Yes.Hey, we're getting jobs numbers tomorrow, correct?
Yes.Hey, we're getting jobs numbers tomorrow, correct?
In Wisconsin Obama/Romney 2 pts closer than it was on the first night of our last poll there
We do 4 day fields so no final numbers until Sunday but early indications that Romney may have gotten small, but hardly game changing bump
That sounds pretty dirty, I hope no one catches it on tape.Obama will get a Big Bird bounce.
this has been a fun two days. Worst year for car accidents ever for me. I got in a car accident on the day I went to see Dark Knight Rises; and today I got in another when a deer leaped in front of my vehicle. Car flipped, is totaled, and one of my ears is, like, half gone. So this was fun!
God I can't wait til this year is over -_-
Some more from Public Policy Polling:
That sounds pretty dirty, I hope no one catches it on tape.
Is sick of all this political idealism. Your candidate will not save you, or your country. He will not stop hatred or bigotry or religious intolerance. He'll be spending money that the country doesn't have on things that the country doesn't need. He won't do 99% of the things that he says he will. He won't bring us out of debt. He'll try to create equality for some groups by taking it away from others. He'll try to promote freedom of speech by attacking the speech of others. He's a hypocritical, money-hungry business man. He doesn't care about the poor, because he has never been poor a day in his life (and also because he is funded by rich people...). He won't make this country a more tolerant place, because to be "tolerant" of one belief generally causes one to be "intolerant" of disagreeing beliefs. Plus, so many of you are SO ANGRY at the "other side" that you can't even listen, or comprehend the idea that BOTH sides have valid argument. If they didn't, everyone would just AGREE WITH YOU! THIS GOES FOR BOTH BOTH SIDES! Grow up. The world sucks, and it will continue to suck. As long as everyone remains so freaking hell-bent on being right and so arrogant to think that they "know better", things will never get any better. Stop hating the people that disagree with you. Stop seeing THE OTHER SIDE as the enemy that has to be crushed, because chances are, you are JUST as much of a douchebag in your own way. So if you don't have anything nice to say, just shut your stupid mouth and vote.
this has been a fun two days. Worst year for car accidents ever for me. I got in a car accident on the day I went to see Dark Knight Rises; and today I got in another when a deer leaped in front of my vehicle. Car flipped, is totaled, and one of my ears is, like, half gone. So this was fun!
God I can't wait til this year is over -_-
How do good people think this way? I don't get it. How can you really get it in your head that either side could totally be right about anything and these are all just beliefs so who knows! Maybe gays don't deserve rights, I dunno! ugh...
After the debate I got a lot of people posting the whole both sides suck thing and politics suck. Really depressing hearing people say that...
this has been a fun two days. Worst year for car accidents ever for me. I got in a car accident on the day I went to see Dark Knight Rises; and today I got in another when a deer leaped in front of my vehicle. Car flipped, is totaled, and one of my ears is, like, half gone. So this was fun!
God I can't wait til this year is over -_-
Makes them feel smart and above it all. In my opinion."When I got onto the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney," he told cheering supporters here. "But it couldn't have been Mitt Romney, because the real Mitt Romney has been running around the country for the last year promising $5 trillion in tax cuts that favor the wealthy."
"The fellow onstage last night said he didn't know anything about that," Obama said. The president then gave the same treatment to Romney on education and other issues—and hit back at one of Romney's debate zingers, "I maybe need to get a new accountant," uttered in a spat about outsourcing and whether companies can take a tax deduction for shipping jobs overseas.
"We know for sure it was not the real Mitt Romney because he seems to be doing just fine with his current accountant," Obama said.
"I just want to make sure I got this straight. He'll get rid of regulations on Wall Street, but he's going to crack down on Sesame Street," Obama said. "Thank goodness somebody is finally cracking down on Big Bird. Who knew that he was responsible for all these deficits? Elmo has got to watch out."
Bah, got roped into a silly discussion with a someone I know on Facebook. She's doing one of those rants about how both sides are both the same:
After the debate I got a lot of people posting the whole both sides suck thing and politics suck. Really depressing hearing people say that...
Is sick of all this political idealism. Your candidate will not save you, or your country. He will not stop hatred or bigotry or religious intolerance.
Oh Obama, why couldn't you do some of this last night. The last remark would have been gold.
Nate Silver article highlighting the electoral map I posted yesterday in response to PDs
For what states does this 271 assume that Obama's won that most outlets won't claim he's won yet? And how much is Obama up by there?
For what states does this 271 assume that Obama's won that most outlets won't claim he's won yet? And how much is Obama up by there?
The three tossup states specifically in that map are WI, OH, NV.This gives Obama only states in which he's up by 4.9 points. For reference, the largest swing between the day before the first debate and the election in the history of debates was 3.5 points.
For what states does this 271 assume that Obama's won that most outlets won't claim he's won yet? And how much is Obama up by there?
"Well, clearly in a campaign with hundreds if not thousands of question and answer sessions, now and then you're going to say something that doesn't come out right. In this case I said something that's just completely wrong. And I absolutely believe however that my life has shown that I care about the 100 percent and that has been demonstarted throughout my life. This whole campaign is about the 100 percent. When I become president it'll be about helping the 100 percent."
Mittens with the huge takeback. It's clear that the 47% comment is hurting him so bad that his campaign feels they need to resurrect the comment and its contraversy in order to hopefully put it to rest. This is pretty dumb and Mittens has a terrible campaign staff.
