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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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The country as whole will be thankful in the long run if Romney/Ryan are kept from the White House.
"We're miserable failures but Romney/Ryan will be worse." Great.

It sounds like you are buying the logic that the average American can't understand what's happening in this country with respect to jobs. They're simply looking at unemployment rates like "hey, it just dropped to 8.1%. Things are wonderful again. I can smell those roses *sniff sniff*". I don't believe that for a second and if Democrats hope to get by with an attitude like that, wtf does that say about the party and those who support it?
Who was expressing pleasure? I was just saying that that's how the public at large will look at these numbers, that they don't care about details. Nowhere did I or the other guy say we're happy for the people who are out of work.

You wrote that the only thing people will see is the dropping figure and "that's good enough." Now perhaps you meant good enough for them, but it reads like you're saying it's good enough for you. If it's the former, then I apologize to you (and not Officerob who made it quite clear where he stands on this).


Unconfirmed Member
Shitty report. Previous ones have been too, so I don't see it changing anything.

With that said leading indicators continue to outperform BLS. Something's got to give at some point right? :/
Ugh. That's fucking disgusting.

Go fuck yourself. My wife has a pre-existing condition and while my insurance company was kind enough to cover her, they would only do so at triple the rate. In the meantime, I'm going deeper and deeper into debt because of it. The ACA will make it so that my insurance won't be able to triple my rate because of a pre-existing condition and Romney wants to get rid of it. This election has severe financial and medical ramifications for people like my family and because of that, I don't give a shit what you think.


Junior Member
"We're miserable failures but Romney/Ryan will be worse." Great.

It sounds like you are buying the logic that the average American can't understand what's happening in this country with respect to jobs. They're simply looking at unemployment rates like "hey, it just dropped to 8.1%. Things are wonderful again. I can smell those roses *sniff sniff*". I don't believe that for a second and if Democrats hope to get by with an attitude like that, wtf does that say about the party and those who support it?

That logic only works if time began on January 19th 2009. Any American with an IQ above 70 should know the situation we were in 4 years ago, and be able to logically compare it to the current situation.


I'm at the point where I'm just ignoring everything but the actual jobs number the BLS reports. ADP and early indicators clearly, for whatever reason, aren't accurate predictors as of this time.

The BLS are the ones that matter, but this is the furthest disconnected from everything else I've ever seen them. (ISM, ADP, UI claims, Challenger, etc.) I'm increasingly persuaded the recession has borked their seasonal adjustment model. When everything else points one way, and the BLS another, for so long, something is up.


Shitty report. Previous ones have been too, so I don't see it changing anything.

With that said leading indicators continue to outperform BLS. Something's got to give at some point right? :/

Maybe its time to start ignoring the indicators at this time. Clearly there is some schism between them and what the BLS actually reports.
Go fuck yourself. My wife has a pre-existing condition and while my insurance company was kind enough to cover her, they would only do so at triple the rate. In the meantime, I'm going deeper and deeper into debt because of it. The ACA will make it so that my insurance won't be able to triple my rate because of a pre-existing condition and Romney wants to get rid of it. This election has severe financial and medical ramifications for people like my family and because of that, I don't give a shit what you think.

Being happy for a shitty jobs report that happens to mislead the general electorate will not help you, nor your family in any way. It won't help Obama get re-elected.
The BLS are the ones that matter, but this is the furthest disconnected from everything else I've ever seen them. (ISM, ADP, UI claims, Challenger, etc.) I'm increasingly persuaded the recession has borked their seasonal adjustment model. When everything else points one way, and the BLS another, for so long, something is up.

I think the problem is, BLS still expects things to return to how they were in 1995, while the recession has fundamentally changed the American economy.
Being happy for a shitty jobs report that happens to mislead the general electorate will not help you, nor your family in any way.

What are you talking about? Both sides mislead the electorate every day, it's called campaigning. Paul Ryan was on national T.V. last week spouting one lie after another and why did he do it? Because the average American isn't informed to know better. As for how keeping Romney out of office doesn't help my family and millions more like mine, you're going to have to explain that to me.

Also, whoever said I was happy the number was shitty? The jobs number sucks, but the rate can be easily spinned like any good campaign would
"We're miserable failures but Romney/Ryan will be worse." Great.

It sounds like you are buying the logic that the average American can't understand what's happening in this country with respect to jobs. They're simply looking at unemployment rates like "hey, it just dropped to 8.1%. Things are wonderful again. I can smell those roses *sniff sniff*". I don't believe that for a second and if Democrats hope to get by with an attitude like that, wtf does that say about the party and those who support it?

How many jobs were being lost every month when Obama took office?

