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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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One key thing to remember here is that this sample had proportionately less Democrats and more Independents -- so it's quite possible some of those Independents were Democrats before the debate and now they're too embarrassed to admit it. But these are still not at all good numbers for Romney.

It's still just one poll.
Why did he bring it up already? Why? You just won the debate. "Hey guys, I know I just won the debate, how about we talk about when I said half of Americans were lazy fuck-faces?" Who thought this was a good idea?

Because he rehearsed it for so long he felt the need to use it.

edit: beaten


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This has probably already been mentioned but Gallup sez Obama has a 54% approval rating, the highest it's been in a long time. Course, that doesn't seem to include any effects from the debate.
It's lucky Obama has such a crazy lead because the media won't even focus on the fact that Mitt Romney completely stood by his 47% comment. It's crazy how little attention Romney's lies got over Obama looking lethargic.


It's lucky Obama has such a crazy lead because the media won't even focus on the fact that Mitt Romney completely stood by his 47% comment. It's crazy how little attention Romney's lies got over Obama looking lethargic.

Crushing Romney even more won't help their narrative, they NEED this to be a close race despite virtually ever fact to the contrary


"GAF's biggest wanker"
But he might have needed it in the next debate, he just blew his load early and showed to Obama camp what his response to that would be.
The next debate is in two weeks. Might be a little late in the campaign to try to convincingly mount any kind of sincere-sounding apology at that point. Assuming Obama were to even bring it up.


This has probably already been mentioned but Gallup sez Obama has a 54% approval rating, the highest it's been in a long time. Course, that doesn't seem to include any effects from the debate.

I'm still wondering what this means. Are we positive that none of the Oct 3 interviews were conducted during or after the debate? I went looking for methodology info on Gallup but they didn't specify. The other possibility that jumps out to me is that Gallup is using a likely voter model for approval, which doesn't seem likely. Otherwise I have no idea why there was a fifteen point net swing between Oct 3 and Sept 30.


Crushing Romney even more won't help their narrative, they NEED this to be a close race despite virtually ever fact to the contrary

I don't think Obama lost on purpose, but I do agree with your point. Unless it seems like it's going to be a close race Democrats don't show up at the polls.
I'm still wondering what this means. Are we positive that none of the Oct 3 interviews were conducted during or after the debate? I went looking for methodology info on Gallup but they didn't specify. The other possibility that jumps out to me is that Gallup is using a likely voter model for approval, which doesn't seem likely. Otherwise I have no idea why there was a fifteen point net swing between Oct 3 and Sept 30.

It was too Oct 3. Tomorrow numbers will have first Oct 4 numbers. By next week it will all be after debate for approval numbers.


Greg Sargent (via Twitter, via TPM) is now saying that the actual change in the day before and day following the debate in the Reuters poll is 1 point (47-41 / 48-43). The pre-debate numbers showing 48-39 Obama are an average of the three days leading up to the debate and not just the day before.
In conjunction with PPP's initial polling in Virginia, the preliminary results accord with previous data. And a marginal shift is barely indistinguishable from noise. Additional polling is essential to permit a firm conclusion, of course.
this has been a fun two days. Worst year for car accidents ever for me. I got in a car accident on the day I went to see Dark Knight Rises; and today I got in another when a deer leaped in front of my vehicle. Car flipped, is totaled, and one of my ears is, like, half gone. So this was fun!

God I can't wait til this year is over -_-
At least Obama won the debate.
It was too Oct 3. Tomorrow numbers will have first Oct 4 numbers. By next week it will all be after debate for approval numbers.
Should we expect an effect on his approval rating? The notion's not readily indefensible, mind you. Rather, I'm unaware of any literature associating the two.
What does this mean? Is Ryan's seat up for reelection? What happens if Romney-Ryan wins? What happens if Romney-Ryan loses?

I assume if Romney-Ryan wins, he gets to pick whoever to replace him? Or do people get to vote for him for the House spot too? Do the Republicans expect to lose that seat in the House?
Ryan gets to run for Vice President and his House seat at the same time.

