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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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So Senate race will very likely (almost definitely) end with Democrat majority and House race will very likely (almost definitely) end with Republican majority right?

Its all up in the air but I feel a lot more confident of dems keeping senate majority then I am of the republicans keeping the house. The funny thing about Romney 'looking' like he can still be in the game is it just distracts donors from participating in the house and senate races where the real competitive battleground is being fought. The debates moved Romney into a 'chance' to take presidency, but electorally its a fools chance at best. Unless Romney can do something about Obama's lead in Ohio, he basically has zero margin of error for victory and next to no paths open to him other then flat out winning every 'swing' state despite more then half of them being handily in Obama's corner.

This sounds like some nice spin here.

Would it have been better for Obama to win this debate rather than lose in a horrific fashion?

We all know the answer to that.

There is no spinning Obama could have buried Romney and its why so many of us are flustered/disappointed since he didn't refute on stage the clear and present lies Romney made. But there is no spin in understanding Romney still needs a miracle to have a chance at winning and media doesn't want a slaughter, it hurts their rating for it to be an 'obvious' blow out. Outside of gaffes or looking like a bumbling idiot there was nothing Obama could have done to make himself lose voters, Romney just solidified his base and brought some undecided voters from a pool that historically is much larger at this point in time but has shrunk considerably even going into the conventions. Only Obama can beat Obama now which is why he probably took it as safe as he did much to our understandable detriment.


An old tweet he claims to be a "liberal atheist", it's not the first time he's shat on NPR I've discovered. Thing is NPR and MPR have deep roots in the Twin Cities, notably Garrison Keillor.
I really don't understand NPR hate. Their news programs are so neutral as to almost be boring. Those who decry NPR's supposed liberal bias are usually Rush or Glenn Beck listeners.

Shows like Prairie Home Companion are easy conservative targets, because culture, art, and music (besides stuff produced in Nashville, Provo, and Brandon) are generally assumed to be liberal propaganda.

I expect we'll see a resurgence in the movement to defund public broadcasting after last night, just like we saw the right double down on Mitt's "47% are victims" comments.


Unconfirmed Member
Fuck that. "Segway into 47%" should be plastered in Obama's campaign events, like "you didn't built that" was in Romney's.
Wait wait wait, if I become the part of the 47% who is dependent upon the government's teat, I can get an Obama Segway? Sign me up! FOUR MORE YEARS!
I really don't understand NPR hate. Their news programs are so neutral as to almost be boring. Those who decry NPR's supposed liberal bias are usually Rush or Glenn Beck listeners.

Shows like Prairie Home Companion are easy conservative targets, because culture, art, and music (besides stuff produced in Nashville, Provo, and Brandon) are generally assumed to be liberal propaganda.

I expect we'll see a resurgence in the movement to defund public broadcasting after last night, just like we saw the right double down on Mitt's "47% are victims" comments.

The reason why NPR is hated by conservatives is because of its neutral tone.

The modern conservative narrative is built on a plank of half truths, and failed theories. The sole goal of the party is to demolish the government safety net.
Everything, since it's an opportunity for many people who don't pay much attention to politics to see the President articulate his policies against attacks from opponents.

He did a piss poor job of defending himself.

Good to know that people will use a 1:30 hour long debate to sum up a man's 4 year term as president

Obama should just come out during te foreign policy debate and just say "I killed Osama", and walk off stage.


Obama might see a slight dip in approval after last night, but if you already thought he was doing a good job I don't know how last night would change your mind.

Romney was the aggressor, Obama was blah (but solid on the points he made). Maybe a 1 or 2 point dip that will recover after the last two debates.
Everything, since it's an opportunity for many people who don't pay much attention to politics to see the President articulate his policies against attacks from opponents.

He did a piss poor job of defending himself.
Well, approval doesn't reflect that. The best thing for Romney is to hope that he can peel off Obama supporters+convince a very small remaining undecideds, but as Ghaleon and others pointed out, it's next to impossible when you've crossed the 50% threshold.

Jimmy Carter's approval was in low 30s, which is why Reagan's attacks worked.

Edit: Fixed


Frankly, even if they were before the debate, what the hell happened?

Don't underestimate how the media narrative plays a role in these things. This past week, it's been all about how Romney was on his way to losing so I'm sure it subliminally affects some folks and increases Obama's approval. Now that we have a narrative switch, look for a swing the other way


This sounds like some nice spin here.

Would it have been better for Obama to win this debate rather than lose in a horrific fashion?

We all know the answer to that.

