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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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More neutral than good since these numbers don't change the horse race ever.
A bad report would certainly have some effect on an incumbent.

Maybe not a ton against a weak opponent like Romney, but it absolutely blunts Romney's insistence that the economy is in a downward spiral and that only he possesses the magical Flute of Job Creation.
OK Mr. Romney, what exactly ARE those pro-growth policies? Because there is no shred of evidence that cutting taxes to businesses creates jobs.
Fact check: Plinko's claim that there is no shred of evidence supporting Romney's plan being pro-growth is directly contradicted by Mr. Romney's promises. I rate Plinko a mother-fucking liar.


God, I hope Wall Streeters vote for Obama.

FYI: I did expand on my original thought a bit.

But, last time, they did. McCain essentially lost all credibility when he tanked in the WH meeting with W. & Obama in the week of the '08 collapse.

This time, they won't because they haven't been sufficiently fettled or some bullshit.


Found the clip of Morning Joe. It is embarrassing as they're trying to spin it and they're really trying. Even in the face of the actual people that have looked at the report in detail and are telling Joe, etc that they're wrong on several things. Crazy.

Edit: The guy with the crazy hair actually admitted he was afraid the 7.8 number would be viewed positively!?. Not even trying....ugh.
why weren't people saying the numbers were made up when they were below expectations?

so tired of seeing people use hypocritical argument tactics. you can't have your cake and it eat too: if you want to criticize the president for bad jobs reports, you can't suddenly pretend they don't matter when those reports are good without looking like an asshole. the cognitive dissonance is amazing. if someone has this warped mental logic, he can never be proven wrong about anything. fucking bubbles.

it's like the libya thing when conservatives were criticizing obama for not doing anything and then criticized him for helping the rebellion.


Junior Member
why weren't people saying the numbers were made up when they were below expectations?

so tired of seeing people use hypocritical argument tactics. you can't have your cake and it eat too: if you want to criticize the president for bad jobs reports, you can't suddenly pretend they don't matter when those reports are good without looking like an asshole.

it's like the libya thing when conservatives were criticizing obama for not doing anything and then criticized him for helping the rebellion.

This. Which is why I think this report just effectively ended Romney's campaign. He (and by proxy the GOP) literally have nothing to run on.


Sidhe / PikPok
Sad thing is this won't do much to change the trajectory. The bad results last month did nothing to slow down Obama's polls. This on the flip-side likely will have no impact. For some reason (good or bad) the job report numbers don't have an impact on where the race is.

Well, month to month arbitrary numbers are probably somewhat meaningless to the masses, but getting under 8.0% and indeed under the 7.9% Obama started with is significant milestone and talking point which undermines one of Romney's key attacks.

Seeing the Right come out to try and discredit the numbers immediately is not surprising. This area of attack was pretty much one of the only "legitimate" attacks they had against Obama in a campaign otherwise built on out of context quotes,half truths, and complete fabrications. And now it is gone.


Found the clip of Morning Joe. It is embarrassing as they're trying to spin it and they're really trying. Even in the face of the actual people that have looked at the report in detail and are telling Joe, etc that they're wrong on several things. Crazy.

Edit: The guy with the crazy hair actually admitted he was afraid the 7.8 number would be viewed positively!?. Not even trying....ugh.

That show is insufferable.


Won't stop picking the right nation
The irony is that the numbers aren't really good. It's just that they aren't bad.
They're good in the sense that there are few caveats attached, as there were in the past with the labor participation rate. But just as importantly for Obama is that sub-8% employment is hugely symbolic - so much so that some people are trying to reject it out of hand because it clashes with their sense of reality. I think that the numbers will seem more significant than they really are, which is important for perception.

Everyone at my job or on Facebook after Obama's re-election.


The significance of these numbers is that potentially this race no longer needs to be a choice election. Are you better off today than you were four years ago? The economy's larger than before the recession, the unemployment rate is lower, the DOW has doubled, and there's slightly more job jobs than when Obama took office.

