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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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What's a good, trustworthy site to bet on Obama presidency? I'll make a bet and donate some money, which I'll get back after winning the bet.
Joy as someone who lives in one of the biggest $$$ states he is hitting (Iowa) I am sure I will have plenty to roll my eyes at during every commercial break
My mom was just telling me about her drive through Iowa on the way back to Minnesota (from Florida) and all the wind turbines she saw. Yeah, Romney's pledge to kill the wind production tax-credit (PTC) has got to hurt him there.


Wow, just saw a tweet saying that Rove describes the Dem plan as "you create a false image of who you're running against and then smash it down."

... it takes a lot of brass...


I enjoyed most of Kerry's speech. It's heartening to see Democrats denounce Romney's (lack) of foreign policy. For the most important responsibility of the presidency, Romney's been deafeningly silent. And the few comments he's made have been patently obtuse. Still, I wish Republicans possessed the credibility and fortitude to defend their criticism of Obama's decision to go into Pakistan to seize bin Laden. Obviously, it's not politically expedient. But we're ignoring a broader debate about our counter-terrorism strategy.
Let the bombardment begin
Futile, but it's their prerogative.
Another thing: no mention of the Dow, and no insinuation about the jobs numbers. Chuck Todd and others pointed out Obama knows what the number is, and might give a hint tonight. Given the "we're struggling but give me one more chance" theme of the speech, I'd imagine the report will be average or perhaps even bad.
You're analysis is usually intriguing. Do you have a newsletter to which I may subscribe?
Goddamn it, one of my best friends from South Korea is apparently a hardcore Republican. He's been Hulking out on some of our mutual friends' facebook comments. I don't have the heart to put him down. :(

If you don't put him down, he might convince some ignorant observer that he knows what he's talking about, or manage to shift the needle gradually rightward.


I haven't even graduated yet and they're already trying to hit me up for more money.

They sent an incredibly insulting postcard to me. I don't remember what it specifically said, but I was really just angry at their wording. Then they called me and I bitched them out. Turns out my friend, who's actually a lot more forgiving about them, saw the same postcard and too was insulted and said something on the phone, too. I bitched them out more. The first time they called me I just laughed and was like "yeah maybe I'll donate when I actually get a job."


I seriously wonder if these people think before they hit post.

It's like 1) you're just going to get busted by the Secret Service and 2) do you even know why you hate Obama? Do you have an actual basis for disliking his policies to the point where he needs to be offed?


Reposting here because it is too funny and has spread to many more outlets: http://www.washingtonpost.com/polit...1bef02-f890-11e1-a93b-7185e3f88849_story.html

WASHINGTON — Sarah Palin is surprised Sen. John Kerry even knows her name.

The 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee and former Alaska governor said Thursday that Kerry “diminished himself” by mentioning her in his speech to the Democratic National Convention.

Kerry had criticized Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for saying that Russia is America’s top geopolitical foe. He mentioned that Palin famously said in a television interview that in Alaska, she could see Russia. “Mitt Romney talks like he’s only seen Russia by watching Rocky IV,” Kerry said.

Interviewed on “Fox Business Network,” Palin asked, “How does he even know my name?”

“I mean aren’t these guys supposed to be these bigwig elites who don’t waste their time on the little people like me, me representing the average American who yeah I did say in Alaska you can see Russia from our land base and I was making the point that we are strategically located on the globe and when it comes to transportation corridors and resources that are shared and fought over, Alaska and I as the governor, had known what I was doing in dealing with some international issues that had to do with our resources that could help secure the nation,” Palin said. “So it’s funny that he would take a little pot shot like that, but it’s funny he even knows my name. “

Palin resigned the governorship in July 2009. She has been a best-selling author and the subject of a reality television show.


Last time I was optimistic about job numbers they turned out about 90k worse.

But that was another time, with a different username. 195k tomorrow. Game on.
Jobs prediction: 110k, .1 increase in unemployment rate

decent number but not good enough to keep up with population growth

You do realize the reason it went up last month was do to rounding and not any real movement? It basically changed from 8.23 to 8.26. There was no real movement at all. Unemployment doesn't go up unless more people start losing jobs, which isn't happening, or we start adding more and more jobs which encourages more to start looking, this also hasn't happen in great enough numbers yet.


Professional Schmuck
Speaking of stupid comments, here's something that I found in my FB feed:

I'm sitting here watching the" Starwars bar scene " (the democratic natl conviction)" and i can't believe what i'm seeing.These people are certifiably insane.Booing God?

What the hell is that.? and oh by the way,keep demonizing the wealthy and you won't have to watch the movie "Atlas Shrugged"...you'll be living it.Keep killing the least of us..(the unborn) for Jesus once said "whatever you do to the least oh thee,you do to me".These people are as dangerous to our society as the terrorists our brave young troops are fighting.Don't get me wrong.

There's plenty of blame to go around,but the Democratic party has chosen the path of "centralized government"where all things flow from the government.EX:Communist China,the former USSR,Nazi Germany,so on and so forth.God help us if these freaks are re-elected.Oh by the way.Do the words Sodom and Gomorrah mean anything to these people?God destroyed these 2 cities because men from the city of Sodom (the source of the word sodomy)came to Lot's home and demanded to have sex with his male guests (angels).How did tha work out for those first gay unions?

It is imperative that these enemies of America be defeated this next election.If they are not defeated,you will only recognize our country by watching news reels of every European country taken over after W.W. II. by the communists.If you want to unfriend me for these comments....be my guest.


Goddamn it, one of my best friends from South Korea is apparently a hardcore Republican. He's been Hulking out on some of our mutual friends' facebook comments. I don't have the heart to put him down. :(

Educate him.

It's your responsibility as a logical, critically thinking adult.
Speaking of stupid comments, here's something that I found in my FB feed:

Star wars bars scene? Very creative way to express racism!

The author seems to be largely a religious zealot (god, gays, abortion) . . . but throws in atheist Ayn Rand views which are largely the antithesis of Jesus. Very odd. Again, I think it is that marriage of convenience of the GOP between big biz and religious zealots.
I am glad my Facebook feed isn't littered with that nonsense.

Did have one friend vehemently request that anyone voting for "that douche Romney" delete him as a friend, though.
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