How is this spin? I'm just speculating how it coverage of the campaign could play out. "Spin" would be me trying to proclaim that Obama's performance was fantastic. Before this debate and after I've been of the mindset that they have next to no impact on the outcome of the election. I think Obama debated at about the level that he always does and I think the left's reaction to it has been embarrassing.

It's not spin to say that the debates matter little when election day comes; look at modern history. They don't impact much of anything.


Junior Member
12000 people rally vs 50 million debate audience. wtf

Obama had to go back and fact-check Romney's bullshit. So much of it came out last night that it took a while to sift through it all.

Don't underestimate how the media narrative plays a role in these things. This past week, it's been all about how Romney was on his way to losing so I'm sure it subliminally affects some folks and increases Obama's approval. Now that we have a narrative switch, look for a swing the other way

Well it's that, and the fact that the economy is revving up for the holidays.

It also helps that Romney/Ryan won't give specifics about anything. Romney continued this trend during the debate.


*watches Denver rally*

Where the hell was this Obama yesterday night? Maybe Michelle rightfully gave him an ass kicking for his performance and he's responding.


12000 people rally vs 50 million debate audience. wtf
Of course, the prominence of Obama's political rally pales relative to the debate. But perhaps it's an indication Obama will improve for the next debate. In the past, incumbents have recovered from a poor performance in the first debate. It's reasonable to expect Obama to improve.


pre-debate numbers, rolling 7 day average

There hasn't been a single debate in modern historical history that has swung more then a 2.1 percentage margin and this wasn't even close to how much Kerry drubbed Bush in the first debate (and he still lost I might add!). Have your 1-2 day fun in the sun, in a weeks time the race will tighten but as long as Obama stays above 50% it doesn't mean a damn thing.

Eh, I don't think he was that bad. The media is really going overboard though so the narrative hurts.

That said. lowered expectations heading into the next debate aren't such a bad thing IMO

A lot of the media (especially the MSNBC crowd) wanted Obama to eviscerate Romney and a lot of us want the election to be over now rather then on November 6th. By being complacent and letting Romney get away on stage with lies the door failed to close completely on Romney and people saw plenty opportunities in the debate for that to happen differently. In the end though it comes down to undecided voters and likely voters and not the punditry crowd (and liberals talking on the internet). Just personal anecdotal info last night from people that might not have been undecided but they certainly aren't political junkies is the debate was boring, they got nothing new from Romney that made them feel like voting for him, nor did they get anything substantially new from Obama to make them praise him or hate him, just a dull affair that only the biggest partisans are 'cheering' or 'panicking' over, I really don't think people realize just how much the optics of the entire debate looked like no one was following or caring what just about any of the candidates were saying due that dullness. I saw people looking for something substantial from Romney and all they got was a whiny policy dodger when they were looking for something more, they already knew what Obama stood for thanks to 4 years of presidency and sense of consistency.


Of course, the prominence of Obama's political rally pales relative to the debate. But perhaps it's an indication Obama will improve for the next debate. In the past, incumbents have recovered from a poor performance in the first debate. It's reasonable to expect Obama to improve.

Eh, I don't think he was that bad. The media is really going overboard though so the narrative hurts.

That said. lowered expectations heading into the next debate aren't such a bad thing IMO


Man, Obama better win this election. If today is any clue how it'd be after a Romney win then I want off this planet. I'm suddenly surrounded by tons of idiot super conservatives armed with teleprompter jokes.
Anyone have a good link detailing obamacare and what it means for people making over the poverty limit. In terms of what deductions they will get to buy insurance and stuff like that?


W "lost" his debate against Kerry too, no?
He performed abysmally in the first debate. And Reagan also underwhelmed against Mondale in the first debate.
Eh, I don't think he was that bad. The media is really going overboard though so the narrative hurts.

That said. lowered expectations heading into the next debate aren't such a bad thing IMO
He lost, though. And there's room for improvement.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Approval rating, people. It's asking if Obama is doing a good job as president.
*watches Denver rally*

Where the hell was this Obama yesterday night? Maybe Michelle rightfully gave him an ass kicking for his performance and he's responding.

He gets to filibust at rallies, and talk as much as he wants. He can't do that at a debate, which is why he struggles. Obama seems unwilling to filter his basic argument to 2-3 minute arguments. As Clinton has proved, it's possible to do that without dumbing yourself down
I wonder if there was a reluctance for Obama to be aggressive since that would then raise the 'angry black man' issue. If so, he needs to drop that and get aggressive.

And I have yet to read anyone make some complaint about Romney's tone . . . people are complaining about the content (flip-flops, lies, contradictions, etc.) but no complaint about his aggressive tone. So there can't be any "waaah, reverse discrimination bias" whining from the right.
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