He gets to filibust at rallies, and talk as much as he wants. He can't do that at a debate, which is why he struggles. Obama seems unwilling to filter his basic argument to 2-3 minute arguments. As Clinton has proved, it's possible to do that without dumbing yourself down
Just think about how much easier Romney would have it if he focused on tax cuts for the middle class only. It's too late now, but that would've been lethal.
Clinton talked for 2 hours
He gets to filibust at rallies, and talk as much as he wants. He can't do that at a debate, which is why he struggles. Obama seems unwilling to filter his basic argument to 2-3 minute arguments. As Clinton has proved, it's possible to do that without dumbing yourself down
I wonder if there was a reluctance for Obama to be aggressive since that would then raise the 'angry black man' issue. If so, he needs to drop that and get aggressive.
And I have yet to read anyone make some complaint about Romney's tone . . . people are complaining about the content (flip-flops, lies, contradictions, etc.) but no complaint about his aggressive tone. So there can't be any "waaah, reverse discrimination bias" whining from the right.
So now that the dust has settled, is Obama done?
I don't see how he comes back from this. Romney was Cartman, and Obama was Scott Tenorman last night.
Yes, completely done. It's a wrap.So now that the dust has settled, is Obama done?
I don't see how he comes back from this. Romney was Cartman, and Obama was Scott Tenorman last night.
when you get off the cuff obama you get "you're likable enough" Obama. Being disinterested at a debate is infinitely better then personally insulting your opponent. One is status quo, the other will up your negatives.
Man, Obama better win this election. If today is any clue how it'd be after a Romney win then I want off this planet. I'm suddenly surrounded by tons of idiot super conservatives armed with teleprompter jokes.
So now that the dust has settled, is Obama done?
I don't see how he comes back from this. Romney was Cartman, and Obama was Scott Tenorman last night.
He performed abysmally in the first debate. And Reagan also underwhelmed against Mondale in the first debate. He lost, though. And there's room for improvement.
And I have yet to read anyone make some complaint about Romney's tone . . . people are complaining about the content (flip-flops, lies, contradictions, etc.) but no complaint about his aggressive tone. So there can't be any "waaah, reverse discrimination bias" whining from the right.
Obama Ad Attacks Romneys Debate Performance: How Could We Ever Trust Him?
Damn that was quick
Don't underestimate how the media narrative plays a role in these things. This past week, it's been all about how Romney was on his way to losing so I'm sure it subliminally affects some folks and increases Obama's approval. Now that we have a narrative switch, look for a swing the other way
Sept 27 to Sept 30: +1
Oct 1 - Sept 27 delta: [b]+3 minimum[/b]
Sept 29 to Oct 1: +3
Oct 2 - Sept 29 delta: [b]+6 minimum[/b]
Sept 30 to Oct 2: +6
Oct 3 - Sept 30 delta: [b]+15 minimum[/b]
Oct 1 to Oct 3: +12
All the crying going on in far left circles is missing the fact that Obama actually won the election last night, during the debate.
Romney gave more fodder for medicare adds in Florida than the Obama team can get through before the election. Ohio is all but on ice at this point. He wins both Ohio and Florida and there is no path to victory for Romney.
This is what the far left is missing. If Obama had engaged in a tit for tat he might have technically "won" the debate but he also might have given the Romney campaign something to use in adverts, not to mention some concern over the "angry black man" label. Instead he left room for Romney to talk, which Mitt then filled with vacuous double speak.
Obama isn't looking to win the nation, he's looking to win the swing states. "Winning" the debate is less important than being able to frame Romney as anti-medicare in Florida and anti-balanced budget in Ohio. Romney handed him talking points and ad material for both on a silver platter last night.
The debate was the equivalent of rope a dope. Romney came out all fire and brimstone, talking himself into corners that the Obama campaign can now use. At the same time, the Romney campaign strategy for the debates is now exposed. Super aggressive pushing of falsehoods, damn likability, push a conservative mirage hard all night. Its not even a particularly good one, FYI, as likability is a huge Romney weakness and is key to Obama's current leads.
The big bird disaster is going to have a longer lasting impact then anything from this debate because of the internet
http://news.yahoo.com/romneys-strong-debate-showing-puts-europe-edge-150035684.htmlRomney's strong debate showing puts Europe on edge
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's lackluster performance in the first U.S. election debate provoked uneasiness in European capitals on Thursday, where hopes are mostly, if unofficially, pinned on his securing a second term.
While a lot can change before the November 6 vote, and Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney will go head to head twice more before then, polling conducted immediately after the debate showed Romney came out overwhelmingly on top.
A flash poll by CNN showed 67 percent of viewers thought Romney had 'won', with just 25 percent for Obama. Intrade, an online prediction market, cut Obama's re-election prospects from 74 percent to 66 percent.
In Europe, where leaders and finance officials have worked closely with the Obama administration over the past 2-1/2 years trying to resolve the euro area debt crisis, there was particular consternation at Romney's singling out of deficit-ridden Spain as a poorly administered economy.
"Romney is making analogies that aren't based on reality," Foreign Affairs Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo told reporters after a meeting of his centre-right party.
Leading Spanish daily El Pais highlighted the fact that Spain was the only European country mentioned, and contrasted Romney's negative depiction of it with Obama's praise for Spain's renewable energy policies during the 2008 campaign.
"Spain has never been mentioned in a presidential debate as a symbol of failure," the left-leaning newspaper lamented. "What happened last night makes history. And not in a good way."