If he wins VP and his House seat, he'd resign from his House seat and a special election would be set up to choose his successor. The other scenarios are self-explanatory (wins VP/loses House he'd just become VP, loses VP/wins House he'd keep his House seat, loses VP/loses House lol he gets nothing).

No one gets to appoint representatives, the seat would just remain vacant until it's filled via election.
What does this mean? Is Ryan's seat up for reelection? What happens if Romney-Ryan wins? What happens if Romney-Ryan loses?

I assume if Romney-Ryan wins, he gets to pick whoever to replace him? Or do people get to vote for him for the House spot too? Do the Republicans expect to lose that seat in the House?

House members are up for election every 2 years.

If Romney wins, the governor appoints someone to replace Ryan (Walker is a repub) and then there is a special election.

If Romney loses and Ryan wins, he stays there.

he'd resign from his House seat and a special election would be set up to choose his successor.

Doesn't someone replace him til that special election?


What does this mean? Is Ryan's seat up for reelection? What happens if Romney-Ryan wins? What happens if Romney-Ryan loses?

I assume if Romney-Ryan wins, he gets to pick whoever to replace him? Or do people get to vote for him for the House spot too? Do the Republicans expect to lose that seat in the House?

Ryan's running two elections right now. he's trying for the VP spot, but he's also running for his congressional spot. People there will be able to vote for him in two spots, and it's possible that he could lose two spots. I somehow doubt that, though, but who knows. If he wins the VP spot, a special election is held for his house spot.
What does this mean? Is Ryan's seat up for reelection? What happens if Romney-Ryan wins? What happens if Romney-Ryan loses?

I assume if Romney-Ryan wins, he gets to pick whoever to replace him? Or do people get to vote for him for the House spot too? Do the Republicans expect to lose that seat in the House?

Yes, Ryan's seat as well as all 435 US House seats are up for re-election. Ryan is running for that seat as well as the the Vice President. If he wins the VP(he won't) he'll take that job and a new election will take place in WI-01 as he does NOT get to choose a replacement. If he loses VP and wins his house seat he'll go back to congress. If he loses his house seat and VP he becomes a lobbyist.

Everyone expects Ryan to be re-elected but Zerban even before the VP nomination selection was considered to be Ryan's toughest challenger in the 12 previous years(6 elections). The fact that Zerban has outraised Ryan is not good news for Ryan. I do not believe any polls have been released on the race. The district went for Obama in 2008 but obviously Ryan won that year in spite of that.
Why did he bring it up already? Why? You just won the debate. "Hey guys, I know I just won the debate, how about we talk about when I said half of Americans were lazy fuck-faces?" Who thought this was a good idea?
During the debate, he realized the lying was a winning strategy. So now he is sticking with it. It is going to be funny when he goes too far and starts calling up foreign leaders to apologize to them.


Ryan gets to run for Vice President and his House seat at the same time.

If he wins VP and his House seat, he'd resign from his House seat and a special election would be set up to choose his successor. The other scenarios are self-explanatory (wins VP/loses House he'd just become VP, loses VP/wins House he'd keep his House seat, loses VP/loses House lol he gets nothing).

No one gets to appoint representatives, the seat would just remain vacant until it's filled via election.

Thanks for the info guys. Would the special election ONLY be among Republican candidates? I keep thinking I remember in the past where members of the house/senate stepped down and special elections were held but only one party was allowed to run in them.


Thanks for the info guys. Would the special election ONLY be among Republican candidates? I keep thinking I remember in the past where members of the house/senate stepped down and special elections were held but only one party was allowed to run in them.
No. It would be a full schedule with a nominating process and a general election.


No Scrubs
During the debate, he realized the lying was a winning strategy. So now he is sticking with it. It is going to be funny when he goes too far and starts calling up foreign leaders to apologize to them.

That strategy will only work for so long though, he may have gotten away with it once but he has to know it won't work again. It only gives Obama more ammo to use.


Speaking of congressional races, I'm depressed that now I live in the most republican district in Wisconsin, and the guy here is beyond safe. He's pretty much run nearly uncontested since 1978.

