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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Obama going after Romney's taxes again before the debate.


Not their best effort, though. (just online I think)

These kind of web videos are typically rushed out in one day (the article hit last night), and often hit on issues that the campaign will roll into a more polished TV ad in the next week or so. I'm sure the NYT piece will get referenced a lot in subsequent TV ads about Romeny's tax avoidance.
Yahoo has picked up on the video. Obama campaign even responded.

In response, the Obama campaign said the release of the clips are a "transparent attempt" by "Mitt Romney's allies" to change the subject from the GOP nominee's secretly recorded comments that 47 percent of voters are dependent and believe "they are victims."

"The only thing shocking about this is that they apparently think it's wrong to suggest that we should help returning veterans, children leaving foster care and other members of Mitt Romney's 47 percent get training that will allow them to find the best available jobs. If the Romney campaign believes that Americans will accept these desperate attacks tomorrow night in place of specific plans for the middle class, it's they who are in for a surprise," campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said in a written statement.


Love yahoo comments:

Notice the biased headline "On eve of debate, conservatives seize on Obama video from 2007" Making it look like a last minute conservative maneuver to pull a video from way way back in 2007. (Just 5 years)

The media could have said "Video of Obama With Different Dialect In Which He Talks About Whites Prospering At the Expense of Blacks Surfaces."

For those who are confused why some refer to Obama as muslim, let's see if we can clear it up for you okay. Obama is Christian for two possible reasons (1) his mother; or (2) for convenience. He IS Muslim and will forever be considered Muslim to the Muslim world because his father was Muslim. The Holy Quran clearly states that a son of a Muslim man will forever have Muslim blood run through his veins and be a Muslim. So in realty, he is both. He is Muslim and he professes Christianity. The Holy Quran also states that it is okay to lie, but only if it is to achieve something great without hurting others. Unfortunately, Obama's lies are hurting an entire nation. However, he may justify his lies to "give it to the rich white man." We will never know to what level Obama is deceiving America. However, I agree with the AFRICAN AMERICAN REPUBLICAN who stated that the racist Obama, was the real Obama.

Hussein Foodstamp seemed so angry in the video. Oops, I forgot, Whites can't call black men angry. According to bsNBC that's 'racist code word'. But Foodstamp can spew all the vile he wants being from the homosexual and black protected victim classes

Hussein Foodstamp!

still no NC

i will fight you
NC is still really close, I gave it to Romney partially out of pity, and partially because Obama hasn't been advertising there lately. I don't think he's giving up, just not very high on the priority list.

PhoenixDark said:
saving this for November 7th, around midnight
see you then

Just for shiggles: Dems + 20 in the House, +2 in the Senate.


NC is still really close, I gave it to Romney partially out of pity, and partially because Obama hasn't been advertising there lately. I don't think he's giving up, just not very high on the priority list.

see you then

Just for shiggles: Dems + 20 in the House, +2 in the Senate.

North Carolina Poll: Obama By 2 Points, 20-Point Advantage Among Early Voters

Yeah is still close should be fun to watch.
My home made electoral map


Hold me to it gaf

You know . . . that looks pretty accurate. If it were today, it would be correct. But if Romney gets some movement, he'll win VA and maybe something else like NH or CO. If Obama gets a little more, he could possibly win NC but I doubt it. Either way, Obama wins.

saving this for November 7th, around midnight
You won't have to wait til midnight. It will be VA that is most likely wrong on that map.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You know . . . that looks pretty accurate. If it were today, it would be correct. But if Romney gets some movement, he'll win VA and maybe something else like NH or CO. If Obama gets a little more, he could possibly win NC but I doubt it. Either way, Obama wins.

You won't have to wait til midnight. It will be VA that is most likely wrong on that map.

I was just in CO and was astounded by all the political money in that state. Every town over 15k had both Republican and Democrat offices with a shat-ton of posters, signs, and bumper stickers everywhere. Every commercial break during primetime was Obama, local ad, Romney, local ad, Obama, Romney, ad infinitum.

There was more Romney than Obama, but these were small towns, so that is to be expected. I am sure Denver is as blue as any other big city.


I was just in CO and was astounded by all the political money in that state. Every town over 15k had both Republican and Democrat offices with a shat-ton of posters, signs, and bumper stickers everywhere. Every commercial break during primetime was Obama, local ad, Romney, local ad, Obama, Romney, ad infinitum.

There was more Romney than Obama, but these were small towns, so that is to be expected. I am sure Denver is as blue as any other big city.

I was in Denver back in July and it had already started getting really bad with the ads. Literally every commercial break had at least two ads.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I was in Denver back in July and it had already started getting really bad with the ads. Literally every commercial break had at least two ads.

So glad I live in Nebraska, even though the EV that Obama won in 2008 is 10 miles from my house, so we still get a fair amount, but nowhere near what a real battleground state gets.
I was in Denver back in July and it had already started getting really bad with the ads. Literally every commercial break had at least two ads.

I only see Obama ads for national commercials and I can't really remember seeing a Romney ad. Maybe one.

We are getting a bunch of prop 32 commercials in Cali now, though. But I am so happy I am not in a swing state right now. And this election year doesn't seem to have anything overly divisive like gay marriage which brought out the insane OHMYGODTHECHILDREN. commercials.

One of the rare years I can remember with few political ads out here.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Rand Paul's gonna be on tonight's episode of TDS. Hope Stewart does a long extended interview.


Republicans are really getting desperate. Why overshadow Biden's gaffe and their politicization of Libya with this crap?


if he gets arizona, he'll probably get missouri and omaha too. a scenario like that would be due to super unenthusiastic republicans not voting.


Romney clarifies on Dream-Act Lite


GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney made national news Monday when he told The Denver Post he would not revoke temporary work permits grants under an executive order issued by President Barack Obama.

Some 25,000 people in Colorado qualify for the two-year temporary amnesty. Federal officials did not know how many Coloradans had applied for the “deferred action” program.

Obama’s executive order, similar to the DREAM Act, allows undocumented immigrants — brought here as children by their parents, who graduated or are enrolled at a U.S. high school and have clean criminal records — apply for permits that would shield them from deportation and allow them to find jobs.

Romney’s campaign clarified to The Boston Globe Tuesday that he would end the program if he beat Obama in November. He would only honor the permits granted before he took the oath of office Jan. 20, 2013.

Romney said he wanted to enact permanent immigration reform within his first year in office.

The Globe reported Tuesday a backlog of more than 82,000 applications through mid-September. Only 29 exemptions, nationally, have been issued. Since the Department of Homeland Security started reviewing them in August, just 1,660 requests were even ready for evaluation, the Globe said.
lol @ Mittens flip-flopping on Dream Act that fast. His campaign can't keep up with his positions.

Anyway, I think it would be fucking hilarious if early on in the debate Obama actually lays a natural zinger on Romney which throws him into a death-spiral where he tries to ham-fist a zinger here and there to no avail.

I can see this happening, too. Come on Obama, 1 early zinger and it's a TKO.


testicles on a cold fall morning
I feel sorry for Mitt's team at this point. I doubt that anyone from his campaign actually approved this 'attack', and now they'll have to waste time before the debate to defuse the issue, or just hope it fades as the press turns to tonight.


Is this the best they could do? Some reasonable speech about the incompetence of the Katrina response and racism that was clearly evident?

Fox News and Drudge are losing their minds over not being able to find an Obama scandal to help Romney win the election.

Needing a scandal by your opponent to win is also pretty pathetic.


man those videos really changed the narrative, i expect Obama -3 by tomorrow. And Jim Lehrer is now going to devote 35 minutes to the topic, I hear!
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