited:

"'We don't need to build more highways out in the suburbs. We should be investing in minority-owned businesses, in our neighborhoods'..."

This is the quote they're going to try to highlight tonight and make into a story.

holy fuck lol

That didn't even stick out to me at all. When's he say that in the video?


Posting this again
Obama Leads By 3 Points In Florida
President Obama leads Republican nominee Mitt Romney 46 percent to Romney's 43 percent in a new poll of Florida from Suffolk University. From their analysis:
Romney continues to struggle with his likability. His 45 percent favorable rating is 3 points higher than in a survey the Suffolk University Political Research Center conducted in May; yet his unfavorable rating is also up 2 points, to 47 percent today.
Bullshit. We have the early voting ballot request info. Republicans have a near 30 point lead...

What are you going to do if Obama wins? I'm just curious. Will you look back at this thread and say "Yeah, I was wrong about things?" or will you go the fox news route and just live in denial?

Not taking a shot at you, btw. Just wondering. Same goes for everybody.

If Obama lost I'd say I'd lose faith in the majority of American's critical thinking skills and adjust accordingly.
MONEY QUOTE from Drudge, he just edited:

"'We don't need to build more highways out in the suburbs. We should be investing in minority-owned businesses, in our neighborhoods'..."

This is the quote they're going to try to highlight tonight and make into a story.

holy fuck lol
Are there even any more straws for them to grasp at now?


Bullshit. We have the early voting ballot request info. Republicans have a near 30 point lead...

That didn't even stick out to me at all. When's he say that in the video?

What we know about this video ->

Obama is giving a speech and there is an Audience
Reverend Wright is in the audience, and Obama thanks him as a "confidant" who has given him counseling
He is "angry", according to Drudge, and says this quote about minority businesses.
It's from 2007.

The video that is circulating is missing the Reverend Wright quote as far as I can find, but the Drudge Report used an image from this video and it fits almost all the criteria other than that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
To make matters worse the media clearly doesn't care. Not that I agree with how the media is handling this, but I don't see them changing their tune. Especially if Romney lays a clear dud at the first debate

A good jobs report on Friday would be devastating for him

What do you think the media isn't doing when it comes to Libya?
Why does Obama have to interject race into everything? Fuck.
We were doing just fine until time-machine Obama brought it up. Awkward.

Obama doesn't say anything what Drudge is quoting in the ten minute video. There needs to be more footage that hasn't been released from that Hampton speech or something different.
Oh you mean THAT video? The 'Elect Me and I'll Kill Whitey' one? Didn't see what the fuss was about. ;p


If this is what they're talking about... SMH


Ah, yup, there is the video with the missing quote where Obama is praising Reverend Wright. And that's the ballgame folks, confirmed. Hilarious

And the other quote...

But we should do just as much if not more to invest in minority-owned businesses in our neighborhoods so people don't need to travel miles away in the first place. Right now, less than one percent of the $250 billion in venture capital dollars that we invest nationwide each year has been directed to the country's 4.4 million minority business owners. And in recent years, there has been a significant decline in the share of the Small Business Investment Company financings that have gone to minority-owned and women-owned businesses. We are going to change that and strengthen the Small Business Administration to provide more capital minority-owned businesses. We can do that.


I have more respect than the rest of you for Republicans' ability to take things out of context, so I'm gonna go with:

"Police decked out in riot gear and death" - Does Obama hate the police?!
"One afternoon, a jury says 'not guilty', or a hurricane hits New Orleans" - Does Obama not believe in the greatest justice system in the world?
"Race was the reason the response was so slow" - Obama accuses Bush administration of racism!
"If we have more black men in prison than in our universities, then it's time to pull the bullet out" - Does Obama want a mass release of prison inmates?
"Our God is big enough to help us do that" - Reference to Allah?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Why does Obama have to interject race into everything? Fuck.

He promised us a post-racial America and instead he constantly reminds us of his unrelenting blackness. It's really disappointing that he chooses to focus more on that in lieu of our deficit or in saving our jobs from going overseas.


LMAO @ Drudge. Obama's cadence is obviously in "black audience" mode but only a racist would think anything of that. In fact, many black folks I know including myself have a different "accent" when we talk to a group of black folks as opposed to a group of white folks lol
Bullshit. We have the early voting ballot request info. Republicans have a near 30 point lead...
Absentee ballots are a small part of early voting. It's completely plausible.

Dems lead on the generic ballot in that NBC/WSJ poll 47-43. 4 point lead might make House control a tossup.
The most impressive part of this stat, to me, is that 43% of North Carolina likely voters will cast early ballots. We really are moving towards an Election Month kind of situation.

early voting is pretty awesome and should be done everywhere. especially since it gets around the bullshit ID requirements.


early voting is pretty awesome and should be done everywhere. especially since it gets around the bullshit ID requirements.

The fact that early voting is so awesome and convenient means the GOP will do everything in their power to curtail it. Get more people to vote and making it convenient? Can't have that.


I've gotta say.. Obama talking about how he liked Jane Jacobs' writing, about how he isn't interested in the suburbs, and now this desire to help city cores? I like the more he talks about this stuff.


anyone know how our conservative friends are reacting, say freep? hilarity, I hope.

Oh, you know.

The damn is about to burst for poor Barry and it’s only the beginning of October!!!

I heard Hannity say on the radio today that he was airing the video on his show....wonder if this came from Breitbart before his death
at the very least maybe this will rattle obama before his big debate...make him a bit nervous.
If I was Romney I”d ask him if he would use a bit of his accent for the american people

Black liberation theology on display, it is what 80% of inner city black folks believe, I have seen it for myself, the look of disdain thrown my way, the upturned nose, the same look you see Obama display over and over again. this is nothing we don’t already know. God bless America.

The free phone crowd will say; “and the point is what?”

The drones are on yt mocking conservatives about a 9 min video of BHO preaching, er speaking at Hampton U which seems to be where the Drudge picture came from. The problem is that video is only 9 minutes of the 40 minutes he spoke! We may have something here folks! Get you popcorn and your favorite sparkling beverage and being in front of your T.V. in 2 hours.

Ever since the beginning of the Romney tax thing, I have had a sneaking suspicion that Mitt is playing a very deep game with this campaign. He’s not doing anything the way it is normally done, but the hits against Obama are causing damage, there is no question about that.
The media is suffering damage as well. More so than I have ever seen before. Any claims of impartiality are met with scoffing and jeers. The naked emperor’s raddled lady parts are in full disgusting sight and the hallelujah choir is still rhapsodizing about the beauty of his robes.
I have to find a way to see this debate.

There are minority owned businesses....... Asian, Korean.

Blacks have repeatedly demonstrated there are not enough capable of starting and sustaining a business.

One exception is Drayer. The number of black truck drivers owning their own tractors and hauling containers to and from the ports is a bright spot.


"Black liberation theology on display, it is what 80% of inner city black folks believe, I have seen it for myself, the look of disdain thrown my way, the upturned nose, the same look you see Obama display over and over again. this is nothing we don’t already know. God bless America."

I'm guessing "God Bless America" was worded a little differently in his mind.


Danielle Blake ‏@DCPlod
Cons: Obama's only winning because he's black. To turn this around, we need to drive home the fact he's black.
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