They should have just continued on and ignored it , writing it off as spin and the left's use of the comment as a distortion of what Mitt really meant. Not sure what's going on in their campaign numbers, he must be getting gored in the rust belt over these comments for this to come back around.
Mittens with the huge takeback. It's clear that the 47% comment is hurting him so bad that his campaign feels they need to resurrect the comment and its contraversy in order to hopefully put it to rest. This is pretty dumb and Mittens has a terrible campaign staff.
They should have just continued on and ignored it , writing it off as spin and the left's use of the comment as a distortion of what Mitt really meant. Not sure what's going on in their campaign numbers, he must be getting gored in the rust belt over these comments for this to come back around.
Yep. As the author noted, Romney had a precanned response that he was probably ready to deliver in front of all the people watching the debate. I think it was wise Obama left that alone. Romney doesn't get to ask for forgiveness.
When I become president it'll be about helping the 100 percent."
Yeah, that's one reason why I thought Obama should've stayed away from it. Don't give Romney a chance to defend himself in front of 62 million people. There is likely little to gain from it that hasn't already been gained from the initial controversy.Yep. As the author noted, Romney had a precanned response that he was probably ready to deliver in front of all the people watching the debate. I think it was wise Obama left that alone. Romney doesn't get to ask for forgiveness.
Just about to post that. I swear to god he better not get away with this shit. He stood by the comment just a month ago.
i wonder if the missing BLs numbers they found last week will cause the unemployment rate to drop?
7.9% maybe?
I honestly don't think it matters if he says this in the venue (on Hannity) where he did-it just looks like desperate damage control. This response needed to come out in the debates to actually matter, where Mitt could have "scored" points in the debate and gotten his apology off at the same time.
Obama's team, in retrospect, was super-smart to stay away from this. The comment is a good stick for beating a dead horse with, but not the kind of verbal rapier that goes well in a debate.
i wonder if the missing BLs numbers they found last week will cause the unemployment rate to drop?
7.9% maybe?
Anyone check out the crosstabs no the Ipsos pre vs post debate?
This is terrible for Romney. Check out Independents
Healthcare: Obama +3, Romney 0
US Economy: Obama + 7, Romney -7
Medicare: Obama +2, Romney -3
Jobs & employment: Obama +9, Romney -3
Deficit: Obama +1, Romney +4
I ignored the questions not really touched on like immigration and there was little movement there.
Romney did not win voters over.
ah oh well nevermindFrom what was posted those numbers won't be added to the total until the annual revision in Jan 2013.
WASHINGTONThe Obama campaign set a new monthly fundraising record for the 2012 election cycle, taking in more than $150 million in September as supporters rallied behind the president in the final phase of the election, according to people familiar with the totals.
FISHERSVILLE, Va. -- Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has described his disparaging remarks about the 47 percent of Americans who don't pay federal income taxes as "not elegantly stated." Now he's calling them "just completely wrong."
Romney had contended that nearly half of Americans consider themselves "victims" and are dependent on government.
In an interview Thursday night with Fox News, Romney was asked what he would have said had the "47 percent" comments come up during his debate the night before with President Barack Obama.
Romney responded that sometimes in campaigning something doesn't come out right and that, quote, "In this case, I said something that's just completely wrong."
The "47 percent" comments came to light in mid-September after the release of a secretly recorded video from a May fundraiser.
Nate Silver article highlighting the electoral map I posted yesterday in response to PDs
Yep, and he's p. close to establishing a guaranteed path to victory as it is. Courtesy NBC News
*** Obamas battleground edge grows: In NBC's first battleground map since the conventions and a slew of new state polling, President Obama has expanded his electoral-vote lead over Mitt Romney -- but only slightly. There are now 243 electoral votes in Obamas column and 191 in Romneys, with 104 in the Toss-up category; 270 are needed to win the presidency. Last month, before the conventions, the president was ahead 237-191. The one change: We've moved Iowa from Toss-up to Lean Obama based on our new NBC/WSJ/Marist polls and our conversations with the campaigns. Perhaps in no other state outside of Ohio and Virginia has Obama done more physical campaigning than in Iowa, and it appears to have paid off. Since April, hes made seven visits and held 15 different events in the state, compared with Romneys seven visits but just seven events. Re-read the comparison again -- this is a regular discrepancy between the Obama and Romney campaigns. The president packs in a lot more events, on average, when he visits a battleground state than Romney does.
Solid Dem (no chance at flip): DC, DE, HI, ME (3 EVs) MD, MA, NY, RI, VT (70 electoral votes)
Likely Dem (takes a landslide to flip): CA, CT, IL, WA (94)
Lean Dem: IA, ME (1 EV) MI, MN, NJ, NM, OR, PA (79)
Toss-up: CO, FL, NV, NH, NC, OH, VA, WI (104)
Lean GOP: AZ, GA, IN, MO, NE (I EV) (49)
Likely GOP (takes a landslide to flip): AL, LA, MS, MT, ND, SC, SD, TX (79)
Solid GOP (no chance at flip): AK, AR, ID, KS, KY, NE (4 EVs) OK, TN, UT, WV, WY (63)
If they've really secured Iowa, that p. much closes off the route to 270 for Romney. Based on other recent polling the bolded states there look to be secure for the Dems as it is, so at a minimum we're looking at
so gg Romney. Smart of them to concentrate heavily in Iowa, but that's why they're a top-notch campaign team.