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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Apparently now some people think Mitt cheated at the debate...lol


Come on liberals. Obama lost. Now just energize, donate, volunteer, show the fuck up and re-elect him.
That was always going to be the issue. Media was looking for a Romney comeback narrative and they got one. They got one by an overwhelming majority. So this time they aren't even caring much with the fact checks unlike Ryan's RNC speech. Obama has to knock it out of the park in the next debate.

The only thing that can change the narrative before that is if the polls don't close enough.

I don't know what the fuck was up with Obama and his team. He was probably in shock by Romney's blatant lies and abandonment of his policy ideas till date. But Obama is clever enough to think on his feet, he should have gone in for the kill and he didn't. or at least I hoped Obama would fight him to a draw. Romney made a big play for the low information voters (undecided voters) and won.

The more I think about it, the more I think that that the way Wednesday night played out was the best way to go.

It pretty much forces the Dem's base not to get "complacent" (although, really, there's no historical, statistical, or empirical evidence for such a notion, but it's worth noting none the less) and forces Obama to really step it up.


Seeing Romney lame response to the 47% remark I think it was a good idea for Obama not to bring it up.

This is what he would have most likely said at the debate while looking sincere.
Why is there a rule against that?

As I've mentioned before I think they should be allowed to come on stage with notebooks and powerpoint slides. Let them look things up if they want. This is not a TV quiz show. In the context of the job of president you are allowed to look things up.
I don't know how Romney can recover from that 47% remark, that was a very candid revealing moment behind his quiet rooms. Trying to walk back on it just makes him sound so fake. It's bad enough that most people don't like him and find him to be a bit of a two-faced asshole. People's impression of him is probably set in stone at this point, and that comment pretty much brought it home.


Wowza. Very glad you came out (relatively) OK.
Damn :( Glad you're alive and okay for the most part.
Jeez. Glad you're more or less in one piece, at least. Poligaffers are falling apart :(
Sorry to hear that, man. Fucking deer. My mother-in-law has some funny/terrifying stories about car accidents with deer. Hope you heal up okay.
What the heck happened to your ear? Oh my goodness man, That's scary shit.
Ah man,sorry to hear that.

thanks for the words guys

As to what happened to my ear... I'm not sure precisely what did it, but my car flipped over and shattered both my front and back windows, and when I got out of the car blood was just gushing down the side of my face. I sort of stumbled out of my car and some guy pulled over was about to ask if I was okay before he was all like 'holy fuck dude your ear!'

I'm exaggerating when I say I'm missing half my ear, but the top 1/4 of the ear has been sliced clean off. I have like a huge bandage wrapped around my head right now. I also had lacerations and shit and a bruise so colorful it looks like a rainbow as it wraps around my leg. Fortunately, my friend in the car didn't sustain anything other than bruises.


I don't know how Romney can recover from that 47% remark, that was a very candid revealing moment behind his quiet rooms. Trying to walk back on it just makes him sound so fake. It's bad enough that most people don't like him and find him to be a bit of a two-faced asshole. People's impression of him is probably set in stone at this point, and that comment pretty much brought it home.

The man is a liar and he was handed the rope to hang himself last night and he did. You can say all you want about Obama being passive, but he allowed Mitt to hang himself with the lies.


thanks for the words guys

As to what happened to my ear... I'm not sure precisely what did it, but my car flipped over and shattered both my front and back windows, and when I got out of the car blood was just gushing down the side of my face. I sort of stumbled out of my car and some guy pulled over was about to ask if I was okay before he was all like 'holy fuck dude your ear!'

I'm exaggerating when I say I'm missing half my ear, but the top 1/4 of the ear has been sliced clean off. I have like a huge bandage wrapped around my head right now. I also had lacerations and shit and a bruise so colorful it looks like a rainbow as it wraps around my leg. Fortunately, my friend in the car didn't sustain anything other than bruises.
Thats good! sounds like it could have been much worst.


thanks for the words guys

As to what happened to my ear... I'm not sure precisely what did it, but my car flipped over and shattered both my front and back windows, and when I got out of the car blood was just gushing down the side of my face. I sort of stumbled out of my car and some guy pulled over was about to ask if I was okay before he was all like 'holy fuck dude your ear!'