Obama's campaign can now make this a referendum election and win.
how are you guys using intrade? you have foreign bank accounts? i thought gambling was blocked in the US?

i was on the verge of buying a shitload of obama stock a couple of months ago but thought better of the legality of it before i even bothered to make an intrade account. maybe i should have done it anyway if people in the US are able to do it with no problems.
while i am happy that it looks like the US economy will take off in the next couple of years, probably just in time for the end of my clerkship in august 2014, i wonder if new jersey will recover by then in spite of our chode governor and his job-killing policies.

so much of our economy is based on government work, both in terms of government employment and government contracts, and he is on a warpath against spending. really annoys me, particularly because my targeted job is in state government and my future waifu is an unemployed teacher. our unemployment rate is higher than the nation and will probably stay that way unless this chode gets voted out next year.


Solid Jobs Report Spawns Crackpot ‘Job Truthers’ Movement
The leader of the “job truther” movement: former GE CEO Jack Welch.

“Unbelievable jobs numbers..these Chicago guys will do anything..can’t debate so change numbers,” he said on Twitter.

He had some friends in Congress too. Rep. Allen West (R-FL) tweeted “I agree with former GE CEO Jack Welch, Chicago style politics is at work here.”

FOX News’ Stuart Varney apparently sensed where his audience was going. Within minutes of their release he told viewers that “there is widespread mistrust of this report and these numbers.”

“How convenient the rate drops below 8% [for the] first time in 43 months, five weeks before the election,” he added later.

CNBC host Jim Carmer said he was pilloried by viewers for defending the BLS report’s integrity.

“This is very hot. You believe the number, you must be a card-carrying Communist,” he joked on the air.

Betsey Stevenson, a former chief economist at the Department of Labor under President Obama, said in a phone interview with TPM that the conspiracy theories were misguided in just about every way possible. For starters, the Bureau of Labor Statistics isn’t currently run by a political appointee. For most of Obama’s term, the commissioner was a holdover appointed by President Bush. The current acting commissioner John Gavin is a career BLS economist, not an Obama appointee.


That girl in the bunny hat
Along those lines, here's the full set of the data by sector. I find this table very useful for illustrating where job gains are coming from (or not):


A good chunk seems to be in 'Education and health services'. Wonder if that's brought on by the ACA, or by the many baby boomers aging and needing more hospital/other elderly care services, or some combination of both.
If Obama actually was the villainous take no prisoners politician that the Republican party has imagined up then maybe some of PoliGAFs liberal would be happier with his fighting style.

Apparently he is hardcore enough to cook the books but he can't call out Romney in a debate?


A good chunk seems to be in 'Education and health services'. Wonder if that's brought on by the ACA, or by the many baby boomers aging and needing more hospital/other elderly care services, or some combination of both.

Anecdotal, but in my little rinky dink small town, those are basically the only two areas anyone with a college education can get a job. I'd imagine that's what it's like in a lot of areas. Those two things are needed everywhere and will likely not go anywhere, so it makes sense.


To follow up on my earlier posts about the establishment vs. household surveys, ~500k of the ~800k jobs from the latter were part time. Which implies that at least some of them went to folks who already have part time jobs, and so wouldn't register in the establishment survey. And overall it picked up more part time hiring that the establishment survey did.

That, combined with a healthy dose of regular statistical noise and simple methodological differences (EV's link) is the likely explanation.

Ezra Klein has a typically useful post about it.


This was a decent report. Most importantly, it was a good enough report that the fundamental trajectory of the jobs trend is one of moderate advancement. I don't think Obama gets boosted from this so much as it will maintain the status quo. Which is bad news for Romney.


If Obama actually was the villainous take no prisoners politician that the Republican party has imagined up then maybe some of PoliGAFs liberal would be happier with his fighting style.

Apparently he is hardcore enough to cook the books but he can't call out Romney in a debate?
Island folk are sneaky like that.


Watching the Morning Joe clip right now. Pathetic how Joe and some of the others guys were trying to downplay it. That Joshua guy from Bloomberg set them straight though


That girl in the bunny hat
This was a decent report. Most importantly, it was a good enough report that the fundamental trajectory of the jobs trend is one of moderate advancement. I don't think Obama gets boosted from this so much as it will maintain the status quo. Which is bad news for Romney.

And for wonketry purposes, <8% is great news even if it's not the result of the greatest backing circumstances. It's concise and sufficiently meaningful, and as the truthers show, psychological. Even if it is mostly part-time, hey- still beats the shit out of a participation drop.


There are Job Truthers now?

Job truthers started early in this year when we had a spat of >200K job reports. Back then conservatives were accusing Obama and the BLS of cooking the books. Their accusations disappeared in early Spring when the job numbers sank back 90,000 to 140,000 range per month.
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