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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Obama plus 10 by next Thursday. Yup.

lol, it won't be that.

I suppose I shouldn't have been so hasty. I think the bump will be dependent on jobs numbers tomorrow. If they're good, then I give this a point or two higher than whatever we decide Romney got (was it about 2?). If they're bad, though, then yeah I could see them canceling out a bit.
CNN's undecided voters focus group. Hmm. Why did some of them blurt Fox News talking points? "He's not sincere", "We need to get spending under control"...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CNN's undecided voters focus group. Hmm. Why did some of them blurt Fox News talking points? "He's not sincere", "We need to get spending under control"...

Because those focus groups are designed to provide the borderline extreme from both sides sprinkled with a few down-to-earth calm voters.
The speech was almost exactly like his SOTU ones, and the Jobs Act one. Very little in inspiration or new ideas. It was clearly the weakest of the three end-night speeches and I'm not sure it convinced voters like Bill's speech did.

I cringed at the deficit talk. It sounded like the same Obama who didn't realize republicans hate him and will not work with him
LMAO @ these fake ass 'undecided" voters on CNN. They should be ashamed of themselves

Yea, they are hilarious. You're active enough to want to sit in a studio through a boring ass convention, but you don't know enough policy to choose between two vastly different platforms?


lol, it won't be that.

I suppose I shouldn't have been so hasty. I think the bump will be dependent on jobs numbers tomorrow. If they're good, then I give this a point or two higher than whatever we decide Romney got (was it about 2?). If they're bad, though, then yeah I could see them canceling out a bit.

The 200k ADP number plus Obama's confident speech suggests to me that it'll be a very solid number.

I cringed at the deficit talk. It sounded like the same Obama who didn't realize republicans hate him and will not work with him

Sausage making. Irrelevant to voters.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
CNN's undecided voters focus group. Hmm. Why did some of them blurt Fox News talking points? "He's not sincere", "We need to get spending under control"...

To be fair the venn diagram of people who are retarded enough to be in the Tea Party and retarded enough not to know the difference between the two parties probably looks like the start of a whirlpool of dumb.
Another thing: no mention of the Dow, and no insinuation about the jobs numbers. Chuck Todd and others pointed out Obama knows what the number is, and might give a hint tonight. Given the "we're struggling but give me one more chance" theme of the speech, I'd imagine the report will be average or perhaps even bad.


Another thing: no mention of the Dow, and no insinuation about the jobs numbers. Chuck Todd and others pointed out Obama knows what the number is, and might give a hint tonight. Given the "we're struggling but give me one more chance" theme of the speech, I'd imagine the report will be average or perhaps even bad.

You and your job's number fear-mongering, youve been wrong every time.

Another thing: no mention of the Dow, and no insinuation about the jobs numbers. Chuck Todd and others pointed out Obama knows what the number is, and might give a hint tonight. Given the "we're struggling but give me one more chance" theme of the speech, I'd imagine the report will be average or perhaps even bad.

PD will you admit that an average or mediocre report will not be enough to change the trajectory of this election? That something major needs to happen to change the political calculus? I mean something has to really fuck up the economy or Romney needs to slay Obama in the debates. Would you rather Romney pulling even at 8% unemployment or ahead in the polls? If the election keeps going on autopilot how does Romney win? How does he pull in a majority of the undecided which are becoming fewer and fewer?

I was reading an article where Obama just needs to get 40% of the white vote, and minorities need to make up 26% of the electorate. Those seem very doable right now. How does Romney stop that from happening? How does he make Obama unpalatable to those 40% of white voters?


Another thing: no mention of the Dow, and no insinuation about the jobs numbers. Chuck Todd and others pointed out Obama knows what the number is, and might give a hint tonight. Given the "we're struggling but give me one more chance" theme of the speech, I'd imagine the report will be average or perhaps even bad.

I get that this is your sad, resigned schtick now, but Obama knows what the job numbers are every time, a day ahead. Tell me, what have been his hints for the past ~30 months?
Got any bitter Republi.. Independents on facebook "educating" people to not vote for the best speakers but vote for the best policy? I do.