I'm exaggerating when I say I'm missing half my ear, but the top 1/4 of the ear has been sliced clean off. I have like a huge bandage wrapped around my head right now. I also had lacerations and shit and a bruise so colorful it looks like a rainbow as it wraps around my leg. Fortunately, my friend in the car didn't sustain anything other than bruises.

that's fucking crazy. glad you're relatively okay.


Amir0x: I'm really sorry to hear that, man. I'm glad you made it out ok.

The democrats, especially the Obama camp cannot let Romney get a way with reinventing his positions and political identity completely 5 weeks before the election. Romney now says his 47% remark was "completely wrong" yet he defended the substance of it in that late night news conference. If he actually gets away with this latest etch-a-sketch move I will have lost all faith in our political process.
Yep. I feared this could have happened, and it turns out to be the case.

You can argue that Romney is pissing off the base by shifting to the center, but honestly this is the best time to do it -- the fact that we're only a month away from the election (wow) and Romney simply besting Obama in anything will get the base excited. That equals turnout. More than anything else these are people who want to vote Obama out because they hate Obama, it has very little to do with Mitt. The primary is where they'd be more likely to not turn out for Mitt if he supports something questionable.

It's actually quite genius because it leaves Obama with very little time to study his reformed opponent. Romney had to know this would put Obama in a bit of a bind.

I think the biggest change we are seeing coming out of the debates are a re-energized Republican base and a much more favorable media in Romney's direction. At least politically, but not electorally, Romney Comeback complete.
Don't be foolish. There comes a point where if the politics favor Mitt strongly enough it starts to seep into electoral turnout. I find it strange that so many people look at the electoral map as though it were some warranty or contract that guarantees Obama security even if Mitt wins every debate and stays ahead in the polls from now until the election.

btw, it wasn't 57 or 60 million, but 67 million people who tuned in for the debate. Many of whom were undecided and got to see Obama act like a giant pussy. Way to make a first impression.

That's the most viewers since Clinton vs. Bush in 1992. Ouch. If debates don't matter why is this the most watched one since 1992?

And frankly combined with his dismal performance it makes me more inclined to think we'll see more than a 2-4 point bump for Mitt in a lot of polls next week


On undecided voters who haven't taken a real look at the man in nearly four years, yes. First impression of sitting President Obama at the end of his first term.
People really are trying to hype up the significance of that mediocre ass debate, I see. If so many tuned in to the debate, Im sure alot of those same would be interested in the the fact checks. Or at least the media coverage of the fact checks.


People really are trying to hype up the significance of that mediocre ass debate, I see. If so many tuned in to the debate, Im sure alot of those same would be interested in the the fact checks. Or at least the media coverage of the fact checks.
Uh, thisisamericadude.gif

These kinds of debates to "mainstream" American voters are more about style, not substance. Romney lied his ass off and everyone knows it, but his presentation alone potentially cleaned Obama's clock in the eyes of many swing/undecided voters. And it sure made the GOP happy, which is something Romney has needed as a lot of his own were preparing for the worst.

I'd love to see Romney shift all those states all those points in a month.
...don't think it's not possible. He would never be able to shift them all, but you know, if Obama keeps bombing in the next two debates and the jobs reports aren't that great, he can make progress and get over 270. Oh, don't forget about Iran fucking shit up.

Frankly less than satisfactory job numbers (all but a guarantee) and Obama bombing even one more debate is enough to take all bets off the table in regards to Obama having this thing locked down. Like I said before, he wasted all his extra lives. This is it.

Iran does *not* help either, no matter what.
I'm not worried about Romney making the 47% comment disappear by admitting guilt. It just makes him look worse

It's hilarious seeing the right sing cheer his moderate swing, now that it looks like he can win the election


I'm not worried about Romney making the 47% comment disappear by admitting guilt. It just makes him look worse

It's hilarious seeing the right sing cheer his moderate swing, now that it looks like he can win the election
You aren't worried because in your mind, Romney already won the election, I'm sure

Also, why do you usually opt to not end your sentences with periods?