What kind of turnaround did you expect in 4 years, considering the shit we were in then?
40k less job revisions for previous two months, wow.

400k people dropping from the work force can't be completely explained by retirements. People are completely giving up. This report almost seems like a cruel joke. Obama won't get a bump of any significance, and might not get one at all.


Unconfirmed Member
Maybe its time to start ignoring the indicators at this time. Clearly there is some schism between them and what the BLS actually reports.
Well the BLS is what "matters" since they keep the score so to speak. But it would be foolish to ignore the indicators, I just don't expect the BLS to jive directly with the indicators.
Being happy for a shitty jobs report that happens to mislead the general electorate will not help you, nor your family in any way. It won't help Obama get re-elected.

96k people are more likely to vote for Obama than a month ago...I don't get your reasoning.

And people dropping out of workforce is just as likely retirement/students than the those that have gave up hope.
That logic only works if time began on January 19th 2009. Any American with an IQ above 70 should know the situation we were in 4 years ago, and be able to logically compare it to the current situation.
My IQ is 69, and even I understand it. But, isn't that how politics with respect to economy usually work? It's stupid as hell, but those cutoff dates have been used throughout our history-- as if there is no influence from the policies of one President to the other. That debt and those job numbers belong to the next guy starting in Jan. Not saying it's right, but that's how the game is played.

How many jobs were being lost every month when Obama took office?

What kind of turnaround did you expect in 4 years, considering the shit we were in then?



i'm still waiting for the poor economy to propel Romney. I've been waiting for 4 months

This, if the economy is so bad then he is just a fuckup because he still gains no traction

A good jobs number or a low unemployment mean the same to people, does not matter about the reality

Not to mention late Sept is when holiday hiring starts so as long as either one (UE or job #) stays constant the avg person won't care


For months now people have been claiming that bad jobs numbers would be a huge blow to the President, but they've not had an impact so far. Considering Romney's campaign appears to be ran by children and the day after they're announced people stop talking about the number I don't think it really matters to the election.
Bulbo, was that prediction before or after he realized that Republicans would obstruct any effort to create jobs in an effort to make him a one term President?

And did you take that obstruction into consideration for your own expectations?


GOP has been repeatedly blocking Obama's efforts, playing political games with our economy like the debt ceiling bullshit, and has been saying they'll repeal Obamacare for years. The GOP has been instrumental in creating an atmosphere of uncertainty for this economy. Corporate profits are at an all time high -- the problem we need to tackle is "why aren't they hiring people with their stockpiles of idle cash?"

Obama tries to address it with jobs bills that gives incentives for new hires, and the GOP block it.
96k people are more likely to vote for Obama than a month ago...I don't get your reasoning.

And people dropping out of workforce is just as likely retirement/students than the those that have gave up hope.

Huh? People who finally manage to secure a job aren't going to praise Obama in unison, in fact many are probably frustrated they aren't finding the jobs they hoped or went to school for.

Politics is local, and folks tend to view economies based on how well they, family, and friends are doing. Reports like this only add bitter icing onto that cake for most people. We're recovering but the pace is unacceptable to most people, and Romney is looking more appealing now that folks have woken up from last night's antics


Romney comment lol
“If last night was the party, this morning is the hangover," Romney said. "For every net new job created, nearly four Americans gave up looking for work entirely. This is more of the same for middle class families who are suffering through the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression.

"After 43 straight months of unemployment above 8%, it is clear that President Obama just hasn't lived up to his promises and his policies haven't worked," Romney continued. "We aren’t better off than they were four years ago. My plan for a stronger middle class will create 12 million new jobs by the end of my first term. America deserves new leadership that will get our economy moving again.”


A horrible jobs report would be -96k.

With population growth, this might as well be -96k. That's really awful. Apparently the drop in labor force is 200k 16-19 year olds, which suggests that at least some of the UE drop is college coming back into session.

But don't kid yourself, this is bad news.


Junior Member
My IQ is 69, and even I understand it. But, isn't that how politics with respect to economy usually work? It's stupid as hell, but those cutoff dates have been used throughout our history-- as if there is no influence from the policies of one President to the other. That debt and those job numbers belong to the next guy starting in Jan. Not saying it's right, but that's how the game is played.

Thats not necessarily true. The fundamental question is this; "Is the country better off than it was 4 years ago?" Considering that in 2008, the August jobs report was -89,000 jobs, how can anyone objectively say that we arent better off in 2012 compared to 2008?

Also if this jobs report is "shitty", what was the August 2008 report?


i'm pretty sure the "better off" comment is a losing line. I'd go back to "we built that" at least there its easily digestable

With population growth, this might as well be -96k. That's really awful. Apparently the drop in labor force is 200k 16-19 year olds, which suggests that at least some of the UE drop is college coming back into session.

