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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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wth is with the phone thing? I must have missed something cause the other stuff is more of the same.

There's been a program in place for decades to provide low income or at risk people who qualify with subsidized land line phones. In 2008 (?) it was expanded to cellphones since they're cheaper on average than landlines.

Conservatives just found out this program exists and are calling it the obamaphone, and the more unhinged ones are claiming it's vote bribes for the poor


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Seen this Obama ad today (shorter version). It's pretty good

This may be a dumb question, but are these ads actually aired on TV or are they just put up on the web? I ask because I don't have TV so I have very little exposure to commercials these days, and most of these ads are 1-2 minutes long which is pretty rare for television commercials.
I just want to know whether Romney will be attacking Obama tomorrow night concerning that video. I'm pretty sure he won't - making this freakout even more stupid.


But you see . . . your ideology and bias has blinded to what he actually said. You've been told by Hannity what he supposedly said. But in reality, Obama did NOT suggest that these people give up either their guns or their religion. Furthermore, unlike Romney's dismissive 47% comment, Obama was not dismissive of these likely opponents and said that you'd find Obama supporters among them.


When you talk about how something "isn't surprising" like that, you're not being complimentary. He is listing off a bunch of what he sees as negative characteristics; he's just trying not to blame people for those. But he's only saying that it's understandable, not that it's justified or good. Later he makes clear that he was generalizing and not everyone is like that, but he's clearly not saying nice things about the people in some of these communities who aren't persuadable.

He does think that "clinging to guns or religion" is a bad thing, and I don't think it's crazy to say he'd like people to stop. Now, obviously "clinging" is doing a lot of work there, so it wouldn't be fair to say that he's against guns or against religion on the basis of that.

I think it was dismissive, although narrowly tailored. Certainly it was incredibly condescending (although justifiably so, perhaps). I don't think the comment is a huge deal, and I think it's basically true, but it's legitimately insulting to the maybe 20% of the country convinced that Obama's a Muslim who's coming to take their guns, and perhaps inadvertently insulting to people skeptical of globalization because it lumps them in with the religious fanatics, gun nuts, and racists.


So...there was a debate between Eric Cantor and a Democratic challenger on Monday? First time in 10 years Cantor is forced into a debate?

When Cantor was being a whine baby about personal attacks, Powell let this one rip

Another one

Whole bunch of zingers. Probably fallen to deaf ears though. No way Cantor loses this.

Now those are good zingers.

I'm actually excited to see what Romney brings with him tomorrow. Even if he has a good one lined up I doubt he has the patience to drop it at the right moment, and I have no idea what he could possibly hit him on without coming off like an arrogant rich jerk.

For the foreign policy debate I expect a horribly insensitive jab about Christopher Stevens.
By "vetting" do you mean "he was white and rich"?

Pretty good zingers though

No, by vetting I mean cabinet members and front runners (depending how far they get) go through some pretty serious background checks. Partially to prevent embarrassments but also because hey...NATIONAL SECURITY. Remember this was around the time the government was ruining peoples lives if they knew someone who MIGHT have been communist, rich or not.

it's half the reason the birther argument is ludicrous to begin with. No one is going to hand Obama beyond top secret clearance just because he looks like he's trustworthy.


Thomas Holbrook had an interesting post yesterday highlighting the typically nominal effect debates have on public opinion. The only cycle where the movement probably surpassed significance is 2000; 1988 might barely qualify. And that's only if you impute the movement to the debates. They probably contributed, so I'll not belabor the point. But expectations of a substantial shift in the race are unfounded. At that, a substantial loss for Obama's laughable because it necessitates an extraordinary performance from Romney.

Salon - How Scott Brown blew it: Naming far-right Antonin Scalia his "model" Supreme Court justice may have cost him the election
What was Scott Brown thinking? When David Gregory asked him a predictable question about his “model” Supreme Court justice, he had plenty of options. Literally 112, to be precise. But he answered “Justice Scalia” – and by choosing the far-right lightning rod, he just may have lost the election in that moment.

Elizabeth Warren’s campaign holds a slight lead, but her surest path to victory is reminding Massachusetts voters that they’re Democrats. The state where Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney 60-32 percent in the latest WBUR poll shouldn’t be sending a Republican senator to Washington to thwart the president. Scott Brown knows this, which is why he described himself as “independent” so many times Monday night. But given the chance to show real independence, he told Gregory that his model Supreme Court justice was the right-wing Antonin Scalia – and thus reminded voters of what may be the best reason to elect Warren. The crowd’s loud boos let Brown know he made a mistake, and he began scrambling to name other justices, but the damage was done.
Scott Brown was shifting in his seat like a motherfucker. It was his "Ok Libya..." moment.


Does he really say "We've got the accent. We've got anger. We've got (???) rape (???).

I think he gets the "ray" sound out and the rest is him stopping and then restarting with the quote.