I mean we all do it at times but it is your modus operandi

quite fascinating

does it make you feel special

whoa check out this sentence with no period, it gives me authenticity lol


Anyway, it's sad and pathetic that Fox News beat Obama to making Mitt own up to his remarks about 47% of Americans being dirty poors in his eyes.

Hannity doing Obama's job for him. That has to hurt.


I just find it strange how nearly every post you make have sentences/remarks that end with no period when you are ready to submit the reply


...don't think it's not possible. He would never be able to shift them all, but you know, if Obama keeps bombing in the next two debates and the jobs reports aren't that great, he can make progress and get over 270. Oh, don't forget about Iran fucking shit up.

Frankly less than satisfactory job numbers (all but a guarantee) and Obama bombing even one more debate is enough to take all bets off the table in regards to Obama having this thing locked down. Like I said before, he wasted all his extra lives. This is it.

Iran does *not* help either, no matter what.

I wasn't being sarcastic. I'd really love to see him shift some numbers. I need Romney's stock to go up so I can buy low and make some money on this haha.

Romney's not going to hit 270. I'd love to see him even make it a close race. People don't care about the debates that much. A few people are overreacting to how the first debate went anyway. The only ones having a meltdown are the hardcore liberals. The only ones having orgasms are the hardcore conservatives. The average person is just like "eh" or "LOL BIG BIRD."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Holy shit, Amir0x. That's pretty crazy what happened. Glad you're okay for the most part.
I wasn't being sarcastic. I'd really love to see him shift some numbers. I need Romney's stock to go up so I can buy low and make some money on this haha.

Romney's not going to hit 270. I'd love to see him even make it a close race. People don't care about the debates that much. A few people are overreacting to how the first debate went anyway. The only ones having a meltdown are the hardcore liberals. The only ones having orgasms are the hardcore conservatives. The average person is just like "eh" or "LOL BIG BIRD."

2002 Governor race in MA...Dem candidate was leading by 6 points 5 weeks out. Lost to Romney, because just like he did at the debate he changed tack completely in the race.


2002 Governor race in MA...Dem candidate was leading by 6 points 5 weeks out. Lost to Romney, because just like he did at the debate he changed tack completely in the race.
Haha you are comparing a freaking governor race to a presidential race.

Do you know how silly this sounds?It just never stops.


Holy shit, Amir0x. That's pretty crazy what happened. Glad you're okay for the most part.

Thanks. And thanks everyone for the concern. I am just really amazed, I never got into almost any accidents in my life, and now two in just a few months.

The one I got into on the day I saw Dark Knight Rises, when some asshole on the highway hit us from behind and spun us out and then sped away, did this:


Minor injuries; I broke two fingers.

I plan to take pics of my car when I go to the impound to get a few of my things from the vehicle, but the car this time basically looks like a disaster. The entire top of the car is dented inward, the front is smanged, the back is smanged, front and back windows shattered... god, what a disaster.

SmokeMaxX said:
I wasn't being sarcastic. I'd really love to see him shift some numbers. I need Romney's stock to go up so I can buy low and make some money on this haha.

Romney's not going to hit 270. I'd love to see him even make it a close race. People don't care about the debates that much. A few people are overreacting to how the first debate went anyway. The only ones having a meltdown are the hardcore liberals. The only ones having orgasms are the hardcore conservatives. The average person is just like "eh" or "LOL BIG BIRD."

Man, I need to get into that Intrade stuff. Sounds like easy money if you get in early and are paying attention to the news.
Haha you are comparing a freaking governor race to a presidential race.

Do you know how silly this sounds?It just never stops.

It is a lot more difficult...but it can be done.

Obama campaign has been at misstep central this week, starting with Biden. They have to make sure they pull their punches in the upcoming debates.

I do somewhat like this take on it:


As the candidates prepare, the first trick for Mr. Obama is finding time. His rehearsals have started late and ended early because of events like the tumult in the Middle East. He showed up at one practice just after speaking at a ceremony for the four Americans killed in Libya, and aides found that his mind was elsewhere.


Setec Astronomer
Speaking of campaign betting...

A few years back, Mandark sent me a copy of No Apology to reciprocate my in-the-interest-of-informed-debate gift of The Audacity of Hope. He was sure that Romney would get the nomination back then and I owe it to him to mention that.