But don't kid yourself, this is bad news.

no, -96k would have been far worse, it may as well be 96k if its 96k.


"We're miserable failures but Romney/Ryan will be worse." Great.

It sounds like you are buying the logic that the average American can't understand what's happening in this country with respect to jobs. They're simply looking at unemployment rates like "hey, it just dropped to 8.1%. Things are wonderful again. I can smell those roses *sniff sniff*". I don't believe that for a second and if Democrats hope to get by with an attitude like that, wtf does that say about the party and those who support it?

This is pretty laughable coming from the party that has actively sought to prevent recovery for four years.
Thats not necessarily true. The fundamental question is this; "Is the country better off than it was 4 years ago?" Considering that in 2008, the August jobs report was -89,000 jobs, how can anyone objectively say that we arent better off in 2012 compared to 2008?

Also if this jobs report is "shitty", what was the August 2008 report?

That's supposed to reassure people? "things are horrible, people can't find work...but at least things aren't as horrible as they were four years ago"


With population growth, this might as well be -96k. That's really awful. Apparently the drop in labor force is 200k 16-19 year olds, which suggests that at least some of the UE drop is college coming back into session.

But don't kid yourself, this is bad news.
Sorry but that really is a silly thing to say.
Just out of curiosity, what exactly is Romney's plan for creating jobs? It's obviously not stimulus. I don't think the Keystone pipeline will create 12 million jobs. There doesn't seem to be any concrete answer that he gives.

Look, these numbers suck. They've sucked for a while. It comes down to this: are we on the right path? Do you think it will get better over time if we keep doing what we're doing? If you answered yes, vote Obama. No, vote Romney. It's not difficult.

The jobs report isn't going to sway anyone.
Thats not necessarily true. The fundamental question is this; "Is the country better off than it was 4 years ago?" Considering that in 2008, the August jobs report was -89,000 jobs, how can anyone objectively say that we arent better off in 2012 compared to 2008?

Also if this jobs report is "shitty", what was the August 2008 report?

The country may be better off and on more sound financial ground, but the question being asked is "are YOU better off than you were 4 years ago". That's a little different, and the fact that less Americans are working now than 4 years ago (I think that's true) makes it really difficult for Obama.

This is pretty laughable coming from the party that has actively sought to prevent recovery for four years.
that didn't come from "the party". It came from me. I'm not happy with a lot of Republican shenanigans.


The country may be better off and on more sound financial ground, but the question being asked is "are YOU better off than you were 4 years ago". That's a little different, and the fact that less Americans are working now than 4 years ago (I think that's true) makes it really difficult for Obama.



Just out of curiosity, what exactly is Romney's plan for creating jobs? It's obviously not stimulus. I don't think the Keystone pipeline will create 12 million jobs. There doesn't seem to be any concrete answer that he gives.

Tax cuts for "job creators" so they have more money to invest in new positions!!!


i'm pretty sure the "better off" comment is a losing line. I'd go back to "we built that" at least there its easily digestable

no, -96k would have been far worse, it may as well be 96k if its 96k.
Not sure why Romney he is using that all of a sudden.


Sorry but that really is a silly thing to say.

My point is that a jobs report that doesn't keep up with population growth does not represent a net gain of jobs for Americans. Obviously a negative report would be worse but it would also be extremely implausible. This is about as bad as we could get within the realm of reasonably likely reports for this month, so yeah, it's not a NIGHTMARISH report, but it's definitely awful.
Oh wow. The stench of elitism is wafting from this post. The "average" (I assume you mean ignorant as well) American knows damn well what is happening out there. There aren't jobs. They're paying fucking attention, Cubiclerob. You're happy with more people struggling, out of work and poor just to keep Romney/Ryan out of office? How wonderful of you.

How did I miss this gem of bullshit? Who said I was happy people are struggling? What I said is that most people don't pay attention to the details and there might be some who see that the percentage has dropped and think that's a good thing. There is a reason politicians lie and 30 second ads work. A lot of the general electorate doesn't know better and they will not spend the time or energy to figure out the politician is or ad lying to them and the attention span of most people is extremely small. This goes for both sides!

As for wanting to keep Romney out of office, you bet your ass I do. He wants to overturn the ACA and without it my family is being crippled by medical debt. This isn't something I want because of partisan bullshit, this is something millions of families like mine need.

I know Romney promises to come in and sprinkle his magical fairy dust and create 12 million jobs, but it's not happening (and he won't tell you how he plans to do it either). Job growth is going to be slow and shitty for a while no matter who is in office and to think otherwise is to lie to yourself.
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