Political commentators in France and Germany registered surprise at Obama's underwhelming performance, saying the election could be much tighter as a result.
"Obama showed a lack of desire to be president, which could put him on shaky ground as a presidential candidate," said liberal German news magazine Der Spiegel.
"It's now clear that to get back into the White House the U.S. president needs running shoes, not flip-flops."
France's Le Monde appeared equally surprised by Obama's sub-par performance. "Where did the favorite go?" it asked on its front page, with a headline below saying: "Obama fails his first televised debate against an incisive Romney."
In private, many EU diplomats have no qualms about saying they want Obama re-elected; it is no secret that many European countries, whether led by centre-left or centre-right governments, are more broadly aligned with the Democrats when it comes to social and tax policy, the environment and a range of foreign-affairs issues.
It's time for a new avatar
Obama Ad Attacks Romney’s Debate Performance: ‘How Could We Ever Trust Him?’
Damn that was quick
pre-debate numbers, rolling 7 day average
All the crying going on in far left circles is missing the fact that Obama actually won the election last night, during the debate.
Romney gave more fodder for medicare adds in Florida than the Obama team can get through before the election. Ohio is all but on ice at this point. He wins both Ohio and Florida and there is no path to victory for Romney.
This is what the far left is missing. If Obama had engaged in a tit for tat he might have technically "won" the debate but he also might have given the Romney campaign something to use in adverts, not to mention some concern over the "angry black man" label. Instead he left room for Romney to talk, which Mitt then filled with vacuous double speak.
Obama isn't looking to win the nation, he's looking to win the swing states. "Winning" the debate is less important than being able to frame Romney as anti-medicare in Florida and anti-balanced budget in Ohio. Romney handed him talking points and ad material for both on a silver platter last night.
The debate was the equivalent of rope a dope. Romney came out all fire and brimstone, talking himself into corners that the Obama campaign can now use. At the same time, the Romney campaign strategy for the debates is now exposed. Super aggressive pushing of falsehoods, damn likability, push a conservative mirage hard all night. Its not even a particularly good one, FYI, as likability is a huge Romney weakness and is key to Obama's current leads.
Did those debates feature anyone as intellectually dishonest as Romney is? Honest question, no one comes to mind but I readily admit to being very fuzzy on this.Watch the 92 or 96 debates. Clinton is perfectly capable of making 2 minute points. And when the debate moves from that to actual debate/discussion, he excels even more.
Holy Gallup Presidential Approval, Batman!
Obama Approval 54%+4
Obama Disapproval 42%-2
(matchup unchanged)
760,000 jobs added, unemployment falls to 7.2%Any job report predictions for tomorrow?
President Obama’s top aides didn’t deny on Thursday that Mitt Romney had a strong first debate. But by taunting fact checkers with a vague set of newly centrist claims, they believe the governor has left himself open for a major counteroffensive this week.
Obama senior strategist David Axelrod characterized Romney’s debate strategy as “effective in the short term, vulnerable in the long term.”
“Governor Romney came to give a performance and he gave a good performance and we give him credit for that,” he told reporters in a conference call. “The problem with it was that none of it was rooted in fact.”
He highlighted three areas in particular where the campaign planned to aggressively highlight Romney’s debate claims and press for more specifics: health care for the sick, tax breaks for the rich, and regulations on Wall Street.
http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2...-plan-expose-serial-evader-romney.php?ref=fpaHe highlighted three areas in particular where the campaign planned to aggressively highlight Romney’s debate claims and press for more specifics: health care for the sick, tax breaks for the rich, and regulations on Wall Street.
Romney told the debate crowd, for example, that despite his promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act, “pre-existing conditions are covered under my plan.” But his campaign immediately walked the statement back afterwards, with Romney strategist Eric Ferhnstrom clarifying to TPM that it would be up to states to pass laws guaranteeing insurance coverage.
Axelrod called the pre-existing conditions pledge “an assertion that was so audacious the Romney campaign had to send someone into the spin room after the debate to say ‘Well, he really can’t do that.”
As for taxes, Obama appeared to be caught off guard by Romney’s repeated insistence that he would not cut taxes for the wealthy, a statement that contradicts independent studies showing even the most progressive version of his proposals would slash taxes for the wealthy while raising taxes on the middle class. Either that, or explode the deficit.
“Much of [Romney’s performance] was rooted in deception, from his very first answer when he tried to disown his $5 trillion dollar tax program which would skew to the wealthy and for which he has no way to pay,” Axelrod said.
Finally, he dinged the “serial evader” Romney being unable to “name one regulation that he would keep” after repealing Wall Street reform despite the governor’s professed support at the debate for regulating the finance industry.
“I think what you’re going to see from the campaign … is our effort to make sure that every voter out there understands exactly what the positions are that Romney danced around last night,” OFA press secretary Ben LaBolt told reporters.
I agree completely. I think the only pundits who picked up on this were Rachel Maddow and Al Sharpton. The rest like Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews just went apeshit.
Obama Ad Attacks Romneys Debate Performance: How Could We Ever Trust Him?
Damn that was quick
Europe freaking out and telling Obama to get off his ass.
Let's get Europe to hate us again, that will help the USA, right?
So Obama is gonna fact check Romney the next debate or what?
Any job report predictions for tomorrow?
Its in the linkYeah. Pretty good. It's amazing how dumb these people are who say Romney won last night. Maybe this ad will wake them up.
Where is it playing?
The ad, called Trust, will air in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia.
Obama Camps Post-Debate Plan: Expose Serial Evader Romney
Isn't this what Marshall said last night?