His eyes go down to his notes or whatever right as he starts that sentence, and I imagine he can't figure out what he was going to say and then jumps straight in to the big quote he has written there.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Saw a Romney ad today that was actually pretty good, it was just him talking into the camera, no creepy music with superimposed black and white photos, no graphs or in your face crap, just him talking. He came off pretty damn normal.

Wonder why they didn't go for this sooner...

Did we already talk about the $17,000 itemized deductions thing?

It goes on what I have been saying for a long, long time. Don't let people take huge interest deductions on huge mortgages, nor supplant huge incomes by donating to pet project charities or other stuff. I love the idea, personally. Anyone who has been here for a while knows that I am all for removing deductions (especially mortgage interest) and making people pay some damn taxes.

Honestly, if I believed that he would actually do it instead of just pandering/shooting for the moon with a scattershot, along with his stance (current? LOL) against abortion, I would actually consider voting for him. I am serious...


Salon - How Scott Brown blew it: Naming far-right Antonin Scalia his "model" Supreme Court justice may have cost him the election

Scott Brown was shifting in his seat like a motherfucker. It was his "Ok Libya..." moment.

He shouldn't win but people really like his personality (you know he is a nice guy). He is also hammering Elizabeth Warren when it comes to air time. I'm honestly tired of his ads because they play so frequently.


He shouldn't win but people really like his personality (you know he is a nice guy).

I figured he'd be a nice guy when I read about him for the past couple years, just reading about his votes and stuff, and him being a Republican in a very blue state. But then I watched him actually speak in these debates and he's just a really dumb, mean, egotistical dude. There's nothing nice about him.
When you talk about how something "isn't surprising" like that, you're not being complimentary. He is listing off a bunch of what he sees as negative characteristics; he's just trying not to blame people for those. But he's only saying that it's understandable, not that it's justified or good. Later he makes clear that he was generalizing and not everyone is like that, but he's clearly not saying nice things about the people in some of these communities who aren't persuadable.

He does think that "clinging to guns or religion" is a bad thing, and I don't think it's crazy to say he'd like people to stop. Now, obviously "clinging" is doing a lot of work there, so it wouldn't be fair to say that he's against guns or against religion on the basis of that.

I think it was dismissive, although narrowly tailored. Certainly it was incredibly condescending (although justifiably so, perhaps). I don't think the comment is a huge deal, and I think it's basically true, but it's legitimately insulting to the maybe 20% of the country convinced that Obama's a Muslim who's coming to take their guns, and perhaps inadvertently insulting to people skeptical of globalization because it lumps them in with the religious fanatics, gun nuts, and racists.
I'm not saying he was complimenting them with the remark, but he is not saying it is totally out of line behavior either. He said "So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

My point was that he not tell them to stop as this image suggests:

Perhaps I'm just projecting my views but I would not be surprised if Obama views the hardcore conservative Christian-right to be much like some of the Islamists. They are both troubled by change, troubled by how modernity is reshaping the world, and both reacting to it by rejecting others and clinging to their religion. And the ideal solution in both cases is not to take away either guns or religion but to get people to realize that there are problems that need to be addressed but there is no reason to reject everyone else. Just roll with it.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
You have to be born in the US or on a US territory, like a military base (where McCain was born) or embassy. Under these rules I presume annexed territories count towards this requirement.

There are a handful of exceptions:
Children born on american soil to foreign parents that are in the country as diplomats, for instance.
Let's say Obama wins. Will Hannity and the rest of the right argue Obama was not properly vetted this time, too? They've thrown a lot of shit at the wall so far, and it'll get even uglier this month if Romney doesn't make the comeback I expect him to make.

I think republicans respected McCain too much to get in his ass too much. But with Romney...what's to stop people from disrespecting him at town halls in late October if it's clear Obama will win? Plus he doesn't have a Sarah Palin type to tell the base what they want to hear. But then again, maybe Romney is desperate enough to sink to her level if we get to October 15th and nothing changes


He shouldn't win but people really like his personality (you know he is a nice guy).

This is probably the last phrase I would use to describe him. He got booed by an audience of people from Massachusetts for being too rude! I mean, where does he think he is, the British House of Commons?
So who is making the debate thread and what are we calling it?

I vote the subtitle be: Let me introduce the President and Re-Re-Re-Introduce Mitt Romney

"Romney, you're opening remarks."

"Thank you. My fellow Americans, I care about the 100%. I may be wealthy now, but I wasn't when I was younger. I was so poor growing up if I wasn't a boy, I'd have had nothing to play with! And, like many teenagers, I was awkward. Awkward, I tell you. I was so ugly that I worked in a pet shop and people kept asking how big I'd get. My marriage wasn't always a storybook romance. Ann phoned me the other day and said, "Come on over, nobody's home. "I went over. Nobody was home. And, sure, there was that incident with my dog, but you haven't heard the whole story. Some dog I got. We should have called him Egypt because in every room he leaves a pyramid. His favorite bone is in my arm. Last night he went on the paper four times - three of those times I was reading it. And, I know I've made some gaffs, but as you've heard Ann say, running for President is hard work. It's been a rough day. I got up this morning, put a shirt on and a button fell off. I picked up my briefcase and the handle came off. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom.

