And yet it takes up 3 hours of airtime on "liberal" MSNBC. Where's my Fair and Balanced equivalent on FOX News?

And yet it takes up 3 hours of airtime on "liberal" MSNBC. Where's my Fair and Balanced equivalent on FOX News?
Haha, Rick Santelli's reaction on CNBC was gold.
I doubt that most Americans even know what the unemployment rate is.
Any jobs report that isn't a disaster is good for Obama.
What did he say? Man, these guys sure do hate America
Solid Jobs Report Spawns Crackpot Job Truthers Movement
Something about if you believe these numbers you are a communist.
i wonder if the obama team will start putting out ads (even just web ads) bragging about this number. while the number looks good, many people are still hurting and it may be seen as insulting to them. any ad would have to be very tactically done.
A hopeful tone would be appropriate.i wonder if the obama team will start putting out ads (even just web ads) bragging about this number. while the number looks good, many people are still hurting and it may be seen as insulting to them. any ad would have to be very tactically done.
it would definitely change the media narrative away from the debate though. if people on tv are arguing over whether the low unemployment number is accurate or not, it can only be good for obama. that's a conversation the obama camp should love to have, because the focus is on the number and any criticisms of it are too wonky or truther-ish for mainstream americans to connect with.
CNN is super sad right now.
Ali Veshli is trying so damn hard to make unemployment rate is meaningless and spin this news. He completely glossed over the fact that workforce increased...
They are focusing now manufacturing now since that is the only bad number...
The significance of these numbers is that potentially this race no longer needs to be a choice election. Are you better off today than you were four years ago? The economy's larger than before the recession, the unemployment rate is lower, the DOW has doubled, and there's slightly more job jobs than when Obama took office.
Obama's campaign can now make this a referendum election and win.
LMAO what just happened on Intrade? Obama's chances are up to 70% but OH, FL and VA all dropped from 60% to below 40% and those markets got pulled
CNN is super sad right now.
Ali Veshli is trying so damn hard to make unemployment rate is meaningless and spin this news. He completely glossed over the fact that workforce increased...
They are focusing now manufacturing now since that is the only bad number...
Does anyone know where Obama's victory speech is gonna be held on election night? It was Chicago last election.
I also approve of this message.VoiceOver: "Why don't you have a job yet, moron? Have you seen the numbers? Unemployment rate is down to 7.8%. Millions of jobs created. Mitt Romney is in tears. And you still don't have a job. Fuck you."
Approved by Obama for America
CNN is super sad right now.
Ali Veshli is trying so damn hard to make unemployment rate is meaningless and spin this news. He completely glossed over the fact that workforce increased...
They are focusing now manufacturing now since that is the only bad number...
Does anyone know where Obama's victory speech is gonna be held on election night? It was Chicago last election.
I still see those markets being offered. Damn wish that guy would've been able to get the money in my account by now.
But to Velshi's point, the dude said that the UE rate in and of itself did not matter even when the rate inched to 8.3%, or even 9%. He kept it consistent by saying the UE right now also does not matter. He's right in the sense that the UE rate does not give you the numbers behind the story. But it is a psychological boost for Obama as well as the country as a whole.
Velshi is a smart guy, I won't write him off.
LMAO what just happened on Intrade? Obama's chances are up to 70% but OH, FL and VA all dropped from 60% to below 40% and those markets got pulled
They are allowed to use note cards to write notes during the debate. You need proof of having something written on them before the debate started.
Whoa...Bombshell. CSPAN too. Hardly an biased source.
But to Velshi's point, the dude said that the UE rate in and of itself did not matter even when the rate inched to 8.3%, or even 9%. He kept it consistent by saying the UE right now also does not matter. He's right in the sense that the UE rate does not give you the numbers behind the story. But it is a psychological boost for Obama as well as the country as a whole.
Velshi is a smart guy, I won't write him off.
They are allowed to bring note cards to write notes during the debate. You need proof of having something written on them before the debate started.
Unless they supply the note cards at the lecterns.
They are allowed to use note cards to write notes during the debate. You need proof of having something written on them before the debate started.
Unless they supply the note cards at the lecterns and are not allowed to use their own.
That says it's posted by an anonymous user but it does look shady
They are allowed to use note cards to write notes during the debate. You need proof of having something written on them before the debate started.
Unless they supply the note cards at the lecterns and are not allowed to use their own.
In pictures I didn't think much of this but he clearly does pull paper out of his pocket in that video.
Whoa...Bombshell. CSPAN too. Hardly an biased source.
Is there a specific rule where you can't bring your own cards to write on?The candidates are supplied a single sheet of blank paper to write on which are already at the lecterns.
Hmm i saw him use a napkin to wipe his face. Could be that.
If Obama wanted to cook the unemployment rate, why wait 36 months to get it under 7.9%?