I was actually kind of wondering why I hadn't heard anything at all about that race here.

So, I have one of the bigger shit-stains in the US, and one of the biggest shit-stains in the state representing me now. Feels bad, man.
Bah, got roped into a silly discussion with a someone I know on Facebook. She's doing one of those rants about how both sides are both the same:

I just piped in about Obama clearly not being a businessman, getting a lot of support from small donors, and actually being poor in his life. She's still going hard on the both sides suck thing. She says she used to care a lot, but she empathizes with issues on both sides, and now just hates it all. I had pointed out the repeal of don't ask don't tell, support for gay marriage, and the passage of the lilly ledbetter fair pay act. She is now doing one of those, but how do you KNOW your side is right? So many people see that as going backwards!

How do good people think this way? I don't get it. How can you really get it in your head that either side could totally be right about anything and these are all just beliefs so who knows! Maybe gays don't deserve rights, I dunno! ugh...

After the debate I got a lot of people posting the whole both sides suck thing and politics suck. Really depressing hearing people say that...

Unfortunately, there are a fair amount of people like your friend on NEOGAF. Whenever they post their thoughts on the threads in the OT, not enough people call them out on their own bull shit in a cogent manner.


Unconfirmed Member
Why did he bring it up already? Why? You just won the debate. "Hey guys, I know I just won the debate, how about we talk about when I said half of Americans were lazy fuck-faces?" Who thought this was a good idea?
This is why I said even before the debate yesterday that Obama basically just had to show up and NOT attack Romney too much and try to take control of the debate. Just let Romney talk. Romney likes to talk a lot and says more than he really ought to. If you just let him motormouth on his own he will eventually say or do something really stupid that you can strike back at. Almost every gaffe Romney has made in this campaign has been the result of his being too eager to talk.

Obama's a master at playing this sort of game. He maybe overdid it a bit last night and came across looking a little weaker than he really needed to, but the end result is that he's getting a lot of ammo gift wrapped from Romney that he can use over the next month.
FactCheck.Org said:
Obama accused Romney of proposing a $5 trillion tax cut. Not true. Romney proposes to offset his rate cuts and promises he won’t add to the deficit.

.....Really? REALLY!?

That's it. That is their proof. Romney said it won't do what Obama claims...therefore FactCheck.org has listed the statement by the Obama as mostly false.

No numbers, no data...nothing. Just ....Romney's word.

Top notch fact checking by whoever did the research, there, guys. No, really.

And you thought Politico was bad. Jesus Christ.


.....Really? REALLY!?

That's it. That is their proof. Romney said it won't do what Obama claims...therefore FactCheck.org has listed the statement by the Obama as mostly false.

No numbers, no data...nothing. Just ....Romney's word.

Top notch fact checking by whoever did the research, there, guys. No, really.

And you thought Politico was bad. Jesus Christ.

Also Obama's whole framing of it was that the tax cut alone was $5T - I'm almost positive that Romney made this objection when Obama first brought it up and Obama clarified that the tax cuts without offsets were what he was talking about - and he was specifically asking Romney how he could close enough deductions and loopholes to pay for it.


The democrats, especially the Obama camp cannot let Romney get a way with reinventing his positions and political identity completely 5 weeks before the election. Romney now says his 47% remark was "completely wrong" yet he defended the substance of it in that late night news conference. If he actually gets away with this latest etch-a-sketch move I will have lost all faith in our political process.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
The democrats, especially the Obama camp cannot let Romney get a way with reinventing his positions and political identity completely 5 weeks before the election. Romney now says his 47% remark was "completely wrong" yet he defended the substance of it in that late night news conference. If he actually gets away with this latest etch-a-sketch move I will have lost all faith in our political process.

Isn't that pretty much what people were half-jokingly predicting Romney would do in the last month of the election? Like eerily spot on...


Isn't that pretty much what people were half-jokingly predicting Romney would do in the last month of the election? Like eerily spot on...