So, vote for me."


I don't know about you all, but I'm going to pray to all the gods I know that Romney follows through and says "Obamaloney on lie." I think I would die a happy man if that happened no matter who wins in November.

Angry Fork


Starting to become genuinely angry whenever I hear someone call Obama a muslim communist in the same breath. I don't care about people insulting him but I can't stand witnessing such oxymoronic statements it really gets under my skin when I know it isn't trolling. Almost all marxists are atheist do these people understand the difference between muslim and atheist. Why can't they just fucking think properly. Just look up the goddamn definition in a dictionary or wikipedia if you don't know something why is that so hard. WHY

I don't understand how these people can even be competent members of society if they care so little about facts or logic or just questioning anything. What did these people learn in school? How do they even hold jobs? How do they operate and learn complex machinery or concepts? I don't understand how people like this can exist I want to pull my face off slowly.
Let's say Obama wins. Will Hannity and the rest of the right argue Obama was not properly vetted this time, too? They've thrown a lot of shit at the wall so far, and it'll get even uglier this month if Romney doesn't make the comeback I expect him to make.

I think republicans respected McCain too much to get in his ass too much. But with Romney...what's to stop people from disrespecting him at town halls in late October if it's clear Obama will win? Plus he doesn't have a Sarah Palin type to tell the base what they want to hear. But then again, maybe Romney is desperate enough to sink to her level if we get to October 15th and nothing changes

When Obama wins, Romney will get the majority of the blame on the right (especially publicly) as not being a true conservative and a bad campaigner, while behind the scenes "white guilt" will also be blamed.

If it's clear Romney is still behind come late October, I fully expect him to go full retard and start going the Sarah Palin route
Starting to become genuinely angry whenever I hear someone call Obama a muslim communist in the same breath. I don't care about people insulting him but I can't stand witnessing such oxymoronic statements it really gets under my skin when I know it isn't trolling. Almost all marxists are atheist do these people understand the difference between muslim and atheist..

Well . . . they can exist.

And I love this wiki picture . . . a great juxtaposition of Communist Hammer & Sickle, Arabic writing, and The Colonel.

Edit: I guess I'm assuming they are Muslims . . . I don't think it would be wise to be a group of atheists marching in Egypt.
Remember the GOP registration voter fraud?

Looks like its part of their nationwide playbook.

Aggressive recruitment efforts in one of California's most hotly contested voting districts has created a surge of newly minted Republicans like Marleny Reyes. Except she had no intention of joining the GOP.

The Moreno Valley College student is among scores of voters in Riverside County who say they were duped.

Formal complaints filed with the state by at least 133 residents of a state Senate district there say they were added to GOP rolls without their knowledge, calling into question the party's boast that Republican membership has rocketed 23% in the battleground area.

More than 27,700 residents of the legislative district have become Republicans since January, according to the California secretary of state's office — erasing a registration edge long held by Democrats.

The complaints have also shined a light on the political committee behind the registration drive, Golden State Voter Participation Project, and its biggest donor, wealthy GOP activist Charles Munger Jr. Other donors include the California Apartment Assn., Farmers Group Inc. and Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturing of America.


Many of those who were registered said they signed documents they thought were petitions for ballot measures to legalize marijuana or create jobs in California. Reyes said she was told that for her signature to be counted she would also have to fill out a registration form.

She did so, without checking a box for a political party because she was already registered as a Democrat. She was surprised to receive a notice in the mail later saying she had been registered as a Republican.


Iolite Consulting was hired for $101,000 by West Coast Campaign Management, which oversaw the GOP registration drive in the county. West Coast Campaign Management was paid $400,000 for the job by the Golden State Voter Project. Munger contributed $241,000 to that group.


"I signed the petitions, and then the next thing I know, I got something in the mail saying I'm a Republican," said Jacobs, a Moreno Valley homemaker who had been a Democrat since 1997. "I thought it was a mistake. It's crazy." She has since re-registered as a Democrat.


Why does it matter?

How would such fraud help Republicans? First of all, inflating their numbers gives them a fundraising boost by making their chances of success look greater than they are. Secondly, Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts would be thwarted since the party wouldn’t reach out to people listed as Republican to make sure they made it to the polls.

He complains that the drive was manned by paid signature collectors who received $7 for every signature, and that his opponent voted against a measure that would ban ‘bounty hunter’ registrations.



Fork 'em, Sparky!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Lame, it seems at least one of the major "legitimate" news networks (ABC in this case) is actually picking up that Drudge story.
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