"I do not support any candidate...but I wish to remind everyone...being a GOOD SPEAKER does not qualify you to be president...look at the TRACK RECORDS! Good speakers can LIE! RHETORIC IS REAL!...so PLEASE BE CAREFUL when you vote this year...because u may vote for the best speaker...not the best candidate...don't be shortsighted...don't be fooled...don't get caught up...THINK FOR URSELF :) ..I repeat...this applies to Romney and Obama...I do not support either candidate."



I am getting more of the "I just won't vote because both suck so its your fault the direction of the country"

Gotta love the generation that thinks if they don't vote it in no way shapes the results and therefore they have no responsibility


The speech was almost exactly like his SOTU ones, and the Jobs Act one. Very little in inspiration or new ideas. It was clearly the weakest of the three end-night speeches and I'm not sure it convinced voters like Bill's speech did.

I cringed at the deficit talk. It sounded like the same Obama who didn't realize republicans hate him and will not work with him

PD will you admit that an average or mediocre report will not be enough to change the trajectory of this election? That something major needs to happen to change the political calculus? I mean something has to really fuck up the economy or Romney needs to slay Obama in the debates. Would you rather Romney pulling even at 8% unemployment or ahead in the polls? If the election keeps going on autopilot how does Romney win? How does he pull in a majority of the undecided which are becoming fewer and fewer?

I was reading an article where Obama just needs to get 40% of the white vote, and minorities need to make up 26% of the electorate. Those seem very doable right now. How does Romney stop that from happening? How does he make Obama unpalatable to those 40% of white voters?

If we get a bad report tommorrow it will negate the convention, and any "bounce" Obama might have gotten. Romney got a weak 3% bounce, I expect Obama to get similar or less depending on tomorrow.

Romney doesn't need a disaster to happen. He just needs more people to enter the work force, thus raising the UE rate. He needs to win the first debate, which is not impossible.


Got any bitter Republi.. Independents on facebook "educating" people to not vote for the best speakers but vote for the best policy? I do.

"I do not support any candidate...but I wish to remind everyone...being a GOOD SPEAKER does not qualify you to be president...look at the TRACK RECORDS! Good speakers can LIE! RHETORIC IS REAL!...so PLEASE BE CAREFUL when you vote this year...because u may vote for the best speaker...not the best candidate...don't be shortsighted...don't be fooled...don't get caught up...THINK FOR URSELF :) ..I repeat...this applies to Romney and Obama...I do not support either candidate."


I hate shit like this. "Both parties lie! Both suck! Equally!"

I was just talking to a guy today that said I was getting a bit too partisan and he spouted shit like this. I showed him the video of Mitch McConnell saying his number 1 goal is to make Obama a one term president, and I linked something talking about that book that talked about the Republican meeting on inauguration day. He was surprised, and pretty much gave up his position. I think he now believes me.


Goddamn it, one of my best friends from South Korea is apparently a hardcore Republican. He's been Hulking out on some of our mutual friends' facebook comments. I don't have the heart to put him down. :(
If we get a bad report tommorrow it will negate the convention, and any "bounce" Obama might have gotten. Romney got a weak 3% bounce, I expect Obama to get similar or less depending on tomorrow.

Romney doesn't need a disaster to happen. He just needs more people to enter the work force, thus raising the UE rate. He needs to win the first debate, which is not impossible.

You keep saying that something down the line is going to sink Obama. That healthcare being overturned would do him in. That the Euro zone imploding and destroying our economy. That some gaff would ultimately do him in. That bad job reports in April, May and June would crush him. And yet we are still here. Obama is till tied or ahead in all polls with unemployment over 8%. You're starting to sound like those people who say that inflation is coming any minute now. And now your hanging your hat on the UE rate going up at an extraordinary rate or Romney crushing Obama in the debates? Talk about a long shot. What are you going to say tomorrow when the rate and numbers remain the about what they were last month? What are you going to say when the media does the narrative that the debates are a draw like they normally do? Nothing is moving the needle. Something has to fundamentally change this election, like the financial crisis did in 2008, for Romney to win. There is a reason he is running on welfare and medicare now. There is a reason he chose Ryan. That reason is because he is losing.


Boo, Obama campaign doesn't accept PayPal donations. I had a bit left in my account and wanted to donate, but there's no option for it :(
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