Admittedly, I haven't read it yet, but I plan to start this weekend.


testicles on a cold fall morning
shit Amir0x, just saw the post. glad to know you're doing okay.

Mandark :( one of PoliGAF's bestests. He was never the same after Edwards' bright star morphed into a nuclear winter. APF too, at times.


shit Amir0x, just saw the post. glad to know you're doing okay.

Mandark :( one of PoliGAF's bestests. APF too, at times.

I do miss those two in these topics, good times... disingenuous times often... but good, too :p

man scorcho, with what you're going through... thanks for the concern. You know you're in my thoughts mang.


2002 Governor race in MA...Dem candidate was leading by 6 points 5 weeks out. Lost to Romney, because just like he did at the debate he changed tack completely in the race.
Assuming Romney can flip one state in 5 weeks; can he flip more? He has to win at least FIVE states that Obama's ahead in right now (easiest path to victory). And then he has to KEEP all the states that he's ahead in right now.

EDIT: I just gave him Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, Florida, and Iowa and Romney could only get to 269. Of course, that'd probably be a win for Romney, but winning Nevada is about as likely as losing North Carolina (depending on what source you use) and plus he has to win all those other states. Obama could potentially just pour all his money into securing one of those states or he could pour a ton of money into NC and force Romney to defend it (and he can't afford to lose it). So yeah, if Obama suffers some sort of meltdown or kills a baby, then yeah he could lose. Most likely scenario? Romney does whatever he does at the debates and it doesn't matter since everyone's already made up their minds. A lot of people are just watching the debates now so that they'll have something to talk about (see: Big Bird).
Man, I need to get into that Intrade stuff. Sounds like easy money if you get in early and are paying attention to the news.
Hope you have a speedy recovery. Intrade is potentially easy money. It's similar to stocks; keep up with what's up and you can win- but if something's a sure thing, you're not likely to win a lot. With fees and getting my money in ASAP from a US account, I'm looking at putting in $500 to win $150 (if Obama wins). Not exactly appealing to most people. Considering 271 is nearly locked up, I see it as "free money" but I'd never tell anyone to "gamble" what they can't afford to lose.


How many gaffes/sound bites can Mitt use of Obama from debate?

Maybe 1 about Agreeing on Social Security.

How many gaffes/sound bites can Obama use of Mitt from the debate?


Obama, I see what you didn't do there.


I just hope today's jobs report is stellar, anything to break this pro-Romney news cycle. It's depressing. I also worry this campaign is one really bad jobs report away from being a real race, not to mention the damage to Democrats' chances to the House and Senate. Two weeks of bad press will take an as yet unknown toll.
I just hope today's jobs report is stellar, anything to break this pro-Romney news cycle. It's depressing. I also worry this campaign is one really bad jobs report away from being a real race, not to mention the damage to Democrats' chances to the House and Senate. Two weeks of bad press will take an as yet unknown toll.


It is not just about the debate performance, but the horse race narrative that it brings forth.
Obama did do this in one of his better rebuttals, but it seems impossible to get Romney to stick to anything. The debate really did consist of Obama saying "But the plans you propose do this" and Romney saying "nu-uh thats not my plan, my plan is awesome and includes all the good stuff you're talking about"

RIght. And Obama should have fired back "The math doesn't WORK". Romeny was saying crazy disrespectful shit to the president like 'You're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts". I heard Obama on the campaign trail this morning. That Obama is who should have been at the debates.


114K = good

7.8% = good

avg hourly up 3/10th a percent = good

private sec up 104k = good

upward revisions for last three months of gov't jobs = good

unemployed persons number declined by 450k = good

participation rate up = good


Obama took office with unemployment at 7.9%

Progress! ;)


114K = good

7.8% = good

avg hourly up 3/10th a percent = good

private sec up 104k = good

upward revisions for last three months of gov't jobs = good

unemployed persons number declined by 450k = good

participation rate up = good


Obama took office with unemployment at 7.9%

Progress! ;)

114k isn't good. The rest is.


I'm sure Republicans will start ranting about how the data is bogus and rigged by Obama, but this is pretty much a disaster for Romney.
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