We all saw Romney try to reinvent himself time and time again, but I honestly didn't think he would make up policy on the spot in the middle of a Presidential debate and transform into a moderate and arguably left leaning democrat right before our eyes.
We all saw Romney try to reinvent himself time and time again, but I honestly didn't think he would make up policy on the spot in the middle of a Presidential debate and transform into a moderate and arguably left leaning democrat right before our eyes.

Romney just out Romney'd Romney!
.....Really? REALLY!?

That's it. That is their proof. Romney said it won't do what Obama claims...therefore FactCheck.org has listed the statement by the Obama as mostly false.

No numbers, no data...nothing. Just ....Romney's word.

Top notch fact checking by whoever did the research, there, guys. No, really.

And you thought Politico was bad. Jesus Christ.

Erin Burnett did the same thing on her show today. It pissed me off to no end. She did endorse legal weed though


I think the biggest change we are seeing coming out of the debates are a re-energized Republican base and a much more favorable media in Romney's direction. At least politically, but not electorally, Romney Comeback complete.
The reason why NPR is hated by conservatives is because of its neutral tone.

The modern conservative narrative is built on a plank of half truths, and failed theories. The sole goal of the party is to demolish the government safety net.

I don't know what they're complaining about. When I want to hear reaction to current events from the Heritage Foundation, the Brookings Institution, Cato Institute, American Enterprise, et al, I listen to NPR.

I agree completely. I think the only pundits who picked up on this were Rachel Maddow and Al Sharpton. The rest like Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews just went apeshit.

Obama was weaving the rope that Romney was going to hang himself with.

We need to put these "11th-dimensional chess" and "Obama is the greatest debater alive!" ideas to rest. He debated terribly (although--like JFK v. Nixon--he might have fared better via transcript than live). It's kind of hilarious that even though he "won," Romney supplied more ammunition against himself. Did Obama flub in any way that's going to make it into an effective ad from the Romney campaign?

COULD HAVE changed the landscape. He's protecting himself from potential fallout for Obama completely trashing his lead in the worst Presidential debate performance I've ever seen in my life.

You're acting crazy now. Calm down. You need to come to the self-realization that you do overreact negatively and pessimistically to events. You have earned a reputation as a Chicken Little (this applies to you, too, cartoon soldier). Believing you are acting rationally when the vast majority of your peers tell you otherwise should give you pause. Reevaluate your instincts.

If you want to panic about Obama possibly losing the popular vote, have at it. Part of me would enjoy the tables being turned like that. But, this is an electoral college process, and Obama has that nearly locked away.

Joe Biden will always be my favorite.


Man, what a powerful photograph.

I thought that was Biden consoling Obama after last night's debate performance.

BTW, that article gave me diabetes just by reading it. Thanks, Aaron.

This is brilliant. Kudos.

It's pretty amusing how despite all of this hair-pulling, this will go down in history and be remembered solely as the Big Bird debate.

Yep. Everyone will remember that Obama lost, but this is the only thing worth quoting.

It rarely goes well when politicians criticize fictional characters. Dan Quayle tried to use the sitcom Murphy Brown as illustrative of culture erosion (the character--rich, famous and successful, mind you--had chosen to be a single mother; horrors!), but worded it in such a way that the sitcom was able to use his speech within their show as a direct attack on the character. Big Bird costumes are going to be quite popular at Romney protests.
I think the biggest change we are seeing coming out of the debates are a re-energized Republican base and a much more favorable media in Romney's direction. At least politically, but not electorally, Romney Comeback complete.

That was always going to be the issue. Media was looking for a Romney comeback narrative and they got one. They got one by an overwhelming majority. So this time they aren't even caring much with the fact checks unlike Ryan's RNC speech. Obama has to knock it out of the park in the next debate.

The only thing that can change the narrative before that is if the polls don't close enough.

I don't know what the fuck was up with Obama and his team. He was probably in shock by Romney's blatant lies and abandonment of his policy ideas till date. But Obama is clever enough to think on his feet, he should have gone in for the kill and he didn't. or at least I hoped Obama would fight him to a draw. Romney made a big play for the low information voters (undecided voters) and won.


My dad told me that NPR is biased. It makes no sense whatsoever, but I'm past the point where I want to waste time debating him.
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